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New Thai PM open to talks with protesters

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New Thai PM open to talks with protesters

BANGKOK, May 12, 2014 (AFP) - Thailand's new prime minister on Monday offered talks with protesters trying to topple the government, as his political rivals pushed for the appointment of an unelected leader to take power.

"We are open for dialogue," said Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan, who took the helm last week after a controversial court ruling removed Yingluck Shinawatra and nine of her ministers from office.

"Let's talk. But let's talk realistically," he told foreign reporters, playing down fears that the country is teetering on the brink.

"I don't think there will be a civil war. It has been six months and we manage to run the country quite well," Niwattumrong said.

Opposition demonstrators are threatening to step up their six-month campaign to overthrow the government.

But the government's supporters, known as the "Red Shirts', say they will not tolerate any move to hand power to an unelected regime, warning it could lead to civil war.

The opposition protesters want the Senate (upper house of parliament) -- almost half of whose members are unelected -- to remove the weakened cabinet, but it is unclear whether such a move is possible under the constitution.

The country has not had a functioning lower house since Yingluck dissolved parliament in

December for elections that were later voided because of disruption by protesters.

Some members of the Senate held a meeting on Monday to seek a solution to the crisis.

Paiboon Nittitawan, an appointed senator and prominent government critic, urged the upper house to choose a new prime minister "immediately, for the sake of security and the economy".

"We cannot allow the crisis to drag on," he said.

Senate speaker-elect Surachai Liangboonlertchai told reporters before the talks that he would draft a "roadmap" out of the crisis as soon as possible but did not reveal his plan.

Fewer than 90 senators, out of a total of 150, attended the meeting amid questions about whether the upper house is entitled to hold a debate on the crisis in the present circumstances.

Thailand has been shaken by periodic bouts of political protests and street violence since Yingluck's elder brother Thaksin Shinawatra was deposed as premier by royalist generals in 2006.

The kingdom is bitterly divided between foes and supporters of the billionaire tycoon turned populist politician, who lives in Dubai to avoid jail for a corruption conviction.

At least 25 people have been killed in recent months in political violence often targeting opposition protesters.

Niwattumrong said he would hold talks with poll officials on Wednesday about a new general election scheduled for July 20, rejecting the opposition's demand to delay the vote until reforms have been introduced to tackle corruption.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-05-12

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I like this much better than paratroopers.

Hope something comes out of it, wonder how much leeway he got to cut a deal.

And of course, need to wait for Suthep's answer (although maybe this is already arranged).

A bit of good news to wrap the day.

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Nice try but sutep and the yellows have to much face to lose to even think of a compromise or any olive brach being offered.

There is no way this looney will even entertain the thought of negotiation he's to busy threatening and intimidating anyone and everyone who dare oppose him while the fake monk is out there defending his hired thugs.

And where's the lame duck dems leader in all this?

Awaiting instruction from the self proclaimed peoples medium?

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The protesters are too childish and immature to accept anything else but "their way"

Its a shame Thailand has to be held hostage to these yellow shirt petty tyrants

Some people here have a short or selective memory, or both..,.

2010. Enough said!

Then, you realise that what is going on now is pretty much "soft"

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Until all these politicians realize that a lot of loss of face is needed for a peace broking deal to be hatched - nothing will proceed.Personally I am neither pro or for - it's not my country or my right but I really thing it's not going to get anywhere until Suthep starts being flexible. You cannot negotiate without movement.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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cant we bring in Herr Hitler here somewhere ,what would he have done ,sent in the SS to settle the argument

Strike SS type in "Cambodian border guard paratrooping police" either way they're Shinawatra hired assassins who've murdered 28 protestors so far!!

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Nice try but sutep and the yellows have to much face to lose to even think of a compromise or any olive brach being offered.

There is no way this looney will even entertain the thought of negotiation he's to busy threatening and intimidating anyone and everyone who dare oppose him while the fake monk is out there defending his hired thugs.

And where's the lame duck dems leader in all this?

Awaiting instruction from the self proclaimed peoples medium?

I think Abhisit came up with some proposals and Yingluck seemed to say they should be looked at which sounded hopeful. Then something changed. I don't know what but maybe Thaksin made his own decision. Anyway the new caretaker PM is at least saying the right things but I think he needs to speak to Abhisit as well. If you want a political solution you need to talk to the opposition not just the guy who shouts loudest.

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Well, today was the Final Fight. The really final we are not kidding final fight to end all fights forever and amen.

Tomorrow will be the next Final Fight. Maybe Wednesday or Friday....or next week...or next month....

There is no Final Fight, just a group who loves being on stage, in the middle of things, and on TV.

I hear a whambulance coming. Wah, wah, wah....

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Well, today was the Final Fight. The really final we are not kidding final fight to end all fights forever and amen.

Tomorrow will be the next Final Fight. Maybe Wednesday or Friday....or next week...or next month....

There is no Final Fight, just a group who loves being on stage, in the middle of things, and on TV.

I hear a whambulance coming. Wah, wah, wah....

The whinebulance is here already thanks to your post

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The protesters are too childish and immature to accept anything else but "their way"

Its a shame Thailand has to be held hostage to these yellow shirt petty tyrants

I see zero difference between red and yellow in this regard, both sides are saying my way or the highway. Blaming one group or the other seems stupid to me, they are equally capable of violence and are both refusing to budge.

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He's not actually the PM, but any attempts to talk from Pheu Thai should be welcomed. It's a start.

" It has been six months and we manage to run the country quite well," Niwattumrong said. "

This is where fantasy really takes a turn for the worse. How could anyone possibly estimate the country has run well during the last six months - from an administration that has been on life-support since dissolution on December 9 - and particularly by this man - who turned in such a lackluster defense of Yingluck at the NACC and played such a sad role in the rice scheme ? Would the rice farmers by any chance share his estimation of the success of the last six months ? Would the BAAC ? How about the banks that had large swaths of their customers nationwide withdraw their accounts ? What about all the challenges to the judicial system by Pheu Thai ? Dis that boost domestic confidence ? What about Surapong clinging to his post after the Constitutional Court's ruling ? What about Chalerm heading CAPO after circulating a ridiculous memo ( from CAPO itself, of course ) that said he was innocent because he wasn't in cabinet at the time of the Thawil transfer - a fact that clearly the Constitutional Court disagreed with, by the way. No matter, they've been overruled by CAPO. CAPO's defense of Chalerm stands. So there. How is that particular charade playing before the public ? Was that part of the success story of the last six months, as well ? CAPO overrules the Constitutional Court ? What about the stock market ? How did it do ? What about investor confidence ? Going gangbusters ? What about the drying up of whatever was left or hoped for in the tourist industry ? What about the fifty countries that have issued travel warnings ?

There's trying to put the best face forward. And then there's putting on a brand new face.

My dear Scamp, yin your zeal you seem to have forgotten one important aspect.

What about all those TV posters who have told us that the anti-government protesters are ruining the country, block payments for desperate farmers, scare away investors and tourists alike and so.

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He is starting out affecting a moderate posture which is welcome but his hands are probably tied as far as any talks are concerned. As a rather low level functionary in the grand scheme of things, he is unlikely to have any authority to make any concessions. He will also be gone soon, if the NACC decides to indict him over the rice pledging scheme. His predecessor at the Commerce Ministry, Boonsong, is in hot water over documents he signed to sell rice at low prices to facilitate the exports to China that didn't take place. It would have been difficult for Niwatthamrong succeed Boonsong without either either implicating himself or blowing the whistle.

It's a pity. He comes across as a reasonable individual who might be able to do something useful, if given a free hand.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Scamper another great post BYW

The problem with this guy never mind the fact that he has no official right to claim he is a PM he is at best a party spokesperson - is the fact that in his statement he said the one thing he knows that PDRC or the Dems will not agree to - Elections without reforms - that is simply not going to happen and the sooner everybody realises the better, only then can this thing move forward

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Nice try but sutep and the yellows have to much face to lose to even think of a compromise or any olive brach being offered.

There is no way this looney will even entertain the thought of negotiation he's to busy threatening and intimidating anyone and everyone who dare oppose him while the fake monk is out there defending his hired thugs.

And where's the lame duck dems leader in all this?

Awaiting instruction from the self proclaimed peoples medium?

I think Abhisit came up with some proposals and Yingluck seemed to say they should be looked at which sounded hopeful. Then something changed. I don't know what but maybe Thaksin made his own decision. Anyway the new caretaker PM is at least saying the right things but I think he needs to speak to Abhisit as well. If you want a political solution you need to talk to the opposition not just the guy who shouts loudest.

That might be a difficult one for the parrot to understand. smile.png

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The protesters are too childish and immature to accept anything else but "their way"

Its a shame Thailand has to be held hostage to these yellow shirt petty tyrants

The amnesty was the key to the mega problems, who were the tyrants then ??? everyone had to accept their childish want-----they came unstuck by being power crazy--control freaks only exist in Nth Korea--Zimbabwe etc. They couldn't pull it off here.

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The protesters are too childish and immature to accept anything else but "their way"

Its a shame Thailand has to be held hostage to these yellow shirt petty tyrants

The amnesty was the key to the mega problems, who were the tyrants then ??? everyone had to accept their childish want-----they came unstuck by being power crazy--control freaks only exist in Nth Korea--Zimbabwe etc. They couldn't pull it off here.

mmmmmm…………………… but “ power crazy--control freaks “don't usually want a general election? unsure.png

Now which side does that sound like?giggle.gif

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Nice try but sutep and the yellows have to much face to lose to even think of a compromise or any olive brach being offered.

There is no way this looney will even entertain the thought of negotiation he's to busy threatening and intimidating anyone and everyone who dare oppose him while the fake monk is out there defending his hired thugs.

And where's the lame duck dems leader in all this?

Awaiting instruction from the self proclaimed peoples medium?

There are times when you talk sense and there are times where I need to check whether the Spluttering Sparrow is posting.

Suthep has painted himself into a corner and needs to rethink

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Who cares about opening talks with the PDRC protesters? Isn't May 13th Suthep's Final Victory Day? Suthep has won his victory, the new PM just doesn't know it.

Wait. The fact that there is still a PM means there is still an Interim Government in the hands of the PTP, so there is no victory as yet. I'm sure we'll soon hear of a new and improved Final Push sometime in the next 2-3 months.

In order for the July 20th election date to happen, I estimate that the royal decree must be issued by May 20th. But the EC has thus far decided it has the sole power to determine election dates and states the Committee has no interest to hold elections until all political conflicts have been resolved. This approach essentially usurps the purpose of a parliament that, in a democractic society, is where political conflicts are confronted. Once past the May 20th date, EC will essentially have overthrown the government by denying the constitutional electoral process in favor of an unelected, appointed government.

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Fancy the yellow brigade throwing back in the reds faces like they are as pure as the driven snow!

Why even mention abhisit he's like the gimp from pulp fiction!

Sutep just drags him out now and again to suit his own agenda they stows him away.

Where has he been when these thug yellows have been running around stabbing bashing trying to shut down media outlets?

Not one statement from this lame duck.

The PTP go to any court or commission and the results the same because it's stacked with yellow sympathises who's bias verdicts time after time frustrate the people that voted them in.

Go ahead follow the yellow brick with a fascist that takes away peoples right to vote intimidates bullies and harasses anyone who dare opposes him and it's allowed to get away with Scott free.

And the fake monk is in the same boat!

Both Teflon coated and untouchable!

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YOu and Scamper and the like can rail on the government all you want, saying it's not really the government, the Yingluck government continues to be backed by CAPO, and even the military has now come out against an senate appointed PM.. So I guess the government feels pretty good working out of the office of the Permanent Secratary of Defense. Those idiot appointed senators can screw around with informal meetings all they want, none of their un-official, informal decisions will ever have the force of law.. so don't hold your breath for their big decision this week.

Scamper another great post BYW

The problem with this guy never mind the fact that he has no official right to claim he is a PM he is at best a party spokesperson - is the fact that in his statement he said the one thing he knows that PDRC or the Dems will not agree to - Elections without reforms - that is simply not going to happen and the sooner everybody realises the better, only then can this thing move forward

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Fancy the yellow brigade throwing back in the reds faces like they are as pure as the driven snow!

Why even mention abhisit he's like the gimp from pulp fiction!

Sutep just drags him out now and again to suit his own agenda they stows him away.

Where has he been when these thug yellows have been running around stabbing bashing trying to shut down media outlets?

Not one statement from this lame duck.

The PTP go to any court or commission and the results the same because it's stacked with yellow sympathises who's bias verdicts time after time frustrate the people that voted them in.

Go ahead follow the yellow brick with a fascist that takes away peoples right to vote intimidates bullies and harasses anyone who dare opposes him and it's allowed to get away with Scott free.

And the fake monk is in the same boat!

Both Teflon coated and untouchable!

How about proven criminals and terrorists within red ranks finally start obeying the laws of the land? It's preposterous to keep breaking laws and rules, act criminally, rob the country blind and expect the courts to support you.

First and foremost, there is no normal country in the world which would allow a criminaland fugitive from the justice to run their government via social media. Convicted criminals belong behind the bars. Full stop. After that country could finally move on.

Edited by Mackie
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