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Pakistan woman stoned by family outside Lahore court


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How any father could stone his own daughter to death is beyond my comprehension. Unless you have the mind set that since she wasn't a son, she's inconsequential.

That,s what many of "them" think sad.png

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But this is from Muslim thinking. You know: "Islam, the religion peace".

If all what this report says is true, why is there so little condemnation of them? Why should we have to be careful about using the the M-word?

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Hundreds of women are murdered every year in India for ignoring the Caste system.

It's more about protecting the families wealth than anything, I mean it can't be about protecting their reputation unless they like the reputation of being spiteful idiots.

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It's nothing to do with religion. It's cultural.

So if these folk were devout Christians she still would have suffered the same fate..?...

As I recall, "Thou shalt not kill" is one of the biggies in the Christian religion.........

Why doesn't it happen in Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Senegal etc.

It happens.

There is trouble everywhere the M-words/word, are/is.

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It's nothing to do with religion. It's cultural.

Religion defines culture.

Actually it is the other way around. Culture defines religion. Many of the ideas in most religions were in existence long before the religion surfaces. The religious tenets simply gave credence to the practices.

For example, compare the similarities in dietary restrictions between the Jews and the Muslims. The Jewish religion existed long before the Muslim faith was around.

As has been noted, honor killings are a part of a culture, but they are often attributed to the religion.

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Why doesn't it happen in Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Senegal etc.


one of the letters in response: from Steffen Larsen: "Some years ago the high incidence of honor murders had become an embarrassment, particularly in the eastern and more backward areas of Turkey. Tougher measures and sentences were promised."

One of many reasons Muslims are so eager to beat and hurt others: The Prophet said: Command your children to pray when they reach the age of seven and hit them if they if they do not do so by the age of ten'

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How any father could stone his own daughter to death is beyond my comprehension. Unless you have the mind set that since she wasn't a son, she's inconsequential.

By believing the creator of the universe ordered him to, and that by doing so he is helping to bring paradise to Earth.

If we, for whatever reason, choose to believe a different set of facts about the universe, then our actions will seem incomprehensible to others. That's why, despite our reluctance to do so, it is time to admit that this is a religious problem. Because this murderous father probably did this out of piety - an honest attempt to do what he felt was right. He is incorrect, of course, but that's what his religion told him and he believed it.

The key point is that it is the beliefs that matter. Believe what these people believe, and stoning ones daughter to death becomes acceptable under some circumstances. Believe what they believe, and flying an airplane into a building becomes a wise and heroic act. What would you do if you thought you could earn yourself and your family a free ticket to heaven? Perhaps a better question is what would you not do?

It's not easy, but spare a thought for the father as well. Who among us would choose to be born into a world where the best ethical guidance available advises us to murder family members to save face?

Apologists will point to the many, many, Islamic people who don't do things like this. And who, occasionally, if asked directly, will even condemn such actions up to a point. "Well, no! *I* wouldn't kill an apostate. Not these days...". But they will loudly proclaim the Koran and Hadith to be perfect in all senses and even pay to have this message spread around the world. Then, when some young fellow picks the books up and actually takes them seriously as they are written - well, then we're back to honor killings and terrorism.

At some point common sense and a real system of morality aimed at maximizing happiness must replace religious faith. It's the only way.

Edited by cocopops
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Any dude stoning a women and throwing acid on a women out of jealousy or for honor should have his little penis slapped between to small bricks and and then soaked in acid. Punishment fits crime and could be decent detergent value. Besides, do we really want morons like these procreating and spreading their gene pool any further into the world?

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Any dude stoning a women and throwing acid on a women out of jealousy or for honor should have his little penis slapped between to small bricks and and then soaked in acid. Punishment fits crime and could be decent detergent value. Besides, do we really want morons like these procreating and spreading their gene pool any further into the world?

They are working on it.....................whistling.gif

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Filthy barbarians.

It will take 1000 more years before these scum become even partly civilized.

Actually, that train has left the building, but the train is in reverse. These morons will be more moronic and engage more savagery in a 1,000 years.

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If you tried explaining that to intelligent aliens from another planet, they'd say, "Yea right. That can't be true. No species kills its own for such ridiculous reasons. No species can be so cruel."

While I agree with your sentiments, the problem is not confined to horrific headline events like this. The fact remains that most homicides worldwide are committed by people "near & dear" to the victim. Shooting or poisoning a family member or acquaintance certainly sounds less spectacular than this incident, but the end result is still the same and the logic behind the murders rarely would be considered sane by intelligent aliens or the rest of us.

In Canada:

Over the past 10 years, police identified just over 1,500 homicides committed by family members, accounting for about one-third (35%) of all solved 1 homicides (Table 4.1). The rate of family-related homicides has ranged from 4 to 6 victims per million population over this period.


In the US:

A survey of murder cases disposed

in 1988 in the courts of large urban
counties indicated that 16% of murder
victims were members of the defendant's
family. The remainder were murdered by
friends or acquaintances (64%) or by
strangers (20%). These findings are drawn
from a representative sample survey of
State and county prosecutors' records.
The survey covered disposed charges
against nearly 10,000 murder defendants,
whose murder cases accounted for over
8,000 victims.


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My apologies but here we go. American bashes, have at it.

As an American I soundly denounce such actions, where ever in the world. Now those of you who feel it is not "U.S.A.'s business" understand, I vehemently disagree whith you. Again, I fully understand that we Americans have made terrible and indefensible mistakes previously and, no doubt, will do so in the future (hopefully few). But it is my business as an American to have an opinion and to press my government to take appropriate action against such abuses. Fully understanding that there are things in my own society needing "fixing" does not diminish my wanting basic human rights for all, whether American or not. So, am I pushing American standards on others or do we have a general acceptance that all humans have some basic rights which should not be abused by any human society?

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Stuck in the stone age mentality: culturally, economically, socially, politically and theologically - no wonder, since there is nothing but stones in that country. Walk out the door: stones, as far as the eye can see, stones. You grow up with stones and you know nothing else but never-ending stones. The west supports the stoners in Stonistan financially, so they don't throw their stones in our direction, while their Muslim brothers in other countries say nothing...why? Because they have camels, nothing but camels in those other countries...and sand, lot's of sand... and an occasional goat - so they are too busy to say something about their stone throwing brothers. Yep, that's all I have to say about that.

This is one culture that begs to be extinct.

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It's nothing to do with religion. It's cultural.

So if these folk were devout Christians she still would have suffered the same fate..?...

As I recall, "Thou shalt not kill" is one of the biggies in the Christian religion.........

Why doesn't it happen in Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Senegal etc.

Who told you that? It certainly happens here in the UK, along with female genital mutilation.

The police won't intervene; "it's their culture, innit!" and must therefore be respected as part of the joys of multiculturalism.

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So sad... people of this small village in Faisalabad do follow their castes when it comes to marriage despite being Muslims. The boy who could escape was not their target as he was inferior to their caste. The family was outrageous due to their pride was undermined by their own child who build relationship to an out of family inferior caste man. Their expectation from this girl was so high without teaching her their 'family norms' properly and she was expected to understand and respect the will and honor of this poor family most of whose members would be behind bars for life.

Her husband didn't teach her how to runaway blink.png and might be reconnecting to other GFs...

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