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World Cup Prediction Competition.....


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QUOTE(chonabot @ 2006-06-16 10:23:11) *

Nice one, I'm still waiting for Scouse and the double act to send theirs in............ whistling.gif

No cheque from me Chon: I'm going to rely on good old blackmail.

Now, somewhere in the mists of time, I recall you posting on the forum something along the lines of, in reality, you are Scottish..... ohmy.gif


I always knew you were alright Chon.

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The usual English rat has been eaten out of me by my father who was a Rangers Supporting Mason :o .

I am a traitor, I am worthless.

If Scotland were Germany I would be supporting them.

But they are not.

Come on England!!!!

Say its not so!!! NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! :D:D:D Sorry! :D

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Well.....I don´t think there will be too manyof us who get full marks on the Argentina game!!!!!! I managed 2..... as probably everyone else did.......................

A few will probably get 3 points for the win and the 0 part of Serbia's score.

I will update the table, again, at the end of todays play.


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The end of another day of good football , the Argentina game was scary, Holland game was interesting, and the Mexico game was ........... :o

Not surprisingly only the Holland game yielded maximum points , 9 for the 3-1 prediction.

No-one predicted a draw for the Mexico-Angola yawn, and no-one guessed the 6-0 massacre.

Quite a few of you scored well, and as a result the positions have shifted a tad.

The Mighty Crocodylus has amassed a 10 point lead, not bad for an Aussie rules fan.... :D

Nongwahay has pulled away from his long term partner Sing_Sling............. :D

Heres the table............see ya's tommorow........ :D

Old_Croc 75

JackR 65

CalibanJr 62

Scouse 61

Donz 58

Vulcan 58

Chonabot 57

Neeranam 57

Explorer 56

Game4shame 53

TomYumGoong 52

Simmo 52

Jockstar 52

SpittheDog 51

HaroiHenry 50

Thaipauly 50

Totster 50

MrBojangles 49

Backpack 48

Daleyboy 47

Oneeyedjohn 47

SvenIvan 47

Chuchok 47

Redrus 46

Prof 45

Brit 43

Greg.D 42

Tytus 41

KhunYak 40

Nongwahyay 40

Sing_Sling 31

Edited by chonabot
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Not surprisingly only the Holland game yielded maximum points , 9 for the 3-1 prediction.

Chona...I don't know if it's a typing error but Holland - Ivory Coast ended in 2 - 1... :o

Good Luck however to your game!


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Not surprisingly only the Holland game yielded maximum points , 9 for the 3-1 prediction.

Chona...I don't know if it's a typing error but Holland - Ivory Coast ended in 2 - 1... :o

Good Luck however to your game!


Yes it was a typo :D 3-1 would have produced 10 points , my bad, Cheers!


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Ha ha ha ... I'm beating DB... :o

totster tcwozereeng.gif

Well i suppose you have to be better than me at something, thankfully its only a football competition. :D:D Still away to go anyway, so dont expect to still be on top by the end :D

I would ask Chon what he reckons my chances are, but he isnt very good at this either, i better ask the croc :D:D

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Nongwahyay 40

Sing_Sling 31

Come on mate......we "Germans" stick together.........

Umm, even with our points pooled we would still be far from the lead . . . :D

Anyway - Pech im Spiel, Glück in der Liebe . . .

the tournament is still young and we shall get tgere in the end, like the German national team! :o

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Nongwahyay 40

Sing_Sling 31

Come on mate......we "Germans" stick together.........

Umm, even with our points pooled we would still be far from the lead . . . :D

Anyway - Pech im Spiel, Glück in der Liebe . . .

the tournament is still young and we shall get tgere in the end, like the German national team! :o

If the Germans make it to the final, you´re all invited to Berlin to watch it.......plenty of floor-space in the office .........bring your own inflatables..............(Bratwuerste und Sauerkraut zum Mittag....)

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Major comeback is in the works - I figured Old Croc needed a 20point lead before I get serious. :o

One flaw in your plan Brit. I'm 32 points ahead of you!! :D:D


Shit Brit, you've dropped below me. That is bad.

Don't worry mate, I'll catch him for ya.......... :D


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Here's the table after Today's first 2 matches , Old_Croc is stretching the lead.... :D

I'm thinking of going for 2nd spot, looking dodgy for Jackr , forget first, the reptile is simply on fire.......... :D

A few of you scored 0 points ( Brit :whistlin: ) A lot of us have Italy for a 2-1 win , who would go for USA after their dismal outing? Quite a few actually......( :o )

See you after the next game!

ps about time he had a wash.....


Old_Croc 83

JackR 67

Vulcan 66

CalibanJr 65

Scouse 64

Donz 62

Chonabot 60

Neeranam 60

Jockstar 60

Explorer 59

Game4shame 55

Simmo 55

Oneeyedjohn 55

TomYumGoong 54

SpittheDog 54

Redrus 54

HaroiHenry 53

Totster 53

Thaipauly 52

MrBojangles 52

Backpack 51

Daleyboy 51

SvenIvan 50

Chuchok 50

Prof 47

Greg.D 44

Brit 43

Tytus 43

Nongwahyay 42

KhunYak 41

Sing_Sling 31


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Here's the table after Today's first 2 matches , Old_Croc is stretching the lead.... :D

I'm thinking of going for 2nd spot, looking dodgy for Jackr , forget first, the reptile is simply on fire.......... :D

A few of you scored 0 points ( Brit :whistlin: ) A lot of us have Italy for a 2-1 win , who would go for USA after their dismal outing? Quite a few actually......( :o )

See you after the next game!

ps about time he had a wash.....


Old_Croc 83

JackR 67

Vulcan 66

CalibanJr 65

Scouse 64

Donz 62

Chonabot 60

Neeranam 60

Jockstar 60

Explorer 59

Game4shame 55

Simmo 55

Oneeyedjohn 55

TomYumGoong 54

SpittheDog 54

Redrus 54

HaroiHenry 53

Totster 53

Thaipauly 52

MrBojangles 52

Backpack 51

Daleyboy 51

SvenIvan 50

Chuchok 50

Prof 47

Greg.D 44

Brit 43

Tytus 43

Nongwahyay 42

KhunYak 41

Sing_Sling 31


How does the song go, is it Otis Reading.......? Hold on......., I'm coming, Hold on I'm coming.........................!!!!! :D:D:D


*I'm now exactly half way, come on bad ass............!lol.

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How does the song go, is it Otis Reading.......? Hold on......., I'm coming, Hold on I'm coming.........................!!!!! :D:D:D


*I'm now exactly half way, come on bad ass............!lol.

Not 'Mr Pitiful ' ?


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How does the song go, is it Otis Reading.......? Hold on......., I'm coming, Hold on I'm coming.........................!!!!! :o:D:D


*I'm now exactly half way, come on bad ass............!lol.

Not 'Mr Pitiful ' ?

OOoooooooohhhhhhh, how droll................ :D:D

I'm the life and soul of this party and you need me more than I need you copper, aright..... :D Old Croc, I'm coming for ya........


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How does the song go, is it Otis Reading.......? Hold on......., I'm coming, Hold on I'm coming.........................!!!!! :o:D:D


*I'm now exactly half way, come on bad ass............!lol.

Not 'Mr Pitiful ' ?

OOoooooooohhhhhhh, how droll................ :D:D

I'm the life and soul of this party and you need me more than I need you copper, aright..... :D Old Croc, I'm coming for ya........


As long as you and Jack leave the FloydRoses out of this, I can work with ya.................... :D

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How does the song go, is it Otis Reading.......? Hold on......., I'm coming, Hold on I'm coming.........................!!!!! :o:D:D


*I'm now exactly half way, come on bad ass............!lol.

Not 'Mr Pitiful ' ?

OOoooooooohhhhhhh, how droll................ :D:D

I'm the life and soul of this party and you need me more than I need you copper, aright..... :D Old Croc, I'm coming for ya........


As long as you and Jack leave the FloydRoses out of this, I can work with ya.................... :D

LOL, no worries fella.

Mate are you watchin Italy V USA, what a game, USA down to 9 men Italy 10.


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What a match! USA deserved the point , I'm hoping they can progress after that battle.

Only Explorer predicted the correct score , shooting him way up the rankings , most of us mustered a point , Khun Yak and Game4shame got 2 points each for the correct outcome.

Overall a low scoring day, hope tomorrow is better ( for me.... :o )

Old_Croc 84

JackR 68

Explorer 67

Vulcan 66

CalibanJr 66

Scouse 65

Donz 63

Chonabot 61

Neeranam 61

Jockstar 61

Game4shame 57

Simmo 55

Oneeyedjohn 55

TomYumGoong 55

SpittheDog 55

Redrus 55

HaroiHenry 53

Totster 53

MrBojangles 53

Thaipauly 52

Backpack 52

Daleyboy 52

SvenIvan 50

Chuchok 50

Prof 48

Greg.D 45

Brit 44

Tytus 43

KhunYak 43

Nongwahyay 42

Sing_Sling 32

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