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Alcohol sale and drink will be banned on all trains in Thailand


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How about a ban on all employees from drinking and taking drugs whilst working. Introduce drug and alcohol testing for employees. This train service relies on tourists and if you are going to punish them because a company failed to monitor/supervise their staff then I bet your customers drop off.


Alcohol is not served on any V/Line service and you're not permitted to drink alcohol while on board any V/Line service.

The above is the rule enforced by your mates in the VIctorian Railway Police.smile.png

Actually they are called the Transit Police but what you is true alcohol is not allowed on V Line services. Alcohol however is served in the dinning cars on the overnight train from Melbourne to Sydney and on the Ghan

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Ladies only carriages are there so women can be crammed in without worrying about getting groped (by men). They are meant for mass transit. This is a whole different set of circumstances, and like the banning of alcohol on the trains, is solving something different than the problem at hand.

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How about a ban on all employees from drinking and taking drugs whilst working. Introduce drug and alcohol testing for employees. This train service relies on tourists and if you are going to punish them because a company failed to monitor/supervise their staff then I bet your customers drop off.


Alcohol is not served on any V/Line service and you're not permitted to drink alcohol while on board any V/Line service.

The above is the rule enforced by your mates in the VIctorian Railway Police.smile.png

Actually they are called the Transit Police but what you is true alcohol is not allowed on V Line services. Alcohol however is served in the dinning cars on the overnight train from Melbourne to Sydney and on the Ghan

Used to be Railway when my mate was in it before he joined Commonwealth. Used to be the entry to them years ago.

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I predicted the response of some posters thinking not getting a beer on a train because of a rape/death of a 13 year old girl that they were the real victims.
If the trajedy was in any way connected to beer sales on trains the reaction would be understandable. The real victims are the people that live under a reactionary, predictably stupid govt. understand now?
The issue of rampant alcohol use and associated behavior has been an issue on the trains for quite awhile.

It is short-sighted to think this decision was made in a knee-jerk fashion.

Besides, if anyone read the article, it says alcohol consumption out of public view is still allowed. They are simply saying be discreet instead of the typical obnoxious behavior of the backpacker crowd who are completely oblivious to everyone else but themselves.

You have partly exposed the point I was going to make. The low life who attacked this girl was taking drugs and getting drunk in a staff area not accessible to the public as I understand it. There are many issues that need looking at but none of them are about passengers drinking in full view of others. That may be an issue but totally unrelated to the event that triggered the response.

The poor girl lost her life because if systematic failures in Thai society in part and national and private business ethics and practices as well as personal behaviour and responsibility generally.

1. He was taking drugs and getting drunk in a staff area where other employees must have seen him since. Why did no one warn his manager and appropriate action taken? Are there lots of SRT employees getting drunk and drugged up? Was he reported and no action taken

2. Are SRT employees screened and are records kept of previous offences?

3. Since an almost identical event happened to another woman in 2001 - why were controls not put in place then to prevent it happening again?

4. What measures are taken to secure compartments where people are sleeping? Its of course possible the others traveling with her left the door unlocked and maybe had left her alone at that time - if so would it be possible to secure the door from outside to protect those left behind? The feasibility of that given the usability.

5. Are there ever random checks on Employees to check for alcohol or drug use by the railway? If not why not? Is it even seen as wrong for company employees to be drinking and using drugs whilst on duty, or even after coming off duty and still on the train?

6. Referring back to the previous event in 2001 where the woman is now living abroad because of the trauma, why some 13 years later gas the railway still not paid the 4 million compensation she was awarded as damages?

7. What is wrong with a justice system that can leave a rape victim 13 years without closure?

And those are just off the top of my head!

Why is it that so often the real problems are blind to the people who should be tackling them? Are the managers and bosses all infected with an irrelevancy gene or is it some deeper psychological malaise that affects society?

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

Her sleeping compartment was not in a cabin, it was in the open "bunk" design where the two opposing seats fold into a bed and the upper bunk is lowered from the ceiling. The only security is the curtain.

Thanks for that - then certainly there is a need to examine the whole idea of segregated carriages for women, at least as an option for those not traveling with boyfriends or spouses. Security cameras would seem a good idea. If the carriage is all so open it is surprising that a girl of that age could get assaulted so gravely without disturbing others but not knowing the facts hard to understand really.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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It would seem that the anti alcohol brigade have got on the bandwagon big time.I as a Brit would like to inform them that beer drinking is part of our culture, as it is in many European countries. That does not mean that we drink to get legless, but to enjoy convivial conversation and put the world to rights?? The fact that we used to ply our sailors and soldiers with beer and later rum before they went into battle is bye the bye. A few lunch time beers at the local is what we grew up with. The PC brigade always want to ban things just because they don't like to see people enjoying themselves. Not all beer drinkers go around raping people. I cannot comment on drug takers.My heart goes out to the family of the poor girl who suffered this terrible demise. But stopping the rest of the population from having a beer is not the answer to stop it happening gain. RIP Little one.

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It would seem that the anti alcohol brigade have got on the bandwagon big time.I as a Brit would like to inform them that beer drinking is part of our culture, as it is in many European countries. That does not mean that we drink to get legless, but to enjoy convivial conversation and put the world to rights?? The fact that we used to ply our sailors and soldiers with beer and later rum before they went into battle is bye the bye. A few lunch time beers at the local is what we grew up with. The PC brigade always want to ban things just because they don't like to see people enjoying themselves. Not all beer drinkers go around raping people. I cannot comment on drug takers.My heart goes out to the family of the poor girl who suffered this terrible demise. But stopping the rest of the population from having a beer is not the answer to stop it happening gain. RIP Little one.

Yes, but think of the money you will save in direct purchasing costs and future medical costs... Besides waking up in the morning bright eyed and bushy tailed in a manner you likely haven't experienced since adolescence.

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It would seem that the anti alcohol brigade have got on the bandwagon big time.I as a Brit would like to inform them that beer drinking is part of our culture, as it is in many European countries. That does not mean that we drink to get legless, but to enjoy convivial conversation and put the world to rights?? The fact that we used to ply our sailors and soldiers with beer and later rum before they went into battle is bye the bye. A few lunch time beers at the local is what we grew up with. The PC brigade always want to ban things just because they don't like to see people enjoying themselves. Not all beer drinkers go around raping people. I cannot comment on drug takers.My heart goes out to the family of the poor girl who suffered this terrible demise. But stopping the rest of the population from having a beer is not the answer to stop it happening gain. RIP Little one.

Yes, but think of the money you will save in direct purchasing costs and future medical costs... Besides waking up in the morning bright eyed and bushy tailed in a manner you likely haven't experienced since adolescence.

I am now 80 years old. Fortunately I don't have any medical costs and buying beer prevented me from squandering my hard earned money on inconsequential things. I defy any eighty year old to wake up wide eyed and bushy tailed. Waking up is a pleasant surprise and the rest is a bonus, including a beer during the day to oil the wheels while I toil in my garden/ jungle.

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ONE tragic incident happens in the trains, and the "powers-that-be" prohibit alcohol sales in trains.....

Daily MANY incident/accident happen in road traffic, and nothing really changes....

Crazy people are everywhere, roads, trains, or just in the streets! They are there, always.... Laws do NOT prevent these kinds of tragedies.... Unfortunately :-(

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Total over reaction.

BYO won't solve it, just hide it (gut reaction bad idea)

Proper working porters & guards will.

I like a drink in my cabin, now they are just going from one extreme to the other.

The Thai guys just about always had a Samsong party down the back, & they never worried me.

In saying that the SRT has to be the most mismanaged department in Gov't, more worried about getting maximum rents from land

& forgetting what they really there for, to run an efficient train service,

Should have had efficient 2 track freight trains to Laem Chabang Port years ago. (Have a look at all those trucks would

have got off the road)

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  • 2 months later...

Did they ever actually ban the booze, or was this something they thought about and forgot/

I'm going on the train tonoght and was looking forward to relaxing with a few beerssad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png

Yes they have. They have aslo banned it from the kiosks at the station as well :-(

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Utter nonsense to 'ban alcohol' on these trains ! ! In fact, I don't drink, but I fail to see the connection between paxes "drinking" and an employee raping/killing a pax.

There's only one (1) factor important here, and that the screening-process (or the lack thereof) by the SRT.

The one thing I don;t understand is this: How did this "animal" gain such unhindered access to this poor 13 year old kid, who was traveling with THREE (3) companions, one of which was her older sister ? ? ? ? ? What I specifically mean is: WHERE WERE THESE 3 PEOPLE WHEN THIS LITTLE GIRL WAS RAPED & KILLED ? ? ? ? ?

I find this truly amazing.


People always complain about their "nanny states" back home and how much better it is here; well well well, this is just ONE of the consequences of not having a "nanny state."

Can't have our cake and eat it too; now can we, boys???

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Utter nonsense to 'ban alcohol' on these trains ! ! In fact, I don't drink, but I fail to see the connection between paxes "drinking" and an employee raping/killing a pax.

There's only one (1) factor important here, and that the screening-process (or the lack thereof) by the SRT.

The one thing I don;t understand is this: How did this "animal" gain such unhindered access to this poor 13 year old kid, who was traveling with THREE (3) companions, one of which was her older sister ? ? ? ? ? What I specifically mean is: WHERE WERE THESE 3 PEOPLE WHEN THIS LITTLE GIRL WAS RAPED & KILLED ? ? ? ? ?

I find this truly amazing.


People always complain about their "nanny states" back home and how much better it is here; well well well, this is just ONE of the consequences of not having a "nanny state."

Can't have our cake and eat it too; now can we, boys???

does that mean that in our nanny states no one gets raped or murdered ?

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Did they ever actually ban the booze, or was this something they thought about and forgot/

I'm going on the train tonoght and was looking forward to relaxing with a few beerssad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png

Yes they have. They have aslo banned it from the kiosks at the station as well :-(

Are they stopping people fr bringing their own?

We were thinking of a few trips north and south in the next month and would like to know?

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Did they ever actually ban the booze, or was this something they thought about and forgot/

I'm going on the train tonoght and was looking forward to relaxing with a few beerssad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png

Yes they have. They have aslo banned it from the kiosks at the station as well :-(

Are they stopping people fr bringing their own?

We were thinking of a few trips north and south in the next month and would like to know?

With the curtains shut in your little sleeper you could probably have a heroin party and they wouldn't know..

I wouldn't be swigging on a bottle of Jack sitting at my seat, unless you want an express exit,.

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  • 7 years later...
On 7/9/2014 at 7:25 AM, iphad said:

I predicted the response of some posters thinking not getting a beer on a train because of a rape/death of a 13 year old girl that they were the real victims.

This sort of crime can be committed by a sober bloke too, how are you going to prevent that.....?


No beer sales is just a knee-jerk reaction which will probably cause the loss of livelihood for some.


It is ridiculous.........????


Good job there's no Orient Express here.........????

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