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NACC to propose anti-corruption packages to junta


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I saw it reported in the other paper that the Junta had approved the 350 bn water project exactly the same as proposed by the previous Govt.

Considering that the PTP ALWAYS took a 40% cut according to Thai Visa resident experts, i suggest that the NACC would be well advised to start looking at those responsible for approving this project without taking the 40% corruption out.

I was involved in something with the ADB. They reckoned that on average 30% on the budget on all projects was skimmed, scammed and stolen.

Didn't seem to matter who was in power TRT,PPP, Dem Coalition or PTP.

Corruption throughout Asia was one of their major concerns,

Look at the USA and UK and check the amount of people involved in national and local government or defense spending who have been prosecuted over the same period for corruption. It's higher than most would think and both countries have strengthened their anti-corruption legislation.

Not an easy fix and not something that is only rife in Thailand.

For the water project you mention - wasn't that dependent on completing the EIA's, public consultations and re-tendering? Was this the project where part was awarded to K-Water following Dr.Thaksin's "official" visit and prior to any EIA's, consultations and without disclosing the supplier selection criteria?

You are saying the Military Junta are going ahead with this in exactly the same way - can you provide the link please?

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NACC to propose anti-corruption packages to junta

Not in lunch boxes I hope.cheesy.gif

You may joke my friend.

But for those of us who LIVE here and have FAMILY and BUSINESSES here this is/can be VERY good, duh........wai.gif

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However, NACC cannot pursue any examination of activities or decisions of the NCPO, the real government of Thailand, that can overrule any decision of the interim government (ref. Globe, "Junta leader likely to act as interim PM of Thailand," July 2-8, 2014) and no doubt continue to do so with the National Assembly when it is elected.

Sure they can.

They can pursue whatever they wish kap wai.gif

Why not ?

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Lets hope that they go through 'everybody' connected with any kind of corruption whatsoever, and does not let it become just another tool to screw the opposition parties. Transparency has to be seen if the General wants the respect and faith of the masses.

It certainly was NOT seen at all under the PTP government and they were in power for 3 years. Nor was it seen in the PPP or TRT governments.

It did pop up now and again under the democrats but I think it was frightened by exposure and hid again.

Edited by billd766
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This really surprises me. I thought they were going to spell out in detail what corruption was and then identify the severe penalties for doing it. Like if you are found steeling from the people then all of your personal assets will be taken over by the government, you go to jail and you are barred for life from taking a public position. That would make sense.

In stead they are just listing all the places that have major corruption.

Funny approach. Guess corruption is fine in any area not placed on the list.


It's coming.

Jai yen yen kap wai.gif

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Great to see they're buying Natural Gas fueled buses for BKK.

Next maybe we'll get NGV song teaws for Chiang Mai!! The intersection outside MAYA is often black with diesel fumes as the red vans move off at the lights. bah.gif

Ha ha ha, red vans..........cheesy.gif

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I saw it reported in the other paper that the Junta had approved the 350 bn water project exactly the same as proposed by the previous Govt.

Considering that the PTP ALWAYS took a 40% cut according to Thai Visa resident experts, i suggest that the NACC would be well advised to start looking at those responsible for approving this project without taking the 40% corruption out.

I was involved in something with the ADB. They reckoned that on average 30% on the budget on all projects was skimmed, scammed and stolen.

Didn't seem to matter who was in power TRT,PPP, Dem Coalition or PTP.

Corruption throughout Asia was one of their major concerns,

Look at the USA and UK and check the amount of people involved in national and local government or defense spending who have been prosecuted over the same period for corruption. It's higher than most would think and both countries have strengthened their anti-corruption legislation.

Not an easy fix and not something that is only rife in Thailand.

For the water project you mention - wasn't that dependent on completing the EIA's, public consultations and re-tendering? Was this the project where part was awarded to K-Water following Dr.Thaksin's "official" visit and prior to any EIA's, consultations and without disclosing the supplier selection criteria?

You are saying the Military Junta are going ahead with this in exactly the same way - can you provide the link please?

Yes, I'd like to see those details too kap wai.gif

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Only when they serve sentances such as they do in China to corrupt officials and business will the issue be resolved. Setting a few examples will go a long way and there is nothing like a death sentence to deter vs a slap on the risk or no action.

Even the death sentence hasn't stopped corruption in China anymore than the death sentence has stopped murder in the USA.

Maybe not, but sure as hell it has slowed a lot of people down !

Sorry, but that is simply not true.

Check this link (please note these are FBI data, not vague assumptions by some tree-hugging, peace-loving NGO or other) : http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/09/16/u-s-murder-rate-higher-than-nearly-all-other-developed-countries-fbi-data/

... from which I quote :

The 2012 murder rate — 4.7 murders per 100,000 people — was significantly higher [in the USA] than in most other wealthy nations.

The comparable rate is 0.4 in Japan, 0.8 in Germany, 1.0 in Australia 1.1 in France and 1.2 in Britain, according to figures compiled by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

(2012 are the latest figures available by the way)

Clearly in the US it's almost 5 times more than in Germany, Australia, France and Britain... I know how strong the pro-gun lobby is in the States, and also how vocal the proponents of the death penalty are, but statistics repeatedly prove them wrong. Not that they would give a damn, of course, since they have all the powerful lobbyists required to enforce their agenda in Washington (both Congress and White House) anyway.

Ah... the subtles ways of demockracy...whistling.gif

I totally agree with you here. it will be more then difficult to get an American to agree that the gun laws in the US just don't work, "it is part of the constitution" is all you will hear and the idea of making firearms illegal in the US would just be pushing the cart uphill.

The death penalty is not a particularly good deterrent either, no one who commits these crimes ever expects to get caught, so they don't really think of the consequences of what they are doing OR they just don't care.

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Great to see they're buying Natural Gas fueled buses for BKK.

Next maybe we'll get NGV song teaws for Chiang Mai!! The intersection outside MAYA is often black with diesel fumes as the red vans move off at the lights. bah.gif

Ha ha ha, red vans..........cheesy.gif


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Great to see they're buying Natural Gas fueled buses for BKK.

Next maybe we'll get NGV song teaws for Chiang Mai!! The intersection outside MAYA is often black with diesel fumes as the red vans move off at the lights. bah.gif

Ha ha ha, red vans..........cheesy.gif



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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Of course the armed forces are as usual exempted..... we clean up the house but let's continue the rampant corruption and criminal gangs inside the armed forces!

Quite, its absurd. Investigate this, that and everything, everyone to declare assets etc.... other than those in power.............. with a complete and utter carte blanch to approve anything and everything.

Yes these new guys seem to be investigating everything and everyone. A new brush always sweeps clean. I wonder when they will turn their eyes on the Farangs and their circumvention of the property laws using Thai nominee companies. IMHO It seems it's only a matter of time.

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I saw it reported in the other paper that the Junta had approved the 350 bn water project exactly the same as proposed by the previous Govt.

Considering that the PTP ALWAYS took a 40% cut according to Thai Visa resident experts, i suggest that the NACC would be well advised to start looking at those responsible for approving this project without taking the 40% corruption out.

I was involved in something with the ADB. They reckoned that on average 30% on the budget on all projects was skimmed, scammed and stolen.

Didn't seem to matter who was in power TRT,PPP, Dem Coalition or PTP.

Corruption throughout Asia was one of their major concerns,

Look at the USA and UK and check the amount of people involved in national and local government or defense spending who have been prosecuted over the same period for corruption. It's higher than most would think and both countries have strengthened their anti-corruption legislation.

Not an easy fix and not something that is only rife in Thailand.

For the water project you mention - wasn't that dependent on completing the EIA's, public consultations and re-tendering? Was this the project where part was awarded to K-Water following Dr.Thaksin's "official" visit and prior to any EIA's, consultations and without disclosing the supplier selection criteria?

You are saying the Military Junta are going ahead with this in exactly the same way - can you provide the link please?

I cannot link to the other paper, but it was in their on the 3rd July. I think there are 3 companies that are tendering for all the different parts of the project. The title of the article is "NCPO vows to splash water cash".

The 3 bidders for the projects are listed as K water, Japan-Thai JV and ITD Power China.

It does not make any reference to EIA's, public consultation or re -tendering, and it seems the General has met K Water already as well as the Chinese.

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Only when they serve sentances such as they do in China to corrupt officials and business will the issue be resolved. Setting a few examples will go a long way and there is nothing like a death sentence to deter vs a slap on the risk or no action.

Very few Chinese officials are prosecuted for corruption and usually only when they fall out of favour with the powers that be or lose a power struggle with someone who becomes part of the powers that be.

Much like Thailand actually.

Edited by Carrerakiss
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Speaking of all this corruption control and Capital Punishment, Where is the "Little Twerp Cop Killing Red Bull Heir"??

I believe any person who kills another in the accomplishment of a crime should be executed, Drug Dealers, Three Time Drug users as well.

Corruption is a cancer on society, now a "Little Commom Cold" like one of Dubai Dudes PM's said a few years back.

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It's a start. I'd like to see full financial disclosure of those holding high positions anywhere in government (including military). I'd like to see military auction off in open bidding their interests in TV stations, TMB bank (why would military have a bank?), resorts (Ever see Police resort just north of Pattaya off Sukumvit?)..... anything that is not directly related to defending this country. Would seem to increase credibility of armed forces and police.... I'm not going to hold my breath.

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Hey as long as they are rooting out corruption, how about bringing the fire truck debacle

back to life and bring that to a conclusion... To the best of my knowledge, the trucks are

rotting away in Laem Chabang port somewhere...



Thai court tells 2 to pay $36M in fire truck graft

"The Central Administrative Court ordered former Deputy Interior Minister Pracha Maleenont and the widow of former Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej each to pay 587 million baht ($18 million), or 30 percent, of the damages the city incurred."

Strange verdict from the court? Why not go back to the company, Steyr?

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Speaking of all this corruption control and Capital Punishment, Where is the "Little Twerp Cop Killing Red Bull Heir"??

I believe any person who kills another in the accomplishment of a crime should be executed, Drug Dealers, Three Time Drug users as well.

Corruption is a cancer on society, now a "Little Commom Cold" like one of Dubai Dudes PM's said a few years back.

Death penalty is not a good deterrent, have a look at Yann55 post here.

The problem with the young Ferrari driver is the amount of cash behind him and the Thai legal system.

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And please don't forget corrupt school directors and local "oboto's"...

Oh Dear God. Instead of posters reeling off corrupt government agencies = all of them, how about some examples of the incurruptible? I'll start. I know at least one policeman and one public prosecuter. Hmmmm, that's it smile.png

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It's a start. I'd like to see full financial disclosure of those holding high positions anywhere in government (including military). I'd like to see military auction off in open bidding their interests in TV stations, TMB bank (why would military have a bank?), resorts (Ever see Police resort just north of Pattaya off Sukumvit?)..... anything that is not directly related to defending this country. Would seem to increase credibility of armed forces and police.... I'm not going to hold my breath.

The military holds only a 1.25% stake in the TMB which is listed on the stock exchange.

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This will not be a popular posting...as I too am a lover of freedom and civil liberty...but I dread the day...when the military turns the government back over to the civilians...unless there is some oversight of the newly elected democratic policies and spending...with grave consequences for returning to corrupt practices...it is likely that all the hard work the military has put into reforming Thai culture...may be for naught...

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