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good friend cheated by lady-what should/could be done?


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How unhelpful!! In my own country (Australia) a drug dealing swindler would be reported to the police, and one would let justice take it's course. Just walking away encourages her to keep being a criminal. Has anyone here heard of a deterrent?

I too was robbed by a Thai woman I tried to help. Gave her a laptop, scooter, jewellery and a trip to Australia etc.

When I tried to break up with her, she went berserk and stole everything she could get her hands on.

I went to the police, got some of the gold back she stole, and trashed her name on Facebook etc. She told people I would just "roll over" and take it, coz other stupid Farangs had. She may still be looking for the next victim, but I made it very unpleasant for her, and the threat of prosecution was the only thing that got my gold back and gave her a lesson in what happens when you steal.

This is a Thai thing, I have had girlfriends in Japan and Australia and none were criminals like here.

Do the right thing and get this criminal off the streets, and maybe protect the next benevolent man she will surely con.

How do you think sociopaths choose their victims? They have a 6th sense as to who is benevolent, and is why we have laws to protect them and punish the vultures.

Cheers and good luck to one and all!

Is that bulge in your pants the benevolence you speak of or just a banana?

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Drop it. His biz not yours and he had the happy time thinking he was helping her with her 'sickness.'

Legal recourse.... this little guy says it all: cheesy.gif

Retribution, do not discount this unless you are living in a guarded compound in some difficult nation, not Thailand.

Note, learning all about a person, these days, is amazingly easy.

BEWARE of hiring a Thai private eye because likely he will go to your target, ask her for money to lay off her case and report no problems....... and then take fee for service from you too. Speaking of pros.....

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this girl is a devil minded one, impossible to repent, impossible to be corrected,

she's a spoiler and will never stop this cheating game and keep spoiling new victims,

My advise: to do this:

arrange all the information you got about her life story (full details in 1 file),

send a copy of this file to every one of the previous victim guys,

send a copy of the file to DSI, Royal Thai police headquarters, Immigration, intelligence, Army etc..

send to and any local security agency,

send a copy to the Interpol, FBI, CIA,

this is the right action to do, to collapse this cheating machine,

further more for your own safety if you concern about your privacy,

I would suggest you to do this:

go find an internet shop in an isolated corner, where no camera to show your face,

create a new email, attach file and click send to each of the mentioned in above that already arranged and prepared with you,

and never login to this new email from your own laptop, or from your home or office, because they can easily locate you, just send and abandon it,

publish it and just disappear from the scene, by this you done a great effort to help the society rid off such garbage spoilers,

Any good or bad thing that happens in Thailand or anywhere else, will effect us directly or indirectly,

so please make the effort same it was happened in your country or your city etc,

the final decision is what your conscience will say,

Edited by momtaz
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if anyone of us we say, ... ok, it's not my matter, it's not effecting me, not my problem, so those devil minded spoilers they will keep growing up and may encourage some others to follow the same scenario,

Please do something good in your life and help to shut down this cheating devil and forever, do as I suggest or you may thing is better option,

must be a final solution, and do not tray to interfere in bargain or extortion deal or any, just direct her to the right direction and let her face her fate, such people with no ethical or moral values, no dignity, or little honor as human, she does not deserver to within the civilian society, her right place in the jail,

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The money is gone , its sad there will be no happy ending to this all to familiar tale of woe. He will not listen until he is broke and alone again.

How unhelpful!! In my own country (Australia) a drug dealing swindler would be reported to the police, and one would let justice take it's course. Just walking away encourages her to keep being a criminal. Has anyone here heard of a deterrent?

I too was robbed by a Thai woman I tried to help. Gave her a laptop, scooter, jewellery and a trip to Australia etc.

When I tried to break up with her, she went berserk and stole everything she could get her hands on.

I went to the police, got some of the gold back she stole, and trashed her name on Facebook etc. She told people I would just "roll over" and take it, coz other stupid Farangs had. She may still be looking for the next victim, but I made it very unpleasant for her, and the threat of prosecution was the only thing that got my gold back and gave her a lesson in what happens when you steal.

This is a Thai thing, I have had girlfriends in Japan and Australia and none were criminals like here.

Do the right thing and get this criminal off the streets, and maybe protect the next benevolent man she will surely con.

How do you think sociopaths choose their victims? They have a 6th sense as to who is benevolent, and is why we have laws to protect them and punish the vultures.

Cheers and good luck to one and all!

sorry Sir, I cannot agree with that kind of racism.Not all thai girls like this.And even some working girls are far more honest and decent than " good girl's".Plus, as my cousin says.

The thai goverment in some way forces these women to do this because we all have to survive. Frankly, I do not know what to do. Her new beloved now know's and the poor man is in bit's.

It's horrible situation, but I assure you this does not only happen here.

That's NOT racism, however you look at it.

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wrong again, we have been offered way over the amount, her whole clan is very worried too.They all have record's. So do I-and very good one's dealing with these scum.

Now that they know we have 100% proof and we cannot be intimadated it's them who are worried.

It's hard for me to believe that this woman has offered you what sounds like big money to essentially just keep quiet. She can't be that stupid. It would cost her a lot less to simply have you erased.

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The money is gone , its sad there will be no happy ending to this all to familiar tale of woe. He will not listen until he is broke and alone again.

wrong - she her family has offered to pay all back because they fear us going to police.

One of us demanded a large amount( more than was taken) and they said they would pay it in return for our silence. Yet,even now, she plead's poverty to all her sponcer's .She certainly know's how to play the game.

She and other's will most certainly go to jail according to the lawyer.

Her mother even has a record.And also her father!

My friend will never be broke. He is a man of mean's. He could use this to his advantage if he was not such a nice person.

But for him it's not really all about money.

One of us demanded a large amount( more than was taken) and they said they would pay it in return for our silence...Thrillingblink.png
One of us ! From the 3 musketeers ? ,

the reason one of us asked for more than what was taken is because apart from cash good's were also given/taken.This does not include fee of lwyer and company. We only estimated.

Thrilling? Another wrong assumption .We are not theifs and feel we have every right to be repaid what it cost us. Those service's were not free and cost a lot of money.

Got it now?

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wrong again, we have been offered way over the amount, her whole clan is very worried too.They all have record's. So do I-and very good one's dealing with these scum.

Now that they know we have 100% proof and we cannot be intimadated it's them who are worried.

It's hard for me to believe that this woman has offered you what sounds like big money to essentially just keep quiet. She can't be that stupid. It would cost her a lot less to simply have you erased.

She could- it would not be that easy. And she would be prime suspect.

Do not buy into this 'be careful this is thailand and a hitman can take you out easy and cheaply" I been here many year's-still alive.

Before I was only dealing with child/human trafficing .

They are unprofessional cowards who know when someone does not fear them and has a few connection's and how hard it can be.Plus, they do damn lazy and stupid. Not impossible- but they lack the technical expertise required to deal with some people.

I have bitchslapped thai/english "gangster's" ( cowards) on film, gone to their office's, exposed many, put many in jail.

Been on national TV and newspapers.

I have received thanks from local/international police agency's and embassy's for services helping putting away some top 'gangsters'(local and foreign).

Thaivisa even did feature on this once and I am even on youtube .You can me confront 4 of them reach was armed.Did that bother me? Not at all.

Each one was bitchslapped nicely and is apparently now doing extremely long sentences. I received award for this. I will not disclose more detail's. I know this sounds like boast. I just want to prove the real truth of their false 'power" and encourage others to stand up to them.Their only power is that they can scare people.Still a lot of scumbags to deal with. The wolf only attack's the sheep.

Edited by Hermes100
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You have 2 choices.

Either take the money she offers you and get the hell out of it so she can carry on scamming other old gullible poor buggers such as your friend.

Or expose her as she needs to be put away for a long time.

As you have been doing this for a long time I cannot understand why you bothered to post this problem on Thai visa as I am sure you have decided what to do as you have done it to others in the past so get on and do it and take her out before she takes you out.

Yes your friend will not get his money back but it would have taught him and others a lesson in the future.

Please keep us posted on what your decision is and how it pans out.

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"The woman's evidently hardened and won't give up without a fight"

Not necessarily correct. She did offer to pay back all the money with interest (No.3) Hardly the words of a hardened woman. Why not give it a try, if nothing comes of it...so be it....but at least give it a chance.

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Sad story but not really surprising. I think a lesson for all of us is just this, use common sense. Compare to what would happen in your own country and it is not that much different to anywhere else in the world, if it seems too good to be true, it usually is that's it. When I come back to LOS one day, I am not in the market to find "Love" at all because I just know its not really probable. I am more content with the lovely food, take a kitty on the side for some fun with absolutely no strings and just enjoy man because it could all end suddenly one day you just never know, be careful, be good to others and be tolerant. I know easy to say harder to do. In this case I think karma will prevail for that woman, you just cant get away with that type of thing forever, the universe does't work that way.

best reply so far- thank you

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I bet i could get twice as much as you from the women. Let us meet for drink are afraid or do you only shakedown Thai Women?

afriad of what? meeting you? No way, let's set it up and I can bring all the proof you may require.

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this story sounds like an essay or demo writing of a troll/ghost writer to be hired by some online forum

the funny thing is I cannot help agreeing with you. Although I can 100% prove everything I claim .

But some of the stuff is simply amazing and thats why I do not blame you for saying this.

The content's of her messages should win her an award!

I honestly think I could write a book on this girl and her little gang alone.

It seem's they are quite well known in all the main soi11 clubs.I never go so know nothing really about them.

Sometime's she seem's to have cut and pasted exactly the same romantic type message to several men.At one time 11 of them.Age's ranging from 22 to 58. She is early 20's but look's older(my lawyer has advised me not to disclose her names or other details that could identify her).

And they her send so much money yet they only see her several time's per year!

They often travel all the way from UK ( most of her client's were from there), canada, USA, australia and some europeans.

Her antic's can be hilarious.

In one hotel at same time she was servicing several different men-and women.She is bi-sexual.

Making excuse's to "pop out" to run an errand whilst she went to see another one.

Amazingly she never got caught.

Her little gang's converstation's are straight out of a porno book " was he good in bed"? " how big was his dXXX"? " " does he have any friend's his same size'? etc,etc

She would go to airport to kiss goodbye to her 'beloved" then go straight round to see another.

Her mother was encouraging her and urging her to send more money home because " we can buy some land cheap now so go out and find a rich punter"

I do not need money to write a book. I have my own income, but this certainly would make for an interesting read.

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It seems bleedingly obvious to me. Sounds like you're in a position to get your cousins money back and you can wash your hands of that lady. Don't worry about police or other people, worry about yourself(cousin).

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The only part at all which surprises me in the least is this

We took it upon ourselfs to employ a company who was able to access all her information ( facebook,line chat's,twitter, sms's,bank account detail's,etc,etc).Side note- shocking how easy it is to basicly access everything.

I have a fair bit of experience with keyloggers, installing trojans, phone scanning and tracking software etc.. and none of it is easy..

Us too,very much so. The agency asked us not to name them or mention anything about their connection's.

When we first went to see them ( recommended by a embassy friend) one of their staff made incredable claim's.

We can check her facebook messages, phone message's, bank detail's, and something called " link",etc,etc.

Because I visit people in jail here ( and over sea's) and have know a little how they were caught I am not totally new to this technology.

But I was still doubtful and because the service was not exactly cheap I asked for a demostration before commiting.

I had to pay a deposit if it was successful.

And it was- 100%, all her facebook account's, FB/sms message's to /from, flight details,including seat number,even room number at hotel she stayed,name's and detail's of all her boyfriends,her home address,etc,etc.

You say this is not easy, well, it seemed pretty easy to them and I apparently it's becoming easier. I have been looking into it myself.

Should this sort of technology be so easy to obtain and is there anything that can be done to gaurd against it.

The owner said she was easy target because she took no precautions at all.

So how does someone find their way to this agency?

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we all know some thai girls use the age old scam of a sick buffalo etc. to get a bit more money to survive, thats what they do , but this vixen seems to be taking it to a whole new level, for me , i would let all her contacts know whats going on , and she needs to go down , just for taking the piss, dont need millions to survive.

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My cousin is a very good man .He does not frequent nor partake of any of the red light industry. He work's hard and suffer's from a ongoing sickness.

yes i agree he is sick sick sick.

no reading any more of this BS,

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"The school of life has a high tuition, but some fools will learn in no other" -Ben Franklin. All first suggestions will not work (Cops? Courts?). Trying to "out" her could lead to defamation suit and cost him more (remember even if TRUE if damages image of another, you will lose). Rational thing might just be to budget how much you can afford to be scammed each month and stick to it. It will happen: sometimes small, sometimes (try) big. Goes with the territory, like sweat and bad sidewalks.

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It seems bleedingly obvious to me. Sounds like you're in a position to get your cousins money back and you can wash your hands of that lady. Don't worry about police or other people, worry about yourself(cousin).

You see part of me agree, part os me/us think like this.Should one just seek justice themselves or do public service and assist others in future from criminal's like this? Remember the austalian-he took his life.

What would you say to his family?

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"The school of life has a high tuition, but some fools will learn in no other" -Ben Franklin. All first suggestions will not work (Cops? Courts?). Trying to "out" her could lead to defamation suit and cost him more (remember even if TRUE if damages image of another, you will lose). Rational thing might just be to budget how much you can afford to be scammed each month and stick to it. It will happen: sometimes small, sometimes (try) big. Goes with the territory, like sweat and bad sidewalks.

wrong- done many time's- never cost us a single baht. Exposed/jailed/etc,etc Even rewarded and awarded.Got old UK man his house back, many storys like this.

We never personaly lost out a single baht and our lawyer only take after settle.

many wrong advice's here " be afraid of thai gangster' ' you cannot get money back, you cannot win" " forget it, not your business"

Thank's advice, but as you can see ,it is not correct.

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I bet i could get twice as much as you from the women. Let us meet for drink are afraid or do you only shakedown Thai Women?

afriad of what? meeting you? No way, let's set it up and I can bring all the proof you may require.

Name time and Place

please send your phone number and we can fix it up to avod miss comm's( pls note I do not carry mobile,so please answer from landline). How about Terminal 21 at 1pm-? Do you require any proof or anything else? I will not show her photo in full, nor supply personal detail's of her at this stage. Our lawyeradvise against it.

But what I have cannot fail to convince you.If indeed we do meet.Which somehow, for reason I doubt. Let's see. Look forward to meeting you in a few hours.

Edited by Hermes100
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I bet i could get twice as much as you from the women. Let us meet for drink are afraid or do you only shakedown Thai Women?

afriad of what? meeting you? No way, let's set it up and I can bring all the proof you may require.

Name time and Place

terminal 21 1pm,,,,pls leave your number to avoid any miscomm's.And do you require any 'proof"?

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Perhaps the agency simply called the woman in question and told her there would be no more money coming from OP's cousin, but if she gave them her FB passwords etc., they could continue extracting money from you, and then split the money with her.

That would both explain why the agency is so expensive and why they have such easy access to everything smile.png

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Perhaps the agency simply called the woman in question and told her there would be no more money coming from OP's cousin, but if she gave them her FB passwords etc., they could continue extracting money from you, and then split the money with her.

That would both explain why the agency is so expensive and why they have such easy access to everything smile.png

a good assumption ,but she did not give, they hacker her FB/twitter/line,etc.The agency is partialy owned by very close friend and one of thailands most decent gentlemen, a true credit to his service, and we have dealt with them many time's before always to good result's.

It is approved of and used by some embassys.They cost alot, but this is understandable and it's always the loser who end's up really paying.\

It is not possible to extract,extort money from me.

But, thanks advice.

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