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Two Thai drug traffickers sentenced to death and the other two given life


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But these are but mere pawns! Follow the money. It is being laundered somewhere?

Thais know how to follow the money, but they don't have the will to bust Thai Mr. Bigs.

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The many lives destroyed by drug's are the consequence of lenient drug laws, I'd just like to one day see Mr Big-shot on the table!

There are getting the death penalty ------ I guess we could make it a bit stricter then that,... dig then up & do it again comes to mind..........w00t.gif

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Top dogs are never prosecuted here. Never have been. Never will be. Top dogs are old money here-- at least three generations wealthy with strong military ties.. Everyone else is a sacrificial lamb on the fires of expediency....

Good post apart from the added biased bit about the military. If you have to mention wealth leave it up to the imagination.

Happens to be true tho gin, Its what happens when families are big, 7th son of a seventh son and all that means someone is nearly always linked in by blood or weddings and ergo connections

Like it or not the top of the tree here are mostly all connected in some way.

I agreed with him I agree with you BUT if you are going to name the big wigs, lets NOT just name the military, There's a load of them out there with hands in the till, these are the ones that should be facing the death penalty.

The military was used in his post because ???

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Top dogs are never prosecuted here. Never have been. Never will be. Top dogs are old money here-- at least three generations wealthy with strong military ties.. Everyone else is a sacrificial lamb on the fires of expediency....

Good post apart from the added biased bit about the military. If you have to mention wealth leave it up to the imagination.

Happens to be true tho gin, Its what happens when families are big, 7th son of a seventh son and all that means someone is nearly always linked in by blood or weddings and ergo connections

Like it or not the top of the tree here are mostly all connected in some way.

I agreed with him I agree with you BUT if you are going to name the big wigs, lets NOT just name the military, There's a load of them out there with hands in the till, these are the ones that should be facing the death penalty.

The military was used in his post because ???

umm well lets see, who patrols the borders ? who has the job of safeguarding the nations borders ? we totally agree theres all manner of hands in the cookie jar but really if your a drug trafficking boss theres only two worrys... police and military patrols ... we know the police are buyable just where did you get the idea the other one isnt ?

TIT remember there isnt any difference between either other than the uniform here and certainly not one thats become all saintly just all of a sudden now.

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The death penalty is a barbaric dark age punishment that should be abolished in any country wanting to be modern.

The many lives destroyed by drug's are the consequence of lenient drug laws, I'd just like to one day see Mr Big-shot on the table!

Funny how most are happy to see the "drug" dealers hang, but never ask the same for those that make billions and billions of dollars from selling the two "drugs" ... alcohol & tobacco ... that by far kill the most people world wide.

What about tobacco executives who purposely develop more addictive cigarettes ... and develop marketing/sales programs that deliberately target young kids (a la the camel cartoon character). These guys are making hundreds-of-millions of people addicted to tobacco and make billions of dollars doing it. Let's hang a few of those guys for a change.

Edited by HerbalEd
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Convictions and sentencing are all good and great for the RPT PR image......but as previously mentioned, these guys are delivery boys......

There are big Thai bosses managing these people.....obviously very wealthy people to be able to buy such a large stock.

the police may already know who the bosses are, seems logical to me.
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The death penalty is a barbaric dark age punishment that should be abolished in any country wanting to be modern.

The many lives destroyed by drug's are the consequence of lenient drug laws, I'd just like to one day see Mr Big-shot on the table!

Funny how most are happy to see the "drug" dealers hang, but never ask the same for those that make billions and billions of dollars from selling the two "drugs" ... alcohol & tobacco ... that by far kill the most people world wide.

What about tobacco executives who purposely develop more addictive cigarettes ... and develop marketing/sales programs that deliberately target young kids (a la the camel cartoon character). These guys are making hundreds-of-millions of people addicted to tobacco and make billions of dollars doing it. Let's hang a few of those guys for a change.

"What about tobacco executives who purposely develop more addictive cigarettes..."

I take it you can provide proof of that statement? Or was it something you read in The Daily Rag and swallowed hook, line and sinker?

The nastiest chemical in cigarettes today is the 'fire retardant', which has not been subjected to proper testing for toxicity and has seen smokers coughing up blood after smoking them. This fire retardant additive was mandated by those nice folk in Tobacco Control. Well, so what if the stuff is poisonous? They're only disgusting smokers, untermenschen, after all.

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The death penalty is a barbaric dark age punishment that should be abolished in any country wanting to be modern.

Criticism can be good if given with a viable proven workable alternative, if not, don't criticise.

You are not adding anything, to sensible discussion, otherwise.

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Scout car pair didn't do too well then eh; couldn't even spot a roadblock !

The way Thai drive, no doubt the cargo truck was only 20 cm from the scout truck back bumper. Most drug mules aren't the sharpest pencils in the box.

cheesy.gif The guys in the second truck told the guys in the first truck to just stick an arm out the window to warn them if they saw a road block.

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A decent deterrent for the druggies at last death, sentence that should stop them reoffending again in the near future, now it will just be a case of catching the Mr Big who runs the racket and give him the same dose.

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I just wonder if there is any Thai Official who will carry out the "Death Sentence"? What ever happened to those 4 individuals who received the "Death Sentence" and then was released by the Court? Until 1932, it was a beheading done by a team of 3. A Chief Executioner and 2 Assistants. The Condemned was in a sitting position tied to a "T" in the ground. Music was played and the Executioners danced around the Condemned with their swords and then............Whack off with his head! The 2 Assistants were there in case the Chief missed. Common criminals were beheaded, unless the victim was royal, in which case they were beaten to death with a piece of sweet-smelling wood. In 1932, they switched to firing squad, a system that lasted until December 2003. Now it is Death by Chemical Injection. Does any Thai Official know how to do it ? Are the Chemicals available? I just think that Death by Chemical Injection is far too complicated. Personally, i don't think the Death Sentence is inhumane or uncivilized at all. It is Justice for the Victims of a Capital Crime done by an individual to the innocent victim. Far too many members are more concerned for the Criminal who received the death sentence rather than the victim or the Capital Offense.. I just think that the Execution should be carried out by the machine gun again. 15 rounds and done. Next! thumbsup.gif

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Convictions and sentencing are all good and great for the RPT PR image......but as previously mentioned, these guys are delivery boys......

There are big Thai bosses managing these people.....obviously very wealthy people to be able to buy such a large stock.

Not necessarily Thai neither. wink.png

Sino is an operative word...

I guess you are in the business to known who Mr Big is I hope the Police or Army investigate you so turn them in or go to jail

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