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Whether you have a desire to get jiggy with a guy or a girl has what to do with how you treat children and your qualities as a parent?

The issue is not that, at least for those who are open minded that the norm is not the only way things can be. However the issue is whether a child should be brought up in a family with a male and female as the heads of the family or whether two males serve equally as well.

For me, the ideal is for a child to have a mum and dad as a preference but the ideal assumes ideal people and I know there are a lot of straight couples who are awful parents, a fairly large percentage even maybe. A loving gay couple who are good parents would be much more beneficial to a child than a straight couple who are bad parents.

Kids need a stable loving environment and to be taught values of integrity, respect for self and others and the consequences of their actions. They need a good education, understanding and love, nutritional food and to learn how to look after themselves. A balance of fun stuff and learning at home. An understanding of their own sex and their opposite sex.

The right gay parents can fill all of those needs.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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What are the criteria that that apply to a "good dad" ? what is the scoring method that differentiates a "good dad" from a better dad? and how does brain activity applies to good parenting ?

Good being a subjective term.

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The thread has been cleaned up and a lot of off-topic posts have been deleted along with replies. A lot of the replies were reasoned responses and I apologies for having to delete them.

The thread was listed in the Newsletter and thus it has attracted a wider audience than the usual members. The moderation has been lightened to permit reasoned discussion about the issue. The isn't and wasn't Gay Parades, by the way.

I managed to raise 5 children alone and two of my grandchildren until I moved to Asia. None of them has ended up in jail and of the five all are now married with children and only one has been divorced. They have all either managed to get a post high school education (4 have University degrees and 1 has a technical degree) and maintain full employment, even during the economic down turn. Oh, and none of them is gay to the best of my knowledge.

Good for yousmile.png , same with me, and many other parents, gay or straight.

The problem with articles and studies like this is, that if you are willing to accept that , your ethnicity, race, or sexual orientation, makes you better at some things, then you need to be able to accept that it could also make you worst at others.

It is a knife that cuts both ways.

Though there are some basic requirements to good parenting the rest is subject debate . Different people,in different cultures and sub-cultures have different ideas as to what constitutes "good parenting".


I could probably take the twins for ten days around the end of November. <snip>

Parcel Post, Courier or Suitcase?


I got into heaps of S*** from their Mum for that.

Their Grandfather just laughed and smiled ... laugh.png

  • Like 1

I managed to raise 5 children alone and two of my grandchildren until I moved to Asia.

Dear Uncle Scott.

We have a nice carer in Uncle Toddy when we are 5.

Another member Uncle sustento when we are 10 ... that leaves some 'gap years'.

Even Miss Patsy has expressed interest (though I think her interest is more related to increasing her Duty Free allowance!)

We are very cute ... what year can you give to us?


J and B


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Time to stop all this gender mainstreaming bu!!$#it !

Gay and lesbian couples should be accepted and left alone to do their thing, but should absolutely NOT be granted children! If they choose to stay in a relationship that due to a biological catch22 situation will never produce children in a natural way, they have to suffer the consequence which is: No children!

The world is wobbling into dangerous terrain, where gender mainstreaming and the destruction of historical and cultural values seem to be forced onto the population not to make this world a better place, but with a sinister intention and plan behind it. If conservative values of our childhood are destroyed and mankind becomes a grey soup of genderless "its", we might lose our self consciousness as a whole and eventually the grip on reality and conventional believe systems in general.

We then will become an easy to control and easy to manipulate soup of nobodies (even worse than now). Some european countries are working on erasing the words (Vater) "father" and (Mutter) "mother" to replace it with a neutrum (das Elter) "a parent" and words like (Vaterland) "fatherland" with the given reason that such words are discriminating and offensive.

The study and subject of this OP is a part of the worldwide gender mainstreaming brain wash. I vow to make a stand and fight against this whenever I can, because I believe that a proper family consists of a mother and a father and children, not two gay dads and children, not two lesbian moms and children. It does not exist in nature and it should not exist in our "civilized" world, even though she is full of ignorant dogooders and "everything is awesome if you scream with the mainstream" people. There are times when one has to go against the flow to remain a sane and independently thinking and acting personality, and this time is now!!!

I won't debate your points as you are entitled to your beliefs and I am not in a position to say your are wrong, or right. I just need to ask one question based on your post.

If a "proper family consist of a mother and a father and children" what kind of families do we have now-a-days with a 50% Divorce Rate? With Single Parent Mothers raising there children, and sometimes this child has a new Daddy every 2 months? Your wishes as to what a real family should be is admiral. But they are only wishes. They rarely happen in this real world we live in today. The "Leave it to Beaver" or "Happy Days" Parents are long gone.

Personally I would sooner be raised by 2 Loving Parents, regardless of the Gender, then being in the middle of a Cat Fight and raised by Parents who fight all the time and are going through a Divorce. Or by parents who are both alcoholic and love that bottle more than me.

I understand your point of view GoldBuggy and you have points there with the exception that your conclusions implement that all gay couples never split up, are more stable than conservative couples, don't drink, don't fight, etc. what can't be the case. I am quite sure that a lot of bitchfighting is going on among gay couples and the few gay disagreements and fights I have witnessed so far were all but pretty to say the least.

Biggest problem is, that many gay people think they are very special and deserve VIP treatment. If they want to be regarded to as "normal" people, they should switch a gear or two back and take the foot off the gas like for example our RonThai in this thread.

The solution is simple - let the world vote:

Child Michael Templar, 3 years old lost both parents in a car accident. Two couples want to adopt him. A ) Is Dave and Chrystal Washington, married happily for 5 years, and B ) Thomas and Jeff Byron married happily for 5 years.

Does anyone who has left a shred of sanity in his head believe the majority of this word would vote for couple B? And allow me to spin this further - who believes that Michael, after having lived three years with his real Mom/Dad parents, would choose couple B?

I don't think so! And there we have it.

Again you raise good points that can't be argued. Gay Couples do fight I am sure and Divorce. My point, and you reinforced it, was that because it is more difficult for a Gay Couple to adopt a child one can therefore assume that they must have crystal clean record and want this child badly. But this to is only an assumption. So granted no all couple of either gender are fit to raise children. This we agree on.

I also agree that at first look it would be most likely Dave and Chrystal Washington who should get to adopt this child. But as I also pointed out there is more to this then just being a Man and Woman. If all things are equal, which I think you tried to imply including Family Stability, Finances good enough to provide a good home and future education, then I would agree with you. But I would agree not based that they would make better parents. I would agree that there would be less stigma attached to him verses a Gay Couple.

But lets now change this table around a little. Let's now say the Dave and Chrystal Washing are a Black Couple, Thomas and Jeff are White, and the child Michael Templar is White. What Now? Or if Michael is Black, the Washington's are white, and Thomas and Jeff are Black? Or one couple is atheist and the other Catholic, where the Child was Baptised as a Catholic. Hum???

My point is that it is not just Man & Woman that make good parents. Especially adopted ones. There are many things to look at including culture, heritage, religion, skin color, desire, education, and environment.

Goldbuggy, you got a point there! In the end, basically it is all about stigmata...

  • Like 2

I managed to raise 5 children alone and two of my grandchildren until I moved to Asia.

Dear Uncle Scott.

We have a nice carer in Uncle Toddy when we are 5.

Another member Uncle sustento when we are 10 ... that leaves some 'gap years'.

Even Miss Patsy has expressed interest (though I think her interest is more related to increasing her Duty Free allowance!)

We are very cute ... what year can you give to us?


J and B

They are absolutely lovely children, and very lucky to have a dotting and caring father. This uncle will pass for now. But, if the others bail on you feel free to give me a call. I am very reliable. I am just a little commitment shy!

  • Like 1

I apologise for some of my posts in this thread.

Like a Mexican special blend Hot Sauce in the mouth my emotions sometime explode.

To get back to the topic at hand and to make my position clear...

Gay dads do not make better fathers but nor do I think gay dads make worse fathers.

  • Like 2

It's an interesting study coming from the small nation of Israel. It suggests a biological difference aspect to gayness which is generally supported by numerous scientific studies. Secular humanist blessing to all the wonderful gay Papas in the world. Better them than me.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


What are the criteria that that apply to a "good dad" ? what is the scoring method that differentiates a "good dad" from a better dad? and how does brain activity applies to good parenting ?

Good being a subjective term.

Good point. I think the "goodness" of parenthood would be measured qualitatively rather han quantitatively. But then, I am no expert in this field.

Sent from my A 8+ using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"I have two little terrors ... Gay Uncles please apply here ... laugh.png.pagespeed.ce.SDkxrRteka.png"

I think you'd need to screen the applicants pretty carefully David tongue.png

Are you implying that gay applicants call for extra screening or did you mean that straight applicants should be equally screened? If the former please explain your reasoning.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Not the former,unwad your panties.

was making a light hearted joke about a very serious subject,and would expect gay,straight,male and female to be screened rigorously without favour/disfavour given to anyone IF David hadn't been JOKING in the first place.


Smirnoff Black.

I think they stopped giving babies spirits to make them sleep some time ago Pats. Not an example of good modern parenting I'm afraid.


"I have two little terrors ... Gay Uncles please apply here ... laugh.png.pagespeed.ce.SDkxrRteka.png"

I think you'd need to screen the applicants pretty carefully David tongue.png

Are you implying that gay applicants call for extra screening or did you mean that straight applicants should be equally screened? If the former please explain your reasoning.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Not the former,unwad your panties.

was making a light hearted joke about a very serious subject,and would expect gay,straight,male and female to be screened rigorously without favour/disfavour given to anyone IF David hadn't been JOKING in the first place.

So sorry. I saw no humor in your post. Perhaps others didunsure.png , though I really doubt it. Adding silly emoticons doesn't make unfunny stuff funny.neus.gif Panties, huh? Do you wear panties?

On the gay Uncle subject ... in civilized countries gay folks can have our OWN kiddies if we want. I think most gay men don't, but some do, and of course a significant percentage of lesbians do.

Speaking of which ... I wish my condo allowed ... DOGS!

tongue.png Gay 'nuff for y'all?laugh.png



Smirnoff Black.

I think they stopped giving babies spirits to make them sleep some time ago Pats. Not an example of good modern parenting I'm afraid.

Maybe ... whistling.gif


NAH ... he's just celebrating his new set of wheels with a big GRIN ... biggrin.png



Smirnoff Black.

I think they stopped giving babies spirits to make them sleep some time ago Pats. Not an example of good modern parenting I'm afraid.

Maybe ... whistling.gif


NAH ... he's just celebrating his new set of wheels with a big GRIN ... biggrin.png


I have to admit I don't usually get on with children that still shit their pants but he is quite enchanting even with his wifebeater on laugh.png

  • Like 1

Smirnoff Black.

I think they stopped giving babies spirits to make them sleep some time ago Pats. Not an example of good modern parenting I'm afraid.

Maybe ... whistling.gif


NAH ... he's just celebrating his new set of wheels with a big GRIN ... biggrin.png


I have to admit I don't usually get on with children that still shit their pants but he is quite enchanting even with his wifebeater on laugh.png

So you get on with adults that shit their pants (sorry couldn't resist) 55555555

David48 great picture, thanks as always for sharing your beautiful baby's, it always brings a smile to my face. *

*Sus that's how you suck up as a gay uncle 55555

  • Like 1

Nice stat.

How does a gay man father a child?

Dear Lord - not another one facepalm.gif

Its just a language issue.

Surely they mean raising rather than fathering. Because if a gay man is better at producing children than a straight one, then biology just took a very very weird turn.


It is possible for gay men to have sex with women and produce children. It is possible for gay men to take part in artificially inseminated births too. If you're gay and you adopt a 10 day old baby you're its father to all intents and purposes. Anything else is just pedantry.

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