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Nigeria scorns Boko Haram's captive girls swap offer


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Nigeria scorns Boko Haram's captive girls swap offer

LAGOS: -- Nigeria has insisted it will not agree to a request to free imprisoned Islamic militants in return for the release of dozens of kidnapped schoolgirls.

Interior Minister Abba Moro said Boko Haram, the group holding the girls, was in no moral position to make the offer.

However, the information ministry had earlier said all options were on the table, after the group released a video of the girls and suggested a swap.

Boko Haram snatched more than 200 girls from a school on 14 April.

About 50 children escaped, and it is not known how many are still being held.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-27386285

-- BBC 2014-05-13

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Meanwhile, US Marines have been captured some of them.
Savages meet hi-tech soldiers.

i hope some of them resist arrest and i hope they do not end up in Guantanamo deluxe facility.

Edited by Cat ji
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so how come, the good islam community is not organising something to get rid of these bad people

or is it like in thailand, they just dont care.. girls kidnapped? not my daughter , attitude ?

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Meanwhile, US Marines have been captured some of them.

Savages meet hi-tech soldiers.

i hope some of them resist arrest and i hope they do not end up in Guantanamo deluxe facility.

I am extremely pleased to hear this Cat ji.

The Western world failed so miserably in Rwanda, there are sometimes you just have to press the trigger.

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so how come, the good islam community is not organising something to get rid of these bad people

or is it like in thailand, they just dont care.. girls kidnapped? not my daughter , attitude ?

The Nigerian government actually makes the Thai government look efficient and uncorrupt by comparison.

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I've yet to hear of any Islamic country or international group publicly condemn the actions of extremists Islamic groups like the Taliban or Boko Haram. Maybe ... hopefully ... it's happened, but if so it's a very weak voice.

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Boko Harem 'Fighters' Why do the media keep calling this group Fighters?

Like other than frightened defenseless school teachers and children, plus old men and women in the villages they terrorize who have they actually fought, Wow, these brave warriors? Dr 'Good Luck' Johnson is not having much luck here now is he?? Prob as nothing in it for him

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