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Missing Malaysia Airlines jet carrying 239 triggers Southeast Asia search


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Notice that I said 'If'. You should stop trying to speed read.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The word "If" had nothing to do with it. I asked what was the natural reaction even IF there was a catastrophic failure. Nothing that nutbag did was a natural reaction to anything except suicide.

And the whole point of this, which you conveniently omit and fail to quote is your use of the Egypt Air 990 crash as a reason why NTSB cannot investigate 370 . . . well, that and your statement NTSB and Boeing are in bed together.

Edited by F430murci
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Luckily LOS won't delay us with heightened security inconvenience

Nok No who's there

Don't know

Don't know nok who?

//removed link to Bangkok Post//

Duff passports ,phanto flights, special rendang edition,painted out aircraft where else hub of disguise

Edited by Tywais
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Australia's HMAS Ocean Shield has also reported a separate "acoustic event" some 345 miles (555km) away.

But marine salvage expert Captain John Noble said the pings detected by the Australian vessel were not likely linked to the Chinese detection.

"It's almost certain it cannot be the same source. They will be testing the reliability of the signals from the Australian ship and the Chinese ship," he said.

Despite what could be the breakthrough in the search for the Malaysia Airlines jet, Professor Bellamy stressed pinpointing the black box and wreckage from the Boeing 777 could still take some time as the ocean floor is "mountainous".

"The black box could be in a ravine or something like that which might cause refraction of the sound," he said.

If the pings detected are an echo, the source could be located further away then what they think.

"Things rebound, echoes happen under the water as they do in the air," Professor Bellamy said.


This proves that the media get stuck on one theme and just can't get off it. There were the satellite "pings" and now these two "acoustic events" are being called "two pings" in this article, even though the first was described as 1.5 minutes worth of pulses 1 second apart. Since they were from the pinger lets call them pings, which would mean maybe 90 pings and the second event is claimed to also be 90 seconds. The writer should just stick to "events" or "signals" rather than "pings". I think the writer is imagining the Hunt for Red October type, single ping.

However, there's some caution due to the way the Chinese are searching. It is from a small runabout with a hydrophone hung from a cable into the water. It isn't a towed array behind the main ship. Does not sound like the quietest environment to be trying to hear a signal. It also might explain why there was no recording.

I couldn't find an earlier article that described the use of the small boat. But this contains a comment on the Chinese equipment:


A former longtime Navy oceanographer said the Chinese equipment shown on TV didn't appear to be very sophisticated. Van Gurley told CNN that the gear was designed to be held by human divers and only had short-range capabilities.

But the flip side is, that may explain why they only got short periods of hearing the signal, and only got one signal instead of two. If so, a good locator might get a solid signal.

Also if this is it, it seems unbelievably lucky to have stumbled upon it, given how close even the good locators need to be to hear anything.

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Breaking News 8.00am07.04.2014Asianpacificnews.

MH370 flew around Indonesian airspace

The missing Malaysian Airlines plane may have flown around Indonesian airspace before it disappeared in an attempt by the pilot to avoid radar detection.

A senior Malaysian government source told CNN the missing Boeing 777 made the detour after it had flown beyond the range of Malaysian military radar.

New satellite calculations put the likely crash location of flight MH370 in the same spot in the Indian Ocean where a Chinese patrol vessel detected acoustic sounds from a depth of 4500m, possibly from the plane's black box, in two locations just 2km apart on Friday and Saturday.

The plane has two black boxes, the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder, which searchers are hoping to find.

Chinese ship Haixun 01 may have heard frequencies from the two separated boxes from a crashed and broken plane.

In an effort to help discount or confirm the underwater signals, the Australian ship Ocean Shield, which is equipped with a black box locator, and Australian Air Force planes have been diverted to the area where the Chinese had reported.

April 05, 2014: Australian ship Ocean Shield is now trawling the sea off Perth's coast, with time running out to find flight MH370's Black Box. The ship's captain says his crew is determined to find the answers the entire world is waiting for.

Britain's HMS Echo has also arrived in the area with its state-of-the-art sonar.

Angus Houston, head of the Australian search mission, said yesterday the developments showed some promise but warned against drawing any conclusions until the sounds had been properly evaluated.

He said Ocean Shield had also detected acoustic noises from its pinger locator on Sunday morning, in a more northern area.

The Australian naval vessel will investigate those noises once it completes its current search.

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Breaking News 8.00am07.04.2014Asianpacificnews.

MH370 flew around Indonesian airspace

The missing Malaysian Airlines plane may have flown around Indonesian airspace before it disappeared in an attempt by the pilot to avoid radar detection.

A senior Malaysian government source told CNN the missing Boeing 777 made the detour after it had flown beyond the range of Malaysian military radar.

New satellite calculations put the likely crash location of flight MH370 in the same spot in the Indian Ocean where a Chinese patrol vessel detected acoustic sounds from a depth of 4500m, possibly from the plane's black box, in two locations just 2km apart on Friday and Saturday.

The plane has two black boxes, the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder, which searchers are hoping to find.

Chinese ship Haixun 01 may have heard frequencies from the two separated boxes from a crashed and broken plane.

In an effort to help discount or confirm the underwater signals, the Australian ship Ocean Shield, which is equipped with a black box locator, and Australian Air Force planes have been diverted to the area where the Chinese had reported.

April 05, 2014: Australian ship Ocean Shield is now trawling the sea off Perth's coast, with time running out to find flight MH370's Black Box. The ship's captain says his crew is determined to find the answers the entire world is waiting for.

Britain's HMS Echo has also arrived in the area with its state-of-the-art sonar.

Angus Houston, head of the Australian search mission, said yesterday the developments showed some promise but warned against drawing any conclusions until the sounds had been properly evaluated.

He said Ocean Shield had also detected acoustic noises from its pinger locator on Sunday morning, in a more northern area.

The Australian naval vessel will investigate those noises once it completes its current search.

Dont all those sonar abd ping locaters not interfere with one another ?

Send with Commodore 64 using Thaivisa Connect Mobile App

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But then Malaysia can throw around the same accusations the Egyptians did.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I agree that's a factor. It was national and religious pride which prompted Egyptian officaldom to insist the crash of Egypt Air out of NYC couldn't have been pilot suicide - in spite of NTSB's finding of probably suicide. Egyptian officials said, "it's not possible for someone who has been on a Hadj (religious pilgramage to Mecca) to commit suicide"

Bear in mind I believe it's pilot suicide. Malaysia are sure to try what the Egyptians did in my book.

I agree.

Tell you what though. Pilot suicide may be the best 'verdict' for everybody in this. That includes Malaysia, PRC and Boeing. Win win win.

Cos other verdicts could look very nasty and have BIG consequences.

I differ. Pilot suicide would implicate Malaysia Airlines' operations, and probably increase their pay-outs to survivors. It also would reflect badly on their airline, if they allowed a mentally unstable person to pilot the craft.

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double post, but I wanted to ask: Have either of the Malaysian pilots ever been on a Hadj pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina?

If so, that could be used by Malaysian authorities to deny the possibility of suicide.

Note: Egypt Air authorities didn't say that a Hadj pilgrimage would preclude mass murder, it only said it would preclude suicide.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Ship detects signals matching black box transmission


Sydney - An Australian ship detected a signal matching those of a plane's flight recorder for over two hours, search officials looking for a missing Malaysian airliner said Monday.

The acoustic signals picked up by the Ocean Shield are in a different part of the Indian Ocean than those reportedly monitored by a Chinese ship.

"The audible signal sounds to me like an emergency beacon locator,"search coordinator Angus Houston said. He described the finding as the "most promising lead so far" in the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 which disappeared on aKuala Lumpur to Beijing flight March 8 with 239 people on board.

The Ocean Shield, which is towing a pinger locator 3,000 metres below the surface, detected a signal for two hours and 20 minutes.

There was a second series of pulses consistent with black box flight data and cockpit voice recorders for 13 minutes.

"We still have a lot of very painstaking work to do to confirm this is where the plane hit the water," he said. "This is a most promising lead (but) we haven’t found the aircraft yet.

"Houston said finding wreckage was still a priority in establishing the location of the Boeing 777."We’re encouraged that we’re very close to where we need to be," the former armed forces chief said.

-- The Nation 2014-04-07

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Anyone looked in the possibility of a giant seamonster tgat swollowed the entire plane ,, woild explain the pings on different locations

Send with Commodore 64 using Thaivisa Connect Mobile App

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But then Malaysia can throw around the same accusations the Egyptians did.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I agree that's a factor. It was national and religious pride which prompted Egyptian officaldom to insist the crash of Egypt Air out of NYC couldn't have been pilot suicide - in spite of NTSB's finding of probably suicide. Egyptian officials said, "it's not possible for someone who has been on a Hadj (religious pilgramage to Mecca) to commit suicide"

Bear in mind I believe it's pilot suicide. Malaysia are sure to try what the Egyptians did in my book.

I agree.

Tell you what though. Pilot suicide may be the best 'verdict' for everybody in this. That includes Malaysia, PRC and Boeing. Win win win.

Cos other verdicts could look very nasty and have BIG consequences.

I differ. Pilot suicide would implicate Malaysia Airlines' operations, and probably increase their pay-outs to survivors. It also would reflect badly on their airline, if they allowed a mentally unstable person to pilot the craft.


But this could be about MORE than 239 insurance claims and airline reputation.


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'The position of the signals needed to be fixed, ACM Houston said. Once that happened, the Ocean Shield could lower the Bluefin 21 underwater autonomous vehicle to try to locate wreckage on the sea floor.'

Ocean Shield and Bluefin 21 has got a good ring to it.


Come on you Aussies.


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Breaking News 8.00am07.04.2014Asianpacificnews.

MH370 flew around Indonesian airspace

The missing Malaysian Airlines plane may have flown around Indonesian airspace before it disappeared in an attempt by the pilot to avoid radar detection.

A senior Malaysian government source told CNN the missing Boeing 777 made the detour after it had flown beyond the range of Malaysian military radar.

New satellite calculations put the likely crash location of flight MH370 in the same spot in the Indian Ocean where a Chinese patrol vessel detected acoustic sounds from a depth of 4500m, possibly from the plane's black box, in two locations just 2km apart on Friday and Saturday.

The plane has two black boxes, the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder, which searchers are hoping to find.

Chinese ship Haixun 01 may have heard frequencies from the two separated boxes from a crashed and broken plane.

In an effort to help discount or confirm the underwater signals, the Australian ship Ocean Shield, which is equipped with a black box locator, and Australian Air Force planes have been diverted to the area where the Chinese had reported.

April 05, 2014: Australian ship Ocean Shield is now trawling the sea off Perth's coast, with time running out to find flight MH370's Black Box. The ship's captain says his crew is determined to find the answers the entire world is waiting for.

Britain's HMS Echo has also arrived in the area with its state-of-the-art sonar.

Angus Houston, head of the Australian search mission, said yesterday the developments showed some promise but warned against drawing any conclusions until the sounds had been properly evaluated.

He said Ocean Shield had also detected acoustic noises from its pinger locator on Sunday morning, in a more northern area.

The Australian naval vessel will investigate those noises once it completes its current search.

Dont all those sonar abd ping locaters not interfere with one another ?

Send with Commodore 64 using Thaivisa Connect Mobile App

It's funny how nobody trusts info coming out of the PRC though.


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While others correctly explained previous zones off Dago garcia and S Ocean beyond Oz radar surely to have reached the new zone would have been in range of Cococos and Keeeluing Christmas Is stuff which is on the qui vvive for refugee boats.

See no reasons for Aussies to lie,could this mean that the flight path is a red herring and the pings are not from MH730 It seems inceasigly unlikely once battery life exceede the public will ever know,though there are som many off facts from theAlabama the fake passports the scientists and contradictory stories from authorities that something very fishy.

I hope for sake of families some shred of evidence found and improved tracking and passport checking lessons learned.

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Drone Ranger?

Xmas Is



This site interestingly DRONES on and gives good few maps of the search zone


While others correctly explained previous zones off Dago garcia and S Ocean beyond Oz radar surely to have reached the new zone would have been in range of Cocos and Keeling Christmas Is stuff which is on the "Qui vive".for refugee boats.They are mid way from Indonesia to Exmouth and under an hr from Learmouth airbase in modern jets?

There is an airport there so surely any unknown jet would be detected or is my geography wroong,I've flow over these places en route Mid East to Oz (as a passenger not ilot of course) so maybe it could have looped futher east butthen D Garcia or Maldives Sri lankas would have spotted?

for refugee boats.They are mid way from Indonesia to Exmouth and under an hr from Learmouth airbase in modern jet

See no reasons for Aussies to lie,could this mean that the flight path is a red herring and the pings are not from MH730 It seems inceasigly unlikely once battery life exceede the public will ever know,though there are som many off facts from theAlabama the fake passports the scientists and contradictory stories from authorities that something very fishy.

I hope for sake of families some shred of evidence found and improved tracking and passport checking lessons learned.

Edited by RubbaJohnny
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still no debris though to go with the pings


I don't know what aviation experts say about whether a plane can be flown into the ocean without leaving a trace.

Not being an expert, it seems the best way would be to go in vertical.

But I'm not a pilot.

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Breaking News 8.00am07.04.2014Asianpacificnews.

MH370 flew around Indonesian airspace

The missing Malaysian Airlines plane may have flown around Indonesian airspace before it disappeared in an attempt by the pilot to avoid radar detection.

A senior Malaysian government source told CNN the missing Boeing 777 made the detour after it had flown beyond the range of Malaysian military radar.

New satellite calculations put the likely crash location of flight MH370 in the same spot in the Indian Ocean where a Chinese patrol vessel detected acoustic sounds from a depth of 4500m, possibly from the plane's black box, in two locations just 2km apart on Friday and Saturday.

The plane has two black boxes, the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder, which searchers are hoping to find.

Chinese ship Haixun 01 may have heard frequencies from the two separated boxes from a crashed and broken plane.

In an effort to help discount or confirm the underwater signals, the Australian ship Ocean Shield, which is equipped with a black box locator, and Australian Air Force planes have been diverted to the area where the Chinese had reported.

April 05, 2014: Australian ship Ocean Shield is now trawling the sea off Perth's coast, with time running out to find flight MH370's Black Box. The ship's captain says his crew is determined to find the answers the entire world is waiting for.

Britain's HMS Echo has also arrived in the area with its state-of-the-art sonar.

Angus Houston, head of the Australian search mission, said yesterday the developments showed some promise but warned against drawing any conclusions until the sounds had been properly evaluated.

He said Ocean Shield had also detected acoustic noises from its pinger locator on Sunday morning, in a more northern area.

The Australian naval vessel will investigate those noises once it completes its current search.

Dont all those sonar abd ping locaters not interfere with one another ?

Send with Commodore 64 using Thaivisa Connect Mobile App

It's funny how nobody trusts info coming out of the PRC though.


Or Malaysia or the US. Some om here even said cannot trust Australia/Abbot and still some said cannot trust UK tracking and their statements could not be trusted. Some just apparently won't trust anything or anyone unless their theory or belief, no matter how crazy, is being supported.

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still no debris though to go with the pings


I don't know what aviation experts say about whether a plane can be flown into the ocean without leaving a trace.

Not being an expert, it seems the best way would be to go in vertical.

But I'm not a pilot.


I think with skill and lots of luck involved you could ditch fairly much intact, but some panels would no doubt come off during water contact. If so then why no attempt at getting out prior to sinking if passengers and crew still alive.

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still no debris though to go with the pings


I don't know what aviation experts say about whether a plane can be flown into the ocean without leaving a trace.

Not being an expert, it seems the best way would be to go in vertical.

But I'm not a pilot.


I think with skill and lots of luck involved you could ditch fairly much intact, but some panels would no doubt come off during water contact. If so then why no attempt at getting out prior to sinking if passengers and crew still alive.

If some did get out and in the liferaft the raft would be found someday if no raft its a long time swimming and do not think anyone can make it to land from the position they are searching now

Send with Commodore 64 using Thaivisa Connect Mobile App

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