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Teacher accused of trying to 'saw off' students ear: Thailand


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Corporal punishment was made illegal in ALL Thai schools years ago, but it still goes on - and will do so long as parents shut up and say nothing when their children are abused.

Start kicking!

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A lot of Thai schools still use the cane and chalk throwing, which still seems accepted in Thai society if not legal, but this is ridiculous. Teacher should be prosecuted.

It is only legal to hit the very young children and I presume that this is supposed to be a light smack as is somewhat accepted worldwide for kindergarten age. The cane has been illegal in Thailand for a number of years and is treated as assault. The high school I worked at used a quite painful punishment but this was not by hitting; the child is ordered to squat down with arms folded and kick each leg up a number of times, similar to the Cossack dance. Another punishment was massaging the deputy directors feet!

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This person obviously has serious problems. This goes way, way, way beyond any type of discipline.

If the school administrator is strong enough, and they can find a prosecutor or judge who is not fully compromised, maybe they can get a prison sentence, for this sociopathic freak of nature. Nothing like becoming a fellow inmates girlfriend for a few years, to change this woman's attitude toward life. She can get a taste of what it is like to have someone bigger and older torment and torture you. My guess, is that she would not be treated too kindly in the prison, when those gals found out what she was in for! Yeah baby. Let the fun and games begin. Come here honey. Let me show you a few things.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This person obviously has serious problems. This goes way, way, way beyond any type of discipline.

Abusing children! She needs 50+ years of rehab in the monkey house...after they saw off one of her ears. My daughter just started kindergarten this year. Any teacher lays one hand on my daughter and the punishment will be much worse. How is it possible that mentally disturbed people are allowed to "teach/discipline" our children? TIT, Despicable!!!

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Good thing they are taking their time and truly doing a detailed investigation to try and prove the teachers innocents. I am sure the class room of students are all lying. You watch the truth will come out and it will be something like ... <this diligent loving teacher, was going beyond her duties, in that she was preparing her students for the future. The incident occurred when she was explaining in detail the French Revolution and the means of execution of the nobility. Using the ruler as the blade to sever the head from the neck, of an imaginary noble ... some naughty, rude student, jumped up, and placed his ear in the line of fire. The teacher is innocent and the injured student will be severely punished for disrupting the lesson. The other students will also be punished for lying and causing harm to the name of this dedicated and excellent teacher. In fact she is so great of teacher that she may be transferred to the Prime Ministers Office in charge of training and enlightening new Teachers.>"


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Having worked in Kindergarten 2/3 in a large chain of Thai private schools, the behavior of some of the Thai teacher with regards to discipline is really just child abuse. Seeing a Thai teacher (if you can call her that, child abuser is more fitting) drag a 3 year old child across the floor giving the child kicks in the stomach is just plain abuse. What do you think the schools admin did about this NOTHING.

Edited by MaprangHolmes
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This kind of sadistic violence towards children is all too common here in Thai schools.

I have heard through my daughters accounts, several incidents of brutality towards the children in her school, and her school is not a state owned institution..

On one occasion a child in my daughters class was beaten with a steel rule drawing blood by a male teacher.

The offence you ask ? The poor child aged 8, forgot her homework book,

My child, and her class mates were all traumatised by this event, and complants were made by many parents to the school

Was the teacher reprimanded you ask ? The answer is no, he was just moved to diifferent part of the school so he was not in any contact with the affected children.

I would ask the parents of all children to ask them what their day was like, and to be open and not scared if they wish to tell something.

Many children are so scared of the teachers at their schools, that they are under -performing and have all kinds of behavioural problems.

Schools should be safe environments in which to place children in order that they gain some education, not torture chambers for the Thai SS.

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When I was 10 years old (back in 1966), I went to a typical little provincial school in the Alps, and two of the teachers were notorious sadistic maniacs who not only loved to beat up kids very viciously but also enjoyed terrorizing them. Both of them attacked only the boys and prided themselves on that, as it proved, in their eyes, how civilized and normal they were.

The other teachers, the school staff, the local authorities, the parents.... everyone obviously thought the same because in spite of complaints from the kids (rare of course because they were afraid of the possible backlash), nothing ever happened to those two very sick b*st*rds. Eventually they retired ... and lived happily ever after.

My point is that it's all about context. And the context here in Thailand, undeniably, is very similar to what it was in Europe 50 or more years ago. This teacher was involved in a similar incident before and nothing happened to her, except a slap on the wrist, perhaps not even that. Notice that her name is not revealed. If she'd stolen a motorbike, it would be. No photo either, in this country where you'd think that the word 'privacy' is not in the dictionary.

so... How does one set about to change a context ? I suspect it's not in fact possible. It eventually changes itself and individual efforts surely help, but they don't directly cause the change. Sorry if that sounds pessimistic but it's what I have observed repeatedly, here, there and everywhere.

In Europe now, the context has changed so radically that being a teacher is a real challenge because the kids are untouchable and I have a feeling that the parents are somehow seeking revenge for what they had to put up with when they were young. We've gone from one excess to another as it so often happens in human affairs.

Anyway.... seeing the stitches on that little boys ears make you want to go and beat up that b*tch real bad in return. Which if course would be just as useless and uncivilized as she is....

Edited by Yann55
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

When I was 10 years old (back in 1966), I went to a typical little provincial school in the Alps, and two of the teachers were notorious sadistic maniacs who not only loved to beat up kids very viciously but also enjoyed terrorizing them. Both of them attacked only the boys and prided themselves on that, as it proved, in their eyes, how civilized and normal they were.

The other teachers, the school staff, the local authorities, the parents.... everyone obviously thought the same because in spite of complaints from the kids (rare of course because they were afraid of the possible backlash), nothing ever happened to those two very sick b*st*rds. Eventually they retired ... and lived happily ever after.

My point is that it's all about context. And the context here in Thailand, undeniably, is very similar to what it was in Europe 50 or more years ago. This teacher was involved in a similar incident before and nothing happened to her, except a slap on the wrist, perhaps not even that. Notice that her name is not revealed. If she'd stolen a motorbike, it would be. No photo either, in this country where you'd think that the word 'privacy' is not in the dictionary.

so... How does one set about to change a context ? I suspect it's not in fact possible. It eventually changes itself and individual efforts surely help, but they don't directly cause the change. Sorry if that sounds pessimistic but it's what I have observed repeatedly, here, there and everywhere.

In Europe now, the context has changed so radically that being a teacher is a real challenge because the kids are untouchable and I have a feeling that the parents are somehow seeking revenge for what they had to put up with when they were young. We've gone from one excess to another as it so often happens in human affairs.

Anyway.... seeing the stitches on that little boys ears make you want to go and beat up that b*tch real bad in return. Which if course would be just as useless and uncivilized as she is....

I am 100% sure if this (teacher?) tried to cut off your 4 year old sons ear, your post would be completely different? No time for your "how does one" blah blah blah and politically correct BS. A child was not only abused, but brutally tortured. She would never be teaching or breathing again if it were my child!!!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

When I was 10 years old (back in 1966), I went to a typical little provincial school in the Alps, and two of the teachers were notorious sadistic maniacs who not only loved to beat up kids very viciously but also enjoyed terrorizing them. Both of them attacked only the boys and prided themselves on that, as it proved, in their eyes, how civilized and normal they were.

The other teachers, the school staff, the local authorities, the parents.... everyone obviously thought the same because in spite of complaints from the kids (rare of course because they were afraid of the possible backlash), nothing ever happened to those two very sick b*st*rds. Eventually they retired ... and lived happily ever after.

My point is that it's all about context. And the context here in Thailand, undeniably, is very similar to what it was in Europe 50 or more years ago. This teacher was involved in a similar incident before and nothing happened to her, except a slap on the wrist, perhaps not even that. Notice that her name is not revealed. If she'd stolen a motorbike, it would be. No photo either, in this country where you'd think that the word 'privacy' is not in the dictionary.

so... How does one set about to change a context ? I suspect it's not in fact possible. It eventually changes itself and individual efforts surely help, but they don't directly cause the change. Sorry if that sounds pessimistic but it's what I have observed repeatedly, here, there and everywhere.

In Europe now, the context has changed so radically that being a teacher is a real challenge because the kids are untouchable and I have a feeling that the parents are somehow seeking revenge for what they had to put up with when they were young. We've gone from one excess to another as it so often happens in human affairs.

Anyway.... seeing the stitches on that little boys ears make you want to go and beat up that b*tch real bad in return. Which if course would be just as useless and uncivilized as she is....

I am 100% sure if this (teacher?) tried to cut off your 4 year old sons ear, your post would be completely different? No time for your "how does one" blah blah blah and politically correct BS. A child was not only abused, but brutally tortured. She would never be teaching or breathing again if it were my child!!!

This woman is a Neanderthal. And so are you with your pathetic aggressivity. All reactions and no brains.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

When I was 10 years old (back in 1966), I went to a typical little provincial school in the Alps, and two of the teachers were notorious sadistic maniacs who not only loved to beat up kids very viciously but also enjoyed terrorizing them. Both of them attacked only the boys and prided themselves on that, as it proved, in their eyes, how civilized and normal they were.

The other teachers, the school staff, the local authorities, the parents.... everyone obviously thought the same because in spite of complaints from the kids (rare of course because they were afraid of the possible backlash), nothing ever happened to those two very sick b*st*rds. Eventually they retired ... and lived happily ever after.

My point is that it's all about context. And the context here in Thailand, undeniably, is very similar to what it was in Europe 50 or more years ago. This teacher was involved in a similar incident before and nothing happened to her, except a slap on the wrist, perhaps not even that. Notice that her name is not revealed. If she'd stolen a motorbike, it would be. No photo either, in this country where you'd think that the word 'privacy' is not in the dictionary.

so... How does one set about to change a context ? I suspect it's not in fact possible. It eventually changes itself and individual efforts surely help, but they don't directly cause the change. Sorry if that sounds pessimistic but it's what I have observed repeatedly, here, there and everywhere.

In Europe now, the context has changed so radically that being a teacher is a real challenge because the kids are untouchable and I have a feeling that the parents are somehow seeking revenge for what they had to put up with when they were young. We've gone from one excess to another as it so often happens in human affairs.

Anyway.... seeing the stitches on that little boys ears make you want to go and beat up that b*tch real bad in return. Which if course would be just as useless and uncivilized as she is....

I am 100% sure if this (teacher?) tried to cut off your 4 year old sons ear, your post would be completely different? No time for your "how does one" blah blah blah and politically correct BS. A child was not only abused, but brutally tortured. She would never be teaching or breathing again if it were my child!!!

This woman is a Neanderthal. And so are you with your pathetic aggressivity. All reactions and no brains.

What would you suggest her punishment should be for child abuse/torture? Weekly therapy sessions? You apparently do not have children in a Thai school. I do!!! BTW, aggressivity is not a word? Something you dreamed up?

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Having worked in Kindergarten 2/3 in a large chain of Thai private schools, the behavior of some of the Thai teacher with regards to discipline is really just child abuse. Seeing a Thai teacher (if you can call her that, child abuser is more fitting) drag a 3 year old child across the floor giving the child kicks in the stomach is just plain abuse. What do you think the schools admin did about this NOTHING.

What did you do about it???

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

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When I was in high school we had a sadistic head master in charge of the Maths department.

he liked to humiliate kids in class and pull kids out of class or during lunch break who he didn't like and give them the cane or other forms of punishment like clean up the rubbish during lunch break in front of your friends and class mates and was a right bastard .

We had a gut full of it and we decided to fire bomb his car, after we fire bombed his car we also sent him a letter telling him that his house was next.

He soon lost face and quit teaching.

Edited by Paulzed
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When I was in high school we had a sadistic head master in charge of the Maths department.

he liked to humiliate kids in class and pull kids out of class or during lunch break who he didn't like and give them the cane or other forms of punishment like clean up the rubbish during lunch break in front of your friends and class mates and was a right bastard .

We had a gut full of it and we decided to fire bomb his car, after we fire bombed his car we also sent him a letter telling him that his house was next.

He soon lost face and quit teaching.

where was your school,the Lebanon ?

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When I was in high school we had a sadistic head master in charge of the Maths department.

he liked to humiliate kids in class and pull kids out of class or during lunch break who he didn't like and give them the cane or other forms of punishment like clean up the rubbish during lunch break in front of your friends and class mates and was a right bastard .

We had a gut full of it and we decided to fire bomb his car, after we fire bombed his car we also sent him a letter telling him that his house was next.

He soon lost face and quit teaching.

where was your school,the Lebanon ?

South Fremantle.

Where do you think a lot of the Calabrese, Sicilians, Serbians, Croats, Bosnians emigrated to after the WWII

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Terrible actions by the teacher.

Really, who would want her near ANY children in the future? She needs to be put on some register or other not allowing her near children ever again.

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I was told on good authority she is Mike Tysons cousin. she said it was neither EAR nor there. If I was the mother of the kid I think I would be having words with the teacher in a dark passage.

Either that or is overly captivated by Vincent Van Gogh

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I was told on good authority she is Mike Tysons cousin. she said it was neither EAR nor there. If I was the mother of the kid I think I would be having words with the teacher in a dark passage.

Either that or is overly captivated by Vincent Van Gogh

Perhaps the little beggars were studying Julius Caesar salad and she got carried away with Mark Antony's speech to the citizens..

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I was told on good authority she is Mike Tysons cousin. she said it was neither EAR nor there. If I was the mother of the kid I think I would be having words with the teacher in a dark passage.

Either that or is overly captivated by Vincent Van Gogh

Perhaps the little beggars were studying Julius Caesar salad and she got carried away with Mark Antony's speech to the citizens..

She is a Thai teacher,she wouldn't know anything about Van Gough or Ceasar

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