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Hua Hin Immigration clarifies rules on foreigners carrying ID

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Like to hear this from the Immigration Boss..


You believe there really is one?..............sounds to me like each local Immigration "boss" is a law unto himself - answerable to no one and free to exercise his unlimited powers as he sees fit.


Same scenario with all the Banks, Post Offices etc., etc.

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It is only the Passport that tells anybody if you are legally in the country, no other ID card tells whether you have a Visa or have done you 90 day reporting



The level of stupidity on this forum and others never ceases to amaze me and I'm not talking about you my friend as you are 100% correct


First here are the facts


-  This has always been the rule in Thailand - you must carry your original passport at all times. In saying that, other forms of id have been accepted in the past but are by no means the official rule 


- as we all know there is a general tightening down on visa rules recently especially concerning repeated back to back  border runs and those on overstay and those suspected of working here illegally 


It is a general tightening of immigration rules that most of us are now aware of


In particular as I have mentioned before several times on TVF - In order for Thai authorities to pursue those on overstay the only possible way for them to do this actively is to start checking people everywhere to ensure they have valid permission to stay in the Kingdom - the only way to do this is to check their original passport so it follows that everyone is now expected to carry their original passport at all times 


Will there be practical variations to this is most likely going to be up to the person that is checking you out and how you arrange with them to show your passport but the bottom line is (as stated in the OP) that you must be carrying the original document ready to be checked on the spot at all times - how you deal with this if stopped to be checked is going to be up to you but at least you are now aware of the rules and the possible fine if you decide the break the rules


Nothing more to discuss here


This is not the only way to check on the immigration status of 'aliens'.


You simply invest in a decent computer system and make the rule that your ID must show your passport number, this could be Thai driving licence or passport photocopy. The traffic officers checking the document can be in contact with the immigration central office in seconds to check status, and the relevant action can be taken.




we are talking about what is available here now, there are many solutions that could be implemented and it is pointless to even discuss here as they don't exist

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And without the 'certified copy' vaunted in the first immigration announcement 



pray tell oh omniscient officialdom how a foreign national can retain his/her passport for your minions' divine perusal while say applying for visas to other countries




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The "new" regulations are totally in line with International Practices.  In Indonesia, if stopped without your original passport, your next stop is the Police Station.  You can wait for someone to bring you your original passport then they slap a fine for not having your passport wih you.  I'm all for having original documents with you all the time.  It may help weed out some undesirables.  Just my 2 Baht worth.  Flame if you wish, but the Law's the Law.






I just can't help but think you're joking.

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There are nights when I think I am going to the bars.  On those nights I only carry the strick minimum as I am not sure how inebriated and smart I will be when returning home.  I leave the car, credit cards, passport, driving licenses and only carry an id card that I can affort to lose or in case of an accident, this way at least the morgue will know where to call for the delivery...


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555 this is real genius!

Now, every Farang in Thailand who wants to rent a motorbike has to leave with the renter: his passport.

This just makes it so much easier for police to pay the rent in no time: Just stop any (and all) Farang on a motorbike, ask for passport and: Bingo!

Couldnt have set it up better myself wink.png




Nobody have to leave their passport at the renter!


Sure, but they will not be able to rent that bike smile.png






Off course they can, only "stupid tourists" leave their passports at the renter. I have rented motorbike numerous times without leaving my pp...

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I'm just in the process of applying for a visa for India. As I live in the South, it will take me 3 (THREE) flights to Bangkok, to finally get the visa.

Just the normal crazy Indian bullsh***.

My passport will be in Bangkok for approx. 8 days (without me). 

So, my question to the Immigration officers is: How can I please apply for a visa without breaking the law?



Indian Embassy have to make do with seeing and photocoying your passport .... they have no right to hold on to your passport.

They also have a natural right to not stick a visa in a passport unless they are given the original.

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living abroad for 11 years and carrying my passport along with me all those years.

yet, no one bothered to ask me my passport and never lost my passport of course.

if you dont carry your passport, it is not only 2000 baht. they drive you to police station and expect someone like your gf brings it to the station. if not they drive you to your home to let you present it means your day is screwed up.


so all these info yesterday went to rubbish bin? so if i dont follow and carry my riding ,license, i might be in trouble. 

funny really, immigration chief says info yesterday is wrong. so where was the colonel yesterday?


anyway, i am not sending any more foreigners to hua hin anymore. let businesses there pressure immigration once they are about to be bankrupt.

i just boycott hua hin.

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Foreign nationals in the USA have to carry passports at all times. Does that count as a first world democracy?


@ TV News: Do you have any clarification on the reporting of movements requirements? The way I read the movement reporting requirements they seem completely unworkable.


IE, I live in east Pattaya, same place for almost a year now. As I read the rules, If I went to Ban Chang for the weekend I would have to report to immigration in Rayong Province, and then report again to immigration here in Chonburi when I returned to my home. 


This seems crazy.

"Foreign nationals in the USA have to carry passports at all times. Does that count as a first world democracy?"


One of the reasons I haven't been there for 20 years!


Technology is the key to catching law breakers now and in the future, invest now and save a lot of time and problems later. Same can be done regarding vehicles, give all traffic police scanners that tell them immediately, owner of vehicle, is it taxed, insured etc.

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so a complete u turn on what was said yesterday................Mickey Mouse country, dont need  passport  do need a passport fuck me  you coudlnt make it up!! get a stamp dont get a stamp blah blah blah SHOW ME THE LAWS WRITTEN  DOWN, its seems they interpret it ANYWAY they want!!

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This is what is called the law of unintended consequences;  because of the coup any little petty dictator will come up with draconian rules because they can 


Nothing like no accountability to bring out the worst in bureaucrats 

This was actually started before the coup, but seems to have been amplified by it.


The irony of it is, it started because of foreigners working illegally in f.ex. tour agencies, the Thais complaining about farangs stealing their jobs. Well, now that the crackdown is starting to spill over to issues which may cause tourists to get concerned enough to change destination, it's those same Thais that are going to be losing the revenue.


Be careful what you wish for.

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Today for the first time since 1991 (on and off) . I've been looking for other countries to go to. I have to say that I hate the idea of leaving. But it's a small world and as it keep going like this or it get worse their won't be another choice if your under 50 .  Hope not, as I like it here. 



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Carrying the Passport all the time is a ridiculous request and a big risk. There's a big chance that Police see that new rule as a reason to stop foreigners, hoping to make some extra money. They could issue an official ID card for foreigners that serves as residence certificate as well, like in any civilized country.

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In every country the rule is the same but who is really going to the beach with his passport and which country is really enforcing this to a fine? How much worth a stolen passport for criminals and have you an idea of the hassles in case a tourist loses his passport? Which tourist really want to lose his passport in Thailand? I hope the police force will be flexible with this rule (as all countries are) especially regarding the fine or is this measure to extort the tourists money ? By the way is extortion not criminal offence? You, who make the rules should put yourself at the position of legit tourists and not treat them as criminals at first... We see that Big Generals are in power... What s the next measure?


"in every country the rule is the same"? Utter nonsense. I assume you are Thai or you would know better.



I am not Thai but can you point me a country where you can theorically circulate without a valid ID ?


A Valid ID is different from your original passport, to request ID is fine, passport is not unless you are required to report within 24 hours.

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Foreign nationals in the USA have to carry passports at all times. Does that count as a first world democracy?


That is simply false.


Absolutely true. Foreign nationals are required to carry proof of their legal status at all times. Individuals used to be issued certificates they were required to carry, but now it is simply a stamp in the individuals passport. 

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In some way, I actually hope they really start to enforce this law. The law is now official, so do it properly!
Stop all tourists/expats and fine them all THB 2.000 for not carrying their passport to the beach. Make big raids in bars, saunas, massages places etc. and ask for peoples passport. See a foreigner, then check him and fine him on the spot! Actually, why not arrest and beat up the tourists/expats that violate the law more than two times? Come on... shows us you can really enforce the law!
Guess after a while, they will then have to start thinking about why tourists stay away from Thailand. Smart move and smart law!

Exactly! Tourists and foreigners or farang give so much to this country. Thailand must understand this.

Sent from my TRUE BEYOND 3G using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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I'm just in the process of applying for a visa for India. As I live in the South, it will take me 3 (THREE) flights to Bangkok, to finally get the visa.

Just the normal crazy Indian bullsh***.

My passport will be in Bangkok for approx. 8 days (without me). 

So, my question to the Immigration officers is: How can I please apply for a visa without breaking the law?



The Dutch embassy delivers a document that your pasport is for visa purpose on there office.

Aswell when you renew your pasport

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if travelling around Thailand I always take my passport


If you are not traveling then make sure you have someone to call that is available to bring it to your location, then there is no problem, you have been checked and produced and until it is produced you could be detained

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This was actually started before the coup, but seems to have been amplified by it.



Yes - and my interpretation is that it isn't a coincidence, and therefore some of those with the ability to influence immigration policies and rules knew that the coup was coming. 


It's just too coincidental to be believable.

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never have done in almost 40 years and not going to start now .... immigration really need to wake up to the 21st Century


nobody is going to "wake up" here... "change of colour or flavours" shall suffice... and if it makes that worse in the process? ไม่เป็นไร

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