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Dating a younger Thai girl - or why I love Thailand.

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My gal left me for a woman . Guess JT will be along very shortly..with his thoughts.

in the meantime ...

two rednecks standing in a bar...see a stunning girl at the bar.

one walks up to try to chat to her.

she replies, I am a lesbian.

what's that he asks?

she replies, see that girl over there, I could just go over there and lick her entire body

The guy walks back to his mate who says, how did it go?

The guy replies, I think I am a lesbian

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Out of interest do you get off on the fact she is attractive, beautiful etc, or is it specifically the fact she is younger than you that does the magic for you in this case?

If the latter, is it the feeling of achievement, primarily, that pleases you, or some other aspect of the dynamic?

If its really just the lack of baggage the natural epitome of girlfriend for you is 18, and I wonder why you bother with someone as aged as 25?

Get off in terms of ejaculate or in terms of interest? Ejaculation occurs naturally due to stimulating friction, at least for me anyways. In terms of interest, just the way she is fine for me. There's no feeling of achievement; I'm not trying to achieve anything. What pleases me is being with someone that makes me laugh and makes me feel appreciated and worthwhile.

I never asked her age on the first date. Oskar's on Soi 11 by the way if you're looking for a great place to meet for dinner (priced out of a teacher's salary - sorry:( If she was 18 or 30, it doesn't matter…its just that in hindsight, the older girls were still dating because becoming single due to breakups always initiated by a farang who had moved on to new pastures.


It certainly is the ultimate put down. Thai Visas self proclaimed greatest lover obviously wasn't as good as he thought.

I'm a pathetic lover…not sure why you thought otherwise. First time with the new girlfriend I only lasted 15 seconds. Made me feel like a loser.

Why is it a put down that my ex-wife became a lesbian? Perhaps if I had not not been so immature and stayed out of the Thai bar scene, we would still be together and I would be 30 million baht richer. Many Thai girls move to tomboys after a failed relationship. I'm certainly not the only one.


You should change your name to 15seconds

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Well done buddy I would like to do the same full time one day but for now have to do it on my 2 yearly visits......next trip is May


Only a while back the OP was saying how happy he was to be with a teacher, but she was too sweaty, now it's an office worker. He goes on about GFs(plural) over the past few months. Were they really GFs or short term shags, a GF a month is a pretty short R.ship. Before that he was going on about how glad he was to be out of the bar scene and all that it entailed.

Sounds like he's still shagging himself through Thailand but in a different way. Nothing wrong with that but don't try to make some deep and meaningful comments about what it all means.

Tired of this guy's drivel.

Tired of my drivel yet you still seem to be unable to comprehend the ignore option of Thai Visa. Now why is that? If you are "challenged", I'm sure another member could guide you in a simplified manner. You see, by using the ignore feature, you will avoid all my "drivel" and be free to post on matters of importance to yourself. Is that something you can do?

Thank you for researching my previous posts; just why you continue to read my "drivel" is something even I can't explain. Once or twice by accident; okay…but over several months and yet you cannot skip over my posts. Why?

You might find that meeting girls online, you have to date more than a few before you find someone compatible with yourself. Yes, extreme and profuse sweating from a mild rise in temperature is not something I can live with, Maybe you can.

I have nothing against the bar scene; in fact I was a user myself. But I took it for what it was worth, and even yesterday, I noticed something. Look into the eyes of a bar girl during the daytime. Dull, tired and aged. Lack of ability to comprehend what love means. Has sex as a way of earning money, not because she finds pleasure in it and loves her partner. Has trouble in even maintaining a normal relationship.

A regular girl with few past boyfriends; sparkling eyes, easy to laugh, doesn't assume you are lying, engages in a real relationship without the expectation of a payoff.

You think I'm making deep and meaningful comments? You must be kidding yourself. I'm only saying that my outlook has changed after staying here in that younger women unexposed to the bar scene and past hurtful relationships is so much easier; obviously though some like a challenge but I'm not one.

1) You particularly stand out in my mind as a spouter of drivel. You want to put your life on a public forum, then be prepared for people to disagree with you. Why do posters always get uppity when they don't get the replies they wanted.

2) I think that you think you're making some kind of meaningful commentary about life here in Thailand, when really you're just on a well worn path from hookers, to short term freebies, to actual GFs, who amazingly can buy you boil of noodles with their own money.

Feel free to ignore what you don't want to hear.

I couldn't care less if people disagree with me. But these people are not disagreeing. They are complaining about my "drivel" yet failing to comprehend the meaning of the ignore function. No different than choosing a career as a taxi driver and then complaining about not having any money.

I never implied I was making any kind of meaningful commentary. Where did you get that idea from? Did I say my posting was meaningful? Perhaps you have me confused with another person?


It certainly is the ultimate put down. Thai Visas self proclaimed greatest lover obviously wasn't as good as he thought.

I'm a pathetic lover…not sure why you thought otherwise. First time with the new girlfriend I only lasted 15 seconds. Made me feel like a loser.

Why is it a put down that my ex-wife became a lesbian? Perhaps if I had not not been so immature and stayed out of the Thai bar scene, we would still be together and I would be 30 million baht richer. Many Thai girls move to tomboys after a failed relationship. I'm certainly not the only one.

30 million? Yikes! I wonder how many relationships would crumble with that kind of prize on the table?

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She said she doesn't care as she's happy and who are they to judge. Pretty fair answer. I would think love has a better chance to occur when someone isn't carting around Thai bred spawn, a greedy, lazy, alcoholic family back in Isaan and an iPhone with 200 former "sponsors". What do you think? Oh sorry, I just remembered your past.smile.png

You've been here long enough to realise that the predilection for telling a man exactly what he wants to hear isn't a trait restricted to women working within the sex industry, right?

As for my past, I think my posts have pointed to an absence of fondness for the kind of women you spent an inordinate amount of time paying to nail. Not to say I've never partaken but then again, I wouldn't be as crass as to rock up on TV forums to announce my graduation from P4P to freelancers as if was some kind of achievement.

Personally, I think you're a fantasist. I mean, someone as proud as you appear to be about their latest beau would post a picture of her so those he's hell bent on trying to impress could coo with awe and harbour hopes that one day, they too might ascend to your elevated state of enlightenment.

How would she know what I want to hear? I said fair answer; pretty different than saying it was what I wanted to hear.

Inordinate amount of time? 7 years part time and 4 months full time is certainly not inordinate. I've seen guys in their 60's in Pattaya still going with bar girls…that is an inordinate amount of time. One guy I know began coming to Thailand paying for hookers in 1983. That would probably meet your definition of inordinate. I was 12 years old in 1983.

Did I ever announce it as an "achievement"? Your words, not mine. Not an achievement of any means when it happens around the work a million times every day. But yes, for a short, bald and unattractive 42 year old dating a beautiful 25 year old office worker is somethingI have not come across back home. Ever. Maybe that's why you're known as Hardened Soul; because it seems an everyday occurrence to you? Its not normal but a relationship is never an "achievement".

Coo with awe.:) English teacher in Isaan perhaps? Normal people don't talk like that. What elevated state of enlightenment? So much is entirely in your head. And posting her photo would do nothing as the bitter bastards would just claim I was lying. Feel free to PM me anytime, we'll meet for beers (on your dime) and I'll gladly share all the pictures you want. Can even use to fantasize with your bar hag later.


She said she doesn't care as she's happy and who are they to judge. Pretty fair answer. I would think love has a better chance to occur when someone isn't carting around Thai bred spawn, a greedy, lazy, alcoholic family back in Isaan and an iPhone with 200 former "sponsors". What do you think? Oh sorry, I just remembered your past.smile.png

You've been here long enough to realise that the predilection for telling a man exactly what he wants to hear isn't a trait restricted to women working within the sex industry, right?

As for my past, I think my posts have pointed to an absence of fondness for the kind of women you spent an inordinate amount of time paying to nail. Not to say I've never partaken but then again, I wouldn't be as crass as to rock up on TV forums to announce my graduation from P4P to freelancers as if was some kind of achievement.

Personally, I think you're a fantasist. I mean, someone as proud as you appear to be about their latest beau would post a picture of her so those he's hell bent on trying to impress could coo with awe and harbour hopes that one day, they too might ascend to your elevated state of enlightenment.

How would she know what I want to hear? I said fair answer; pretty different than saying it was what I wanted to hear.

Inordinate amount of time? 7 years part time and 4 months full time is certainly not inordinate. I've seen guys in their 60's in Pattaya still going with bar girls…that is an inordinate amount of time. One guy I know began coming to Thailand paying for hookers in 1983. That would probably meet your definition of inordinate. I was 12 years old in 1983.

Did I ever announce it as an "achievement"? Your words, not mine. Not an achievement of any means when it happens around the work a million times every day. But yes, for a short, bald and unattractive 42 year old dating a beautiful 25 year old office worker is somethingI have not come across back home. Ever. Maybe that's why you're known as Hardened Soul; because it seems an everyday occurrence to you? Its not normal but a relationship is never an "achievement".

Coo with awe.smile.png English teacher in Isaan perhaps? Normal people don't talk like that. What elevated state of enlightenment? So much is entirely in your head. And posting her photo would do nothing as the bitter bastards would just claim I was lying. Feel free to PM me anytime, we'll meet for beers (on your dime) and I'll gladly share all the pictures you want. Can even use to fantasize with your bar hag later.

Do you honestly think a young bird is with you cos your a film star look-a-like ?

Young birds generally go with older farangs for one reason.

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I'm 64 and my dream girl is 21 years old, but the thing is that she only lived in my dreams,

Bob Marley said it best.. No woman no pain....

  • Like 1

It certainly is the ultimate put down. Thai Visas self proclaimed greatest lover obviously wasn't as good as he thought.

I'm a pathetic lover…not sure why you thought otherwise. First time with the new girlfriend I only lasted 15 seconds. Made me feel like a loser.

Why is it a put down that my ex-wife became a lesbian? Perhaps if I had not not been so immature and stayed out of the Thai bar scene, we would still be together and I would be 30 million baht richer. Many Thai girls move to tomboys after a failed relationship. I'm certainly not the only one.

30 million? Yikes! I wonder how many relationships would crumble with that kind of prize on the table?

The only reason the relationship crumbled was because of my constant cheating with bar girls. Everything was perfect until our business began making too much money and I lost control in Thailand. You want a nice, stable marriage? Keep everything normal and settled. She was not money hungry and it was all my fault. I had nothing when we met and because of my lack of attractiveness at home, I had a psychiatric flaw that was exposed when you added Thailand, girls and money to the mix.

As soon as money starts rolling in, unless you are grounded and strong morals, you change (and not for the better) and start to forget what is important. Just look at all the celebrities that are normal and then start to unravel.

Everyone has a weakness, whether its tobacco, alcohol, gambling, porn or whatever and what doesn't have the slightest effect on someone can consume another person to the point of their destruction. Why do you think so many farang kill themselves here?

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If you are both happy then everything is ok....don't concern yourself with what others may think.

Why do you even bother posting this. Just be happy and don't worry

Sent from my ST25i using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Only a while back the OP was saying how happy he was to be with a teacher, but she was too sweaty, now it's an office worker. He goes on about GFs(plural) over the past few months. Were they really GFs or short term shags, a GF a month is a pretty short R.ship. Before that he was going on about how glad he was to be out of the bar scene and all that it entailed.

Sounds like he's still shagging himself through Thailand but in a different way. Nothing wrong with that but don't try to make some deep and meaningful comments about what it all means.

Tired of this guy's drivel.

Have to agree and was about to post/ask the same. Less than a month ago, it was a school teacher and all was great, now its an office worker?

Vivid imagination perhaps?

Yes older people have emotional baggage, does OP think he does not?blink.png

I am getting closer to 40 and will not touch anyone under 28, simply because i find females over that age are more clued about life, men and their personal feelings.

Why on earth would i want an inexperienced, brainless bimbo who has nothing but wind in her head?! Yes one of those would be fun for a few days of bedroom fun, but to make long term relationship? No thanks, i have enough to worry about, then to have a "kid" to look after.

Not my imagination; saw her company ID and dropped her off at work this morning. Still my imagination? Why not phone me, meet me and talk to my face instead of thinking its my imagination? Or are you afraid of a 1 on 1 meeting to expose the truth that I'm not in fact lying?

Its not about emotional baggage; its more that women seem to be unable to drop it when meeting a new guy. Sure, some girls might laugh at the fact my ex Thai wife left me to form a lesbian relationship but I don't moan about it for hours. I had 1 date where the girl started crying when talking about her last boyfriend who dumped her 8 months ago. Not exactly arousing.

Nobody would want a inexperienced, brainless bimbo. Are you suggesting that you meet a beautiful, intelligent girl and after a few days, you check her ID and find out she's 27 and you dump her on her age alone? That would make you brainless.

I don't think someone that has their own apartment, full time job, doesn't own a TV or smartphone and reads for pleasure would be a bimbo or brainless. I've seen 40 year old women on the BTS playing CandyCrush and dressing like a 20 year old with a HelloKitty bag. Yet that makes them okay because they're over 28?

I am not sure if i should take it a threat or just laugh.

Only because it would be pretty stupid to threaten someone over internet without even knowing who it is you are threatening.

Now back to your nonsense of a response.

So what happened to the teacher?

So you managed to turn your ex wive into a lesbian, but you do not moan about for hours, Perhaps if you listen on occasion or pretended to listen, they would not be turning into lesbiansthumbsup.gif


She said she doesn't care as she's happy and who are they to judge. Pretty fair answer. I would think love has a better chance to occur when someone isn't carting around Thai bred spawn, a greedy, lazy, alcoholic family back in Isaan and an iPhone with 200 former "sponsors". What do you think? Oh sorry, I just remembered your past.smile.png

You've been here long enough to realise that the predilection for telling a man exactly what he wants to hear isn't a trait restricted to women working within the sex industry, right?

As for my past, I think my posts have pointed to an absence of fondness for the kind of women you spent an inordinate amount of time paying to nail. Not to say I've never partaken but then again, I wouldn't be as crass as to rock up on TV forums to announce my graduation from P4P to freelancers as if was some kind of achievement.

Personally, I think you're a fantasist. I mean, someone as proud as you appear to be about their latest beau would post a picture of her so those he's hell bent on trying to impress could coo with awe and harbour hopes that one day, they too might ascend to your elevated state of enlightenment.

How would she know what I want to hear? I said fair answer; pretty different than saying it was what I wanted to hear.

Inordinate amount of time? 7 years part time and 4 months full time is certainly not inordinate. I've seen guys in their 60's in Pattaya still going with bar girls…that is an inordinate amount of time. One guy I know began coming to Thailand paying for hookers in 1983. That would probably meet your definition of inordinate. I was 12 years old in 1983.

Did I ever announce it as an "achievement"? Your words, not mine. Not an achievement of any means when it happens around the work a million times every day. But yes, for a short, bald and unattractive 42 year old dating a beautiful 25 year old office worker is somethingI have not come across back home. Ever. Maybe that's why you're known as Hardened Soul; because it seems an everyday occurrence to you? Its not normal but a relationship is never an "achievement".

Coo with awe.smile.png English teacher in Isaan perhaps? Normal people don't talk like that. What elevated state of enlightenment? So much is entirely in your head. And posting her photo would do nothing as the bitter bastards would just claim I was lying. Feel free to PM me anytime, we'll meet for beers (on your dime) and I'll gladly share all the pictures you want. Can even use to fantasize with your bar hag later.

Do you honestly think a young bird is with you cos your a film star look-a-like ?

Young birds generally go with older farangs for one reason.

Of course she's not with me for my looks. I have no looks. And looks don't pay the bills anyways.

She's with me because we can communicate in Thai, I live here, I want a family, I am responsible, don't believe in beating a girl (perhaps thats how you keep yours in line?), treat her as well as I can and make her feel special. Much the same reasons anyone is in a relationship.

What is the one reason you're referring to? Money? Ah no….many girls here are offered large amounts of money for sex and turn it down. My girlfriend could earn far more in a bar than her regular office job. She enjoys visiting the bar for shooting pool and a few drinks but she loves the work she does in the office. If you think all girls dating older guys are money hungry, you're way off.

One day, ask a hot girl online to see all her emails of cash offers for sex. Its unbelievable (and pathetically sad). No girl wants to go to a movie alone, eat alone or have a family alone. Money doesn't change that. And in terms of a more physically attractive guy, maybe some girls want a guy who isn't offered phone numbers everyday and can appreciate what he has as he doesn't have so many choices as a young, better looking guy.

  • Like 1

I am 97 next birthday and my wife is 17. We're not concerned about the age gap, but everyone else, including the doctor, seems to be. When I bought my wife t the UK for my grand-daughter's wedding some people were a little surprised. But I just put that down to jealousy. Actually: both of us believe that age has nothing to do with it. My wife is 32 going on 17 at times (and 55 at others) and I am 65, sometimes going on 32 but never going on 97. Age is of no concern whatsoever. But genuine caring feelings are. She is a rarity: an honest, open, easy-going Thai girl with no issues and not at all interested in brands and money. For the first time in my life I feel I have someone who cares. And that is what is important. Enjoy life. PS: There is a slogan on the back of some newer Volvos: "Volvo for Life". Some wag around here has changed that to "Volvo for Wife".

  • Like 2

Only a while back the OP was saying how happy he was to be with a teacher, but she was too sweaty, now it's an office worker. He goes on about GFs(plural) over the past few months. Were they really GFs or short term shags, a GF a month is a pretty short R.ship. Before that he was going on about how glad he was to be out of the bar scene and all that it entailed.

Sounds like he's still shagging himself through Thailand but in a different way. Nothing wrong with that but don't try to make some deep and meaningful comments about what it all means.

Tired of this guy's drivel.

Have to agree and was about to post/ask the same. Less than a month ago, it was a school teacher and all was great, now its an office worker?

Vivid imagination perhaps?

Yes older people have emotional baggage, does OP think he does not?blink.png

I am getting closer to 40 and will not touch anyone under 28, simply because i find females over that age are more clued about life, men and their personal feelings.

Why on earth would i want an inexperienced, brainless bimbo who has nothing but wind in her head?! Yes one of those would be fun for a few days of bedroom fun, but to make long term relationship? No thanks, i have enough to worry about, then to have a "kid" to look after.

Not my imagination; saw her company ID and dropped her off at work this morning. Still my imagination? Why not phone me, meet me and talk to my face instead of thinking its my imagination? Or are you afraid of a 1 on 1 meeting to expose the truth that I'm not in fact lying?

Its not about emotional baggage; its more that women seem to be unable to drop it when meeting a new guy. Sure, some girls might laugh at the fact my ex Thai wife left me to form a lesbian relationship but I don't moan about it for hours. I had 1 date where the girl started crying when talking about her last boyfriend who dumped her 8 months ago. Not exactly arousing.

Nobody would want a inexperienced, brainless bimbo. Are you suggesting that you meet a beautiful, intelligent girl and after a few days, you check her ID and find out she's 27 and you dump her on her age alone? That would make you brainless.

I don't think someone that has their own apartment, full time job, doesn't own a TV or smartphone and reads for pleasure would be a bimbo or brainless. I've seen 40 year old women on the BTS playing CandyCrush and dressing like a 20 year old with a HelloKitty bag. Yet that makes them okay because they're over 28?

I am not sure if i should take it a threat or just laugh.

Only because it would be pretty stupid to threaten someone over internet without even knowing who it is you are threatening.

Now back to your nonsense of a response.

So what happened to the teacher?

So you managed to turn your ex wive into a lesbian, but you do not moan about for hours, Perhaps if you listen on occasion or pretended to listen, they would not be turning into lesbiansthumbsup.gif

What threat? Posters meet up in real life all the time. I'm only trying to dispel any misunderstandings and if meeting over a beer clarifies things, then why would it be construed as a threat? I was told it was a fantasy and I offered to show pictures in person…a threat? I don't think so. It would also be stupid to accuse someone of lying when you don't even know who you are accusing of lying.

Nonsense of a response yet you make the effort to reply? The teacher had uncontrollable body sweat, to the point of soaked clothing after 10 minutes at a slightly warmer temperature. It was disgusting.

How in the hell could I listen when I was spending my life working every waking hour? You don't make money by taking time off work to communicate with your spouse. Yes, business owners have a lot to learn when it comes to family life and taking time off for their spouse. Not too many people have to decide on $10,000 or taking the day off with your spouse but the sad fact is that most posters would take the money and be no further ahead than I am now.


a short, bald and unattractive 42 year old dating a beautiful 25 year old office worker is somethingI have not come across back home. Ever. Maybe that's why you're known as Hardened Soul; because it seems an everyday occurrence to you? Its not normal but a relationship is never an "achievement".

Coo with awe.smile.png English teacher in Isaan perhaps? Normal people don't talk like that. What elevated state of enlightenment? So much is entirely in your head. And posting her photo would do nothing as the bitter bastards would just claim I was lying. Feel free to PM me anytime, we'll meet for beers (on your dime) and I'll gladly share all the pictures you want. Can even use to fantasize with your bar hag later.

I was an everyday occurrence.

I regularly saw short, bald men dating or engaged/married to attractive office girls/women all over London when I lived there.

Those guys didn't look rich; they just looked like normal men getting on with their lives. Who knows? Perhaps they had personalities, maybe they were witty, clever or just exceptionally cool.

If they could land quality women, why couldn't you?


She said she doesn't care as she's happy and who are they to judge. Pretty fair answer. I would think love has a better chance to occur when someone isn't carting around Thai bred spawn, a greedy, lazy, alcoholic family back in Isaan and an iPhone with 200 former "sponsors". What do you think? Oh sorry, I just remembered your past.smile.png

You've been here long enough to realise that the predilection for telling a man exactly what he wants to hear isn't a trait restricted to women working within the sex industry, right?

As for my past, I think my posts have pointed to an absence of fondness for the kind of women you spent an inordinate amount of time paying to nail. Not to say I've never partaken but then again, I wouldn't be as crass as to rock up on TV forums to announce my graduation from P4P to freelancers as if was some kind of achievement.

Personally, I think you're a fantasist. I mean, someone as proud as you appear to be about their latest beau would post a picture of her so those he's hell bent on trying to impress could coo with awe and harbour hopes that one day, they too might ascend to your elevated state of enlightenment.

How would she know what I want to hear? I said fair answer; pretty different than saying it was what I wanted to hear.

Inordinate amount of time? 7 years part time and 4 months full time is certainly not inordinate. I've seen guys in their 60's in Pattaya still going with bar girls…that is an inordinate amount of time. One guy I know began coming to Thailand paying for hookers in 1983. That would probably meet your definition of inordinate. I was 12 years old in 1983.

Did I ever announce it as an "achievement"? Your words, not mine. Not an achievement of any means when it happens around the work a million times every day. But yes, for a short, bald and unattractive 42 year old dating a beautiful 25 year old office worker is somethingI have not come across back home. Ever. Maybe that's why you're known as Hardened Soul; because it seems an everyday occurrence to you? Its not normal but a relationship is never an "achievement".

Coo with awe.smile.png English teacher in Isaan perhaps? Normal people don't talk like that. What elevated state of enlightenment? So much is entirely in your head. And posting her photo would do nothing as the bitter bastards would just claim I was lying. Feel free to PM me anytime, we'll meet for beers (on your dime) and I'll gladly share all the pictures you want. Can even use to fantasize with your bar hag later.

Do you honestly think a young bird is with you cos your a film star look-a-like ?

Young birds generally go with older farangs for one reason.

Yes, the folding stuff.


Out of interest do you get off on the fact she is attractive, beautiful etc, or is it specifically the fact she is younger than you that does the magic for you in this case?

If the latter, is it the feeling of achievement, primarily, that pleases you, or some other aspect of the dynamic?

If its really just the lack of baggage the natural epitome of girlfriend for you is 18, and I wonder why you bother with someone as aged as 25?

Get off in terms of ejaculate or in terms of interest? Ejaculation occurs naturally due to stimulating friction, at least for me anyways. In terms of interest, just the way she is fine for me. There's no feeling of achievement; I'm not trying to achieve anything. What pleases me is being with someone that makes me laugh and makes me feel appreciated and worthwhile.

I never asked her age on the first date. Oskar's on Soi 11 by the way if you're looking for a great place to meet for dinner (priced out of a teacher's salary - sorry:( If she was 18 or 30, it doesn't matter…its just that in hindsight, the older girls were still dating because becoming single due to breakups always initiated by a farang who had moved on to new pastures.

On the contrary my friend, your entire point is one based upon age. To now claim it is not relevant is contradictory.

  • Like 1

I am getting closer to 40 and will not touch anyone under 28, simply because i find females over that age are more clued about life, men and their personal feelings.

Why on earth would i want an inexperienced, brainless bimbo who has nothing but wind in her head?! Yes one of those would be fun for a few days of bedroom fun, but to make long term relationship? No thanks, i have enough to worry about, then to have a "kid" to look after.

Nobody would want a inexperienced, brainless bimbo.

Speak for yourself guys.

Not saying I seek unintelligent girls, but definitely prefer those with little experience, especially with foreigners and nightlife.

"Native intelligence" is all that's required, common sense and sincerity are even more important, but for me youthful enthusiasm, willingness to learn and fitness/beauty top the list.

So I'm sure most of my SOs would fit your bimbo pigeonhole, at least when they first come to me, but they're usually very far from that, especially once they decide they're ready to go.

And that suits me fine - live and let live, whatever floats your boat.

I'm a pathetic lovernot sure why you thought otherwise. First time with the new girlfriend I only lasted 15 seconds. Made me feel like a loser.

Why is it a put down that my ex-wife became a lesbian? Perhaps if I had not not been so immature and stayed out of the Thai bar scene, we would still be together and I would be 30 million baht richer. Many Thai girls move to tomboys after a failed relationship. I'm certainly not the only one.

Lots of girls willing to go with farang are actually bi if not gay. Nobody "turns someone else into" any orientation, it's either innate or chosen but not "caused" by external factors.

I'm 64 and my dream girl is 21 years old, but the thing is that she only lived in my dreams,

Bob Marley said it best.. No woman no pain....

If you're going to quote the Bob get it right - no woman no cry.

Nice double meaning there.


a short, bald and unattractive 42 year old dating a beautiful 25 year old office worker is somethingI have not come across back home. Ever. Maybe that's why you're known as Hardened Soul; because it seems an everyday occurrence to you? Its not normal but a relationship is never an "achievement".

Coo with awe.smile.png English teacher in Isaan perhaps? Normal people don't talk like that. What elevated state of enlightenment? So much is entirely in your head. And posting her photo would do nothing as the bitter bastards would just claim I was lying. Feel free to PM me anytime, we'll meet for beers (on your dime) and I'll gladly share all the pictures you want. Can even use to fantasize with your bar hag later.

I was an everyday occurrence.

I regularly saw short, bald men dating or engaged/married to attractive office girls/women all over London when I lived there.

Those guys didn't look rich; they just looked like normal men getting on with their lives. Who knows? Perhaps they had personalities, maybe they were witty, clever or just exceptionally cool.

If they could land quality women, why couldn't you?

When you don't have the wit or personality or confidence, along with the short height and baldness, what is left? I couldn't land quality women because I set my standards too high. I wanted the same kind of girl most other guys wanted and perhaps if I could walk up to a complete stranger and talk with her, I wouldn't be in Thailand but I was too afraid of rejection. I think most girls can sense this and it puts them off. They want a guy who goes after what he wants. I can do that in every area except for girls when I see them walking around BKK and they look so stunning. Internet makes it easier but then you're competing with 100s of other guys with the same defect.


It's always the same few guys who complain about it. The dude with the muscle avatar will be along shortly to tell us why we don't have a real relationship like he does. And the other two or so usual whingers about older expats.

It's the " real " relationship bit that confuses me. It's simply not possible to have a relationship with a Thai women the same you'd have with a Western women. Why , well they all lack education , common sense , logic and so many other things that you'd think everybody in the World knew , but they don't. You can't have any real conversation with any of them. Try asking basic history questions .... who's Mohammed Ali , who's Adolph Hitler , what happened to JFK , etc , etc .... , try talking about current affairs ..lol , you're wasting your time. From bar girl to hiso virtually all are as thick as two short planks. Assuming intellect is an important part of any " real " relationship you'll struggle to find that ingredient in any Thai / Farang liason. As far as age difference is concerned who gives a shit in Thailand. It's great , you get to date and screw women you wouldn't stand any chance with in the West but lets not kid ourselves it's a " real " relationship.

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Speak for yourself guys.

Not saying I seek unintelligent girls, but definitely prefer those with little experience, especially with foreigners and nightlife.

"Native intelligence" is all that's required, common sense and sincerity are even more important, but for me youthful enthusiasm, willingness to learn and fitness/beauty top the list.

So I'm sure most of my SOs would fit your bimbo pigeonhole, at least when they first come to me, but they're usually very far from that, especially once they decide they're ready to go.

And that suits me fine - live and let live, whatever floats your boat.

Wym, this is exactly why my last thread was closed; you began discussing your "finishing school" which is particularly offensive to so many people here.

Since you've posted, may I ask what benefit your students receive by sleeping with you? What I mean by that is if you are truly looking after their welfare and care about them, could you not just teach them whatever you teach and leave the sex part for a future partner?

I am getting closer to 40 and will not touch anyone under 28, simply because i find females over that age are more clued about life, men and their personal feelings.

i am not getting closer to 40 and will not touch anyone under 63 because... my wife won't let me. it's a cruel world! dry.png

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Can't read all this crap about meaningless stuff. Get a life and grow up, then you don't have to ask such a question, OP.-wai2.gif

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