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What is Love to a Thai girl? How does she express it?

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Well, when I'm with someone that I care about,I want to find out what they like what makes them tick etc

And I would expect the same,

Have been told that Thai girls generally don't really care what you like, don't like, hobbies, what preferences you have etc etc

One night, while still living in a condo, I mentioned to her that I was going to play with another guitar player at a restaurant and when she said she was going to hang out with her friends, initially, I thought, she "should have" said, ok, I will see you there,

now, who was being selfish, me for wanting her to watch, and perhaps be bored, or her, using it as a great nite to see her best friends?

at the time, I didnt like it, because, I wanted to be with her that night, and every night,

but in retrospect, it was smart of her,

now, we live together so those opportunities are less available to her, as, she isnt intereted in drinking and driving, and now she is in a relationship and needs the comraderie and their alcoholism, a lot less.

we both gain,

and, I will never know what she, or anyone else "really thinks"

no one ever does,

last night I said to her after she took a few pictures that I was reviewing, that I didnt like that I looked so old because my hair is very grey,

she stated without skipping a breath,

"why would you care, you have a young girlfriend"

that put it all in perspective for me, right there, which by the way.

does anyone know where I can buy a Wahl or ConAir hair clipper, or, a way for my to find who sells a converter that will allow my US buzzer to operate?

do they even sell those here?


If I may help here to answer first question about Thai woman love.

My experience with my g/f was exactly as I read other experienced and open minded guys articles somewhere else.

Patience , patience, patience...

As about our money..???? I must say I do not have one... really.

My age is 61 and g/f 37 ...

She has own hairdresser business and comes from very poor family... very poor.

I am her first farang who was very hard to trust after she learned from society what we are doing in Thailand...

I forgot....She found me... on Thailovelinks.com and not me...

I tried to invite her to my country for vacation and she refused and does not want to talk about it. She just love own country and job she is doing.

I was so impatient and trying to break up with her 4 times even before I met her personally but always I had to change my mind when she start to cry.... ( now I just learned why I should not be angry on her .. simply I did not understand many things in her culture )

I am not the soft type of guy ok. I lost everything after 2 marriages with 2 western woman...just imagine how am I sensitive on bull...t.

To make long story short ... I showed her my true intentions and acted exactly same way as to western woman ....and guess what now ?

She is no different then western woman..with a little difference that it took me long time to hear from her words "I love you and missed you"

Decent Thai woman does not say those words very openly even if she show it other way. But it happened finally and she is showing it on daily bases same as western woman.

Yes, yes , yes Thai girl need love and she is not a different to western woman at all except she knows you soon will be sick and old not having much money at all . Ask yourself if western woman would do the same????

In fact Thai woman does not get it from Thai man that much we are western man used to express it to our woman and to them... they just love it.

When Thai girl/woman finally trust you, she will be with you to your last days ....if you western spoiled man do not <deleted>..k up OK.

To finalize it ;

I can only say this... My Thai princess is with me everyday on internet based programs including viber a 3 -4 times a day worrying about everything wrong could happened to me when I am overseas or even in Thailand.

In my 60's I would never expect so much love from much younger woman not to mention I am her 2 b/f in her life .(first changed his gender hehe)

Hey guy ..she knows that I am broke...and even if I propose her little help with our green money she feel offended..(She is very proud woman and.I must be very careful now to try to "help"with my little money)

If I could show you her photos you probably could not believe me one word I wrote...heheh. she is just so beautiful that I am just feelings lucky old fart.

Guys I gave her my last best feelings and she is paying back with even more now.

That's the life.

To be honest !!!!!! why we are looking for woman in different country to ours ????

Don't try to tell me that they after our money ....


Never forget what kind of image we printed about our western nature in Thailand

Hence do not expect miracles and if any happens to you be happy.


You deserve 100 times more!

Thank you for a very honest and open post - very few could do that.


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hair clipper


do they even sell those here?

Yes of course, you do see them being used at every hairdressers don't you?

Check out a full-size Makro or Tesco or Big C.

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  1. Can nobody on this site discuss thing that has a real meaning...what a simple minded lot that can only discuss Thai women...do they love me how much money should I give them whats the meaning of love.....hang on think I will you are all ....you are all grown up men ...um maybe that is not right....lets see breast fed till they were 10...left home at 35 married could not live without MUM....suffer from pre ejaculation and can't get it up without a SPECIAL tablet. All think you are the great lovers in the world....AH but that maybe right if you have a small brain you LIVE in a small world..

have a nice night tugging off guys


I have an example of one person ......I knew and went with a girl for several years, and over

the years paid her a lot of money. After a while, I said it felt silly to keep paying her,

and that I should not have to pay anymore. She just looked at me, smiled , and said

that if I really liked her I should keep paying her, as I had a lot of money and she

needed money. Could not argue with her logic.......

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The REAL secret IMHO is never to think you actually "know" the "reality" of what's going on.

Because even if they "really are" one way one day, everything may quite well genuinely change the next.

And maybe they were that way all along or maybe not, maybe it was your fault just as much as hers who knows?

My point is who cares, nothing to be gained by over-analyzing things once they go pear-shaped.

Just structure your arrangements in such a way that it doesn't in fact matter, at any given time you can walk away or she can walk away with no hard feelings either side.

Going into business together, owning property together, all these types of complications just cause all kinds of unintended consequences. Sometimes the worse of which is the fact that people stick together long after they should have split up making each other and themselves miserable in the process.

Keep it simple. . .

  • Like 1

The REAL secret IMHO is never to think you actually "know" the "reality" of what's going on.

Because even if they "really are" one way one day, everything may quite well genuinely change the next.

And maybe they were that way all along or maybe not, maybe it was your fault just as much as hers who knows?

My point is who cares, nothing to be gained by over-analyzing things once they go pear-shaped.

Just structure your arrangements in such a way that it doesn't in fact matter, at any given time you can walk away or she can walk away with no hard feelings either side.

Going into business together, owning property together, all these types of complications just cause all kinds of unintended consequences. Sometimes the worse of which is the fact that people stick together long after they should have split up making each other and themselves miserable in the process.

Keep it simple. . .


the best advice; and they way I operate, mostly.

the reason I started the thread is because,

there is a missing component, and that is one of expressed affection,

sometimes, some girls, especially the very pretty one's; aren;t very affectionate.

My last wife was gorgeous, but also, old school,

the culture here, has them also, well into the old school, and it just may be the deal killer here

I have already told her, she is with a western, modern man,

she cannot expect me to accept her mother's daughter,

and, as with my last with, this is who they "think" they are

it's like their mothers live inside their head, or worse, are whispering in their ear, while we are whispering in their other ear,

there was a comedian in the States who died, who had a shoe that spoke to that

so, I will continue to rent,

she will continue to hope,

I will not be satisfied,

she will stay in her sad life.

the other night she confessed, she is willing to sacrifice her life and her body for her mother and her brother and nephew.

her older brother was murdered for his scooter years ago,

I cannot fight this,


will I,

but, I won't leave a good thing either



"We all know, they love our money, and the louder they claim otherwise, the less likely they are being honest with both themselves, and us,"

Of course it is a bit different back home where the women have more rights and possibilities to take care of themselves and where old people, children and jobless people, are taken care of through government funded social systems.

Even with all of those systems in place back home, there are women that divorce their husbands, because they are not earning/providing enough.

Back home, if a girl choses to marry a well off young man, that can give her what she wants and needs, instead of a poor young street-sweeper, whom she even might love more, it is also being regarded as a wise and sound decision.

Usually the girls back home seem to be purely "love driven" in their relationship-choices at a young age but when they grow up a bit more, other factors start to come into play, when choosing partners.

Luckily back home the young girls are in the fortunate position to do so because there are no financial pressures yet at that age.

Down here, life is just a bit different.

Any old fart coming down here to marry a young princess should keep this in mind.

The age old Long Island anecdote for that syndrome is,

"marry the first time for love, the second time for money"

The mantra of the New York females


A bloke asking asking other blokes what girls think. Add to that what they think in a language most of them don't understand.

Bound to be some gems in this thread! :)


A bloke asking asking other blokes what girls think. Add to that what they think in a language most of them don't understand.

Bound to be some gems in this thread! smile.png

To say that theese girls aren't "different" just wouldnt be accurate,

This morning, she offered and I agreed foe her to cut my toe nails and finger nails,

What western girl would even do her own nails, much less her man's?

This is the kind of thing I am talking about


A bloke asking asking other blokes what girls think. Add to that what they think in a language most of them don't understand.

Bound to be some gems in this thread! smile.png

To say that theese girls aren't "different" just wouldnt be accurate,

This morning, she offered and I agreed foe her to cut my toe nails and finger nails,

What western girl would even do her own nails, much less her man's?

This is the kind of thing I am talking about

Maybe your nails are long and dirty and it was getting to her. Personally someone else cutting my nails is up there with trimming my nose hairs - likely to be painful.


A bloke asking asking other blokes what girls think. Add to that what they think in a language most of them don't understand.

Bound to be some gems in this thread! smile.png

To say that theese girls aren't "different" just wouldnt be accurate,

This morning, she offered and I agreed foe her to cut my toe nails and finger nails,

What western girl would even do her own nails, much less her man's?

This is the kind of thing I am talking about

Maybe your nails are long and dirty and it was getting to her. Personally someone else cutting my nails is up there with trimming my nose hairs - likely to be painful.

Could use a close trimming in the nose too,

but how far is too far!


Cleaning your rear end is too far.

I want to quote, but I won't.,

hopped in the shower with her last night though,

which is close enough

I think some people, not you, didnt understand fully the OP

This is about what they do which is unique to thai girls,

my experience with them, is very limited, only a few

and this is the first I have actually lived with


A bloke asking asking other blokes what girls think. Add to that what they think in a language most of them don't understand.

Bound to be some gems in this thread! smile.png

To say that theese girls aren't "different" just wouldnt be accurate,

This morning, she offered and I agreed foe her to cut my toe nails and finger nails,

What western girl would even do her own nails, much less her man's?

This is the kind of thing I am talking about

I find these kinds of posts very telling, because it really reflects the man..ie, ALL women i know take care of themselves, including their toenails (!!)..so if a man here couldnt find that in a woman previously, it only makes me think that it must be reflective of what he was able to obtain.

Thankfully my partner (like me) has good personal hygiene and keeps himself in good order. HOwever there were a couple of occasions that i offered to do his toenails because he had a damage toenail and i wanted to help. He actually didnt enjoy the idea of me doing it, but was grateful.

He does however like the other pampering things i do for him, as i enjoy the things he does for me..its a give and take thing...like it is for more couples...normally....

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Love is a feeling not a set of actions.

It is quite easy to tell if a girl is IN love thai or no that just by how she looks at you.

That long lasting 'love' thing is more difficult to narrow down if it even exists.


A bloke asking asking other blokes what girls think. Add to that what they think in a language most of them don't understand.

Bound to be some gems in this thread! smile.png

To say that theese girls aren't "different" just wouldnt be accurate,

This morning, she offered and I agreed foe her to cut my toe nails and finger nails,

What western girl would even do her own nails, much less her man's?

This is the kind of thing I am talking about

I suspect she just got fed up with the state of your nails.

You thought it was cute and loving. She was just fed up with it.

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