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God bless them one and all !


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This stuff was boring when Ricky Nelson sang of all his babes all over the world in 1961 .. still is.


And yet here you are reading and adding your two peneths worth!

Amazing Thailand!

You're absolutely right: 101 characters worth + the picture. I guess you'd prefer "I met Fa in 1987 -- she said no words; her body said it all ... but d_mn those sand fleas."

Besides, if I see a long post that starts out 'I once met', or 'a friend of mine once', or I've met x quantity of Thai girls, or other ruminations on their various conquests of the Thai female species, I just skip it.

Edited by JLCrab
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Read the OP the thread is about consenting adults. I believe a woman has to be 20 years of age to work in a bar in Thailand.

Not sure I ever mentioned consenting adults I am talking about old men trying to say they kill it with the young birds when clearly they are just paying for a hooker to sleep with them. What has the age of girls working in a bar got to do with it

Read the OP. Where does it say anything remotely like what you are ranting against?

he said further into the thread

That is not true. The OP made one post in this thread and that was the first post.

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oh yeah. but I and most others realize he's referring to old stud

I wrote, "Read the OP. Where does it say anything remotely like what you are ranting against?"

You wrote, "he said further into the thread."

We were talking about the OP.

If you want to communicate by some other means other than written words you should specify that this thread is a telepathic thread.

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oh yeah. but I and most others realize he's referring to old stud

I wrote, "Read the OP. Where does it say anything remotely like what you are ranting against?"

You wrote, "he said further into the thread."

We were talking about the OP.

If you want to communicate by some other means other than written words you should specify that this thread is a telepathic thread.

and i agreed with you . and then pointed out that everyone else is talking bout old stud. he was bragging bout his tantric prowess and everyone is enjoying it . pity u cant

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Yesterday's news gentlemen. Let's move on. We all are entitled to our own opinions, and nobody is right or wrong. Old Stud decided he wanted to have a crack at me for whatever reason and I responded in kind. No harm no foul. Definitely won't make one bit of difference in my life. I just take exception to those that won't let me express me opinion then have the gall to have a go at me personally. Disagree with what I say by all means, just leave the personal sh!* out of it and so will I. Cheers.

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I wasn't going to come back to this topic, but I have to laugh at the whole thing, and what people make up.

I have always been very young at heart, at spirit and in body. Because of genetics and that I never had a stress-filled career, I have always

looked 15 to 20 years younger than my age. When I was 63 and traveling around the US, the people I met couldn't believe I was older than 50. When I recently went back to where I came from, after gone three years, everyone was saying that I don't age - that I look so young. Honestly, if I said I was 55, nobody would believe I was that old. I believe staying young looking has everything to do with being happy and loving life, living it to the fullest.

Those who were ranting about this dirty old man, wouldn't believe that I'm the one they were obsessing about, if they saw me.

So every Thai gal I was with would ask how old I was. And I would have them guess. It was no surprise to me that ALL of them gave me the same answer an ordinary American would give me - the 45 to 50 year range. If I told them I was 65 they would never believe it - like I was lying. Because I was told the same thing all the time by ordinary people, I knew they weren't just saying I was younger to make me feel good and get a better tip.

So the irony - THEY (the working gals) didn't think they were having sex with a dirty old man. They are very comfortable with a 45 year old man. Especially one who took them to dinner, got to know them and treated them with respect. And since my body works just as good in every way as your typical man half my age, there was absolutely no problem.

It's all an illusion. And really not worth getting in a lather over.

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One question: would any of you want your daughter to be a prostitute?

I don't have any kids, but if it makes you feel better I'll ask the mother / daughter team down on soi 7 how they feel about it. coffee1.gif

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“If men could see us as we really are, they would be a little amazed; but the cleverest, the acutest men are often under an illusion about women: they do not read them in a true light: they misapprehend them, both for good and evil: their good woman is a queer thing, half doll, half angel; their bad woman almost always a fiend.”
Charlotte Brontë, Shirley

​The illusion or delusion: the good woman is always good, the bad woman always bad.

The illusion or delusion: Young men are god's gift to women. Old men are not.

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One question: would any of you want your daughter to be a prostitute?

I don't have any kids, but if it makes you feel better I'll ask the mother / daughter team down on soi 7 how they feel about it. coffee1.gif

Its how you pose a question.

Of course as a father I wouldn't.
As a man.?
A friend of mine worked as a high class working girl in UK and got 300 pounds an hour, basic!
Her clients were generally guys who didnt have the time to date because they were working so hard to make the money.
Or husbands.
I met two of her clients 'sociably'.
Both very interesting, normal looking guys.
One surprisingly only 4 years older than her, not married.
They wined and dined her and paid her exorbitant amounts of money to do this.
You know how 'stupid' the guys are here treating their special girl!
Imagine being a city trader earning 10,000's of pounds a week.
Many of her friends who were lap dancers married their customer.
If I come back as a women its top of my list as an enjoyable profession!
As a man!
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Has there ever been anybody on this website who doesn't look younger than their age?

From The Shawshank Redemption:

ANDY Hello. I'm Andy Dufresne.
RED The wife-killin' banker.
ANDY How do you know that?
RED I keep my ear to the ground. Why'd you do it?
ANDY I didn't, since you ask.
RED Hell, you'll fit right in, then. Everyone's innocent in here, don't you know that? Heywood! What are you in for, boy?
HEYWOOD Didn't do it! Lawyer <deleted> me!
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I wasn't going to come back to this topic, but I have to laugh at the whole thing, and what people make up.

I have always been very young at heart, at spirit and in body. Because of genetics and that I never had a stress-filled career, I have always

looked 15 to 20 years younger than my age. When I was 63 and traveling around the US, the people I met couldn't believe I was older than 50. When I recently went back to where I came from, after gone three years, everyone was saying that I don't age - that I look so young. Honestly, if I said I was 55, nobody would believe I was that old. I believe staying young looking has everything to do with being happy and loving life, living it to the fullest.

Those who were ranting about this dirty old man, wouldn't believe that I'm the one they were obsessing about, if they saw me.

So every Thai gal I was with would ask how old I was. And I would have them guess. It was no surprise to me that ALL of them gave me the same answer an ordinary American would give me - the 45 to 50 year range. If I told them I was 65 they would never believe it - like I was lying. Because I was told the same thing all the time by ordinary people, I knew they weren't just saying I was younger to make me feel good and get a better tip.

So the irony - THEY (the working gals) didn't think they were having sex with a dirty old man. They are very comfortable with a 45 year old man. Especially one who took them to dinner, got to know them and treated them with respect. And since my body works just as good in every way as your typical man half my age, there was absolutely no problem.

It's all an illusion. And really not worth getting in a lather over.

LAUGHABLE, they (the prostitutes) was having sex with a very old man, much older than their father. Period. You say you always looked 15/20 years younger than your age. So at 63 you looked 43 ? Nah. Please "Wise up", and do not believe what they (the prostitutes) tell you.

I really don't think you get out enough.

I'm 53.

Retired @35, here in Asia.

So I live a happy stress free life.

I don't drink , smoke or have a need to take Viagra.

My health age is 40.

Mentally I feel like I'm a strong 35 year old.

Europeans assume I'm around 48. Unfortunately my face is ingrained with laughter lines.

The Thai girls can never guess my age correctly.

Any where between 40-45 depending how much they have been around Falang.

My girlfriends say my c##k is around 21! ( Cue trolls!)

The Philippine girls have no idea at all and guess I'm 35-45.

Maybe this is because most of the Falang guys in Fillys are 60 ish.

I believe living or associating with girls around 25 years old, keeps you feeling young.

They have a joie de vivre about them which I feel is infectious.

Most women turning 30 seem to lose this !

Your only as old as the girl you are feeling, has a lot of truth in it.

This post has been written with neither prejudice nor malice intended.

But feel free to take a shot at the messenger.

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this topic is dying, so I will fess up.

I am a man who loves women. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged.

I am a man who loves sex. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged.

I am a healthy man who enjoys sex with younger women. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged. Most happily guilty.

The only gal I have had sex with under 20, was the gal who popped it when I was 20. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged.

For HeavyDrinker. I had the loving wife for years, the farm with animals, the big garden, my dream come true in rural Alaska. Two wonderful children.

Until she left me for another man who she felt would be a better lover. Took me by surprise. It happens to the best of men. And it did prompt me to learn how to be a better lover. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged.

I studied and learned about what women want sexually; how to please any woman in bed. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged.

Some think it's a crime for me to still want to be sexually active in my sixties. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged.

If they think its a crime to love life and enjoy it to the fullest - guilty as charged. Yeah. I love life. I love women. I love sex. Yeah, I'm a dirty old man you can still get it up. Yahoo!!!!

I don't give a shit what people think. I love my life. I love my freedom. I love to do as I please. And if the sour saps on TV don't like it, too f ing bad.

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I wasn't going to come back to this topic, but I have to laugh at the whole thing, and what people make up.

I have always been very young at heart, at spirit and in body. Because of genetics and that I never had a stress-filled career, I have always

looked 15 to 20 years younger than my age. When I was 63 and traveling around the US, the people I met couldn't believe I was older than 50. When I recently went back to where I came from, after gone three years, everyone was saying that I don't age - that I look so young. Honestly, if I said I was 55, nobody would believe I was that old. I believe staying young looking has everything to do with being happy and loving life, living it to the fullest.

Those who were ranting about this dirty old man, wouldn't believe that I'm the one they were obsessing about, if they saw me.

So every Thai gal I was with would ask how old I was. And I would have them guess. It was no surprise to me that ALL of them gave me the same answer an ordinary American would give me - the 45 to 50 year range. If I told them I was 65 they would never believe it - like I was lying. Because I was told the same thing all the time by ordinary people, I knew they weren't just saying I was younger to make me feel good and get a better tip.

So the irony - THEY (the working gals) didn't think they were having sex with a dirty old man. They are very comfortable with a 45 year old man. Especially one who took them to dinner, got to know them and treated them with respect. And since my body works just as good in every way as your typical man half my age, there was absolutely no problem.

It's all an illusion. And really not worth getting in a lather over.

They will tell you whatever they think you want to hear, while you are paying.

After viewing your picture, I would say you were at least 70 years old.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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I don't give a shit what people think ... as long as they've read all I've posted about myself in copious detail.

... but here's a shot courtesy Peter Pan (1954)

It's just that I am what I am

And I'm me!
When I look at myself
And I see in myself
All the wonderful things that I see
If I'm pleased with myself, and
I have ev'ry good reason to be.
Edited by JLCrab
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I wasn't going to come back to this topic, but I have to laugh at the whole thing, and what people make up.

I have always been very young at heart, at spirit and in body. Because of genetics and that I never had a stress-filled career, I have always

looked 15 to 20 years younger than my age. When I was 63 and traveling around the US, the people I met couldn't believe I was older than 50. When I recently went back to where I came from, after gone three years, everyone was saying that I don't age - that I look so young. Honestly, if I said I was 55, nobody would believe I was that old. I believe staying young looking has everything to do with being happy and loving life, living it to the fullest.

Those who were ranting about this dirty old man, wouldn't believe that I'm the one they were obsessing about, if they saw me.

So every Thai gal I was with would ask how old I was. And I would have them guess. It was no surprise to me that ALL of them gave me the same answer an ordinary American would give me - the 45 to 50 year range. If I told them I was 65 they would never believe it - like I was lying. Because I was told the same thing all the time by ordinary people, I knew they weren't just saying I was younger to make me feel good and get a better tip.

So the irony - THEY (the working gals) didn't think they were having sex with a dirty old man. They are very comfortable with a 45 year old man. Especially one who took them to dinner, got to know them and treated them with respect. And since my body works just as good in every way as your typical man half my age, there was absolutely no problem.

It's all an illusion. And really not worth getting in a lather over.

I'll bet the Thais also tell you, "You speak Thai good!"

Edited by mesquite
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I don't give a shit what people think ... as long as they've read all I've posted about myself in copious detail.

... but here's a shot courtesy Peter Pan (1954)

It's just that I am what I am

And I'm me!
When I look at myself
And I see in myself
All the wonderful things that I see
If I'm pleased with myself, and
I have ev'ry good reason to be.

No problem. I do write in copious detail, but not for the reasons you are alluding to. I am a professional novelist. That's what I do all day long, write in copious detail. My favorite Thailand based fictional novelist is John Burdett who wrote Bangkok 8. In order to write about the underbelly of Bangkok and make it feel real to the reader, you need to go out in the world and live it to some extent. Sometimes novelist even create situations which leads to great stories.

Boring people don't write great fictional novels. Nothing new/refreshing/exciting comes from always being good and following other peoples' proper life rules and regulations. I engage in TV forums because it can be so out there, off the wall bizarre, and I get to hear other opinions and points of view. I take notes and I'm sure I will use this in my writing someday. So correct - I don't give a shit, ie. I'm not attached to what people say about me. It's not an ego thing, it's all field research which my readers love. I recently spoke in front of 100 people, who applauded the honesty and details of my stories. I'm an artist who enjoys the fine nuances to detail - similar to what you do to find these wonderful quotes and witty comments. All of it comes from somewhere, research, living life, having people disagree, being labeled this or that - all juicy stuff for great fiction. And yes - Tat tvam asi - In Hindu - I am that I am - and I have every good reason to love myself.

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It's all an illusion. Is that an original? Nice to know that someone cares so little about what others think that they must continuously remind others of how little their thinking of him really means to him. You've mentioned that you write novels. I haven't heard that you mention that you write great novels.

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And I'm me!
And yes - Tat tvam asi - In Hindu - I am that I am - and I have every good reason to love myself.

OMG, you're speaking another language now. One slight error though. The language is called Hindi, a Hindu is a follower of Hinduism.

What language is <deleted> ?

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You could have summarized as follows:

I love sex, it has ruled my life. Now that I am an old man, I have to pay for it and Thailand is the only place I can live out my fantasies on my social security cheque. I justify my addiction by saying repeatedly that prostitutes find me attractive. Maybe I am going a bit dotty. smile.png

What is sexual addiction vs normal sex drive? Does it change with age? If so give me some guidelines. PS While you are at what qualifications do you have to be giving medical sex advice?

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You could have summarized as follows:

I love sex, it has ruled my life. Now that I am an old man, I have to pay for it and Thailand is the only place I can live out my fantasies on my social security cheque. I justify my addiction by saying repeatedly that prostitutes find me attractive. Maybe I am going a bit dotty. smile.png

What is sexual addiction vs normal sex drive? Does it change with age? If so give me some guidelines. PS While you are at what qualifications do you have to be giving medical sex advice?

Personal experience!

As I have become older, I want sex less often.

But I may be wrong, because when I came from the USA to Thailand, availability of sex went from extremely sparse to wildly over-abundant, so I might have suffered an overdose and burnt myself out.

Why is nothing simple?

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You could have summarized as follows:

I love sex, it has ruled my life. Now that I am an old man, I have to pay for it and Thailand is the only place I can live out my fantasies on my social security cheque. I justify my addiction by saying repeatedly that prostitutes find me attractive. Maybe I am going a bit dotty. smile.png

What is sexual addiction vs normal sex drive? Does it change with age? If so give me some guidelines. PS While you are at what qualifications do you have to be giving medical sex advice?

Here is a test you can take t find out if you are a sex addict.


Regarding sexual addiction vs normal sex drive


I am not giving medical sex advice.

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You could have summarized as follows:

I love sex, it has ruled my life. Now that I am an old man, I have to pay for it and Thailand is the only place I can live out my fantasies on my social security cheque. I justify my addiction by saying repeatedly that prostitutes find me attractive. Maybe I am going a bit dotty. smile.png

What is sexual addiction vs normal sex drive? Does it change with age? If so give me some guidelines. PS While you are at what qualifications do you have to be giving medical sex advice?

Personal experience!

As I have become older, I want sex less often.

But I may be wrong, because when I came from the USA to Thailand, availability of sex went from extremely sparse to wildly over-abundant, so I might have suffered an overdose and burnt myself out.

Why is nothing simple?

Me also, as I get older I want less sex. Maybe I burnt myself out when I was in my 20s and early 30s.

Perhaps if sex urges increase with age it is the sign of some kinda dependence/tolerance or disorder.

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You could have summarized as follows:

I love sex, it has ruled my life. Now that I am an old man, I have to pay for it and Thailand is the only place I can live out my fantasies on my social security cheque. I justify my addiction by saying repeatedly that prostitutes find me attractive. Maybe I am going a bit dotty. smile.png

What is sexual addiction vs normal sex drive? Does it change with age? If so give me some guidelines. PS While you are at what qualifications do you have to be giving medical sex advice?

Here is a test you can take t find out if you are a sex addict.


Regarding sexual addiction vs normal sex drive


I am not giving medical sex advice.

You wrote, "I love sex, it has ruled my life. Now that I am an old man, I have to pay for it and Thailand is the only place I can live out my fantasies on my social security cheque. I justify my addiction by saying repeatedly that prostitutes find me attractive. Maybe I am going a bit dotty."

If you didn't know it you have assumed the mantle of a doctor to be able to make the decision that another person is living out fantasies.

Normal sexuality vs sexual addiction is not answered on Google. SLAA veracity and even the definition of sexual addiction is widely disputed. Most medical professionals have no hesitation recommending AA but it is quite different with SLAA (in my opinion).

I know you got a hold of easy internet accessible information but you are still uninformed.

Sexual addiction is best handled by a mental health professional and not on Thai Visa.

It is not the same as AA. AA is easy, stop drinking and go to meetings. SLAA is not about stopping. So best get some better information before you begin telling people who is and who isn't a sex addict. It is my opinion SLAA is harmful. But only my opinion. Like I said it is better left to a mental health professional.

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You could have summarized as follows:

I love sex, it has ruled my life. Now that I am an old man, I have to pay for it and Thailand is the only place I can live out my fantasies on my social security cheque. I justify my addiction by saying repeatedly that prostitutes find me attractive. Maybe I am going a bit dotty. smile.png

What is sexual addiction vs normal sex drive? Does it change with age? If so give me some guidelines. PS While you are at what qualifications do you have to be giving medical sex advice?

Here is a test you can take t find out if you are a sex addict.


Regarding sexual addiction vs normal sex drive


I am not giving medical sex advice.

You wrote, "I love sex, it has ruled my life. Now that I am an old man, I have to pay for it and Thailand is the only place I can live out my fantasies on my social security cheque. I justify my addiction by saying repeatedly that prostitutes find me attractive. Maybe I am going a bit dotty."

If you didn't know it you have assumed the mantle of a doctor to be able to make the decision that another person is living out fantasies.

Normal sexuality vs sexual addiction is not answered on Google. SLAA veracity and even the definition of sexual addiction is widely disputed. Most medical professionals have no hesitation recommending AA but it is quite different with SLAA (in my opinion).

I know you got a hold of easy internet accessible information but you are still uninformed.

Sexual addiction is best handled by a mental health professional and not on Thai Visa.

It is not the same as AA. AA is easy, stop drinking and go to meetings. SLAA is not about stopping. So best get some better information before you begin telling people who is and who isn't a sex addict. It is my opinion SLAA is harmful. But only my opinion. Like I said it is better left to a mental health professional.

as lay people can and do discuss AA,so they can discuss SLAA in spite of your "opinion"

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You could have summarized as follows:

I love sex, it has ruled my life. Now that I am an old man, I have to pay for it and Thailand is the only place I can live out my fantasies on my social security cheque. I justify my addiction by saying repeatedly that prostitutes find me attractive. Maybe I am going a bit dotty. smile.png

What is sexual addiction vs normal sex drive? Does it change with age? If so give me some guidelines. PS While you are at what qualifications do you have to be giving medical sex advice?

Here is a test you can take t find out if you are a sex addict.


Regarding sexual addiction vs normal sex drive


I am not giving medical sex advice.

That's confirmed what all my girlfriends have said, 'I'm a sex addict''.

I've found it a minor inconvenience for myself.

A major one for most, not all, of my X girlfriends.

Certainly less of a 'problem' in Asia!

The secret is finding a girl with the same problem.

Personally I find a % of working girls have a higher libido than 'normal' girls.

I've assumed that's why they find it easier to go on the game.

My present girl friend has a similar libido to myself.

And she likes to watch blue movies of older guys with young chicks.

I love Thailand!

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