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Sickening how much of it goes on. 2 nights back my girlfriend's friend met an American and went to his hotel for the night for 2000 baht. The next day she goes home, but returns later for another session (free). She comes over last night and goes on Skype with her boyfriend,

He asks her what she did for the day. She says she was playing computer games. After the 20 minutes was over, she disconnects and I ask her if she doesn't feel guilty cheating and lying to her fiancee. She says he can't support her so she hangs out at nightclubs. I ask why she can't work a regular job but she says they don't pay enough.

So, so many times I see this. Its always the foreign guy who lives outside of Thailand, while she waits for a travel visa or for him to return. When I finish having sex with a girl (or during), her boyfriend calls and she tells him how much she loves him while winking at me.....it happens so many times to me, and I'm sure others here as well.

Are these guys completely unaware that these girls screw a different guy every night? Its the absolute truth. They feel nothing is wrong with their behaviour and I know many that don't even stop after moving overseas.

You mention "your" gf, then go on to say these foreigners call "a girl" whilst you are having sex with them.

So are you cheating on your gf?

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i live here permanently so it doesnt bother me ,,,,,,,,,,,YMMV

but in general ,if you are not giving your gf any cock / money ,someone is .......

Let's upgrade that to, "if you are not giving your gf enough cock or money someone or possibly MANY are."

I work with a guy whose wife (they had a regular Thonglor Wedding Shop wedding) . . . . . his WIFE, and her sisters actually compete to see how much farangagledangle they can service. One close friend of mine actually had a few sessions with her before their wedding and when I kinda scolded him he simply declared, "my Gawd, Donnie, Kevvy isn't gonna MARRY that whore is he?" Another friend warned this hapless hubby that while the wife didn't actually sell it on the street he was marrying into a family of full-on whores. He met her while playing on lower Sukhumvit but he constantly points out that she's never worked in a bar.

Hubby would hear none of it. He was smitten. HE had a hot wife that turned heads. . . . . . a fashion accessory, arm candy. And for this he's willing to pay any price, do all the housework, pay all the bills (including her business shortfalls) and buy her gold.

For years, and at any and every opportunity this coworker will boast to anyone who'll listen that he's found "one of the good ones" when in fact he's married to a woman who will flirt with and then PROUDLY service just about anyone who can give her face or money.

She uses her money-losing rag-trade business in one of the large Pratunam complexes as bait to reel in mall- cruising farangledangle. . . . . anyone will do. . . . . cruisers with holiday money, mid-thirties serial visitors, pilots, other women's hubbies are all subject to his "wife's" carnal ministrations.

He's caught her several times as well with farangledangle mobile numbers on her phone. . . . . Talking with her gig, partying with her gig and rolling home at dawn. It's always the same: they have a row, he ends up kissing her feet and declaring his love.

Either hubby knows she flirts with ANY passing jeans bulge who looks like he has a little money, he's turning a blind eye rather than risking confrontation or he's just stoopid. ANYONE who can pay for a month's rent or some cheap fabric, cover the building maintenance fees gets to play with her. Even the other Thai shopkeepers are shocked when she marches her husband, her gig or some passing airline worker through the complex arm in arm.

Her parents are fully aware of her game as well. She's had the main gig up to the village several times. The family likes him. She and her sisters ALL cut their marital teeth on local Sisaket boys but were actually encouraged by their own keen sisterly rivalry and ridiculously large sinsot to step up to farangledanglers. It's a classic Isaan success story; the women all have foreign husbands with good income and they ALL have had big weddings. And these "husbands" are ALL cuckholds.

Of course the co-worker is just beside himself with pride of ownership of a "hot wife" who does her extra-marital gig regularly IN the house that the cuckold built on over-priced family land a stone's throw from his Upcountry in-laws.

Everybody knows except "hubby."

I'd like anyone to top *that* one.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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'When I finish having sex with a girl (or during), her boyfriend calls and she tells him how much she loves him while winking at me.....it happens so many times to me, and I'm sure others here as well.'

You say you have girlfriend????


To the OP... "When I finish having sex with a girl (or during), her boyfriend calls and she tells him how much she loves him while winking at me.....it happens so many times to me, and I'm sure others here as well.".... Didn't you state YOU have a Thai GF???? ,,,, Pot meet kettle????? jeez

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Many women...the world over...will drop their drawers if the price is right...the Thai ladies take it to another level...they are just doing what comes natural...getting paid...for getting laid...

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I don't see girls cheating so much on guys that actually live here. Its the guys living overseas and visiting occasionally. Do they not read ThaiVisa or any forums that talk about this? I'm just tired of the complete lack of conscience and morals of these girls. They have such a twisted concept of sex and love that I haven't seen anywhere before in my life.

What makes you think it’s only the girls cheating?

I mean if you’re living apart for extended periods of time isn’t it natural to find sexual relief elsewhere.


OP, please just post that girls phonenumber here, or her FB link or whatever.

This girl is just enjoying her life, and some on here want to help her with that. smile.png

OP is a bit too judgemental: he says he sleeps with girls while the boyfriends of those girls call,

so he is cheating on his own girlfriend and he is helping the other girls cheat on their boyfriends.

It seems that because of the cheating behaviour of the Thai girls, he is able to get l@ d. biggrin.png

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This thread reinforces my belief that most farangs in Thailand are really relegated to dating a small subset of Thai women who are not at all like the majority of "normal" Thai women in Thailand. And then to assume that all Thai women are like this is a crying shame. But hey, whatever. The OP is a classic example of someone who needs to learn the hard way.

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Let's upgrade that to, "if you are not giving your gf enough cock or money someone or possibly MANY are."

I work with a guy whose wife (they had a regular Thonglor Wedding Shop wedding) . . . . . his WIFE, and her sisters actually compete to see how much farangagledangle they can service. One close friend of mine actually had a few sessions with her before their wedding and when I kinda scolded him he simply declared, "my Gawd, Donnie, Kevvy isn't gonna MARRY that whore is he?" Another friend warned this hapless hubby that while the wife didn't actually sell it on the street he was marrying into a family of full-on whores. He met her while playing on lower Sukhumvit but he constantly points out that she's never worked in a bar.

Hubby would hear none of it. He was smitten. HE had a hot wife that turned heads. . . . . . a fashion accessory, arm candy. And for this he's willing to pay any price, do all the housework, pay all the bills (including her business shortfalls) and buy her gold.

For years, and at any and every opportunity this coworker will boast to anyone who'll listen that he's found "one of the good ones" when in fact he's married to a woman who will flirt with and then PROUDLY service just about anyone who can give her face or money.

She uses her money-losing rag-trade business in one of the large Pratunam complexes as bait to reel in mall- cruising farangledangle. . . . . anyone will do. . . . . cruisers with holiday money, mid-thirties serial visitors, pilots, other women's hubbies are all subject to his "wife's" carnal ministrations.

He's caught her several times as well with farangledangle mobile numbers on her phone. . . . . Talking with her gig, partying with her gig and rolling home at dawn. It's always the same: they have a row, he ends up kissing her feet and declaring his love.

Either hubby knows she flirts with ANY passing jeans bulge who looks like he has a little money, he's turning a blind eye rather than risking confrontation or he's just stoopid. ANYONE who can pay for a month's rent or some cheap fabric, cover the building maintenance fees gets to play with her. Even the other Thai shopkeepers are shocked when she marches her husband, her gig or some passing airline worker through the complex arm in arm.

Her parents are fully aware of her game as well. She's had the main gig up to the village several times. The family likes him. She and her sisters ALL cut their marital teeth on local Sisaket boys but were actually encouraged by their own keen sisterly rivalry and ridiculously large sinsot to step up to farangledanglers. It's a classic Isaan success story; the women all have foreign husbands with good income and they ALL have had big weddings. And these "husbands" are ALL cuckholds.

Of course the co-worker is just beside himself with pride of ownership of a "hot wife" who does her extra-marital gig regularly IN the house that the cuckold built on over-priced family land a stone's throw from his Upcountry in-laws.

Everybody knows except "hubby."

I'd like anyone to top *that* one.

I could re-write your story with one word: Isaan.

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What do you think of cheating farang husbands ?

Yermanee wai.gif

They probably have cheating Thai wives.


I feel a "if you had married a hiso educated princess like me it would never happen" coming on.

Whos going to oblige?

Better chance of it not happening.......right?

Nope, actually.

Most upper class Thai women who get involved with foreigners do so for one of these three reasons:

a) the girl is "damaged goods" that is to say, she gave it up to some Thai goof-boy because he looked like Ananda Everingham and after he turned around and boasted about it to all his friends she was tainted tuna.

B) the "girl" has been married before and she's getting a little long in the tooth by Thai standards. Don't worry, there'll be costs. Rents, trips, a car (she'll pay the down and stick the farang with the payments) meanwhile she'll have a mobile scorecard and be playing on the party circuit with any old flame who wants a pump. In time, her role as good Thai gal intact she'll simply cut off the sex and do as she pleases. Plenty of stories like this about minor and not so minor celebrities.

c) she's been to school abroad and while has lost her taste for her GIGGLING, silly-@$$ male contemporaries she's acquired a taste of the old farangledangle cudgel and his penchant for seafood. When the novelty wears off and she gets tired of all the constant explaining she has to do for friends and family, she'll also get tired of putting off the second-string Thai players who didn't have the time or who were too busy with other women to give her a go.

It's only a matter of time until she starts having dirty weekends in Lankawi, Phuket and the Four Seasons.

Been there. Done that.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


Hold on a moment. Didn't the OP just boot out about 40 women in the last 2 months?

The OP reckons hookers are girlfriends. Probably well suckered into the GFE (girlfriend experience) that those unable to form real relationships aspire to get into (read that as a one-night stand with 'feeling').

Listen up Tonto: A GFE in Thailand means Good at Faking Everything. Cut your losses before you get hooked onto the "real GFE" which means Real Good at Faking Everything.

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Not just here, there are girls all over the world who do the same thing in one form or another.

No surprises, its called life ! Thats just the way it is.

Off topic. the thread is about Thais

@Munger, why should this be of topic ?

@ TVF, where did they learn it from ?, Why does this exist ? question of demand and supply ?

If all man would be man enough...

I respect the choice of the girls to act as they do, but respectfully decline any relation based on lies...

If you like an experienced girl in your bedroom, where should she learn how to pleasure you ?

This is an universal issue...

Don't bash on Thai only, bash on your own morality ;-)


I believe the OP is an experienced Troll.

I prefer the term "hit-baiter" or "content generator".

I just think it's rude to censor some of the remarks.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


Not just here, there are girls all over the world who do the same thing in one form or another.

No surprises, its called life ! Thats just the way it is.

Its not called life its called, make a date websites lol


I would love to have met you men "who think we are the best", back here in the West about five or ten years ago. When you realised that us Western women found you boring, fat, football mad with your panting and sweating sex not very attractive at all...

And told you that women all around the World would probably think the same thing. I think i am right. Enjoy.

You cant even compete with the worst thai girl nothing worse than a fat ugly stretch mark infested minger with an attitude

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I don't see girls cheating so much on guys that actually live here. Its the guys living overseas and visiting occasionally.


Thai friend. lady with thai husband. Normal people with normal jobs. 2 kids

She's just found out he's been cheating for 10 years.

And didn't suspect a thing.

There are brasses in London doing the same thing to regular visitors to London.

It's. Not a thai thingy .

Happens all over the world

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Not just here, there are girls all over the world who do the same thing in one form or another.

No surprises, its called life ! Thats just the way it is.

Apparently you think misogyny is better than racism.


Women cheat in all countries but Thai babes got it to a science. They pick their sponsor who is easy going and has money. Better if the age difference is 25 plus years as they are more apt to stick around and over look a few problems. Any girl who has ever worked in or around a bar knows the game. So called good girls also understand how to do and sometimes are the worst.

You really need to find that girl who is not easy. If it takes you 5 or 10 dates before you get into her pants then others will need to do the same. Any girl who sleeps with you on the first date is also doing the same with others every time she goes out. They will lie like crazy and say they don't sleep around but the truth is that they do sleep with almost every man they meet. Just because they say they love you does not mean they will be true.... They love many .....

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I listen to what my old Mam 93 yrs young says;;;I only believe in what I can see;;; I think that goes for Spouses to, Boy & GF Live with them (than you can keep an eye on each other) or stay single an go for a ;; Working Rent a Girl ;;;Working Rent a Man;;;;


If your going to have a relationship with a Thai bar girl you have to just expect this is normal behavior. Once they learn the system everyone is just a pay check so it's not cheating it's just work. Look at all the Thai guys married to Thai bar girls. The farang is of lower status, so it's no big deal for his girl to pray on him for an income. Just go to Thialand and have fun don't fall in love or get involved with the girls. I just think of it as one big swingers club everyone does it, so if you can't beat them join them . The girls hate guys like me because the real money is in the dumb ass farang that falls in love and agrees to pay for everything to help her escape the life. The really hot ones will have three of these guys and still go sleep with another for 2,000 Bhat. To them it's good luck that they can swindle everyone out of cash. It's a cultural difference western men don't understand. Money is number one no matter how they can earn it!

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I would love to have met you men "who think we are the best", back here in the West about five or ten years ago. When you realised that us Western women found you boring, fat, football mad with your panting and sweating sex not very attractive at all...

And told you that women all around the World would probably think the same thing. I think i am right. Enjoy.

You cant even compete with the worst thai girl nothing worse than a fat ugly stretch mark infested minger with an attitude

From your post, I take it that you and whatshername are STILL an item then?


Women cheat in all countries but Thai babes got it to a science. They pick their sponsor who is easy going and has money. Better if the age difference is 25 plus years as they are more apt to stick around and over look a few problems. Any girl who has ever worked in or around a bar knows the game. So called good girls also understand how to do and sometimes are the worst.

You really need to find that girl who is not easy. If it takes you 5 or 10 dates before you get into her pants then others will need to do the same. Any girl who sleeps with you on the first date is also doing the same with others every time she goes out. They will lie like crazy and say they don't sleep around but the truth is that they do sleep with almost every man they meet. Just because they say they love you does not mean they will be true.... They love many .....

See post #77. Read and inwardly digest.


Grow up. Once the decision is made to allow virtue to become negotiable, it's a small step to whomever, whenever. No more than a casual greeting--a way to earn ready cash, get what you want, do a favor, or even sometimes to fulfill a desire; but no big deal.


'When I finish having sex with a girl (or during), her boyfriend calls and she tells him how much she loves him while winking at me.....it happens so many times to me, and I'm sure others here as well.'

You say you have girlfriend????

dont be so SMug. You are just a customer also.

In thai culture customer is lowest of the Low!

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