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Men Going shirtless in the LOS. acceptable or not


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I didn't know that there were so many hung-up, farang, prudes here in Thailand. I had a farang roll up on a bicycle and 'order' me to put my shirt on a few months back during the cold season when I was catching some sun and warmth by the moat. I told him to mind his own business (my exact wording was a little different than that). Ya'll should find some real social issues to get your panties in a bunch about. Collectively, you have way too much idle time on your hands to get bent out of shape over such a non-issue. Not against the law? Then keep it to yourself and go away!!! cool.png

How many TV member do we have channeling Abigail Van Buren (Dear Abby) anyway.

Edited by connda
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where in the world is it acceptable to walk around with no shirt on? (other than on a beach)

if you are going to visit Thailand at least have the decency to respect their culture

it is most certainly culturally UNACCEPTABLE to walk around here with no shirt on

incidentally, I only disrobe on the beach, I am 46 wear factor 30 sun cream, and have just been diagnosed with skin cancer!


in the whole world? seriously?

first of all in any country that's less inhibited about the male body (and/or the female body...)

and in western countries even cold ones in the summer, of course you might find bylaws saying shirts required in this or that place but outdoors if people are uninhibited and feel hot, they take their shirts off. why not?

urban thailand is similar to developed countries in many ways and it's going to keep changing. the overall worldwide trend is towards less inhibition about the human body (and sexuality, which is what covering the body is mostly about when it's not about protecting the body from the elements). you can fight modernization -- which in this case is actually a return to tradition -- and you can try to deny human biology but it's a losing battle...

of course if male toplessness really bothers you that much you can always move to a country where it's illegal wai.gif

My first line was a question not a statement.

So answer the question... where in the world is it acceptable to walk around with no shirt on? (other than on a beach)

Anywhere where it is not explicitly against the law.

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I didn't know that there were so many hung-up, farang, prudes here in Thailand. I had a farang roll up on a bicycle and 'order' me to put my shirt on a few months back during the cold season when I was catching some sun and warmth by the moat. I told him to mind his own business (my exact wording was a little different than that). Ya'll should find some real social issues to get your panties in a bunch about. Collectively, you have way too much idle time on your hands to get bent out of shape over such a non-issue. Not against the law? Then keep it to yourself and go away!!! cool.png

How many TV member do we have channeling Abigail Van Buren (Dear Abby) anyway.

the number of 'hung-up farangs' you refer to is a good indicator that many people find it socially unacceptable. The percentage amongst Thai people will be even greater.

But hey, it isn't illegal right, so it must be ok?

You just do what you want pal, don't worry about offending people

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Does the OP wear speedos as well? Looks creepy enough.

I believe this is his swimwear thumbsup.gif

He seems a tad overdressed ...

Maybe not the best protection for bike riding, but he will achieve a close-to-perfect tan. And he did say he has an athletic body, which makes it (him) a nobrainer

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What would Saturday be without it's weekly wind up?

I dunno mate but one thing that's really bugging me is the origins of the term " farang". Can anybody help me regarding this and also is it offensive?

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I think it's all about balance. lf you don't like the look of these so called beasts don't look at them;im sure if they were to look at you critically they would be easily offended!!!!its common courtesy when entering someone's place of work to make sure you're suitably dressed......In my customs.....and remember thai people like to laugh whether it's at other thais or other nationalities for all matter of problems, so you can keep the stiff upper lip mentality or just relax, chill and enjoy the time you have left as I am sure the ones who have no shirt on are.

"Leung lang" is this the balance the thais have found for me polite but as some may find little disrespeftful!!!!!!.........555

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I'm sitting here in Isaan with only my sarong on, with the neighbor having the same attire drinking lao khao. Nobody bats an eye, it's bloody 37DegC with no wind in here. I would be happy to see some Edwardian puritan perish in 15 mins in this heat with the penguin suit on.

Personally, I don't care if guys wear shirts or not- (until they sit down next to me to eat). But I'm sensitive to the fact that I'm in a foreign country. And not knowing exactly what's acceptable, I try to err on the conservative side.

To this day, I have not left my apartment in BKK without a collared shirt and long pants. The only time the shorts come out is at the beach and pool, and I don't own any shirts without collars. I do allow myself the luxury of wearing sneakers on occasion, much to the disgust of one of my British colleagues who is even more strict in his dress.

I'm not suggesting it's for everyone, and I'm usually dripping sweat (but smelling fine) in 5 minutes time. But then, I sweat in blizzards- mine are cold weather people...and no amount of clothes shedding or uber strength antiperspirant is going to keep me dry in the tropics. 2-5 quick showers a day and a lot of laundry keep it from turning rank.

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I'm sitting here in Isaan with only my sarong on, with the neighbor having the same attire drinking lao khao. Nobody bats an eye, it's bloody 37DegC with no wind in here. I would be happy to see some Edwardian puritan perish in 15 mins in this heat with the penguin suit on.

Personally, I don't care if guys wear shirts or not- (until they sit down next to me to eat). But I'm sensitive to the fact that I'm in a foreign country. And not knowing exactly what's acceptable, I try to err on the conservative side.

To this day, I have not left my apartment in BKK without a collared shirt and long pants. The only time the shorts come out is at the beach and pool, and I don't own any shirts without collars. I do allow myself the luxury of wearing sneakers on occasion, much to the disgust of one of my British colleagues who is even more strict in his dress.

I'm not suggesting it's for everyone, and I'm usually dripping sweat (but smelling fine) in 5 minutes time. But then, I sweat in blizzards- mine are cold weather people...and no amount of clothes shedding or uber strength antiperspirant is going to keep me dry in the tropics. 2-5 quick showers a day and a lot of laundry keep it from turning rank.

good old colonials.. stiff uper lip and all that,,,

do your tunic up boy,,,lol

each to there own i say,,

live and let live,,,


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Ask yourself - if you walked outside in your own country without a shirt, would people be comfortable with your appearance? Do the local Thai's walk/ride around your area with no shirt?

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Interestingly, Palma de Mallorca just changed it's laws with regards to clothing... from June on, it is prohibited to walk around without wearing shirt inside the city or using the public transport not wearing a shirt. For women, wearing a bikini only in those places is also prohibited. Fine is from 50 to 200 Euro...

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Interestingly, Palma de Mallorca just changed it's laws with regards to clothing... from June on, it is prohibited to walk around without wearing shirt inside the city or using the public transport not wearing a shirt. For women, wearing a bikini only in those places is also prohibited. Fine is from 50 to 200 Euro...

They also banned bottles on the beach and Sangria buckets.

I don't see a lot of people walking around shirtless in downtown London or Berlin, why do it in SE Asia. And some people contemplating walking around shirtless should take a long hard look in a mirror.

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I have heard that if a man takes off his shirt and walks down the street people with think he is crazy. It is illegal to do this?

Several times while riding my motor bike on the hot main ring roads I have take off my shirt for a suntan. I got a few smiles and I hope I am not offending anyone. I also joined the pool at Hillside condo in CM and it is a great place to work on my tan and swim. I have heard of Katoys - ladyboys being arrested for going shirtless but I don't know the status of their chests! implants or hormones could be a factor. I have a an athletic body with not much flab so I don't think I am obscene to anyone. Should I go shirtless? Is there a chance that I could be arrested or yelled at? Any ideas on this will be welcomed.

thanks ,


Thais are generally very tolerant of others for the most part. It seems like I have seen more Thais shirtless in urban (central thai ) areas compared with the rural areas. As far as modesty, rural Thais seem to keep their conservative ideals. If you are in a touristy area. Thais would normally say "it's okay he's a foreigner". They say the same in other areas but I would say the majority think its tacky. Beach and pool it's okay. Keep it classy. Remember. They watch us much more than themselves. As per their culture and my eyeballs please keep your shirt on in public places.

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It's sometimes shocking to see shirtless Russian men parading around the luxury mall in Pattaya. But they are usually quite hot, so it's a good kind of shock! My feeling is this is no big deal. If the guy is ugly just look away, if not, an unexpected treat. Of course talking about Pattaya where traditional Thai culture is irrelevant.

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It's sometimes shocking to see shirtless Russian men parading around the luxury mall in Pattaya. But they are usually quite hot, so it's a good kind of shock! My feeling is this is no big deal. If the guy is ugly just look away, if not, an unexpected treat. Of course talking about Pattaya where traditional Thai culture is irrelevant.

Luxury mall in Pattaya ?

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I see many many men enjoying a cool breeze on their bare chests all the time, in many situations So I'd say, yes it is perfectly acceptable to do so outside and in your home.

Probably not so OK in social situations, and certainly not in business , (or the grocery for hygiene's sake) but riding around on a motorcycle is certainly within the realm of OK .

Why are people so uptight about ? And why are male nipples and breasts OK, but female not? Pleanty of overweight men have breasts larger than than most women in Thailand, why criminalize one gender? Chests are not genitalia, believe it or not.

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I see many many men enjoying a cool breeze on their bare chests all the time, in many situations So I'd say, yes it is perfectly acceptable to do so outside and in your home.

Probably not so OK in social situations, and certainly not in business , (or the grocery for hygiene's sake) but riding around on a motorcycle is certainly within the realm of OK .

Why are people so uptight about ? And why are male nipples and breasts OK, but female not? Pleanty of overweight men have breasts larger than than most women in Thailand, why criminalize one gender? Chests are not genitalia, believe it or not.

I had the pleasure recently to have two very overweight, very sweaty gentlemen sitting next to me in a restaurant. Yes, they had big boobs but it still put me right off lunch. Ditto guests coming to the breakfast topless (where is the "puke" icon?).

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As far as the weather factors goes...

going shirtless has little or no benefit in terms of keeping cool over what a light silk or cotton shirt would provide, unless you happen to have a drenched shirt and need to cool off from a sudden breeze for example (unlikely).

Looking and dressing like a flea infested backpacker is along these same lines...

No reason to do it really over putting on something average, unless you are sending a message to others.

Just like everything else that pushes the boundry, it's really about the people themselves either...

wanting to attract attention (negative or positive), needing people to look at them (for example showing off their physique) or needing to say something to others who are not interested in seeing or hearing about it in most cases.

I used to know a guy who enjoyed 'having a few beers with his shirt off'. Seems like a very manly thing to do with other men. In fact, eventually I discovered there were other reasons for 'letting it go' so to speak. Just giving you a heads up that things are not always as they seem. jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

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I had the pleasure recently to have two very overweight, very sweaty gentlemen sitting next to me in a restaurant. Yes, they had big boobs but it still put me right off lunch. Ditto guests coming to the breakfast topless (where is the "puke" icon?).

Yes that's nasty but still not as bad as ciggie smokers blowing their smoke at you ...

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I had the pleasure recently to have two very overweight, very sweaty gentlemen sitting next to me in a restaurant. Yes, they had big boobs but it still put me right off lunch. Ditto guests coming to the breakfast topless (where is the "puke" icon?).

Yes that's nasty but still not as bad as ciggie smokers blowing their smoke at you ...

You reckon................coffee1.gif

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I had the pleasure recently to have two very overweight, very sweaty gentlemen sitting next to me in a restaurant. Yes, they had big boobs but it still put me right off lunch. Ditto guests coming to the breakfast topless (where is the "puke" icon?).

Yes that's nasty but still not as bad as ciggie smokers blowing their smoke at you ...

You reckon................coffee1.gif

Yes, I do. Was I not clear?

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Going shirtless is ok on the beach, but should stop there.

.....and I agree about smokers smoke wafting over you when you are trying to eat (most of the time the fag is burning away whilst being held at a distance from the person holding it) ............very smelly xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png

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