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Ex-PMs Thaksin Shinawatra, Yingluck Shinawatra to establish government in exile

Lite Beer

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I think YingLuck needs to start relations with President of Nigeria, who is fortunate to hold the legal title "Goodluck Jonathan" - it is the only way Lady (Ying) Luck will escape immense scrutiny at any level for every step she takes in the Kingdom whilst the military are in Control.

In respect to setting up a "government in exile", with one member of the family fleeing the country and hiding from the law and having other cases which were pending at the time he fled, I do not think anyone serious about having corrupt politicians will allow anyone from the previous regime, nor pending persons associated with cases against high ranking Democrat and Anti-Government groups leave the country anytime soon.

Let's hope that their passports are taken, they are kept on a very tight leash, and that any group voted into power does not use loopholes in the law to allow "favorable" members to leave the country through corrupt and questionable means.

In times like now, I wonder if a split MMP approach, however dysfunctional and unproductive, may be more productive than a one sided single party free-for-all that either party might provide to facilitate themselves and their friends "above the law and above the land".

To put your feet above the land, and above Buddha, even not in physical form but through conceptual approaches and treatment of persons you have sworn to protect is against the principles of the land and of those who fought and resisted foreign enemies long before the Shin Clan had even set foot in Thailand - and that goes for the North, South, Central and Isaan. It is time that Thai people took their country back and resisted corruption from all sides and especially corruption from entities using borders as barriers from punishment for their ongoing crimes against the people.

Edited by TheGhostWithin
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Posted 2014-01-30 15:02:39

Red shirts in Chiang Mai in favour of new capital in case of coup.

So this idea went out the window then? Or are they just waiting to get out of detention?

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This is shows how much Thaksin cares about Thailand! And any country recognizing a exile government formed by Thaksin or anyone else are not looking to the best for Thailand!

There would never be peace talks!!!

The best thing for the police/army or who ever have the power is to send out a Interpol arrest warrant for Thaksin's arrest after all he is a convicted fugitive!

UN, US and EU please give Thailand a chance, if you would recognize a Thai government in exile led by Thaksin or anyone else then the peace process for Thailand this would become a new Iraq or Yugoslavia . The only way to get this country back on track is to let the peace come from within, many of the Thai people want this and the rest need to accept it. Otherwise there will be no peace in this country for many years to come!

Peace talk means elections now.

There was an attempt of the army to conducts talks, which appeared a complite hox, just to lure in political leaders and detain them. A trick from history books, stalin comes to mind.

Yingluck was trying reçonciliation, set up a commision, democrats declined to participate.

She tried an amnesty bill, to start from the scratch. Answer from democrats was resigning from the parliament en masse and joing street mob.

She tried to run an election, democrats boycotted and blokaded polling stations.

Looks, like there can't be talks between the majority of population, democratically minded, and the minority, who use pover of military to cling to power.

Army has nothing to do with peace talks, an opposite would be true - they are the driving force behind authocratic politics.

The world won't be buying your peace story, you should realise it for the last 7 months.

Something for you to think

I realized that blatant amnesty plans for rich fugitives is going to be one step beyond ones destruction.

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So much for his ' I've quit politics' mantra. Note to self: never believe the man.

It would be irresponsible of him to allow this current dictatorship to continue their human rights violations unchallenged. He is far from perfect to be sure, but when given the choice between a quasi-corrupt politician and a violent military dictatorship, I'd pick the imperfect politician every time.

A "violent military dictatorship"? Apparently you consider confiscating very large amounts of weapons, (including grenade launchers, mines, pipe bombs, and assault rifles), from the red shirts, as violence.

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Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

He made this statement last Thursday whilst be interviewed by Australian media, (ABC) his interviewed was beamed live into Thailand via the Australian network. The Thai Military have no power to stop the Australian government T.V station from broadcasting.

They don't need to, they have the power to stop Thai broadcasters rebroadcasting it...besides Mr Abbott will close it down.

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Today they added Thaksin's son to list of those detained. Looks like the general has almost all the trump cards in his hand.

Don't think so

Where is the jack of diamond's

Jack of diamonds?

Let's see...

Queen of diamonds? Check. Detained

The Joker(Chalerm) Check. Detained

Deuce of spades(Jatuporn) Check detained

So I guess the jack of diamonds He's holed up in London

Wrong deck.

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Thaksin is a crafty, cunning, amoral political beast. Imagine it: The military will know that if they keep Yingluck in custody, she will now become an international martyr. BUT: If they release her, there is a very real chance that someone on the Red side would seek to do her harm -- maybe even very serious harm -- in order to make her even MORE of a martyr. Anticipating this possibility, the military might then decide to release her from custody but then expel her from Thailand. At least she would be physically safe in Dubai. But she's such an international "darling" that Thaksin could then take her from national capital to national capital, paying for her to meet with world leaders and testify tearfully before parliaments and congresses about the endangerment of Thai democracy. And there is no doubt whatsoever that she would be a sympathetic character abroad. Remember how smitten Obama seemed to be when he met with her. But it's not just males. Even Hillary Clinton, who could very well become the next US president, treated Yingluck as an elder sister would treat a younger sister.

The only hope is that Obama, Clinton, and other world leaders will see through the Thaksin move and recognize how manipulative and cynical it shockingly is. World publics won't see through it -- they mindlessly consider Thaksin already to be a martyr for democracy. But world leaders might recognize the diabolical move for what it is.

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This story has it all....... re:

-Thaksin's intent to fight to the death, the Red's and his private army deaths, not him of course.

-Thaksin's growing madness.

-Slime Robert Amsterdam who earns money from Thaksin and other petty dictators and tyrants world wide, is the same man who Post quoted as saying the monarchy has to go, and in front of the Red Shirts camp a few days ago. Note that no reports of Reds condemning Amsterdam's comments, signaling Reds real intentions.

-America and its tv networks want their puppet Thaksin. Take names of the networks.

-American govt and biz interests want puppet Thaksin.

-Foreign news formerly dismissed as too few the thousands of protesters with whistles, but now credits a hundred as representative of anti coup feelings.

Robert slime "lawyer" to Thaksin says:

Lets see, where to set up a govt in exile? Gosh, maybe Somalia, uh maybe Nigeria with Mr. Goodluck, let me "think," where can Thaksin buy a spot.... oh oh, this is not as easy as it looks.......North Korea, nah too cold for him..... uh uh, let me get back to you on this."

Way way too much tolerated of Thaksin's madness. My reality tv show script is in development as per this msg.

Please do not say America and Americans want the puppet Thaksin. It's the corporate globalists stationed there.

Wishes in America for a coup there to save them from these kind of enforcing globalists are getting louder by the minute.

I can assure you that America has no interest in supporting your idiotic plutocratic , militaristic paradise chump. Our government has placed sanctions against Thailand for a reason, and us Americans support it. smile.png

This American doesn't... even as trivial and inconsequential as the sanctions are.

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Today they added Thaksin's son to list of those detained. Looks like the general has almost all the trump cards in his hand.

Don't think so

Where is the jack of diamond's

Jack of diamonds?

Let's see...

Queen of diamonds? Check. Detained

The Joker(Chalerm) Check. Detained

Deuce of spades(Jatuporn) Check detained

So I guess the jack of diamonds He's holed up in London

Unless I missed Chalerm and Jatuporn being re-detain then I believe they are still free.

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"It is understood Ms Yingluck and several former ministers now being detained plan to join the protester-led government."

".."We are unsure of her whereabouts because the military confiscated her mobile phones and those of her aides.".."

So how did Yingluck communicate her intentions?

It does seem a bit odd while she's still in detention.

situation normal for taksin. me me me and me syndrome

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The banner should read "Thaksin and Yingluck the comedy duo appearing daily".

Yes indeed, and they will be a comedy duo, that is until the first foreign nation recognizes them Should the U.N., E.U., U.S., Japan or another major country recognize them as the rightful leaders of a government in exile, then the comedy will not be so funny for those military leaders who put themselves out on a limb. If they do indeed set up a government in exile then I think that the U.N. would likely be the first to recognize them and start sanctions against Thailand wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

Regardless of UN, US, EU or whatever international condemnation of the coup, absolutely no country (except perhaps N. Korea or Zimbabwe and such-like) will recognise a fugitive ex PM and a sacked PM as a legitimate government in exile. Now had Yingluck been deposed by the coup, it might have been a different matter, but she wasn't. She was legally dismissed.

You are quite naive my friend, the constitutional (kangoroo) courts verdict of Ms. Shinawatra was the first shot fired in the coup wink.png Ms. Shinawatra and the Senate that was just overthrown by mein General are viewed as the "legal" government of Thailand by most of the worlds major powers thumbsup.gif Should the new military dictator of Thailand call for elections later this summer, then it may appease some of these countries so long as the newly elected government takes over full control of the country and the military steps back to where they belong wai2.gif With that said I think that Prayuth is skating on some very thin ice at the moment, should he postpone elections until "some vague future date" then I think that there could very well be economic sanctions imposed by many nations on Thailand, and given that Thailand is currently in a recession this would not bode well for the Thai economy for many years hence wai2.gif

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What would a Govt in exile be able to accomplish? Other than keeping the hate fires burning brightly.

Lao and Tibet have governments in exile.During the second war,most of the European countries has a government in exile.After the war they took over the nazi governments.

Same idea in Thailand.maybe the democrats will do the same.

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This story has it all....... re:

-Thaksin's intent to fight to the death, the Red's and his private army deaths, not him of course.

-Thaksin's growing madness.

-Slime Robert Amsterdam who earns money from Thaksin and other petty dictators and tyrants world wide, is the same man who Post quoted as saying the monarchy has to go, and in front of the Red Shirts camp a few days ago. Note that no reports of Reds condemning Amsterdam's comments, signaling Reds real intentions.

-America and its tv networks want their puppet Thaksin. Take names of the networks.

-American govt and biz interests want puppet Thaksin.

-Foreign news formerly dismissed as too few the thousands of protesters with whistles, but now credits a hundred as representative of anti coup feelings.

Robert slime "lawyer" to Thaksin says:

Lets see, where to set up a govt in exile? Gosh, maybe Somalia, uh maybe Nigeria with Mr. Goodluck, let me "think," where can Thaksin buy a spot.... oh oh, this is not as easy as it looks.......North Korea, nah too cold for him..... uh uh, let me get back to you on this."

Way way too much tolerated of Thaksin's madness. My reality tv show script is in development as per this msg.

Please do not say America and Americans want the puppet Thaksin. It's the corporate globalists stationed there.

Wishes in America for a coup there to save them from these kind of enforcing globalists are getting louder by the minute.

I can assure you that America has no interest in supporting your idiotic plutocratic , militaristic paradise chump. Our government has placed sanctions against Thailand for a reason, and us Americans support it. smile.png

This American doesn't... even as trivial and inconsequential as the sanctions are.

Who cares about the US anyhow these days?? They are not number one anymore out here. And in any case history has proven that they might give some lipservice about democracy and blablabla but don't care at all as long as they can still make business with any dictatorship on this earth.

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Only ignorant westerners would consider them freedom fighters. Most Thais would think they are stupid. Like I've said before, outsiders should refrain from commenting on domestic affairs. They simply don't know, and the US disgusts me for trying to force their ideology on other nations. Most of the Americans I know that live here, seem to have a more balanced view of he situation.

Ignorant, stupid, outsiders, westerners, they don't know - political arguments from the finest thai intelectual elits, not ashamed of their own stupidity and xenofobia.

~What we Thai people DO know is how our country runs even though it may not be perfect - you should stay in your own country and sort out Britains many problems - we don't need people like you here - When did you last see a Thai telling your people on a forum how to run their country? If you like Thaksin so much move from London to Dubai NOT to Thailand.

only educated, thinking people have an opinion.

Edited by Rorri
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Well, I think he has just assured an extended period of detention for all PTP members currently in custody, and I now envisage an all-out effort to get KhunT back to Thailand to face the music. This has to be the craziest thing Thaksin has ever set out to do, and it will certainly prove to be his undoing...!!

Like many posters on this forum, you are stuck in the tram lines of linear thought. This is not about Thaksin or PTP. This announcement would not have been made unless there was backing from some very serious players. Players who are above Thaksin's level and who have the necessary assets and global political and business connections to make it happen.

Who are they?

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If Thaksin in fact said this, he is just baiting the military.

The military will crush him and any rabble of farmers armed with kabutas and shovels.

To give the guy any credit that he could somehow create a government in absentia, create an army of any resistance and do what his Sister could not do whilst in power shows the limited understanding of the power of the Thai military.

Prayuth has played an excellent hand and holds all the cards...except the Joker...but for how long?

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A nice squeaky-clean, trustworthy government courtesy of one of the biggest family of rogues, cheats, charlatans and evil corrupt parasites on the planet.

Utopia indeed.

Aren't the coup leaders really the ones promising a "Utopia"? You just need more "time to think" about this, that's all. Room and board during your "thinking" could be provided by the "National Peace and Order Maintaining* Council" (NPOMC) folks, partially from the largesse of the USA ... until that runs out. I've become very familiar with the NPOMC test pattern, since it replaced FoxNews, BBC, Australia Q, etc.

* = Shouldn't that be "Maintenance"? Do you think I need "time to think" about this?

Edited by MaxYakov
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What would a Govt in exile be able to accomplish? Other than keeping the hate fires burning brightly.

I think the objective is that - in the case of international intervention - the government in exile would be allowed to return to power if the junta were overthrown. Memory may fail me but I think that's happened in other countries with "governments in exile". (No, I can't provide an example but I think it's occurred, historically speaking.)

Dalai Lama has one government in exile for Tibet.

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Dream on,

There is no money to be stolen unless you governing inside Thailand ,

Who in the rest of the world is going to recognise a convicted criminal fugative as a Countries leader, other than maybe a few countries also run by criminals.

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I think the objective is that - in the case of international intervention - the government in exile would be allowed to return to power if the junta were overthrown. Memory may fail me but I think that's happened in other countries with "governments in exile". (No, I can't provide an example but I think it's occurred, historically speaking.)

Dalai Lama has one government in exile for Tibet.
Diplomatico used the clarifying phrase '...would be allowed to return to power.' The Tibet gov't in Exile was never allowed to return to power in their own country.
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