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My 6 month conclusions on Thailand (and the women)

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Perceptions Change over time, yours will too over time and with more experience. I've been here ten years and my reality still changes frequently.

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I will just simply say, "see you later", because judging by your post, you enjoyed yourself and you will miss it after a few months back in the states.Time will tell. Safe travels.

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Everything you have stated is 100% of a stereotypical first-timer on holiday believing any BS a bar girl dishes out!

You have a lot to learn!

But no disgrace, a lot of us have been there....including myself!

On a more positive note there are "real" girls out there, BUT they don't frequent places like Loi Kroh in CM and you have to find them, which takes time and patience.

Anyway, you have been entertaining and have always been honest...so respect...good luck and maybe next time you can get past the bar girl (however she may be disguised) dribble!

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Scarpolo, that's a pretty balanced and fair assessment in your OP. I'm astonished. Some of your other posts on other threads (from my limited recollection) always seemed a bit anti-Thai. Anyways, good luck to you.

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"due to the nature of her work when we met (she stopped for me)", the same old sad story. You could just keep this sentence and stop there.

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when you've had over 30yrs experience of Thailand then you can come to some conclusions.

6months doesnt give you time to wet your whistle.biggrin.png

I know you are saying that joking like becasue you have the smiley

It dont matter if you are in Thailand for 2 months or 2 years or 30 years, it is all experience and you can make conclusions any time.

" ... it is all experience and you can make conclusions any time."

Yes, but you needn't feel compelled to thrust those conclusions on an innocent and unsuspecting world.

In the wonderful world before Facebook and Twitter people realized that their conclusions about anything after 2 months or 6 months were probably superficial, childish and naive and they wouldn't rush to publish them because, again before Facebook or Twitter, they knew that they wouldn't get past some editor who would realize they were superficial, childish and naive.

In the past we would just wait until the start of the next school year and offer our conclusions in the inevitable "What I did during the summer holidays" essay assignment and our teachers would lie to us about interesting it all was.

Someday we'll look back on this period in history as the time verbal diarrhea and over-sharing ran amuck.


What you say is true but only to some degree.

Everyone has an opinion and most peple like to tell everyone about tehir opinion if you want to hear it or not. Facebook and twitter are okay becasue that is just people talking about themselves and their lives. That might be boring reading that and looking at photos of food and rice and clothes but it is still a persons opinion and still means something to them.

In the past we all had to listen to TV and radio and newspapers and whatever they said that was it. What they said had to be out opinion because we had no other way to say what our opinon was. Unless you were a journalist your opinion was only what you said to your friends.

Now we have comments and stuff when you read online and everyone can say their opinion. Sometimes they have good opinions and sometimes bad ones but I can tell you I learn more about different ways of thinking from reading 100 peoples comments than i learn from one person writing a newspaper story.

The newspaper writer is just one opinion and maybe 30 years experience, but maybe that writer is unhappy and bitter or maybe they have their own agenda to push.


Enjoy the rest of your life....but America is not the place.Maybe you will find happinest one day ,true happinest like most ex pats here have .



opinions are like ar*eholes, everyone has them, some dribble <deleted> while others just get down to doing their business. It is a bit over the top to think you can sum up Thailand after 6 months, you have given us your thoughts and although some may be close to the mark there are those that are not. It will be interesting to see how long before you are back, I now I may not agree with a lot of what they do here but I also know I prefer to live here than elsewhere, all sh*t aside, Thailand is what you make it, happy hunting

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Great conclusions for a 6 monther. Would be different from a 1, 2, 5, 10 year vet. I was the same as you at 6 months but now with 6 years, things are quite different and clearer.

Have a good trip .... see you back soon.

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When you have been here for longer than 6-months then you will actually be able to comment on Thailand and the people and culture with far more authority. But until then ... listen... though some of the things you said only scratched the surface ... have a good trip home.


go back to her 'job'..hehehehehehehehe she left the job for u??..what 'job is that???

He was honest from the beginning she was a sex worker, but "high end soapie" not a bar girl.

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Good luck and safe journey home. I tend to live one day at a time but I do make plans... I have learned over the years to not assume what i have planned is actually the way it will pan out.....sort of "go with the flow" is my attitude now....if you know what I mean ...and it usually turns out better than I had expected.

I at first seen this "supporting the mother and family" the same way as you do but the reality is that there is no social welfare or old age pensions schemes here so what other option is there. The girls don't object to looking after their "kin" as they see it as their primary duty and of course........they expect to be likewise taken care of when their time comes.

Enjoyed reading your slant on things..GB.

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