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Virus In Korat


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No children died because I would not breach a confidence on a public forum, and for you to suggest so was completely out of order.

Don't dig an even bigger hole for yourself. Someone has just reported above that 5 more children are now in a coma.

If someone had shouted sooner maybe just one infection could have been avoided?

Edited by diddlysquat
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Diddly: 'parochial'? Duh.. that's the whole point!

When you have shared a beer or a BBQ with the contributors, you don't need to ask for proof what their doctors said about such a serious subject.

I disagree with the implication that Derek put children's lives at risk. You chose not to take him at his word.



This is becoming quite ridiculous. I have not had a beer or a BBQ with contributors so your line of argument is trite.

If you post about trivial matters then fine, it is reasonable to expect only lighthearted banter

But if you post here with very serious matters (whilst simultaneously advertising a rival website) then expect robust responses demanding substantiation.

Don't excuse yourselves by saying you were right all along.

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My oldest son almost 4 yrs, has gotten sick coffin and having slime in his troath and very hot skin, but when checking temperature he is normal 37,5 celsius.

In the morning we went to our doctor whom also delivered my son, and checked him out,

4 different bottles paracetamol, Chlorpheniamine maleate, Brompheniramine maleate, and RANCIL Amoxicillin.

He told my wife that he knew about the situation in Korat and for us to look for any stiffness or bleeding from nose etc that might occurand if so go straight to the hospital.

The thing is that my wife didnt tell me about it, i confronted her with the info from thaivisa and she sad, yes the doctor told me in the morning about it.

Idont belive that my son is that very ill but you never know so all the info i get the more i know how to respond correct.

I think there will be som topsalopsalay when she gets back later, it so typical to only say what se prefer to say as it might be difficult to explain whats it all about.

Ill get back later on the issue of his wellbeing and the shitty explanation my wife will tell about not telling the hole story.



Rest easy. You doctor obviously has diagnosed your son as suffering a bacterial infection, hence prescribing Amoxicillin.

Nose bleeding is NOT a sympton of Enterovirus 71 which is rarely fatal even in children.

Those others spouting virus 71 have not the first idea what it is. Makes them sound impressive though.

Take it easy on your wife. The Doctor could not have informed her of the alleged outbreak in Korat unless he reads a local sad farangs forum. More likely your wife will not allow you to believe you know something she doesn't. A cultural thing.

So far there is NO CONFIRMATION of an outbreak of a viral epedemic in Korat. Just members of another forum trying to outdo each other with each claiming they have unnamed sources who strangely choose to confide in farangs but not local schools. A cover up my arse!!!. Not as though it could affect the tourist industry.

There is nothing on the ministry website, the British Consul knows nothing. Local Thais know nothing, schools no nothing. Only ex-pats. You are witnessing an outbreak of mass hysteria amongst the farang community, and like most viral infections there is no cure.

Any comment on the above, <deleted> !

I see the entire cast of koratfarangdotcom have been conscripted to rail against me.

At the time I posted the outbreak had not been authoriatively confirmed so I stand by what I wrote.

My supposition that goofy's childs doctor had been misinterpreted was absolutely accurate.

And Willyw@nker is a fine childrens book, MPD, so if you read it a couple more times you may be able to progress to more adult material, which you probably keep in your bedside table for self gratification anyway.

Try harder.

Edited by diddlysquat
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Diddly: 'parochial'? Duh.. that's the whole point!

When you have shared a beer or a BBQ with the contributors, you don't need to ask for proof what their doctors said about such a serious subject.

I disagree with the implication that Derek put children's lives at risk. You chose not to take him at his word.



This is becoming quite ridiculous. I have not had a beer or a BBQ with contributors so your line of argument is trite.

If you post about trivial matters then fine, it is reasonable to expect only lighthearted banter

But if you post here with very serious matters (whilst simultaneously advertising a rival website) then expect robust responses demanding substantiation.

Don't excuse yourselves by saying you were right all along.

Diddly! I agree! It IS totally ridiculous! I am not making an argument :-) Just an explanation. Let me break it down a bit for you.

You are correct, KF is parochial - a small board for an only lightly-farang-populated town. A significant proportion of our members know each other, meeting up, sharing a beer and a bbq and a gossip, or groan at the football or whatever. You know, the kind of stuff that happens in a dull town.

Hence, if Derek says his doctor told him something about a virus, I have no need to question his credibility or ask for proof. I know the guy! ... My 'you' was a rhetorical 'you', perhaps I should have used 'one'... it's obvious you've never met Derek.

As far as your phrase 'right all along'.. this is a somewhat disingenuous - like any concerned intelligent person I sought information, clarification, and spread the information that I did have to as wide a catchment as I could. I never asserted - just reported.

> I contacted my childrens school about this last week, they were not aware of it.

> I email the British Consulate on the subject, and they were not aware of it.

(In other words, to both of these important recipients *I* was the first person to inform them.)

Now, from some posters I have noticed that because the authorities didn't know about the outbreak, it probably didn't exist, and the reporters were deemed to be hysterical. Now that the authorities (papers at least) DO seem to be aware of it, suddenly the argument is turned around and it's why-didnt-you-do-more-to-spread-the-news? I lack mpdkorat's command of the one-word sentence, but it certainly seems appropriate in this case.

Instead of taking Derek's statements at face value you chose to mock him and question his (and others) credibility. Given that some sources had hinted at the possibility of a deliberate restriction of information at one point, Derek certainly cannot be blamed for protecting a professionals job and nb following standard forum procedure not to disclose third party details.

Returning to the subject of the KF board, you received a hearty and friendly welcome when you joined, and in fact un-joined before the welcomes had died away. Subsequently you made certain comments about those board members here on TV. Explain to me again why you think people are railing against you?


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No children died because I would not breach a confidence on a public forum, and for you to suggest so was completely out of order.

Don't dig an even bigger hole for yourself. Someone has just reported above that 5 more children are now in a coma.

If someone had shouted sooner maybe just one infection could have been avoided?

Well I tried to resist it but I can't.

What a complete PR!CK.


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1 - like any concerned intelligent person I sought information, clarification,

2 - I lack mpdkorat's command of the one-word sentence, but it certainly seems appropriate in this case.

Point one. So did I.

Point two. I refer you to my earlier reply.

I for one am fed up with you using this forum to publicise and justify your own provincial chat room.

So give it a rest

As for why I left? I doubt if anyone on TV could care less and I have no intention of assisting in your market research. For the benefit of TV members how many members have YOU accumulated, excluding those with multiple identities used to bump up the numbers? Strange that as all your members meet each other at piss-ups and BBQs that they need to converse through a Korat chatroom.

And for the amusement of TV members, Sportrider is paranoid. He is suggesting in his chatroom that TV is introducing imposters to sabotage the site. So thats even more members you can deduct from the total.

For me, this topic is closed.

Feel free to have the last word.

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For me, this topic is closed.

Feel free to have the last word.


Thanks, I will.

Just to clarify something for the hard-of-thinking: KF is a non-profit board with no adverts of any kind. So the purpose of 'adverstising' is What exactly?

Answer: there is none. Other than these surreal exchanges, my posts on this thread have been to alert readers to the virus outbreak... Given your stated position, I'll assume you don't object to that.


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For me, this topic is closed.

Feel free to have the last word.

:o Wow, thank God for that. The post-171-1152482395.gif has left. Guess that means he won't be participating in Cheeky's birthday party/BBQ. :D

Maybe now we can get back on topic. In that respect, there hasn't been any news of any problems with the children in and around the local villages in my immediate area, about 80 Km Northwest of Korat. My heart goes out to all who are concerned.

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No children died because I would not breach a confidence on a public forum, and for you to suggest so was completely out of order.

Don't dig an even bigger hole for yourself. Someone has just reported above that 5 more children are now in a coma.

If someone had shouted sooner maybe just one infection could have been avoided?

Yet another cheap shot diddly!

You must be such a nice person to have a beer with, not!

Why did you not raise the alarm when you first heard about it? Because you were scared of being ridiculed and because your extended Thai family did not know and did not believe!!

Boy have you and they lost face big time, but all of you are probably too stupid to recognise that!!

I posted the information here and have been ridiculed. Do I care? Not one iota!!

It is not about who is right and who is wrong, it is about the lack of information on a major health issue.

Re-read your posts then look in the mirror and say to yourself I have been helpful and informative on this issue.............

If you are honest with yourself you cannot, I on the other hand can!!

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My oldest son almost 4 yrs, has gotten sick coffin and having slime in his troath and very hot skin, but when checking temperature he is normal 37,5 celsius.

In the morning we went to our doctor whom also delivered my son, and checked him out,

4 different bottles paracetamol, Chlorpheniamine maleate, Brompheniramine maleate, and RANCIL Amoxicillin.

He told my wife that he knew about the situation in Korat and for us to look for any stiffness or bleeding from nose etc that might occurand if so go straight to the hospital.

The thing is that my wife didnt tell me about it, i confronted her with the info from thaivisa and she sad, yes the doctor told me in the morning about it.

Idont belive that my son is that very ill but you never know so all the info i get the more i know how to respond correct.

I think there will be som topsalopsalay when she gets back later, it so typical to only say what se prefer to say as it might be difficult to explain whats it all about.

Ill get back later on the issue of his wellbeing and the shitty explanation my wife will tell about not telling the hole story.



Rest easy. You doctor obviously has diagnosed your son as suffering a bacterial infection, hence prescribing Amoxicillin.

Nose bleeding is NOT a sympton of Enterovirus 71 which is rarely fatal even in children.

Those others spouting virus 71 have not the first idea what it is. Makes them sound impressive though.

Take it easy on your wife. The Doctor could not have informed her of the alleged outbreak in Korat unless he reads a local sad farangs forum. More likely your wife will not allow you to believe you know something she doesn't. A cultural thing.

So far there is NO CONFIRMATION of an outbreak of a viral epedemic in Korat. Just members of another forum trying to outdo each other with each claiming they have unnamed sources who strangely choose to confide in farangs but not local schools. A cover up my arse!!!. Not as though it could affect the tourist industry.

There is nothing on the ministry website, the British Consul knows nothing. Local Thais know nothing, schools no nothing. Only ex-pats. You are witnessing an outbreak of mass hysteria amongst the farang community, and like most viral infections there is no cure.

Any comment on the above, <deleted> !

I see the entire cast of koratfarangdotcom have been conscripted to rail against me.

At the time I posted the outbreak had not been authoriatively confirmed so I stand by what I wrote.

My supposition that goofy's childs doctor had been misinterpreted was absolutely accurate.

And Willyw@nker is a fine childrens book, MPD, so if you read it a couple more times you may be able to progress to more adult material, which you probably keep in your bedside table for self gratification anyway.

Try harder.

Sad, very sad. Looking forward to seeing your new nom de plume...........

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Lets drop the flaming and accusations and try to stick to factual confirmation of what is a very serious topic.

A very good point sbk, and one that the concerned parents in Korat do try to stick to!

However not always possible when a know it all newbie is continually allowed to make such preposterous accusations.... :o:D

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Lets drop the flaming and accusations and try to stick to factual confirmation of what is a very serious topic.

A very good point sbk, and one that the concerned parents in Korat do try to stick to!

However not always possible when a know it all newbie is continually allowed to make such preposterous accusations.... :o:D

The operator of Korat website forum (Sportrider) asks here why I think he is using this serious topic as a cover to advertise his website, saying his is a "not for profit" site. The answer is in his own words on his site. He intends to set up an online realty agent through his site. He is undoubtedlty thinking ahead about sponsorship once he has a credible membership.

Edited by diddlysquat
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Lets drop the flaming and accusations and try to stick to factual confirmation of what is a very serious topic.

A very good point sbk, and one that the concerned parents in Korat do try to stick to!

However not always possible when a know it all newbie is continually allowed to make such preposterous accusations.... :o:D

The operator of Korat website forum (Sportrider) asks here why I think he is using this serious topic as a cover to advertise his website, saying his is a "not for profit" site. The answer is in his own words on his site. He intends to set up an online realty agent through his site. He is undoubtedlty thinking ahead about sponsorship once he has a credible membership.


Who cares? :D Does your post help the concerns of parents with small children. Maybe it is just your green envy of anothers entrepreneurship that makes you post this way. What part of stay on topic don't you understand. :D

Thai Ranger

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Lets drop the flaming and accusations and try to stick to factual confirmation of what is a very serious topic.

A very good point sbk, and one that the concerned parents in Korat do try to stick to!

However not always possible when a know it all newbie is continually allowed to make such preposterous accusations.... :o:D

The operator of Korat website forum (Sportrider) asks here why I think he is using this serious topic as a cover to advertise his website, saying his is a "not for profit" site. The answer is in his own words on his site. He intends to set up an online realty agent through his site. He is undoubtedlty thinking ahead about sponsorship once he has a credible membership.

Mods/Admin I started this thread as a serious topic to get information on and warn others about a serious virus that is killing children in the Korat area. I did so as a concerned father.

The thread has been hijacked by diddlysquat who seems to have some serious problems with the operator and the members of a local Korat based Forum!!

I would ask you to please close the thread now as I see no further useful information being posted here!

Thanks in advance, Derek

I see I can close the thread myself, so I have.

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A post on that other Forum from yesterday says......................

A Doctor who works at the Ratchasima Thonburi and Maharat Hospitals has said that no new cases have been registered lately.

So that is some very good news.

I would like to thank all of you who posted positively and helpfully.

To those who didn't and you know who you are.............. :o

Thread closed again :D

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