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Police charges for those accusing the police of using scapegoats

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pretty sure they had the independent test at the start of the investigation, when first tested their DNA didnt match, only matched after they brought them in the second time

Ah, the infallible DNA test.
No, the 2 suspects didn't have their DNA taken in the first round. They lived outside the zone for the first round.


Its ok to critique and challenge. The only thing here at stake is if two innocent people do 30 years in a Thai Goal?

But if they are guilty then the court decides, not the press or social media.


"People who share false information could be chardged with insulting officials"

Yes, it's the good old Thai self defence tool...DEFAMATION. ie. no matter what the actual truth may be, you can't use that truth to question my actions, and if you talk to others about it you will be DEFAMING me. Thainess at it's very best!

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Please be careful fellow TV members, I implore you!

Three days ago now already we were warned, "The police are doing their job. If the police hear your accusation, they will be sad," Gen. Prawit said.

Now, they are not only sad but have become angered! In this current state they have announced a new law in Thailand, thou shalt not accuse the police of using scapegoats.

(Not to be confused of course with the Kiwi law of similar wording/reference!)goof.gif.pagespeed.ce.KJ2oZpgSLm.gif This crime is not subject to any statute of limitations and carries with it a severe penalty in addition to (needless to say) a hefty fine! ( That Kiwi law I believe had a stiff fine....not hefty...rolleyes.gif )

Further laws to be added to the penal code of Thailand currently under review are 1) thou shalt not call the police names (2) thou shalt not exclude the police from any games and I believe a further addition has already occurred although not certain on this (3) thou shalt not accuse police of planting evidence.

So please, please, be careful!











No, I don't know why I'm bashing Kiwi's today, been hanging out with my Aussie friends lately I guess! ??

4/ Though shall not accuse the police of gathering facts.




They are just trying to cover their <deleted>.

They know they are in the wrong, they know what they have done and now they are threatening people speaking against them.

But the voice coming from the Thais and the foreigners is too loud and they will not be able to supress it.

The truth will come out one day, either they like it or not.

In this case they should put a hold on the 6 new airports their planning to build and build same 100 Super Upsize Jails instead to accommodate these " Guilty " individuals speaking their mind. cheesy.gif

They will not be needing these airports after all as everyone will be rotting in jail....laugh.png

So will they also have to close down all Tourist destinations and open up some shops in the jails so the Tourist can spend their money " inside " lockdown....cheesy.gif

Who knows... the Tourist might be safer inside than outside....

What a load of BS..

They can still build them, at a vastly reduced cost. Forget about arrivals?




They are just trying to cover their <deleted>.

They know they are in the wrong, they know what they have done and now they are threatening people speaking against them.

But the voice coming from the Thais and the foreigners is too loud and they will not be able to supress it.

The truth will come out one day, either they like it or not.

In this case they should put a hold on the 6 new airports their planning to build and build same 100 Super Upsize Jails instead to accommodate these " Guilty " individuals speaking their mind. cheesy.gif

They will not be needing these airports after all as everyone will be rotting in jail....laugh.png

So will they also have to close down all Tourist destinations and open up some shops in the jails so the Tourist can spend their money " inside " lockdown....cheesy.gif

Who knows... the Tourist might be safer inside than outside....

What a load of BS..

They can still build them, at a vastly reduced cost. Forget about arrivals?


At least the rest of us would get better odds in catching a metered taxi, as the unforementioned mafiacabbies would be split over 8 different locations, so not only cons in sights, perhaps? whistling.gif


This is unbelievable. With all the pressure from AROUND the world. Why not just ease everyone's tension with an independent test? Seems simple enough to me. Everyone knows the police have had a bad track record so why not just let someone do a couple simple swabs of the suspects and put most of the issues to rest? This is really looking horrible for Thailand.

99% of all the BS posted on CSI LA is a joke with no actual proof of anything.

Without CSI LA this case wouldn't be getting as much support from the Thai community, he is making waves and asking questions. Exactly what is needed to put pressure on the police. Finally someone is taking a stance against their BS.

yep, no censorship of likes there, unlike here....CSI la on FB is where it's at, wish he would do more translations...

Yes I agree with you entirely. FB looks like the best option.




About time too imho I`m disgusted with all these divisive, criminal "society offenders" The police are a law unto themselves and critics should remember that and obey martial law. Foreigners, you are guests, not paying customers or residents.

You should all be charged with criminal defamation, auto convicted, and be sent to an Isaan "Reconciliation Centre" for attitude adjustment courtesy of Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC). When you are happier you should be deported.

Yours, disgusted. Nakorn Nowhere.

The Lord High Executioner (named Ko Ko) has got a little list:

"As some day it may happen that suspects must be found

I`ve got a little list -- I`ve got a little list

Of society offenders who might well be underground

And who never would be missed -- who never would be missed" The Mikado, Act 1, part Va.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Face saving will hold Thailand back forever.

Another thing: The cigarette found was an LM one. One of the more expensive brands in Thailand. Usually, Burmese migrants (and many Thai smokers) will buy the cheaper brands for half the price or the rolling tobacco for next to nothing.

Sure, they coulda bought LM's, but it's pretty rare to see Burmese migrants pay for those.

But it was caught on the cctv footage , didnt you know that ?

Thery went into a store and bought alcohol and LM cigarettes, not all Burmese are piss poor, one of them worked in a bar so I am sure he could afford LM's.

And afford to throw away a 15,000 baht phone ?

Only when they come to their senses and realize the last thing they want is to be associated with a murder victim's phone ... why they asked their friend to destroy it.

murder victims phone - one murder victims phone was with her friend and given to the police. the otehr was in the guys luggage - were there THREE murder victims? - your fake stories are worse than those of the RTP at least they catch on the 15th time something is said

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And yet another excellent reason why all expats living in Thailand should leave in protest. Let's stop asking the tourists to boycott Thailand shall we and do something constructive ourselves. If I can leave in protest then so can you.

Remember your spending in Thailand helps fuel the system, a system that is corrupt enough to garner sufficient suspicion that is is a cover up. Whether the two Burmese are scapegoats or not remains unanswered but the fact is that any expat remaining in Thailand merely helps fuel this type of situation.

Right now there's a petition - http://www.change.org/p/the-government-of-the-united-kingdom-independently-investigate-the-horrific-murders-of-hannah-witheridge-and-david-miller# I'm sure you've all seen it. Surely signing it is a good thing but it would be far more effective if thousands of you simply walked out of Thailand in process.... If I can do it so can you.

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Why did the two dewarf's have no marks, scratches on them, they were interviewed a day after the killings and let go, they worked in the Ac bar were the altercation took place, there were witness's to that , but not with them !

I have talked to many guys who have said, there is no way David could not of put up a fight, also they are saying the injuries on David were not from a hoe but a small knife, it would have taken a long time to kill him with one of these!

Origionally , i read David had bruising on his knuckles , they ,or someone would of had marks.

A lot is missing here, too many unanswered questions and we all know that ,apart from JTJ !!


I have to say I've been impressed with some of the reporting by local and national newspapers on this issue.

The Samui Times report raises the doubts that many people have about this case and The Nation has been making some outspoken and brave comments.

So while the Police may not be covering themselves in glory - there are some sectors of Thai society that are performing well.

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There's a post that has stuck in my mind from quite a while back. Here it is:



I'll have to be careful what I write. Most people on Koh Tao know who are responsible. They also know who took the main perpetrator of the island by private speedboat around sunrise. Media and UK reps were not allowed to witness DNA taking of certain suspects. But everyone on the island is too scared to talk. And who are you gonna talk to when the guy leading the investigation is a friend and partner of a certain local family in a mainland business venture? I think there will be quite some foreigners who are planning their departure from the island. And hopefully when one of these people is back safe in their home country the full story will come out."

So Gulfsailor, you talk like you know people on the island. I'd have thought somebody would have left for their own country and posted their accusations by now, at least anonymously.

Lots of rumours around but nobody's produced any evidence.

Why have you dug up a post from 9 days ago and deliberately pasted it on a thread that is specific to not criticizing the investigation of this case?

Somehow hoping to bring Gulfsailor back into the limelight?

"Stuck in your mind" for a reason?

That was posted on a different thread before this police warning was made and pasting it here is wrong.

I have no idea, nor do I care who Gulfsailor is, but I do recognise a feeble attempt at trying to scare someone!

Shame on you! bah.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Apparently Irrawady Magazine is reporting in its Burmese edition online that some one from the Burmese Embassy managed to visit the two suspects in the Samui court prison with a lawyer. The magazine claims that the visitors found that the two suspects were green with bruises from police beatings and said they had been forced to confess to the murders. It also claims that the suspects had been injected with something like a date rape drug which made them highly malleable and suggestible. The magazine said the visitors found them to be still dopey from these injections.

What a scurrilous report! I trust the RTP will take the necessary action to ban the magazine and charge its journalists and publishers for insulting police officials and causing confusion amongst the public including four million Burmese workers in Thailand who read it. If the embassy is really found to be involved, breaking off of diplomatic relations should be considered.

That's pretty amazing if it's true..


thai pseudo democrazy : everybody happy or you go to jail and don't question us

start to smell like NORTH KOREA overhere

all hail the big leader

wait , wait ... they already do this for many decades long before north korea

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If the RTP want to gain any credibility, and let's face it they are starting with none, they have two options and making threats isn't one of them, albeit it is their modus operandi.

One would be to let an independent forensic team review what they have gathered, and retest any samples that may have become 'accidentally' mislabeled.

The second would be to start pointing at the real goat.

One of those options would be far less painful for the entire nation in the long run.


There's a post that has stuck in my mind from quite a while back. Here it is:



I'll have to be careful what I write. Most people on Koh Tao know who are responsible. They also know who took the main perpetrator of the island by private speedboat around sunrise. Media and UK reps were not allowed to witness DNA taking of certain suspects. But everyone on the island is too scared to talk. And who are you gonna talk to when the guy leading the investigation is a friend and partner of a certain local family in a mainland business venture? I think there will be quite some foreigners who are planning their departure from the island. And hopefully when one of these people is back safe in their home country the full story will come out."

So Gulfsailor, you talk like you know people on the island. I'd have thought somebody would have left for their own country and posted their accusations by now, at least anonymously.

Lots of rumours around but nobody's produced any evidence.

Why have you dug up a post from 9 days ago and deliberately pasted it on a thread that is specific to not criticizing the investigation of this case?

Somehow hoping to bring Gulfsailor back into the limelight?

"Stuck in your mind" for a reason?

That was posted on a different thread before this police warning was made and pasting it here is wrong.

I have no idea, nor do I care who Gulfsailor is, but I do recognise a feeble attempt at trying to scare someone!

Shame on you! bah.gif

Another one scared the other side of the garden will be dug over!! Convenient to blame the Myanmar workers and leave the 3rd. persons out of it in their large houses with their bank accounts a TINY bit lighter - shame on YOU whatever your reasons for protecting the unseen guilty xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png !!


Why the threat’s from the RTP, what the hell is the problem? Even the local population knows this is a carve up........they can't even convince their own people.....but why the threats??? Who did this??? How high up does this go?

Something to think about is that none of the police on the island have been DNA tested. In my opinion, they are just as capable of doing this as anyone else.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Apparently Irrawady Magazine is reporting in its Burmese edition online that some one from the Burmese Embassy managed to visit the two suspects in the Samui court prison with a lawyer. The magazine claims that the visitors found that the two suspects were green with bruises from police beatings and said they had been forced to confess to the murders. It also claims that the suspects had been injected with something like a date rape drug which made them highly malleable and suggestible. The magazine said the visitors found them to be still dopey from these injections.

What a scurrilous report! I trust the RTP will take the necessary action to ban the magazine and charge its journalists and publishers for insulting police officials and causing confusion amongst the public including four million Burmese workers in Thailand who read it. If the embassy is really found to be involved, breaking off of diplomatic relations should be considered.

That's pretty amazing if it's true..

"Myanmar men say their colleagues were tortured prior to confessing" The Nation

I`ts not true of course. The police would never do such a terrible thing. wai2.gif

The Lord High Executioner has a little list and rightly so, of society offenders who might well be underground and who never would be missed.



The difference is that the Arabs don't want and will never accept peace.

The Thais on the other hand seem to now realize the world is getting smaller, you can no longer just pick up two random kids off the street and hang them.

As I have said before the cops know who killed the Brits, they know who they are and where they are...

The world is getting smaller General, We don't care if your police force is sad we don't respect them.

Just do as you say.. sort this OUT.



<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Apparently Irrawady Magazine is reporting in its Burmese edition online that some one from the Burmese Embassy managed to visit the two suspects in the Samui court prison with a lawyer. The magazine claims that the visitors found that the two suspects were green with bruises from police beatings and said they had been forced to confess to the murders. It also claims that the suspects had been injected with something like a date rape drug which made them highly malleable and suggestible. The magazine said the visitors found them to be still dopey from these injections.

What a scurrilous report! I trust the RTP will take the necessary action to ban the magazine and charge its journalists and publishers for insulting police officials and causing confusion amongst the public including four million Burmese workers in Thailand who read it. If the embassy is really found to be involved, breaking off of diplomatic relations should be considered.

That's pretty amazing if it's true..

if its true, the RTP have a real sh*t storm brewing even if the two suspects did do it


They are such morons. They want to be corrupt, then they want to be believed.

How many decades will it take them to realize you can have corruption, you can have credibility, but you can't have both.

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