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Why Thai Women cut off their husbands' penises


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Why Thai women cut off their husbands' penises

About once per decade, the medical profession takes a careful look back at Thailand's plethora of penile amputations. The first great reckoning appeared in a 1983 issue of the American Journal of Surgery. Surgical Management of an Epidemic of Penile Amputations in Siam, by Kasian Bhanganada and four fellow physicians at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, introduces the subject: "It became fashionable in the decade after 1970 for the humiliated Thai wife to wait until her [philandering] husband fell asleep so that she could quickly sever his penis with a kitchen knife.



The Guardian



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I have been at numerous social situations where I have heard Thai women shrieking with laughter about this form of revenge. Apparently, they advise feeding the severed penis to the ducks to prevent the possibility of re-attachment. Suddenly, a lifetime of penury as a result of alimony and child support doesn't seem so bad.

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John and Lorena Bobbett in the USA and others.  I don't remember it ever happening to a Farang in Thailand.


I do remember reading in the Philippines where a jealous man has been arrested in for cutting off the penis of his gay lover while he was sleeping in their hotel room on Tuesday and flushing it down the toilet.




For a more complete discussion involving other countries in addition to Thailand be directed to,




Edited by thailiketoo
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Well Thai wife?

How many did it out of how many Thai females?


It is like you ask why Belgians are pedophile or why Austrian jail their daughters in the cellar.....


There are a few incidents if calculated in percent it would be like 0.000000

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Seem to remember a well reported example several years ago but instead of feeding it to the ducks wife tied it to a helium balloon. Reminds me, wife has just bought some ducks!


You've got a good memory. Here it was: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/265094-thai-woman-bites-mans-organ/page-8#entry2735375

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for this very reason I go to bed with a stunt c0kc double.

And how is "mini-me" these days ?




Fine has kept me safe all these years.


Edited by wow64
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"Do Thai women ever do this to their farang husbands?  I don't think so.  No love and subsequent humiliation there.  It's all about money."
That's an overgeneralization but often true.
"Its a myth thai girls are ok with being cheeted on!"
My second Thai wife told me it was OK as long as I didn't give the mia-noi any money and gave it all to her instead. I never took her up on that offer as the image of my first wife stirring a large pot of bone soup made a lasting impression. My second wife was great too.
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I will not be sleeping very well in the future.



Dear Costas,


We are sorry to hear about the sleeping problems you may had by this outdated and irrelevant news item being posted here.


The OP may have been affected by all these lovely Motherday's day messages we say the other day in the media. Many of them included pictures of young mothers with their children, as you for example can see below. This presumably must have triggered some kind of infantile fantasy in the OP, where the father figuratively becomes disempowered and may have reminded him of this old new story.


We wish the OP a speedy recovery for his temporarily laps and hope to see him return to his usual fully-functioning self.




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Its a myth thai girls are ok with being cheeted on!


Nope, just keep a mind of this one...


(3) public humiliation of the wife owing to the presence of a second 'wife' or concubine".


Just don't bring your "side-business" home or make the wife lose face in public. Then you will be okay ;-)

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Scott: do gay guys suffer the same fate when they fool around?


Naw fooling around is OK.  When it happens to gay guys in Thailand it's called sexual reassignment surgery and it's not cheap.  http://www.whatclinic.com/cosmetic-plastic-surgery/thailand/sex-reassignment

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Its a myth thai girls are ok with being cheeted on!

----- ------------------

Oh come on, have you ever actually met a woman who was really O.K. with being cheated on by her husband?

Thai or otherwise it isn't in their nature to accept a husbands cheating on them.

Read a book called, "The Selfish Gene" about genetics and why men like to cheat on their wives and why wives usually won't cheat on their husbands. (At least not for reproduction purposes.)

It has a lot to do with why  for genetic reasons it is a good reproductive strategy for men to have multiple partners to maximize their possible offspring while women want one faithful male partner to guarantee the success of their offspring.

It all comes down to genetics, and the need for a surviving successor to carry on your (male of female) genes into the future.

That reproductive drive is written into out human genetic heritage from long before we invented such a cultural code as "marriage" or "husbands and wives".




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This happened to a guy down the road who owns a bar - not actually severed, but she did a lot of damage & he spent a while in hospital. Yes, he's well known for messing around with one other in particular, so I guess the "loss of face" aspect might ring true.


Perhaps the trick is to settle with a woman that you don't feel inclined to cheat on? Whatever that means for you...

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