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Racism or Am I Just too Sensitive.


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By 'Indian nationality' I assume you mean Indian descent. How did you manage to learn Thai without noticing that the Thais despise Indians? And it's not just Indians. Khaek also includes Arabs and Persians, so you're not alone. Have a guess what they call African Americans. It's just what Asia is like. If you want to see real racism try going to India and tell them you're a Dalit.

So yes, you're being way too sensitive. You're basically an educated rich westerner, so who cares what a bunch of low paid Thai restaurant workers think. Shuffle through a roll of thousand baht notes in front of them and then leave a ten baht tip.

These is lots of discrimination in India but it's based on class and not so much race. Assuming this is not a troll post, I too think the op is a little on the sensitive side. Maybe he should instead stay/eat at one of the many Indian owned hotels and see if it's better.

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I didn't really come to Thailand to eat Indian food. In fact I'm not a huge fan of Indian food with the exception on South Indian food. :) Perhaps I'm sensitive. I guess it's due to the fact that I haven't been exposed to overt displays of racism in my life. Perhaps I'm lucky for that. I wonder how you would feel if the the shoe was on the other foot?

Yes, people in the West lead pretty sheltered lives. Welcome to how the other 90% of the planet lives. Also, I wasn't suggesting you eat in Indian restaurants, these hotels have a variety of food outlets at their hotels.

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And whether it right or wrong, which I'm not inferring, a white "customer" will get priority over an Indian "customer".

And the OP should be aware of this passing through his life.

Chinese "think" they are high on the pecking order, therefore they "jump" queues.

Russians, likewise, think the same, therefore they shout alot and are quite rude compared to Europeans.

And another "perception" is that Indians are sneaky and try get the lowest lowest price.

This post IS NOT intended to be a "racist" post IN ANY WAY, but is a response to the OP's comments on the reality of life.

Point taken. If you do witness this sort of behaviour do you just ignore it? Say you were the Caucasian person in line behind me would you say something? They guy in line behind me had some sort of sense of self-entitlement. Just curious... Edited by oiboy
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You cry racism yet refer to others as farangs. tut tut.

Farang has no racist connotation to me. If I have offended you I apologize. In china all foreigners epi non Chinese are referred to as Lowai.

Don't worry oiboy, there are still a few knobs on this forum who thinks the word farang is offensive. Ignore them.

Your OP is well-written and I feel for your plight. Is this your first time in Thailand? Do you encounter these types of behavior all the time in Thailand? Just wondering if it's isolated to certain areas. Thais--particularly in tourist areas--have a tendency to treat groups of people the same based on past experiences. I have heard that Indian tourists in the past (not sure if still the case today) have a reputation for being cheap-charlies. Regardless, the way you were treated is not right and I hope these incidences are the exception and not the norm during your time here.

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. Is this your first time in Thailand?

Comprehension obviously isn't your strong point. It's the THIRD SENTENCE in the OP...

"I have been to Thailand many times in the past few years for work as well as for pleasure."

Ok, smarta*s, there was a reason why I asked that. The question would be if he's been to Thailand that many times, is this the first time where he's experienced overt racism? If so, then clearly it's isolated and not ingrained in the culture.

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