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Thailand beach murders: Police defend bizarre public 'reconstruction' of slayings by suspects

Lite Beer

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Not sure why try to answer these when you and others will go right back to facebook and come up with other conspiracy theories based on incorrect or unknown information.

The phone they found said belonged to one of the victims. Obviously it is not the same phone police police received, spoke about and is showed publicly at the start of the case. It may be his his phone or her 2nd Thai/UK phone.

The suspect didn't work at the bar.

No suspect was excluded from DNA testing. A son of a rich family who was not on the island at the time may or may have not been tested after police confirmed he wasn't on the island. The did dna testing on who they believed had the best chance being involved.

Despite their tactics, it appears based on numerous things, especially dna, they have caught the culprits. For many it is hard to accept because they maybe are not Thai or it wasn't a rich established Thai family on a killing/rape spree or it didn't fit what ever theory they were convinced happened or simply because jumping on a conspiracy bandwagon makes them feel good.

You would make the cops smile. You contradict yourself in two side-by-side sentences: The son of the Headman was NOT DNA tested. Did any of the 203 Burmese men have the convenience of declining a DNA test? No, of course not. Only family members of the Headman, who were PRIME SUSPECTS for the first 10 days after the crime. They would still be prime suspects if the investigation wasn't subjective and inept. As for the rich son's alibi: it's as solid as wet toilet paper. It rests on a very poorly photoshopped still from a security camera.

"IF" he wasn't tested it was because he was not even on the island. You folks who want to make up conspiracy theories were the ones who originally said he fled the island after the murder but the facts turned out he left the island week(s) before the murder. Where there immigrant workers in Bangkok being tested who were not on the island when this happened? But for some strange reason you think a kid from a rich family should be. I also saw no news reports saying he was not tested after police tracked him down and interviewed and verified he wasn't on the island.

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I would say very clearly thats a phone inside a leather 'folio' case.. Looks like an Iphone 4 or 5 to me.

Identical objects, an iPhone 4 or 5?



No thats a glasses case and a phone, you got the wrong photo comparisions, try comparing the phone with the pic of hannahs friend with police, they are the same model and case if not the same phone.

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There must have been a precursor to the crime. Probably was a fight with David for some reason. Then escalated to rape. She was screaming, and beat with hoe. Two people not possible. Sean knows. Sean ran. Man up

I believe their beef was with Hannah who suffered so much more at their hands.

David and Sean got in the way David was removed Sean fled. Probably wanted to get help as he ran into a nearby shop but was told to calm down and wisen up that he knew what these people were capable of. To Let it be.

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Bizarre is also that so many policemen are filming the spectacle with their obviously private Ipads, mobile phones and cameras.

I could possibly understand if a police investigator documents the scene in case the theater scene could somehow reveal something of interest (whatever that may be).

Yes odd too considering many use their own guns and vehicles too while working.

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Gen Prayuth just announced in the BP that the Myanmar nationals are the murderers.

So, for all those Prayuth supporters please accept the results or wait for an announcement next week Friday on the TV. Prayuth also said the British Ambassador is happy with the investigation and that they have the killers. The whole issue moves now from the police to the PM aka army and the police seems to be now out of the story.

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Police ( SOMYOT )now threatening to take people to criminal court for talking about this case.

dont criticise them or elsecheesy.gif


Thai news interview, im not allowed to post it as a link but it on sanook.com

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The Sky News reporter who stepped in to her own story should be ashamed of herself.

Yes and so should every expat who remains in Thailand for they all financial support such a regime. I hear so much about disgust and indignation and yet none of you really do what is necessary ... leave and ensure your money doesn't continue to fuel their corrupt ways.

And go where? No expats is going to leave and this story will slowly fade away and soon be forgotten..... Like it or not.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Never mind boiling water - this whole farcical debacle makes my blood boil.

There is SO much evidence to suggest that these 2 migrant workers are NOT the killers, that I'm surprised that some international agency hasn't stepped in to set this to rights.

However - the DNA samples will have been tampered with by now - there's probably no real way of getting things verified properly.

Oh God in heaven above - please bring justice to this case - expose the truth and in the process, please help Thailand to WAKE THE HECK UP!!!!!!!!!!

If you commit a crime, you must pay the consequences. You may think you can escape scot-free right now - but believe you me, it will always come around in the end.

But hey - the Thai's know that, right?

They're Buddhist, so they must. They live by the laws of Karma, which they believe in stoically, right?

Someone? Anyone? Please tell me I'm right??!

You could be right, it is really easy to tamper with DNA samples. Especially when the original ones exist outside the country.

I wish some people would think before they write this stuff.

So you think that the DNA is still good and intact? I am relieved.

I just wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't.

I know the general consensus is that the police are under pressure to close out this crime, and given their past track record I can understand this. But to tamper with DNA samples?

But this has gone far beyond local control by police and 'influential' families on small islands. It has gone far beyond simple pay-offs. The incident is now and has been since almost the beginning, in the international arena. The forensic teams, regardless of mutterings, are professional, well trained people who unfortunately don't have the latest and greatest of equipment.

Decisions are not being made by locals but by the heavy hitters from Bkk, so called 'influence' from 'big fish in little ponds' doesn't enter into these decisions.

We have to base our observations on what we are being told and at the moment that is that confessions have been made and there is DNA matches (no percentages shown I see) between attackers and victim. What we shouldn't do is to generalize through what we have been told through the media, FB, twitter, etc without proof of fact, making it a personal matter coming from the heart and not the brain.

The above is obviously a personal viewpoint and I respect everyone should have a point of view. I think you are wrong that anyone would alter DNA samples, but I could be wrong with that and if that is the case, I apologise.

Thanks for the apology. I'll stick my neck out on this one - YOUR TERRIBLY TERRIBLY WRONG !!!!

I believe in Karma ... what goes around comes around and Nothing will save the uproar this will cause when the truth be known. This case is sickening. Wish I had never participated in these topics about these 2 young Brits. Unfortunately, my heart rules my head.I would bet my bottom dollar this is a well organised Stitch-Up of mammoth proportions which is currently sending shock waves around the world with this despicable cover-up all to up the anti in Tourism figures.

I will gladly contribute the same as others to ensure they get a fair trial other than letting them suffer some mock justice in a kangaroo court.

God have mercy on these young Burmese men ......

Edited by ScotBkk
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Two photos, each with an object encircled in red. Neither of the objects looks like a mobile phone to me.

The object in the top photo might be a spectacle case. The one in the photo has the shape of a rectangular black brick, looks like with a range of red LED lights along one of the short sides. I have a power pack for recharging mobile devices looking like that, but with LEDs of a different colour.

I will make it easier for the people who cant see her phone see attached.


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I think what needs to be established is what Sean knows and whether he was at the scene that night. The dried blood all over the guitar looks like it cd have come from a bloodied t shirt - did he touch or move the bodies?

Those are some serious cuts he has ...I have been in the construction game since leaving school

And i always have cuts and bruises but they are not normal run of the mill cuts

the one on his arm Looks like a stab wound ...never mind the bloody guitar

Were has this fella gone ...he made some serious allegations and they need to be followed through

Also the reason he was in Thailand was he had been found guilty of child porn offences

And his ass would have been toast had he stayed around Glasgow

A strange lad that must be properly interviewed and the sooner the better

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Not sure why try to answer these when you and others will go right back to facebook and come up with other conspiracy theories based on incorrect or unknown information.

The phone they found said belonged to one of the victims. Obviously it is not the same phone police police received, spoke about and is showed publicly at the start of the case. It may be his his phone or her 2nd Thai/UK phone.

The suspect didn't work at the bar.

No suspect was excluded from DNA testing. A son of a rich family who was not on the island at the time may or may have not been tested after police confirmed he wasn't on the island. The did dna testing on who they believed had the best chance being involved.

Despite their tactics, it appears based on numerous things, especially dna, they have caught the culprits. For many it is hard to accept because they maybe are not Thai or it wasn't a rich established Thai family on a killing/rape spree or it didn't fit what ever theory they were convinced happened or simply because jumping on a conspiracy bandwagon makes them feel good.

You would make the cops smile. You contradict yourself in two side-by-side sentences: The son of the Headman was NOT DNA tested. Did any of the 203 Burmese men have the convenience of declining a DNA test? No, of course not. Only family members of the Headman, who were PRIME SUSPECTS for the first 10 days after the crime. They would still be prime suspects if the investigation wasn't subjective and inept. As for the rich son's alibi: it's as solid as wet toilet paper. It rests on a very poorly photoshopped still from a security camera.

"IF" he wasn't tested it was because he was not even on the island. You folks who want to make up conspiracy theories were the ones who originally said he fled the island after the murder but the facts turned out he left the island week(s) before the murder. Where there immigrant workers in Bangkok being tested who were not on the island when this happened? But for some strange reason you think a kid from a rich family should be. I also saw no news reports saying he was not tested after police tracked him down and interviewed and verified he wasn't on the island.

Long John Silver,put off your ugly brown glasses.

So who said he was not on the island ? His father or the adobe shop fake security photos ?

Also there was a photo on fb where you can see this guy on sep 17th near Chumpon with a tire change

of his white red numbered benz.So weeks,huh ?

Don´t know how much you get paid for

but the headmaster just should change his supporter.

You are anoying all day/all night long.

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Independent forensic examination isthe only way to getat the truth here

Exactly, I'd bet it's all missing or contaminated.

From my limited knowledge of DNA testing, I believe that the UK could find sufficient 2nd possibly 3rd party DNA from the young lass, this could be compared to fresh DNA from the 2 Burmese guys obtained by a third independent party - likely - never in Thailand and especially in this case as it's already solved.

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Please, can a real journalist look into a few basic questions and publish in a major newspaper?

1. Is it true that the victim's phone was handed over to police by her friend the day after the murder? Is this is same phone the police claim was found behind the room belonging to the suspects?

2. Since the suspects worked at the very same bar that the victims were at that night, and since they didn't flee, how is it possible that the initial blanket DNA tests did not find a match?!?

3. Is it true that relatives of prominent families on the island were exempted from giving DNA? If so, why? What law requires poor people to give DNA, but excuses rich people.

I know there are many, many more unanswered questions, but these stand out for me.

I would happily donate to a legal fund for defense for these guys. Perhaps an NGO can set that up here?

This might help to answer your question one. It is the victims phone been handed over to police as stated by her friend.
Regarding question # 3, if this is indeed a stitch up, the police would require the DNA of the real perps to get their match, as mentioned earlier the samples have been sent to Singapore so no chance of manipulating them, only way to get a match is to have samples from the killers so maybe they have given samples just not publicly.

relatives of prominent families refused to give DNA, an act which would have immediately cleared them of suspicion.

I can think of 2 reasons not to give DNA, one obvious - they did it and the 2nd is it may have been able to link them to other past or future crimes as usually DNA records are held on file.
and a third reason so the police cannot be seen as too switching the samples,you don't think the police need a sample from the real perps to corroborate the DNA match found on the victim?where would they get that sample from?

From the actual perpetrators.....

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I have not closely followed the details of this case. It does make reasonable sense to me that a couple of poorly paid immigrant workers -- who maybe have gone without sex for weeks or months or more -- could be on the beach at 4 AM drunk and/or doing drugs and could be sent into a frenzy when they realize two farangs are having sex on the beach close to them with the resultant outcome. It does not make much sense to me that a wealthy Thai scion of the local bigwigs who can get laid any time he wants would have a similar reaction if he stumbles upon the same couple under the same circumstances.
... unless there was some scenario that the girl had been propositioned earlier by a wealthy Thai and refused with the resultant outcome but I don't think applies.

You don't know these Burmese lads, you don't now anything about their typical behaviors or morals or sexual desires or whatever.

You make so many assumptions, very unfair to say the least.

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They made it a show, unknowingly to the dismay of all the world.

But that's how their minds work.

Just get somebody that is not Thai to get rid of these pesky foreigners bothering us to solve the murder.

I am a father also, and I feel deeply for the parents of the girl and the boy and I would never rest till the real murderers are found.

I don't believe a word of what the Thai police is saying.

I too am a father and it's why, within days of the murders, I finally walked out of Thailand. It's a pity all expats don't do the same and show a stand of solidarity that we will not longer support such a regime. For most thought their bar stools are far too comfortable.

Actions people are far more powerful than empty rhetoric.

maybe because for decades the lawlessness of Thailand has attracted the lowest class "expat" scum from all over the Earth to live here.

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RTP plant drugs all the time on people stopped at RTP check points...for a few thousand Baht. How hard is it to believe that they would not cover up a rich mans sons crime for millions of Baht.

In ten years here full time and a further ten years part time, I've never had that happen to me, never seen it happen to anyone else and never heard of it happening to anyone, not even family members in the village. Are you sure you're OK!

Common known fact what IAMSOBAD states here, that it didn't happen to you last twenty years doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.

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I would say very clearly thats a phone inside a leather 'folio' case.. Looks like an Iphone 4 or 5 to me.

Identical objects, an iPhone 4 or 5?

Incorrect example. Her phone is laying on top of the pouch style case as below.

- Other reports say the girl gave her phone to a friend earlier because on that evening she didn't want to carry a handbag - is this correct? Who knows!

- Is the phone in the picture her own phone or does it belong to one of the other people in the photo?

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I think what needs to be established is what Sean knows and whether he was at the scene that night. The dried blood all over the guitar looks like it cd have come from a bloodied t shirt - did he touch or move the bodies?

I have to admit the wounds on his arm and leg looks very similar to what was found on David. But it could also be a coincidence. What we need to know is what excactly happened with Sean that night.

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All the conspiracy theorists on this site. Continually burbling about all the evidence they seem to have amassed by trawling the Internet! I wonder how many of them are British and I wonder how many of them are aware that in their own country, London no less, a murder inquiry of a young woman is now in progress. The investigation is stalled after around a month except for the police stating that their main suspect is an Eastern European, certainly nit a Londoner. You can bet they believe he is guilty but the Burmese chaps in Koh Tao are just being picked on!

The Eastern European was caught on CCTV following the youngster. In addition, he lured his wife to a forest in Latvia and bludgeoned her to death. The investigation hasn't stalled. They know who it is, they just have to find him. That is not easy if he is in Latvia or elsewhere.

The Rakhine boys were in Thailand for two weeks and had not even learned to speak Thai. They had no papers. It seems very unlikely that they would embarrass their hosts by committing such a crime. It just doesn't make sense. Also, just looking at their body language, it just doesn't seem right. It's also telling the reaction of the locals. No reaction. Because they don't believe it either.

Edited by Jiu-Jitsu
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something I don't understand .. If I had killed these 2 people and a whole police team is searching for the killer with DNA tests ..and especially try to frame foreigners, I would not been on that island anymore after 10 days, but try to get home as quickly as possible.

That has already been explained earlier.

It¨'s not easy to get back to Myanmar , almost impossible for them . They lived with their family , one of the guys has a wife with him . He would not leave them behind, and no money , where would he escape to? This island was their home.

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Alot of people are saying that everyone is whinging about Koh Tao, that murders happen everywhere in Thailand so why bother moaning..

I think thats just a very sad attitude. When you look at the victims families, remember the Krabi attack and the father who wrote the song for his daughter

Just glad I have empathy and some morals left

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around the moobaan where I live in CM the general Thai-consensus seems to be that the 2-burmese boys didn't do it.

My wife has an interesting hypothesis ; the village head son raped but didn't murder ,he instead forced the Burmese boys,who were nearby to kill the couple or be killed themselves. She said you have no idea the power these kind of people have in Thailand.

She feels that a rich-Thai couldn't do such a brutal murder but has no problem to force someone else to do the dirty work.

will the truth ever be known??....

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I think this time the Thai investigative and judicial system has gone too far. Wake up, World!

You are not on your own, evidently the majority of us here on TV forum feel the same way.

But if the world don't want to wake up then this world deserves countries like Thailand.

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