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Hello everyone.

Due to a family death, I need to drive from Phuket to Nahkon Si Thammarat with GFs 8 year old daughter. We have all been living together for several years, and I am the only Pa she know’s. Is traveling with just her and me going to be a problem at check-points. We do it all the time all over Phuket, but with the Army take-over, and driving so far, I wonder about any problems.

Edit: With her pass port and mine, I can show previous travel to Hong Kong and the US twice.

Your thoughts please.



Very hard to give an answer as it will be up to the guy manning the checkpoint. i think you will be ok, but you never know.

Good luck.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Bring a copy of the girlfriends ID.

Let the girlfriend write a note in which she allowes her daughter to travel with you.

Preferably on the copy of the ID.

Maybe a signature of some kind of official + copy of ID will be helpful.

And the mothers phone no.

Perhaps also a copy of the tabien baan book containing mothers official address. might make it all look more legitimate.

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I rode for 1 1/2 weeks on a motorcycle road trip with my wife's 15 YO. I understand enough Thai to get the gist and in 1 place they asked her about me. She told them I was father and off we went. As long as the girl is obviously not under duress and explains you, there will be no proble although some form of ID would be a good thought.

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All extremely sensible answers, for a change!

Get a signed and preferably witnessed document from the mother on her photocopied I.D. with phone no., showing her consent in Thai. Photographs of all 3 of you together as a family would help enormously.

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Wow! Sensible answers to a serious question, for a change.

To the OP, I doubt that you will have a problem, especially if you follow the advice given. At her age the girl can also vouch for you. Well done for thinking ahead as prevention is always better than cure.

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That is so easy to avoid any problem.

Your girlfriend has to make a Thai letter with her ID copy and she has to write down why you carry her daughter, just in case.

In check points you may get problem, they don't know who are you, why do you take a small girl with you.

If they watched pattaya news today, they will ask you sure ...

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Thank you everyone for some really great information.

Her mother is already in Nahkon, but she will scan and email a letter with her ID card, signature, and explain the nature of travel. I will also flag the pages on the girls pass port and mine that correspond with traveling together before.

I feel much more confident now.

Thank you for taking time to read and respond to my question.


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It is a sad commentary...when you have to go to great lengths...to prove you are not a pervert...when taking your daughter for a car ride...

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It is a sad commentary...when you have to go to great lengths...to prove you are not a pervert...when taking your daughter for a car ride...

My point was, you don't.

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It is a sad commentary...when you have to go to great lengths...to prove you are not a pervert...when taking your daughter for a car ride...

My point was, you don't.

Yeah, you really don't. Any "proof" you might want to carry is just insurance against an unlikely situation, and for bridging the language barrier. The chance that anyone would require you to present such proof is really, really small.


Also might be of help if local police officer is a signed witness. First thing that comes to mind they could think your a pervert Remember guilty till proven innocent in Thailand.


A few photocopies is a small price to pay for people checking paedophiles. I have no problem and hope they do ask the questions of you and that you will feel happy to answer them. Good luck for your trip and drive carefully :-)

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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ggt, on 09 Jun 2014 - 18:36, said:

It is a sad commentary...when you have to go to great lengths...to prove you are not a pervert...when taking your daughter for a car ride...

Sometimes that is the problem in this age of time, however in the 21st century and as a non Thai (the OP's) taking his Thai daughter going down south, one should be prepared fully with all the documents at hand as mentioned in the above posts, and Thank You to all of you who posted positive posts. wai.gif

The OP's partner had to go first due to the circumstances (the death of a family member! ) with which left him he asked this question "Driving with my Gfs daughter across country"

So YES, it is good that our member ask this question and YES get very good replies to his question.

Win thumbsup.gif

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It is a sad commentary...when you have to go to great lengths...to prove you are not a pervert...when taking your daughter for a car ride...

There is no sad commentary.

Under similar circumstances you would likely be advised to take the same common sense precautions in most

any country. These common sense precautions are the simplest way to allow law enforcement folks do their job

of watching out for perverts and child molesters -- which takes a cooperative effort of all members of society.

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Last year I witnessed a very disturbing scene relating to this issue at Houston International Airport. Airport authorities had taken custody of a German man's 2 children. He was standing there screaming and yelling abuse at the officials while the children cringed...looking bewildered and scared.

Somebody said he had attempted to depart the country with no documentation for the kids but whether that was the factual story or not I will never know. All I do know is that it was an ugly scene and a horrible event for those kids to experience.

Maybe a little advance preparation would have prevented this dismal public drama, maybe not; but it does make me believe that the OP in this thread is correct to be on the side of caution and preparedness.


We’re back home. We were stopped twice. At the Phuket check-point they just waved us through. About 10km later where Hwy 402 meets Hwy 4, they were pulling over a lot of cars. This is not a standard check-point, but police looking for something. Two officers (one on each side) gave us a good loooong look and said “How are you today?” The girl replied in perfect English “Fine thank you, how are you?” They both smiled and waved us through. There were a few other check-points on the route, but they were unmanned.

I’m grateful for all the input on this topic. I’m glad we went prepared. Hope this thread can help someone else.

Thank you all,



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