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US campaigns to enlist Australia and other allies to attack Islamic State in Syria


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It will be good to see where all this leads.

I personally feel let someone else take care of this.

Its neighboring the EU's back yard.

If they are not that interested or concerned, Why is the US, or Oz?

Oz and the US, we're oceans away from all this mess.

It will be good to see where all this leads. - I don't think so.

Though in essence I agree with let them kill themselves, next it will be on the streets of London, New York and Sydney is we don't take some very drastic measures. I don't pretend to know what is best but I think deporting EVERY Muslim from these countries would be a good start and disallowing any new ones entry would be good follow-up. <deleted> human rights a political correctness, it's time to get tough.

Damn Right

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They should just bomb the UK; thats where most of the isis fighters seem to be coming from

Looks like the americans will be fighting on both sides....


It's stupid invasions based on lies and mistaken support to 'rebels' in Syria that has created this mess. The attacks on the ISIS fighters already means that the US is on both sides in Syria anyway.

It's about time that the US put aside it's cold war resurrection with Russia and anti-Iran stance (and f.. the AIPAC) and get a UN SC resolution to rid both Syria and Iraq of these well-funded fanatics.

It was done to get rid of Iraq from Kuwait in a legitimate way. Coalitions with sycophants like Australia tried the illegitimate way which brings us back to where we are now.

UN....!!!!!! Worthless as Tits on a Boar Hog

Only because it's main members are so arrogant that they can't agree on anything and use their veto or threat of a veto. As I said, it was done before and could be done again if there were any diplomats left within the main protagonists.

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Had Bush Jr. not started this crap with his and cheney's lies and 'policies' this wouldn't be happening now. But, it is. Some think maybe, just maybe there are powers that need a boogie man, well you got one now. Do a little research on the leader of this group, prison at who's hands, perhaps something more in the shadows. We just don't know and never will know. The immediate problem is the Kurds, they deserve our support. IS can be stopped, but can the head of the snake be cut off? The US unleashed this on the world. Now it has broken free of it's chains. I'll admit, I'm torn by this. We should have never been in Iraq and those responsible should be prosecuted for war crimes. But we've left the Kurds in the shit before, breaking promises that cost them dearly. As much as I hate it, IS has to be stopped and I'm afraid the only way to truly stop them is to destroy them. That will not happen without "collateral damage", I hate that phrase, lot's of 'collateral damage', which will make more enemies and more hatred for the west. The west will never be welcome in the mid-east, never and it has nothing to do with our so-called freedoms, long ago vanished under the last two regimes.

It is as if Frankenstein's monster has broken free from the laboratory, and granted the initial intervention into Iraq lacked an exit plan. Democracy was never a viable exit plan in the Middle East, a puppet dictator would have been far better, albeit breathtakingly cynical. We are dealing with unexpected consequences though, as this clip of John Brennan in 2011 demonstrates.

The Obama administration has appointed advisors who are either staggeringly incompetent or actually batting for the other side. That the consequences are unexpected shows an ignorance of the true nature of political Islam, which has twice spread out across the globe in violent conquest before the US even existed. Whether and how it would have escaped from the bottle had Iraq and Syria been left alone is something we will never know for sure.

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America does not need to ask the Australian Government, As Mr Abbott has no spine and would send Australians to Hell if it would please Obama, This Iraq mission has become a total failure,

A bit like Vietnam. But I would in this instance say that the free world needs to find some balls and declare outright war on every islamic extreamist group where ever they are are to be found giving no quarter until we have rid ourselves of this disease.

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America does not need to ask the Australian Government, As Mr Abbott has no spine and would send Australians to Hell if it would please Obama, This Iraq mission has become a total failure,

Let's deal with the issue. An international threat? International cooperation to face this, or not. Personally, if other nations are not concerned enough to take action, then I oppose the U.S. involvement. No more putting American young men and women in harm's way unless as a partner with other nations and only after other nations call for action. I totally agree with others who oppose U.S. as an international police force (or whipping boy, for that matter).

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When Australian Kids are not allowed to have their Xmas school pantomimes because it might upset a certain religion, it has gone too far....

I have mentioned before, HOW MUCH longer will this powder keg be able to keep it's lid on...How much longer will the free world be asked to sit on their hands and do nothing....a little bit more I expect, but when the **** hits the fan, it will be followed by a thousand years of peace, thats for sure, as there wont be anyone left to fight each other.....

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When Australian Kids are not allowed to have their Xmas school pantomimes because it might upset a certain religion, it has gone too far....

I have mentioned before, HOW MUCH longer will this powder keg be able to keep it's lid on...How much longer will the free world be asked to sit on their hands and do nothing....a little bit more I expect, but when the **** hits the fan, it will be followed by a thousand years of peace, thats for sure, as there wont be anyone left to fight each other.....

No Jack and the beanstalk in West Yorkshire. The giant's sense of smell fails.

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When Australian Kids are not allowed to have their Xmas school pantomimes because it might upset a certain religion, it has gone too far....

I have mentioned before, HOW MUCH longer will this powder keg be able to keep it's lid on...How much longer will the free world be asked to sit on their hands and do nothing....a little bit more I expect, but when the **** hits the fan, it will be followed by a thousand years of peace, thats for sure, as there wont be anyone left to fight each other.....

No Jack and the beanstalk in West Yorkshire. The giant's sense of smell fails.

biggrin.png ...maybe they should fill this melting pot they sing about with Petrol.....

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I say go for it,this is fighting true barbarism for humanities sake. The good people of Australia can always be relied upon to do whats right,they supported the UK with tremendous losses in two world wars and supported America in a badly thought out war in Vietnam,but they were there when they were needed.

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$2B? WOW thats a lot of gummy bears!

JT with funding to that level, it smacks of state sponsorship dont you think? Or at least a nod.

Its hard to move that much money around with no tractability.

perhaps funding provided to destabilize the oil markets to drive up prices?

Who would benefit?

$2B? that smells bigtime!

Sorry, Just thinking out loud.

i've been busy with work

Haven t noticed the news in a while

ISIS has been plundering all of the cities they've overtaken. Also they captured some oil fields in northern Iraq which is a big part of their funding.

They are probably also getting support from Qatar. I also read that 1 of 6 french support ISIS.

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$2B? WOW thats a lot of gummy bears!

JT with funding to that level, it smacks of state sponsorship dont you think? Or at least a nod.

Its hard to move that much money around with no tractability.

perhaps funding provided to destabilize the oil markets to drive up prices?

Who would benefit?

$2B? that smells bigtime!

Sorry, Just thinking out loud.

i've been busy with work

Haven t noticed the news in a while

ISIS has been plundering all of the cities they've overtaken. Also they captured some oil fields in northern Iraq which is a big part of their funding.

They are probably also getting support from Qatar. I also read that 1 of 6 french support ISIS.

Maybe, but they will be Algerian French and other Muslim immigrants. What a mistake that was to let this tide of rubbish flow over Europe.

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$2B? WOW thats a lot of gummy bears!

JT with funding to that level, it smacks of state sponsorship dont you think? Or at least a nod.

Its hard to move that much money around with no tractability.

perhaps funding provided to destabilize the oil markets to drive up prices?

Who would benefit?

$2B? that smells bigtime!

Sorry, Just thinking out loud.

i've been busy with work

Haven t noticed the news in a while

ISIS has been plundering all of the cities they've overtaken. Also they captured some oil fields in northern Iraq which is a big part of their funding.

They are probably also getting support from Qatar. I also read that 1 of 6 french support ISIS.

Maybe, but they will be Algerian French and other Muslim immigrants. What a mistake that was to let this tide of rubbish flow over Europe.

Spain was largely muslim for a long time......

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I say go for it,this is fighting true barbarism for humanities sake. The good people of Australia can always be relied upon to do whats right,they supported the UK with tremendous losses in two world wars and supported America in a badly thought out war in Vietnam,but they were there when they were needed.

Being an Australian Vietnam vet I can attest to how badly thought out this "conflict" was and I for one would never want to follow the lead of the US again. But my countrymen will no doubt be there when they are called upon.

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These "terrorists" were created by the US secret service agencies.

The bankers and military industrial complex are behind all of these shenanigans.

One only has to look at 9/11 to know that if it wasn't an inside job it was blow-back due to incessant provocation by the agencies run by the central bank globalists.

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These "terrorists" were created by the US secret service agencies.

The bankers and military industrial complex are behind all of these shenanigans.

One only has to look at 9/11 to know that if it wasn't an inside job it was blow-back due to incessant provocation by the agencies run by the central bank globalists.

Of course it was ... whistling.gif

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A lot of their "funding" has come from robbing banks in the cities they've taken over. Apparently raping, robbing and murdering is all good as long as you claim it is done in the name of your god (and apparently it sure beats working for a living). There was a story a few weeks ago about how ISIS had acquired a windfall (something in the neighbourhood of 400 million US) when they robbed the main bank in Mosul shortly after taking over that city. That was just one bank in one city (admittedly it may have been a central bank for that region and holding considerably more cash than your average neighbourhood branch).

Additionally they do receive a lot of funding and support from various sources, including certain oil-rich Gulf Coast Countries (GCCs) and various mosques that openly solicit donations for their particular "cause". When Saudi Arabia told it's state-sponsored clerics to stop fund raising and sending cash to the rebels in Syria, clerics in Kuwait (and other GCCs) announced that they would continue their activities.

<Long-winded rant about proxy wars and pawns deleted as the more I wrote, the lower my "tolerance" level dipped.)

They control the oil fields they've overrun and are selling the oil themselves. Since they have to sell it on the black market, they don't get full market value, but certainly an important, if not primary, source of funding for them. Easy to google for reams of articles on this - it's pretty common knowledge. https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=how+much+money+does+ISIS+make+from+oil

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$2B? WOW thats a lot of gummy bears!

JT with funding to that level, it smacks of state sponsorship dont you think? Or at least a nod.

Its hard to move that much money around with no tractability.

perhaps funding provided to destabilize the oil markets to drive up prices?

Who would benefit?

$2B? that smells bigtime!

Sorry, Just thinking out loud.

i've been busy with work

Haven t noticed the news in a while

ISIS has been plundering all of the cities they've overtaken. Also they captured some oil fields in northern Iraq which is a big part of their funding.

They are probably also getting support from Qatar. I also read that 1 of 6 french support ISIS.

Maybe, but they will be Algerian French and other Muslim immigrants. What a mistake that was to let this tide of rubbish flow over Europe.

Not only Europe. This flotsam has been allowed to drift to wherever it wants to be. And they will be causing big problems in our cities soon. I can only say I wish I had not bought children into this world, because for them, my grand children and my great my grand children, this is going to be a very unpleasant world. Why? Because the predominantly politically correct, christian west do not have the stomach to do what needs to be done.

This fight is everyone's fight, unfortunately the cancer has spread so merely destroying it's original source will no longer suffice. Chemotherapy is unfortunately an unpleasant treatment where the whole body unavoidably suffers, but there is no other choice except wait for death. Time is now of the essence the longer we wait the worse the problem gets.

Reflecting on the above I realize what a horrible analogy this is, but years of denial and neglect has led us to this.

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I agree that before the USA and Australia get drawn into this mess that those who stand to be immediately more affected by it should front up militarily. The UK, France, Germany, Russia and also the arab states that have decried these extemists, Saudi, Oman, Egypt etc. all with reasonable military forces and of course Israel who have'nt gained too much popularity recently. Also what about some of the Asian countries who have also spoken out about these extremists, China, Japan, Malaysia and god forbid, Thailand. Also India who have a huge military. Certainly these extremists are an abomination to societies of any country as well as totally ignoring the teachings of their own religion let alone others.

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I agree that before the USA and Australia get drawn into this mess that those who stand to be immediately more affected by it should front up militarily. The UK, France, Germany, Russia and also the arab states that have decried these extemists, Saudi, Oman, Egypt etc. all with reasonable military forces and of course Israel who have'nt gained too much popularity recently. Also what about some of the Asian countries who have also spoken out about these extremists, China, Japan, Malaysia and god forbid, Thailand. Also India who have a huge military. Certainly these extremists are an abomination to societies of any country as well as totally ignoring the teachings of their own religion let alone others.

They were trained, used, paid and thus divided as planned by western forces as mercenaries i.e. ISIS, Al Queda..

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These "terrorists" were created by the US secret service agencies.

The bankers and military industrial complex are behind all of these shenanigans.

One only has to look at 9/11 to know that if it wasn't an inside job it was blow-back due to incessant provocation by the agencies run by the central bank globalists.

Of course it was ... whistling.gif

Al Qaeda was created by the US in '79. They were hired to go into Libya, then into Syria. You deny that fact? France and the US were also openly funding them. Suddenly 'ISIS' pops up out of no where to divide into two a similar religion...see the big picture?

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These "terrorists" were created by the US secret service agencies.

The bankers and military industrial complex are behind all of these shenanigans.

One only has to look at 9/11 to know that if it wasn't an inside job it was blow-back due to incessant provocation by the agencies run by the central bank globalists.

Of course it was ... whistling.gif

Al Qaeda was created by the US in '79. They were hired to go into Libya, then into Syria. You deny that fact? France and the US were also openly funding them. Suddenly 'ISIS' pops up out of no where to divide into two a similar religion...see the big picture?

Al-Qaeda was founded by Osama Bin Laden who was in college in 1979. It wasn't until the 80's when he went to Afganistan, that he honed his terrorist ways. From wikipedia (which has listed sources to back its information. They probable did have connections to the U.S. during the Soviet-Afghan war, but they did not exist before 1988.

al-Qaeda (/ælˈkdə/ al-ky-də; Arabic: القاعدةal-qāʿidah, Arabic: [ælqɑːʕɪdɐ], translation: "The Base" and alternatively spelled al-Qaida and sometimes al-Qa'ida) is a global militant Islamist and Wahhabist organization founded by Osama bin Laden, Abdullah Azzam,[25][26]and several other militants,[27] at some point between August 1988[28] and late 1989,[27]with origins traceable to the Soviet war in Afghanistan.[29][30]

Do you have references to support your statement that they were created in 1979. If so, please share.

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