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What are parents doing during burning season?

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Yet another thread on moving to Chiang Mai and the annual smog. Sorry to start another one;)

I've been thinking of moving to CM for a long time now. Have been in Phuket for 10+ years but am ready to leave. If it wouldn't be for the annual burning season I would make the move to CM in an instant. But as a father of little kids I don't think that 9,5 good month a year outweigh the negative effects of 2,5 - 3 month of terrible air quality.

Looking through tons of old threads about this topic it seems that most people who can will leave the North during the worst weeks and only return when the first rains cleared the air. But with kids being in school that would not be possible. Some people suggested that the worst air quality coincides with the main school holidays. But upon checking with the international schools this doesn't seem to be the case. They only have school holidays for Songkran starting in the beginning of April.

I checked with some of the schools what they are doing during the times when the air qualitiy is really poor and they all said they restrict the school activities to inside activities.

So my question goes to all the parents here.

What are you doing during the burning season? Taking kids out of school and heading for the beach? Keeping them indoors for several weeks until the worst is over?

Can you even keep the poor air outside your houses and schools?


We leave every March for about 6 weeks and head South to the beaches. If we don't go, my child gets sick the entire time with respiratory problems. In the past it got so bad he needed respiratory therapy 2-3 times a week.

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We leave every March for about 6 weeks and head South to the beaches. If we don't go, my child gets sick the entire time with respiratory problems. In the past it got so bad he needed respiratory therapy 2-3 times a week.

I would call that a blessing in disguise.
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We leave every March for about 6 weeks and head South to the beaches. If we don't go, my child gets sick the entire time with respiratory problems. In the past it got so bad he needed respiratory therapy 2-3 times a week.

I would call that a blessing in disguise.

No complaints here. I love spending time by the beach. We try and go someplace new/different each year.wink.png


We leave every March for about 6 weeks and head South to the beaches. If we don't go, my child gets sick the entire time with respiratory problems. In the past it got so bad he needed respiratory therapy 2-3 times a week.

I would call that a blessing in disguise.

No complaints here. I love spending time by the beach. We try and go someplace new/different each year.wink.png

Sounds like a plan;)

But what about school? Is your son not going to school yet? Or are you taking him out for these 6 weeks?


We leave every March for about 6 weeks and head South to the beaches. If we don't go, my child gets sick the entire time with respiratory problems. In the past it got so bad he needed respiratory therapy 2-3 times a week.

I would call that a blessing in disguise.

Nice one !!!


We leave every March for about 6 weeks and head South to the beaches. If we don't go, my child gets sick the entire time with respiratory problems. In the past it got so bad he needed respiratory therapy 2-3 times a week.

I would call that a blessing in disguise.

No complaints here. I love spending time by the beach. We try and go someplace new/different each year.wink.png

Sounds like a plan;)

But what about school? Is your son not going to school yet? Or are you taking him out for these 6 weeks?

School is out from mid March (as I recall) to early May.


We have stayed but prefer to be away. Our kids are In Thai school, so the holidays allow us to take two month trips abroad.

If your kids are in International schools then the holidays don't work for the smokey season.

Most International school kids are only here for a couple of years though, so maybe it's not too bad.


This year I will take my wife and daughter down to a seaside resort in the first week of March and I'll go and pick them up when the pollution has cleared, hopefully just before Songkran.

Unfortunately I can't get the time off work, but there's no reason for them to sit in the crap.

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Most people stay here. Awk gave some excellent suggestions. I have no figures but I do recall the first time I experienced the Smokey season here it did get real bad. It even was on CNN news. How ever that was a really bad one. They announced that the hospitals had over 1,500 people in to them for smog related issues. That was over and above the normal count for respiratory problems. Also one year we didn't have a Smokey season. Just a lot more rain that year at the smog season.

If your children are like electrified and physically unwell you have no choice in the matter other than get the best masks you can find. Which is a good idea any how.

I am a little curious as to what the average life expectancy in Chiang Mai as compared too Phuket is. That would be one good indicator.


I am 90% you will have long-term health problems due to the pollution. I have, and it's not that much fun. Why put your kid through this is beyond me, unless you really cannot afford to live elsewhere. People like to say, "Oh, little billy will be fine." And then 4-months later, "see, he seems fine." Then later in life you forget your choices. This is like putting your kid to work in the coal mines. There is simply no way in good conscious I could advice a parent to bring their kid to north thailand during the smog. Just like I don't advice on letting them smoke all day, or do drugs, etc....yes, some kids are less effects than others, but the odds are you are not helping yourself. no question, if you can, leave.

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it can get bad for maybe 2-3 weeks usually second half February/early March. Not much you can do. Use N95 masks when outside, use aircon with filters when inside, restrict outdoor activities. Best to leave if you can until the air is better again.


The smoke is already in the air here. Very noticeable outside of the city around Hang Dong canal road area. Don't know about other areas?

We are seeing ash particles in our pool the last couple of days.


Lately we've also noticed another situation; factory smoke in the city. Right near the JJ Market area is some type of factory blowing brown smoke out of the smoke stack all day. It's real nasty. If you stand at the corner of where the bars are located on the road to JJ Market, you will see the smoke stack.

Also, on the Mae Jo Road North of the Nong Jom intersection on the right side if you are driving towards the city is a factory/business of some sort that burns what smells like tires in the afternoon. The black smoke has got to be dangerous.


Other than the socialization, there is little that a child in a Thai school (or even one of the 'hi-so' schools) would miss by taking off for a month of travel and adventure with their family.


Our daughter is 5yrs.old and going to the local Thai-preschool for social,language and culture activities.

Last year we went to Nepal for the month of March and had a great experience,year before was Bali,this year we will head south to a quiet,clean,inexpensive non-tourist beach.

Next year she may be attending APIS,but so what,travel is the best education for a kid. We also work in Canada for 4 months each year so we all get full exposure to a very clean environment.

Air quality in CM-city is not great regardless of burning,now with so much construction and massive increase in traffic, I go into town for only what I need.

The air is of course better in accordance to elevation,we have a place in OmKoi which is sparsely populated and around 1400m above sea-level,the air is fine in spite of burning down in the valley...damn cold there right now.

CM is still a great place to live,perhaps just not all year-round.

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