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is your girlfriend addicted to her telephone?


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Set the law down, simple turn off phone while out for dinner or activities that two must focus. I see daily at FairTex sports club the newbie members while exercising stop and start Texting messages or reading what the phone alerted the distraction! Like Zombies stopping while in a head down figure joy of cuddling with their hands held phones...this is more important than what they come to Gym for! I patiently wait for them to move from their zombie state of idleness while on exercise bench.

Millions can be made if a specific WiFi signal area can be blocked, similar to a noisy traffic area, close the windows reduce the sound. Yes even in the exercise state newbies play games while the machine giggles their asses,...unaware of how mindless this exercise does little to the mind.

Enough said sad generation will never experience that silence of mind can revel hidden powers that the cell phone can never give...loosing focus on life to a machine...priceless..will see in the follow years whom brain have brain tumors for excess UFM. Nature calling out the ignorant to the sounds of life not heard on a cell phone!

perhaps the focus on life was already lost when they committed themselves to a machine at a gym?

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Telephone? She's got three of the f*****g things and a few days ago she sent me ten text messages in less than forty minutes. Drives me nuts. Everywhere you go you see locals on their phones either talking or sending messages or playing games. When she calls it takes her about ten minutes to say what I could in a minute. Absolute drivel. To me it seems like an addiction.

The other men on the other two phones concur with your annoyance.

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The more interesting you are, the less time she will spend on the phone. But if you and old fart who some how thinks you are Gods gift to Thai women, I don't like your chances.

You could try taking her shopping .... 24/7

All old men are not uninteresting and all young men are not interesting. About the only thing you can say for sure is all who stereotype are usually wrong.

The same women who dates a man for his chest may be going out with men who date women for their chest. So you have, "stupid is as stupid does" - Forrest Gump.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Telephone? She's got three of the f*****g things and a few days ago she sent me ten text messages in less than forty minutes. Drives me nuts. Everywhere you go you see locals on their phones either talking or sending messages or playing games. When she calls it takes her about ten minutes to say what I could in a minute. Absolute drivel. To me it seems like an addiction.

one for you

one for her thai bf

one for her gik

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People bitching about others using their telephones. Just go and make some new friends, if you can.

You will be very hard pressed to find a Thai girl who doesn't use her phone more than engaging in an intelligent conversation. That's the problem.

Sorry Khun Loong. I Googled your comment but kept getting:

"Do you mean? >>>You will be very hard pressed to find a Thai girl who uses her phone to engage in anything resembling intelligent conversation. That's the problem."<<<<<

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Not that I'm a romantic, but if a person sincerely cared about you and their relationship - they wouldn't be on the phone - ignoring you.

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I once went for coffee with a Thai lady to talk about opening up a restaurant together (we also had a bit of a thing going on). Her phone constantly kept ringing and she would spend a long time chatting with each call. I asked her to tell them she will call back later as we were talking business, but she paid no attention. This was outside Ca-&lt;deleted&gt; (Big C) Pattaya. While she was talking on one of her calls I nodded to her that I was going to the toilet, instead I got two Baht bus taxis back to View Talay Jomtien which took about 40 mins. As I was walking into the building she called me to ask where I had gone, I told her I was at home in my condo....it took her 45 mins. to notice I wasn't there.

When ever anything similar happened after that with different ladies, I simply apologize to them for boring them and get up and leave. People can only treat you like s- - - if you allow them to.

Amazing. I had a similar experience with a so called (educated gal with car) working for a high end french baker in thailand. met her at an international restaurant / food show at impact. she was quite forward. we met for dinner and she spent 90 % of time on social phone calls with friends. in my opinion they do not do it intentionally to piss you off, they are literally not even aware they are doing anything socially incorrect. lack very elemental "awareness" not only in that but across the board often (exceptions duly noted)

I would never make any business these idiot women even they are high so, high educated or &lt;deleted&gt;-ever.

My "favorite" image when those high so girl just killed 9-10 people in high-way accident in BKK a couple of years ago with-out any license (of course the case is full silent now) and she has started to chat next to the wrecked car. I guess no lower than it, this was the bottom.

i remember that. she was like 17 or something but with some rich or connected dad. i bet there were no consequences and she has no conscience now. this place is really f*cked up sometimes

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Even the kids at primary schools are addicted to facebook, etc..and so are their teachers. I see more and more youngsters, wearing glasses because of such a behavior.

I've met girls who spent more time on their phone than they actually slept. Then porn and other"useful" stuff that comes with the internet.....

Most of them write a lot of stuff on their facebook page, or when chatting. Sad is that they don't speak much when they actually meet.

An older guy talking to his niece:

" When I was young, we had no mobile phones.Nor had we computers and internet. The guy who invented facoook wasn't even born, but we had a lot of fun, spoke and played together."

"And we actually spoke to each other, not just sending a message, you call SMS now. " The niece: " But then you must be over a hundred years old, uncle..." Aeeh, how old are you again?"

My dear, I'm 52 .-wai2.gif

Edited by sirchai
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often the problem stems from the girl not having decent english and the guy not speaking thai, so even if she wasnt on her mobile they would be sitting there staring over each other's shoulders into thin air. see it all the time. she's bored so she plays with her phone.

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just the other day

I took my girlfriend and her two early teen age daughters

out for a nice dinner in a proper resturaunt overlooking the sea at Kata Noi.

Sat down menu's not even hit the table and the teen's phones out and head phones on.

Tried explaining to Thai telak about phone manners and not polite to do at dinner table etc etc....

She did ask them to stop put them away,

the older girl ignored her just kept tunning out,

the younger girl off'ed the phone but sat there and pouted untill I gave up and turned on her phone and forced her to use it..grrrrrrr

Reuined the whole dinner atmosphere and needless to say if we ever go out to eat again which is doughtful.....


They know.

It's like "Thai time" lateness . . . . . . They bloody well know its rude.

It's just another measure of this passive-aggressive behaviour at which Thai women are so adept. In this respect, I have been fortunate.

Mom rules.

Basic education. EXCELLENT priorities. A natural code of etiquette.

Except for direct calls, there will be NO "phonage" during mealtimes.

No messaging, no music/earphone play and no TV watching. We do conversation in Thai, English and (just to keep the home roots watered) some cracks in Lao that I really don't get unless I ask.

"The Kid" (twenty) excuses herself after dinner to field any "incoming" she may have fielded during dinner.

Moms is justly proud that The Kid gets it. The Kid (she knows we nicked her as that, BTW and gets the joke)

In our little family grouping we simply do not tolerate rudeness.

A decent foundation of basic manners and a sense of consideration will head off most problems.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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Mine isn't too bad, maybe an hour-two a day with it glued to her ear. She turns the ringer off though as she knows I get pissed off..... they will call at the craziest times!

Many many worse around, I collided with some dumb woman getting on the wrong side of the escalator recently as she had her nose stuck to the screen.

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Worst thing i ever done was buy my wife smart phone! I wake up at 3 in the morning and shes on facebook.If it wasnt for the fact she had to eat she would be on it 24-7!!

i'd seriously be worried if i were you.. for more reason than one.

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People bitching about others using their telephones. Just go and make some new friends, if you can.

You will be very hard pressed to find a Thai girl who doesn't use her phone more than engaging in an intelligent conversation. That's the problem.

Sorry Khun Loong. I Googled your comment but kept getting:

"Do you mean? >>>You will be very hard pressed to find a Thai girl who uses her phone to engage in anything resembling intelligent conversation. That's the problem."<<<<<

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Not that I'm a romantic, but if a person sincerely cared about you and their relationship - they wouldn't be on the phone - ignoring you.

"Care sincerely" or not care its ALL about her and others' perception of her, is it not ?

This arrangement seems to work out by the end of the day but there are instances where it definitely does not.

One of these occasions might be in a Thonglor restaurant or other public place where she normally would not normally be seen and with someone she would likely NOT normally associate and where all she has to show face with . . . . . . . is YOU.

And as hard as it may be to swallow she may simply feel more complete and more accomplished portraying herself as a Thai female with many options at her disposal than trying to make conversation with you.

If she can be seen by these other Thais, thumbing and rubbing her existential profile, while paying little mind to YOU she may feel somewhat assuaged of any present anxieties

Indeed, she has forgotten herself.

It IS all about her, she has forgotten herself, she is LOST.

She reflexively pokes and rubs her phone/talisman/touchstone to overcome this.

And yes, she'll get grumpy and sulky when "tasked" with remembering who she IS and who YOU are.

Perhaps not right there but you can't let these "gringo cowchah" things slide into commonplace ritual.

. . . . . . a gentle reminder is definitely in order . . . . . .

This, before you start to forget who YOU are or all is lost.

The present is not a dress rehearsal in hope of some happier future iteration.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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Sometimes my iPhone helps in my relationships and communication. My Thai speaking and understanding is limited and if I am with a Thai person who does not speak English I can use one of three translator apps I have installed on my phone. These things are very helpful but addictive and I would be lost without it now. Those knocking these phones need to own one for awhile and then decide. It is however very rude to be with someone who is there to meet and talk and you be on your phone.... No class ! And total lack of respect!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Edited by ttthailand
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Not more than I am... I see everyday how addicted people are to their phones, and that goes for both genders here in Norway, but not so much for the older generation.

I have on a few occations had my life threatened by customers when problems occurred with the phone I sold them, so I guess phones are becoming more and more important in peoples lives smile.png

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One of the many reasons I never date Thai women. Bad enough being around Thai friends who are constantly chatting on their phones, playing stupid childish games on their phones, continually taking selfies, photos of every meal before they eat it etc etc. Boring.

sounds like your the bore.....loosing up....smile be happy

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Who is she chatting with, her girl friends, Thai guys, farang ? My guess is all three but I could be wrong. Also I would think she is playing games and looking her Facebook.

Prior to getting my own iPhone I did not understand why people spend so many hours glued to their phones, now I understand. In my case I check my emails, read the news, check out TV, do my banking, look Facebook, chat on Line and many other things. If i want to know about anything i have instant access to the web to do my research. I do not play games which many of these girls Spend many hours a day doing. If I am totally bored I could spend 6 hours or more in a day on my phone.

I do however make it a point to avoid being on my phone when I am with someone as that is totally rude. I have no time for rude people !!!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

It is not the question with who she is chatting. It's going on, 07.00 till late.

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This is remedied quite easily.

If you're out on a date with your GF or partner and she's glued to the smart phone, you just have to man up and politely remind her that seeing as she's out with you then you'd like to have her attention and conversation and not have to compete with the phone,.. and then ask her to turn it off.

If she won't comply then you simply tell her that if she values the relationship and conversation with her phone over dinner/lunch/coffee then that's fine,.. and then get up and leave her in the solitary and charming company of her electronic companion.

If she switches off the device before you can leave the table then you've just established an important maxim in your relationship. If not,.. leave with a smile on your face and seek another "non-addict" GF in the ever plentiful sea of willing females awaiting your favor!

You suggest a divorce? clap2.gif

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After reading your replies I can conclude that ALL of you have an issue with the telephone behavior of your partners. Me too. Did I mentioned that there is also a facebook and games?

I believe that it is a culture problem, Thai (Asian) people simply do not know how to behave, or better said, how to protect themselfs of this telephone violence. It's BAD for your health and there's more in the world than electronic divices. It doesn't matter where your gf came from, they all do it, including grandpa, grandma and the kids.

IS there a life after FB, Line, etc?


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After reading your replies I can conclude that ALL of you have an issue with the telephone behavior of your partners. Me too. Did I mentioned that there is also a facebook and games?

I believe that it is a culture problem, Thai (Asian) people simply do not know how to behave, or better said, how to protect themselfs of this telephone violence. It's BAD for your health and there's more in the world than electronic divices. It doesn't matter where your gf came from, they all do it, including grandpa, grandma and the kids.

IS there a life after FB, Line, etc?


Not all of us, and I can assure you it's not a culture problem

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Talking is very therapeutic (healing.) If I had to endure what I've witnessed in SE Asia and other parts of the world, I've lived, visited and served ..... I might never shut up.

Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

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After reading your replies I can conclude that ALL of you have an issue with the telephone behavior of your partners. Me too. Did I mentioned that there is also a facebook and games?

I believe that it is a culture problem, Thai (Asian) people simply do not know how to behave, or better said, how to protect themselfs of this telephone violence. It's BAD for your health and there's more in the world than electronic divices. It doesn't matter where your gf came from, they all do it, including grandpa, grandma and the kids.

IS there a life after FB, Line, etc?


I was clear that for me it's not a problem, by definition none of my partners has ever behaved like this.

And I do think you're totally overstating the problem, and it's certainly not a Thai issue, the whole world has changed, whether we like it or not.

Definitely not a single grandparent nor even for the most part parents of any SO's ever had the problem beyond what's normal now for adults back home. Young people in every non-destitute country all have the same issues.

Sure there are negative effects but whatcha gonna do? Other than take care of you and yours to the extent you can. . .

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...once shagged a thai girl and during the full on "action" she made 3 telephone calls...one of them to her mother...I will never never ever forget that episode as long as I live...

Ah yes, the joys of enhanced multitasking.

Though, there are some things that you shouldn't admit to, out loud anyway.

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