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Emergency Phone Number: What is it?


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Emergency Phone Number: What is it?

I had a potential problem in my home yesterday. Tony Soprano would have called this a shakedown.

Smaller-than-me Thai dude pushed his way past me, though my home gate and demanded money. There was a shitty car outside, I assumed there was someone there -- maybe with a weapon. The small dude pushed his way in, and started making calls on his shitty phone telling me “many many” guys would be here if I didn’t act accordingly.

He was with a girl and “demanded” 2,000 and then another 1,000 for his time. I would like to know why I should not have clocked this little faggot in the mouth, and then beat his head into the ground so that his GF could see. I moved into this house a month ago and I would actually like my neighbors to like me. I don’t need a huge scene.

Emergency Numbers

I gave this faggot the money but I am not happy about it. I looked up police numbers and I found 191 and 1155. Neither worked. I live here now and know what it takes for self defense. I’d like to be able to at least call the police before end an intruders life. I think some discussion here is appropriate given the fact that these little faggots think they can just walk into your home.

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Yes, hard to believe this is a random incident, must be more to it maybe the OP just doesn't know yet.

Remember the BiB is a money-making operation - AFAIK you have to set up a personal arrangement with the local plod and make regular payments if you want/expect them to just drop everything and show up at the drop of a hat. In which case you'll be given a number to call.

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Did you have any sort of relationship with the girl that was with him?

When he added 1,000 baht 'for his time', it sounds like he was demanding for someone. 2,000 baht sounds close to some 'service charges' now-a-days.

If you're going to ask for advice on a situation, it is better to give a bit of background, IMHO. Someone walking off the street into your property without any reason, that would be a different story....................thumbsup.gif

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Nobody has a right to push their way into your home, even here in Thailand.

Take this as a learning experience, ensure your home is secure, buy a baseball bat or other weapon.

And next time protect your property with more force.

Is there more to this you aren't telling us, because I am unsure why he had a girl with him.

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Yes, hard to believe this is a random incident, must be more to it maybe the OP just doesn't know yet.

Remember the BiB is a money-making operation - AFAIK you have to set up a personal arrangement with the local plod and make regular payments if you want/expect them to just drop everything and show up at the drop of a hat. In which case you'll be given a number to call.

In the eight years I have been here, I have never heard of anything like this. Are you saying it is common practice for the BiB to come and expect regular payments in return for them helping you if you need it?

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Here if someone is in your house you can do whatever you wish. There's no need to be diplomatic, you can give them a feeding, unless of course what a previous gentleman said is true and you didn't pay the girl for services rendered, maybe you recognised her !. There definitely seems to be more to this than is stated.

Nobody has a right to push their way into your home, even here in Thailand.

Take this as a learning experience, ensure your home is secure, buy a baseball bat or other weapon.

And next time protect your property with more force.

Is there more to this you aren't telling us, because I am unsure why he had a girl with him.

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The worst part about this is that he WILL tell all his friends, and they WILL tell they're friends, and they WILL tell all they're friends, etc., etc.,etc. and we will see more of this happening. I have noticed over the last year, they have become more brazen toward farangs, and this only leads them to believe they can do pretty much anything they want, sad.

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This has to be a wind up.One minute a macho man,next a lamb being lead to slaughter.What would you say if i came around and demanded money.If the answer is hand it over,what is your address,don't tell everybody or there will be a line out the gate and i will have to wait.I will be around ever Sunday,so a cold beer would be nice,cya Sunday.

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Dude - can't let anyone walk into your house here and demand money.... i guess unless he has a gun in his hand... nor anywhere... better make sure your doors have good locks on them as this guy or buddy(ies) may be back asking for more....now that you gave them on the first go.. get pics, plate number of car etc...the last thing you want to do is beat up a thai unless you really have a fight for your life going on here.... Jeez - you gave some little thai mafia guy 3000 bt without getting a receipt 9just joking) ? better be careful now...if he didn't pull a knife or gun out then next time you better say "mai me satang" or me no have money and gradually help the guy out of your front yard and play dumb or whatever... if you go at it with a guy like this here - he will show up next time with 5 friends when you least expect it and you may not have a chance to fight back after you get boinked over the head first when you aren't looking you can alos file a police report right now at teh local chop shop which might not be a bad idea - they maybe won't catch him but it will be on record anyway... type of car, description, if you didn't get the plate number... might help in the future if he shows up again for a payment....and one more thing - constructive criticism.... - better get rid of the violent ("i should have beat his head into the ground") attitude here unless you really are in a fight to death not of your own making...better get rid of that quick as it will come back to haunt you if you can't control it...

as it looks real bad at a court case if a falung beats up a thai - even if a mafia type...you will looked at as maybe the one that started the thing.... then you can kiss living here goodbye

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Apologies if I've missed something here but some guy just turns up at your house demanding money and you jut give it to him - <deleted>???


Why did he say you had to give him money?

If this guy just walked in off the street and demanded money without a reason and you gave it to him, please tell me where you live, as I'm a little bit short this month. biggrin.png

Plus you are inviting him back around when he needs another 2000 baht.

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