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Immigration: Foreigners must now carry valid ID at all times, report within 24 hours

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I have to say. There is definitely a trend here.

There's a big change on the cards in Thailand.

This is just paving the way.

Before the end of this year the retirement visa will change.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


....and after that they'll start rationing, setting quota's of how many tourists every country can send each year, and only allowing a maximum of one hundred new retirement visa's each year, each going to the highest bidder, I'm certain they will. coffee1.gif


i doubt that,reduce the foreigners and you wont need so many immigration officials, we keep their jobs for them.

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Just issue cell phones or other GPS tracking devices upon entry into the country...that will remove all doubt about how often farangs go to bars...massage parlors...restaurants...and toilets...all very useful information in the New Thailand...


If they go to the toilet too often...could fine them 2,000 baht for using too much water...if they go to bars or massage parlor more than once per day...fine them a sin tax...I am sure all would be happy to contribute to the Thai economy...

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Maybe Immigration could establish a facility at ports of entry,  to provide visitors with Authorised copies of Passports.  Or, for those requiring a Visa,  it could be an additional service offered by Embassies.

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Then there's stupidly pointless 90 day reporting. Don't we update our address whenever extending stays or moving address anyway? If the 90 day is so important why not make it 7 day reporting or daily reporting. 

It's in the very same Section 37 of the Immigration Act. And because it's there and not a Ministerial Regulation or Police Order, it'll be harder to get rid of it, even if they wanted to.

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The Immigration Act was last changed in 1979. I reckon they still used ox carts to go around and didn't move like people do after the invention of low-cost airlines. They ought to scrap the Section 37 and replace it with something more modern.

To understand how outdated and out of touch with modern times the thai immigration is, the current Immigration Act from 1979 requires foreigners who have not been vaccinated against smallpox to be prohibited from entering the country.

I guess when the military get around to reading that part of the law there's going to be a mass cleansing of the evil foreign problem plaguing the country. 

Oh <deleted>. So the Act is still not 100% enforced. Get ready to hand over your vaccination cards.

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is it just me or do others detect a "trend" here?




as I have posted several times on TVF over the past weeks


After the crackdown of visa runners and overstayers this was in my opinion always going to happen as a natural progression, I fully expect active checks at residences - road stops - bars and  entertainment eating venues in all  areas especially tourist as they look for those on overstay, there will still be those that have been hiding out on overstay and have not taken the opportunity to leave before the deadline and rules are enforced that are going to find it more difficult to avoid detection

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Immigration really are taking their anger out on the foreigners it seems. While carrying ID seems reasonable, the Failure to report the foreigner by the house master? Seriously what is this, the cold war? I guess my landlord will charge me an extra 2000 Bt when she gets the fine from immigration. 

Then there's stupidly pointless 90 day reporting. Don't we update our address whenever extending stays or moving address anyway? If the 90 day is so important why not make it 7 day reporting or daily reporting. 


Would be popular in Chiang Mai as there are lots of people who love doing the 90 day reports, as it gives them an opportunity to observe people, read a book, chat with interesting folk......so they say.

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Does this include everywhere else? 


Meaning I only have to carry my Thai Drivers Licencse - no need to keep my passport or a copy with me as well?

Yes...seems like it...but wait there's more!


Whenever I go to visit the wife's family over the weekend (or go anywhere for more than 24 hours), I have to call her brother's (who are policemen) to tell them I'm coming! lol. Why doesn't immigration put tracking collars on all foreigners. They there we know where we all are 24/7. That's basically their goal. Tourists / backpackers who want to travel extensively, will just not want to come to Thailand for fear of being fined when they don't report their whereabouts. 


And could my wife be fined for not reporting I've lived in our house the last 14 years? (despite the fact we do 90 day reports!!!)


your 90 day report is a report where you are staying as long as you don't go anywhere else there is no problem.If you go on holiday its up to the hotel manager to report, again no problem for you.

What happens if you go into hospital for a week or so, doctors problem ?

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Does this include everywhere else? 
Meaning I only have to carry my Thai Drivers Licencse - no need to keep my passport or a copy with me as well?

If that's the case then great news. The UK authorities have no further excuses for their shambolic passport renewal service.
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nothing new to the "reporting adress" section.  Actually, your guesthouse or hotel host will do the 24-hour notification for everybody who has checked into their premises.  Nothing for backpackers to worry about, and no, THEY will not have to report to an immigration office after checking in.  This has always been the law and now still is the law

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Dr, oh no, the next cat is out of the bag. I actually had one, once. I don't have a clue as to where it has gone to and probably no way in hell I could come up with the necessary documentation. Hang on, it's going to be a rough ride for awhile, let's hope calmer seas are ahead and we are still here to enjoy as before.
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is it just me or do others detect a "trend" here?




as I have posted several times on TVF over the past weeks


After the crackdown of visa runners and overstayers this was in my opinion always going to happen as a natural progression, I fully expect active checks at residences - road stops - bars and  entertainment eating venues in all  areas especially tourist as they look for those on overstay, there will still be those that have been hiding out on overstay and have not taken the opportunity to leave before the deadline and rules are enforced that are going to find it more difficult to avoid detection



Happened today at a certain residence in On Nut, the mrs told me the illegals were like rats fleeing a sinking ship.


These people know whats being going on, and know where to target.


Taken a walk down Suk soi 3 or 5 recently?

Wow, where did they all go?

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Just issue cell phones or other GPS tracking devices upon entry into the country...that will remove all doubt about how often farangs go to bars...massage parlors...restaurants...and toilets...all very useful information in the New Thailand...


If they go to the toilet too often...could fine them 2,000 baht for using too much water...if they go to bars or massage parlor more than once per day...fine them a sin tax...I am sure all would be happy to contribute to the Thai economy...

I always leave my cell phone at home.

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Some still don't get it. It isn't just the hotel etc. that has to report, YOU the FARANG have to fill out FM 28 and take to local cop shop if you leave your province for more than 24 hours and you have 48 hours to do it.
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In France some 30-40 years ago, one left one's passport with the hotel desk (for the police) and in Sweden some 50 years ago, one had to report to the police within 24 hours. But all that went out donkey's years ago. Although in the years that I'm talking about, there weren't terrorists. Is that what it's all about?

In CM , in the Gh that I stay in every year, they take a photo copy of my passport, but I have, never, in 10 years, seen a cop come to look at the registrar. Mind you I have never signed or seen a registrar either. On the contrary, I have often seen that in my hotel in Penang.
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"Hua Hin Immigration is from today also enforcing the requirements that you and your landlord (condominium owner, house owner etc) must report to Immigration within 24 hours of moving in to a new address. On your arrival card you already reported your place of stay, and if that changes you need to visit Immigration and report your new address."



......kind of a hassle for those on a tour of Thailand?



If you are traveling around the country and staying in hotels they are the ones that make the report using a TM30 form. I don't believe you will expected to show up an immigration office.

Most hotels are set up to do their reporting online.



But, IMO, that is not what it says.  It says if you (the tourist) are staying at an address different than the one shown on your entry card, which you (the tourist) reported to a competent official upon entry, then you must report that new address.  It does not say that you are relieved of this requirement if you are staying at a hotel, because they must do it.


It seems like they are thinking only about tours and vacations where people arrange in advance to stay one or more places, then leave.  But what about all the travelers who like to wander around a country without a schedule or agenda, and just pick a place to stay when they arrive somewhere and can see it first hand?  


Further, I don't believe a certified copy of your passport has a copy of your entry card (and address), does it?.  

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It clearly states fail to report is a thb 2000 fine !

Sent from my GT-P3100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If you are on a retirement visa the TM28 is the document you fill in on your 90 day report,so no problem for retirement visa people...

as for carrying ID get the photo page of your passport shrunk copied then go to immagration ask them to stamp the back of it,then take

it back to the shop and get it laminated,job done...

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Some still don't get it. It isn't just the hotel etc. that has to report, YOU the FARANG have to fill out FM 28 and take to local cop shop if you leave your province for more than 24 hours and you have 48 hours to do it.


So immigration need to be told where you're staying twice ?


Are you sure about this ? I think you're wrong

It would make more sense that people need to fill out the TM28 only when they're staying somewhere that doesn't report your location to immigration like a private residence of a friend for example.


Edit : A Long time ago but as there's been no change in the law it might still be relevant : http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/184379-change-of-address-tm-28/#entry1935430


To summarise the above link : Housemaster report is instead of TM28 report.

Edited by ukrules
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UK driving licence has a photo, surely this can be used as photo ID?


It could, but question does your UK Driving License have your passport number on it ? I think that Immigration wants that so they can check your Immigration Status.



A good point, my Thai driving license does have my verified passport number on it.



Not if you've renewed your passport in the past five years it doesn't.


Exactly, i renewed my passport 2 times since the last time i renewed my 5 year thai DL.

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I've always carried my passport and work permit with me.  If for no other reason than I fear leaving it in my house might result in its theft. And had my fears confirmed when I once had someone try to break into my front door while I was at home. 

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Wanna' bet that 5 year visa any good tomorrow, or the day after, or next year? For that matter any visa, extension etc.? The government can change the rules as they go along and nothing we can do about it. We live in uncertain times and it is always best to plan for the worst and hope for the best. Remember all the best laid plans of mice and men..... in Thailand all the best laid plans go out the window, time and time again.


I'm willing to bet that before revoking elite card visas (2500 people paying 100k baht per year directly into government coffers) they will crack down on every other visa class first, such as:


  • NON-retired-sexpat-living-on-15k-per-month
  • NON-married-but-cant-afford-400k-so-using-multi-o-visas
  • NON-english-teacher-without-a-degree-or-work-permit
  • NON-studying-thai-with-1-class-a-week
  • NON-digital-nomad-working-illegally-and-not-paying-taxes
  • etc laugh.png
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Fwiw my wife (thai) burst out laughing and said 'what are they going to do, send immigration officers knocking on every condominium door every day of the week?' for the 48 hour reporting thing (we have a weekend place down that way). general feeling is that most people won't bother their arse going down the cop shop to queue up and fill out a form saying 'I am here' no matter what the authorities are saying in public, and the rank and file are unlikely to give much of a toss. It's more directed at hippies and drifters etc. hotel guests as others have said should not have to worry I don't think

Photo I'd shouldn't be a problem for most though. Sensible really as random stops are increasing in frequency during this period, not uncommon during military led hiatuses

We will see I guess but don't think most need be too worried by this at the moment
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It clearly states fail to report is a thb 2000 fine !

Sent from my GT-P3100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If you are on a retirement visa the TM28 is the document you fill in on your 90 day report,so no problem for retirement visa people...

90 day reports are TM.47, the other reports mentioned in Immigration Act's Section 37, which it seems they will now start enforcing, are TM.28. 


Hotel owners, etc fill the TM.30.




EDIT: And those don't have anything to do with the TM.6 departure card, either.

Edited by DrTuner
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They need to roll out Thai ID cards for foreigners with appropriate Visa's.  I'm not going to carry around  a ฿3000 form of ID every time I want to go down to Big C to pick up a box of diapers for my kid.  If this spreads to BKK I'll be engaging in civil disobedience.   Furthermore there is no reasonable privacy laws in this country.  My violent ex was simply able to go down to the District office and do a name search to get the address where I currently live.  Some people have good reasons for not wanting to be found, my reason is I don't want to be assaulted, or perhaps murdered by a violent former relation or by their proxy.  If the government won't protect privacy in such a basic fashion it should expect to see resistance to such draconian policies.

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