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Dating a younger Thai girl - or why I love Thailand.

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I took my girl friend who was half my age at the time, to a thanksgiving party my Canadian friend was having. I was standing in front of the table where the food was laid out buffet style planning my dinner strategy when a Canadian or American woman, well past menopause, came up to me and said, "Is that Thai girl your date? She must be half your age, aren't you ashamed?" I paused for a moment and said, "Well, it's a medical condition. Every time I dated a woman your age, I'd break out in hives. So I went to see my doctor and he told me I had to change my eating habits. We've been living together for 2 years now and touch wood... no hives."

I think she was satisfied with my answer because she went away without another word.

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My gal left me for a woman . Guess JT will be along very shortly..with his thoughts.

in the meantime ...

two rednecks standing in a bar...see a stunning girl at the bar.

one walks up to try to chat to her.

she replies, I am a lesbian.

what's that he asks?

she replies, see that girl over there, I could just go over there and lick her entire body

The guy walks back to his mate who says, how did it go?

The guy replies, I think I am a lesbian

Yeah I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body is another variation of the joke.


My Thai wife's daughter married a Thai man 16yrs older , I'm 76 and my wife is 53 .

However , Thai women dating foreigners does have a lot to do with money and financial security .

I'm not sure that even the best of Thai women Love in the way that western people do .



In Asia, an older man is considered more stable and better off.

So what you say is the natural result.

All over the world older man is considered more stable and better off for a hooker or a gold diggerthumbsup.gif

The only difference is in Asia many happy to suffer for a few years to get away with small fortune, while in the West they want the entire fortune or close to it


All those topics end in the same discussions about gold diggers, suggar daddies... and you guys seem to forget that all your relationships back in your home country would NOT have worked out, if you would have been poor suckers... women just WANT to have a man who is financially stable...

and the higher the age difference, the more this is true, that is just my experience. But does it matter? As long as the two (OP and his young GF) are happy together, as long as he does supply what she needs and wants, they should enjoy it...

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"Anyways, I now date a gorgeous and sexy 25 year old office worker"

I sincerely wish any couple the best of happiness regardless of their age gap. However, I would really like to know if any of the posters in this forum would change their attitude if they were to learn that their younger sexy Thai gf was sleeping around with other farang guys their same age????

I've had my fair share of experiences with "gorgeous and sexy 25 year old office workers" in Bangkok, because I was a 25 year old office worker myself (now in my early 30s). I would have to say that 100% of these young hotties with farang boyfriends over 40 were up for fun in the bedroom with guys closer to their age. Not that all of these 40+ boyfriends were all out of shape, but 20 years is 20 years and we all know real sex isn't about 'taking care' and 'good heart'. Other posters have already mentioned that the moral compass here is different from back home.

Of course it's possible that your girlfriends "are different" from the hundreds I've known over the years in Bangkok. It's a different scene these days, just venture off the girlie bar path and into the social scene where guys in their 40's just simply won't be found (they woudn't feel comfortable). There are countless twenty-something farang guys in Bangkok these days, in good shape, and earning good money. If your girl knew she would get away with it, these guys wouldn't say No.

So, I would like to know.....would your attitude change? Every man is different I suppose. But for me, having seen what I've seen, I would hope that when I'm 40+ years in age, I'm well settled with a nice Thai woman of similar age.



In Asia, an older man is considered more stable and better off.

So what you say is the natural result.


The gold-digging, mercenary bar girl might believe that but for every one of those, there's two who equate elderly farang men with being stingy and controlling with that money holding the potential for its withdrawal like a sword of Damocles above her head every time she asserts herself.

Who the hell wants to be with a manipulative brontosaurus, for cryin' out loud?

Besides, for every pensioner with loads of money, there are 10 whose entire social life revolves around smoking and drinking the cheapest local fags and beer during the hour and a half-long window of happy hour at their local Cheap Charlie shebeen


"Anyways, I now date a gorgeous and sexy 25 year old office worker"

I sincerely wish any couple the best of happiness regardless of their age gap. However, I would really like to know if any of the posters in this forum would change their attitude if they were to learn that their younger sexy Thai gf was sleeping around with other farang guys their same age????

I've had my fair share of experiences with "gorgeous and sexy 25 year old office workers" in Bangkok, because I was a 25 year old office worker myself (now in my early 30s). I would have to say that 100% of these young hotties with farang boyfriends over 40 were up for fun in the bedroom with guys closer to their age. Not that all of these 40+ boyfriends were all out of shape, but 20 years is 20 years and we all know real sex isn't about 'taking care' and 'good heart'. Other posters have already mentioned that the moral compass here is different from back home.

Of course it's possible that your girlfriends "are different" from the hundreds I've known over the years in Bangkok. It's a different scene these days, just venture off the girlie bar path and into the social scene where guys in their 40's just simply won't be found (they woudn't feel comfortable). There are countless twenty-something farang guys in Bangkok these days, in good shape, and earning good money. If your girl knew she would get away with it, these guys wouldn't say No.

So, I would like to know.....would your attitude change? Every man is different I suppose. But for me, having seen what I've seen, I would hope that when I'm 40+ years in age, I'm well settled with a nice Thai woman of similar age.

sheshhh, now you just making too much sense and breaking someone's delusional world


I'm 62 and my younger wife is 55.(yeah ....I know ...Not that big a difference....oh well!) The older you get the less the age difference means BUT there are those out there (and I say more power to them if they're happy) where the age difference is 40 or more years! Hey...for some in their twilight years ...if they're happy...why not?

One of the things I love about Thailand is when I go to the mall and see all the pretty young girls ....THEY ALL SMILE back at me!

In the States if I smiled at some pretty young girl she'd be in my face calling me a "dirty old Man" and then probably call security or the police.

Gotta Love Thailandbiggrin.png

"THEY ALL SMILE back at me!"

Because they are indoctrinated-brainwashed by society to "smile" Smile is often inappropriate but "never mind" heve LOS = land of smiles

I recall a piece by thai journalist Voranai vanijaka and the quote was "even the village idiot can smile"

Justifying one of the things you love about thailand by saying "all the pretty young girls ....THEY ALL SMILE back at me!" is like saying "i am delusional but i like it"

Hence; "up to you"

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God, someone pass me a bucket.sick.gif

Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, I think 15seconds may have a new wingman.

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Hello !

Interesting to follow this topic as I am one of those who have tied up with a young TG. Difference in age 45 years. We have been together now for more than 4 years. We are getting baby in some months and are very happy.

Life in Thailand is good.


You must be a very Hansum man


IMHO no matter the age difference no matter their reasons for being together, no matter how many involved, if all parties are happy with what's going on, no deception or coercion going on, then obviously great, more power to them. If later on one or more are unhappy then they change the situation, maybe one or more move on to now-greener pastures.

I used to have a cock on me like a Jerusalem Cat now like a Jerusalem Donkey.

I wish I knew what any of that meant, some sort of biblical reference?

Wrong. For a girl in their early 20s, that is almost the age of their parents...

Do not delude yourself. You are 72 years old. Of cause being "old" is subjective between groups of people, and the age gap becomes more natural the older people get.To you this guy isn't old. But to thai girls in their 20s he is a dinosaur. I am in my 20s so I have a better idea about this than you guys who are looking at it from the outside.

See the above. Very unlikely he's deluding himself, but even if he is, why not let them be happy as long as they can. Nothing in life lasts forever, we makes our bed and then we lies in it, live and let live whatever floats their boat.

My Thai wife's daughter married a Thai man 16yrs older , I'm 76 and my wife is 53 .

However , Thai women dating foreigners does have a lot to do with money and financial security .

I'm not sure that even the best of Thai women Love in the way that western people do .

Oh yes, must be genetic differences 8-)

They just know that "love" - if you're talking about the pheromone and hormone driven "feelings" touted by myth and Disney as the be-all and end-all basis for "real relationships" - just isn't that important in the big scheme of things, very often easily found and just as easily lost in life, and a very foolish mechanism to choose a long-term mate.

IOW they have their priorities right for their circumstances, marrying a poor irresponsible kid for "love" is a luxury only those already secure can afford.

I sincerely wish any couple the best of happiness regardless of their age gap. However, I would really like to know if any of the posters in this forum would change their attitude if they were to learn that their younger sexy Thai gf was sleeping around with other farang guys their same age????


So, I would like to know.....would your attitude change? Every man is different I suppose. But for me, having seen what I've seen, I would hope that when I'm 40+ years in age, I'm well settled with a nice Thai woman of similar age.

And in your 60's and 80's if you're still a randy old goat?

I'd much rather have the young stunners thanks, and sure no problem if they want to fool around as long as I get my fair share and they aren't lying to me. And of course what's good for the goose. . .

Mai bpen rai, viva Thailand!

»Is there really anything morally wrong about dating a much younger girlfriend in Thailand?…«

No, many Thai men dates or are married to ladies/girls much younger than themselves – and so are many farangs.

I’m 64 and my Thai GF is 31 years younger, so 33 now – we’ve been together for 10+ years and have a lovely daughter – that works fine in Thailand.

Had a bit of same feeling as OP in the beginning coming here and seeing middle-aged men with young girls – but that was exactly what I dreamed about myself, so just “luggage” from “back home”. What’s matters is, that both parts are happy…

Wish OP and his gorgeous GF all the best. smile.png

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Age difference is much more acceptable in LOS than Western countries, but in the instances where the love is genuine, it doesn't matter how much differential there is !


If you are both happy then everything is ok....don't concern yourself with what others may think.

+1....Enjoy !

Yes well that's all very well if both parties really are happy with it but get this; I live in the thick of the farang ghetto so I see age-gap couples every, single day at the mall when I buy my Western treats at the local mall.

Believe me when I tell you that 90% of the time, the guy looks as stressed out as the woman 20-30 years his junior at his side.

She will be trying her utmost to avoid the gaze of incredulity and pity from her fellow Thais who assume she's with the fossil for his wallet while he will be feeling his girlfriend's anxiety and sporting a glower of his own as he looks at foreign men chuckling away and the Thais sneering at her.


Good for you mate,... whatever floats your boat!

17 years difference in Thailand is nothing,... and you're only 42 which by relative standards makes you a bit of a whipper snapper or at least a "Jock" especially if you're reasonably good looking, not fat and have all (or most) of your hair.

My first TGF was 13 years younger and my wife of 10 years is 19 years younger. In fact, I discovered that her dad (Thai,..and great bloke) is 19 years older than her mum (also Thai) so the age difference between us was probably considered desirable by her and her family as opposed to being any kind of issue at all.

Welcome to the cradle snatchers club,... enjoy!


Yes well that's all very well if both parties really are happy with it but get this; I live in the thick of the farang ghetto so I see age-gap couples every, single day at the mall when I buy my Western treats at the local mall.

Believe me when I tell you that 90% of the time, the guy looks as stressed out as the woman 20-30 years his junior at his side.

She will be trying her utmost to avoid the gaze of incredulity and pity from her fellow Thais who assume she's with the fossil for his wallet while he will be feeling his girlfriend's anxiety and sporting a glower of his own as he looks at foreign men chuckling away and the Thais sneering at her.

Is this stress and pitiful gazes more to do with the location of where you are seeing the couples?

Down around your way most of these relationships would be of a short time basis.


great news son. I agree wholeheartedly.

I am late forties and my girl is 25 and beautiful.

As I type she has just finished sweeping, dusting and moping my entire home. It is her day off. She has a degree and works for a big company.

Everything is swimmingly good...but there is one huge problem lurking to torpedo both your and my relationships with these nubile young maidens.


I often pinch myself when I wake up next to my girl. She cares for me, is amazing in bed (but still slaps me if I try to kiss her in public), and is smart, beautiful and good with money. She has a lot of options. She is no doubt thinking about kids, the white picket fence, the whole nine yards. And why wouldn't she. She studied hard and worked part time to put herself through college. She didn't fall pregnant in the village or lower her own moral value by working in a bar. She deserves a good partner and kids with that bloke. Problem is...I am not that bloke.

So the reality is we are both worthless pricks. If we weren't we would sit down right now with our respective partners and to tell them that we are not Mr right. And then release them to find a decent bloke who is able (and willing) to provide them with a life tatamount to their dreams.

This sounds honourable and all that, but if you are going to do it, you'd better do it [that is, say good-bye] sooner rather than later.

Cos while *you* may be speaking good common sense (about kids etc) SHE doesn't and WILL not see it that way. She will be devastated. Time to ease yourself out, mate....


Yes well that's all very well if both parties really are happy with it but get this; I live in the thick of the farang ghetto so I see age-gap couples every, single day at the mall when I buy my Western treats at the local mall.

Believe me when I tell you that 90% of the time, the guy looks as stressed out as the woman 20-30 years his junior at his side.

She will be trying her utmost to avoid the gaze of incredulity and pity from her fellow Thais who assume she's with the fossil for his wallet while he will be feeling his girlfriend's anxiety and sporting a glower of his own as he looks at foreign men chuckling away and the Thais sneering at her.

Is this stress and pitiful gazes more to do with the location of where you are seeing the couples?

Down around your way most of these relationships would be of a short time basis.

Yeah I dunno about you but I can tell the difference between a guy rolling out of Soi Cowboy with his barfine and a couple shopping for groceries at a gourmet food hall.


Agree with the above BUT…
Most of you old pricks with the younger chicks PAY for it.
Most 35-50 year olds, and above, with chicks 10+ years their junior are PAYING for it.
WHY???…because the sweeping majority of falangs here above 35 years, are the weaker, inferior, and are the ones that just never made it back home.
Honestly, I see that many ugly <deleted> (short, or bald, or out of shape, or all 3) here in LOS it genuinely saddens me.
I'm 43. My lovely gf is 36. I have very sound mates here from 23 to 84 years.
Those mates do vary BUT, it's the younger, attractive buddies that are genuinely smitten, partnered or married with very good thai girls here in BKK.
Yes, the younger tech savvy, well to do, and smartly dressed lads I see around town are with young hot chicks, and their girls love them.
FACT; younger beautiful girls are attracted to same in males.
OP, you are deluded thinking your new short time gf is REALLY into you.
I bet she is similar to you in physical attributes (or lacking thereof) and cannot attract a better male, or, she genuinely knows that you have just a little more wealth potential than the Thai or falang guy she would rather.
To the OP; you admitted that you are no great physical specimen, so why is she with you?
My guess, she is same like you or she wants your wallet, you retard.


Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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great news son. I agree wholeheartedly.

I am late forties and my girl is 25 and beautiful.

As I type she has just finished sweeping, dusting and moping my entire home. It is her day off. She has a degree and works for a big company.

Everything is swimmingly good...but there is one huge problem lurking to torpedo both your and my relationships with these nubile young maidens.


I often pinch myself when I wake up next to my girl. She cares for me, is amazing in bed (but still slaps me if I try to kiss her in public), and is smart, beautiful and good with money. She has a lot of options. She is no doubt thinking about kids, the white picket fence, the whole nine yards. And why wouldn't she. She studied hard and worked part time to put herself through college. She didn't fall pregnant in the village or lower her own moral value by working in a bar. She deserves a good partner and kids with that bloke. Problem is...I am not that bloke.

So the reality is we are both worthless pricks. If we weren't we would sit down right now with our respective partners and to tell them that we are not Mr right. And then release them to find a decent bloke who is able (and willing) to provide them with a life tatamount to their dreams.

This sounds honourable and all that, but if you are going to do it, you'd better do it [that is, say good-bye] sooner rather than later.

Cos while *you* may be speaking good common sense (about kids etc) SHE doesn't and WILL not see it that way. She will be devastated. Time to ease yourself out, mate....

Been there & not kissing in public is a key sign. Find a way out.

With the one I was with, I just told her I had to go back to my country. I left some personal items at her apartment & told her I would call. Left, moved to another providence, changed my number...done. Can't stand all the melodrama when you try to end a relationship here. In the US it was so easy.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Yes well that's all very well if both parties really are happy with it but get this; I live in the thick of the farang ghetto so I see age-gap couples every, single day at the mall when I buy my Western treats at the local mall.

Believe me when I tell you that 90% of the time, the guy looks as stressed out as the woman 20-30 years his junior at his side.

She will be trying her utmost to avoid the gaze of incredulity and pity from her fellow Thais who assume she's with the fossil for his wallet while he will be feeling his girlfriend's anxiety and sporting a glower of his own as he looks at foreign men chuckling away and the Thais sneering at her.

To be honest most farang-farang couples walking around in a shopping mall the guy doesn't look too blissful to me.

Personally I think your viewpoint is coloring what you see - in fact maybe they're even reacting to the way you're looking at them?

And "get this" - none of your business is it? Sure she may well be with him for his money, so what? Kudos to them for braving the mainstream judgmental jerks of the world.

Finally, yes in most "farang ghetto" areas, you are looking at relatively short-term rental wife couples, since the smarter people once settled down happily in Thailand avoid such areas like the plague.

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With the one I was with, I just told her I had to go back to my country. I left some personal items at her apartment & told her I would call. Left, moved to another providence, changed my number...done. Can't stand all the melodrama when you try to end a relationship here. In the US it was so easy.

Isn't moving to Rhode Island a bit drastic?

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