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American Psychiatric Association makes it official: 'Selfie' a mental disorder


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American Psychiatric Association makes it official: 'Selfie' a mental disorder


Chicago, Illinois - The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has officially confirmed what many people thought all along: taking ‘selfies’ is a mental disorder.

The APA made this classification during its annual board of directors meeting in Chicago. The disorder is called selfitis, and is defined as the obsessive compulsive desire to take photos of one’s self and post them on social media as a way to make up for the lack of self-esteem and to fill a gap in intimacy.

APA said there are three levels of the disorder:

Borderline selfitis : taking photos of one’s self at least three times a day but not posting them on social media
Acute selfitis: taking photos of one’s self at least three times a day and posting each of the photos on social media
Chronic selfitis: Uncontrollable urge to take photos of one’s self round the clock and posting the photos on social media more than six times a day

According to the APA, while there is currently no cure for the disorder, temporary treatment is available through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The other good news is that CBT is covered under Obamacare.

Read more: http://adobochronicles.com/2014/03/31/american-psychiatric-association-makes-it-official-selfie-a-mental-disorder/

-- 2014-07-07

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Do you think those are real?

Waiting on confirmation from a more reliable source than the Adobo Chronicles such as the Larb Moo Evening Standard crazy.gif ...

THE ADOBO CHRONICLES is your source of up-to-date, unbelievable news. Everything you read on this site is based on fact, except for the lies.


Edited by Jingthing
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I know of at least three women suffering from chronic selfitis! One way of treating the symptoms is to remove the subject's smartphone but withdrawals and aggressive behavior have been observed as a consequence.

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could also be viewed as somewhat of an addiction in some that may indeed have viable self esteem.

in thailand the % of and frequency of females playing with hair relentlessly with or without a mirror nearby is likely a reflection of the largely "image over substance society" and lack of personal development/self esteem, critical thinking. I've largely become immune to all of it.

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Wake up people. You think a Selfie is a mental disorder. The compulsive use of smart phones fits the definition even better. The American Psychiatric Association statement is politically motivated. And most 'shrinks' and politicos have more psychiatric issues than the general public. Don't buy everything your hear -- even my humble opinion.

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America...the land of fads.What was "in" yesterday is out today.

The same people said eating eggs were very bad for you then

about 10 years later launched a massive campaign to get people

to eat eggs again. The APA is simply after money...spend a couple

hundred bucks to lay on a sofa & explain to a stranger why you

like to take pix of yourself in various poses....perhaps wearing

kinky costumes. Back in my younger days these kinds of people

were simply deemed...strange...and the rest of us just went about

our business. No harm done to anybody. But I bet that manic selfie

takers can get some government compensation for their so called

affliction..and I reckon that's what it's all about.

The gold bands on the chix's waist...hmmmm...corset cinch straps


At least she's not doing a "duck face" pose...those are mental.


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America...the land of fads.What was "in" yesterday is out today.

The same people said eating eggs were very bad for you then

about 10 years later launched a massive campaign to get people

to eat eggs again. The APA is simply after money...spend a couple

hundred bucks to lay on a sofa & explain to a stranger why you

like to take pix of yourself in various poses....perhaps wearing

kinky costumes. Back in my younger days these kinds of people

were simply deemed...strange...and the rest of us just went about

our business. No harm done to anybody. But I bet that manic selfie

takers can get some government compensation for their so called

affliction..and I reckon that's what it's all about.

The gold bands on the chix's waist...hmmmm...corset cinch straps


At least she's not doing a "duck face" pose...those are mental.


Thai Visa: the home of gullible America bashers. Dudes! Anyone and I mean anyone go to the source page? I know irony and sarcasm go over heads of most natives here, but would hope those educated in West might be able to understand sentence reading "Your best source of unbelievable news". Looks like this site is trying to give The Onion a run for it's money

. If just their logo isn't enough to sound an alarm bell, there are give aways in the text. Examples: Why would the board of directors have role of labeling a disorder? " Makati was recently named selfie capital of the world by Time Magazine."

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