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Thai Court accepts trial of 'Men in Black' perpetrators during anti govt rallies in 2010


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and of course NO military personal has been charged with the slaughter of 90+ peaceful protestors taking refuge in a temple compound and throughout the protest areas. Remember, these protestors where fighting for the return of freedom and democracy and yet this yellow shirt backed fascist junta is witch hunting and scape goats they can get their hands on. The reason these suspects have full face masks on is because they have just been "interrogated" by the military (the ones wearing black with guns in the photo).

"NO military personal has been charged with the slaughter of 90+ peaceful protestors"

That might be because "90+ peaceful protesters" were not slaughtered.

Remember that these protesters were trying to over throw a democratic and legitimately formed government.

" a government cobbled together in an army based where minority coalition parties were made an offer they couldn't refuse'''" whybother you talk tosh

Edited by metisdead
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and of course NO military personal has been charged with the slaughter of 90+ peaceful protestors taking refuge in a temple compound and throughout the protest areas. Remember, these protestors where fighting for the return of freedom and democracy and yet this yellow shirt backed fascist junta is witch hunting and scape goats they can get their hands on. The reason these suspects have full face masks on is because they have just been "interrogated" by the military (the ones wearing black with guns in the photo).

"NO military personal has been charged with the slaughter of 90+ peaceful protestors"

That might be because "90+ peaceful protesters" were not slaughtered.

Remember that these protesters were trying to over throw a democratic and legitimately formed government.

" a government cobbled together in an army based where minority coalition parties were made an offer they couldn't refuse'''" whybother you talk tosh

"an offer they couldn't refuse" ... money and a spot at the trough.

I suppose they could have gone to Hong Kong to form their coalition.

And please don't change my posts.

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I don't really care at all about these people. They are just typical red-shirt thugs who will fire grenades into innocent people for a couple of thousand baht. There are plenty of them out there and these scumbags are nothing special.

What we really want is to know who put out the order for them to start the shooting. Who gave the order to reject Abhisit's offer of elections and guarantee the bloodbath which would surely follow if they attacked the Army in the manner they did ?. Whoever that might be is responsible for every death which occurred and is a murdering terrorist just as much as anyone who fired their M79.

There is no way the UDD would make such an extreme move without orders from the very top. You have to be very dim indeed not to be able to work out where the order must have come from.

Dubai !

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Just love the staged photo in the OP!!

Almost as high class as the re-enactment circus on Koh Tao!!

Of course the suspects had been wearing their black outfits for more than 3 years, just waiting for the police to arrest them??

Justice and Thailand should not be mentioned in the same sentence!!

Only red fanatic shirt believe Men in black don't exist, all other Thai know the true, Men is black come from red movement

The Laksi popcorn shooter was a man in black. Even the man in black on top of the Ministry of Labour building during the PDRC clash were confirmed to be police officers. Will Smith was also a MIB. They exist but who are they really? You know??? Or you just putting on your yellow tainted glasses and speculate.

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and of course NO military personal has been charged with the slaughter of 90+ peaceful protestors taking refuge in a temple compound and throughout the protest areas. Remember, these protestors where fighting for the return of freedom and democracy and yet this yellow shirt backed fascist junta is witch hunting and scape goats they can get their hands on. The reason these suspects have full face masks on is because they have just been "interrogated" by the military (the ones wearing black with guns in the photo).

"NO military personal has been charged with the slaughter of 90+ peaceful protestors"

That might be because "90+ peaceful protesters" were not slaughtered.

Remember that these protesters were trying to over throw a democratic and legitimately formed government.

This is comedy, right? Legitimate government...what a crock of....

Why, have the court decisions so far all ruled that the protesters were shot by the army?

Why were all of the protesters shot dead unarmed?

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and of course NO military personal has been charged with the slaughter of 90+ peaceful protestors taking refuge in a temple compound and throughout the protest areas. Remember, these protestors where fighting for the return of freedom and democracy and yet this yellow shirt backed fascist junta is witch hunting and scape goats they can get their hands on. The reason these suspects have full face masks on is because they have just been "interrogated" by the military (the ones wearing black with guns in the photo).

"NO military personal has been charged with the slaughter of 90+ peaceful protestors"

That might be because "90+ peaceful protesters" were not slaughtered.

Remember that these protesters were trying to over throw a democratic and legitimately formed government.

This is comedy, right? Legitimate government...what a crock of....

Why, have the court decisions so far all ruled that the protesters were shot by the army?

Why were all of the protesters shot dead unarmed?

Yep. Legitimate. All elected MPs. PM elected in parliament by a majority of MPs. PM formed government. The same as how Somchai was elected after Samak was forced to step down. And basically how PMs are elected after every election.

How many protesters were killed? About 85. How many cases have been reviewed? About 15. Not even all the ones reviewed have ruled that the army did it.

Were all the protesters that were shot dead unarmed? How do you know that? Because you haven't seen photos? How many photos of dead protesters have you seen?

There were many injured and dead protesters brought to hospitals by their friends. Do you think they'd take them still armed, or do you think they might take the guns from them before they went to the hospital?

The regime were desperate to show the public a photo of an armed red shirt shot dead, but they couldn't. Are you trying to say they could pick them off with snipers, but couldn't then get a photo of it.?What a joke! High powered military cameras & they can't get a photo. Lol! Gotta try better to cover up the murders than that.

Neither Samak's nor Somchai's governments needed the use of the army generals to be formed & both of them had by far the largest # of seats after the election, unlike the Dems who got trounced 165 - 234 before they stole power with the help of guns stuck up the minor parties <deleted>. Legitimate in the eyes of the biased and ignorant only.

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I don't really care at all about these people. They are just typical red-shirt thugs who will fire grenades into innocent people for a couple of thousand baht. There are plenty of them out there and these scumbags are nothing special.

What we really want is to know who put out the order for them to start the shooting. Who gave the order to reject Abhisit's offer of elections and guarantee the bloodbath which would surely follow if they attacked the Army in the manner they did ?. Whoever that might be is responsible for every death which occurred and is a murdering terrorist just as much as anyone who fired their M79.

There is no way the UDD would make such an extreme move without orders from the very top. You have to be very dim indeed not to be able to work out where the order must have come from.

Who give the order to reject Ahbisit offer? Below from Wiki explain:-

On 23 April, Red-Shirt leader Veera Musikapong offered to end the protests if the government agreed to dissolve parliament within 30 days and hold elections within days. "If the government accepts and is open to the talks, we are ready to disperse to restore peace in the country," he said.[87] He further implied that protest sites must not be attacked during any potential negotiations, and that an independent inquiry into the recent violence must be conducted. The offer marked a change from the protesters previous demand that parliament be dissolved immediately.[87] After talking with the opposition, Abhisit rejected their offer ..

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Wonder if the good general will pursue the murder of a nurse in the temple grounds with such gusto.

Well Yingluck, Chalerm and Tarit didn't bother pursuing anybody who attacked, murdered and threatened opponents of Thaksin's puppet regime. In fact no one in the RTP bothered, even when innocent bystanders and children were murdered.

If you bothered to read all the reports regarding the 2010 insurgency you'd see that not all attacks were carried out by the military, and some of those that were not resulted in innocent deaths. Do your own research or continue to post politically biased nonsense - up to you.

Huh?? He is simply calling for balance... calling for the prosecution of the soldier(s) who killed unarmed medical/rescue volunteers sheltering in a temple during the crackdown. Soldiers using scopes who would have seen the women and men were unarmed, were sheltering, were not a threat, and were medical/rescue workers. In war, shooting a medic is considered a war crime. So there is reason for prosecution. Why do you see a call for balance as an indicator of bias? The bias seems to be more on your side....

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The scapegoats (or patsies) are at the front wearing the red ribbons (lest they be confused with the other Police), whilst the masterminds/organizers are the ones in uniform ...

The first part of your comment is spot on, those terrorists in black are Thaksin's patsies.

The second part is pure b/s, the mastermind / organizer / evil monster who funded and orchestrated this debacle, was and still is, one Thaksin Shinawatra.

Most people, Thai and western, know this, few will admit it.

I'm assuming English isn't your first language. The poster prior to mine had asked (sarcastically I assumed) who actually were the MiB in the picture.

Thaksin wasn't in the picture so I didn't specifically mention him, I did mention others in uniform (those without the ribbons) who did as they were told to/paid to.

I've said all along the MiB were actually the Royal Thai Police, operating under the protection of Thaksin and his bought and paid for more senior officers, and been constantly shot down in flames here by Thaksin supporters who claim this could never happen and that it was actually the Military that perpetrated all the shootings at the time.

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The scapegoats (or patsies) are at the front wearing the red ribbons (lest they be confused with the other Police), whilst the masterminds/organizers are the ones in uniform ...

nonsence these people were protected by the previous government. They fired at the army and started all the bloodshed

See my post above ... #46.

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The regime were desperate to show the public a photo of an armed red shirt shot dead, but they couldn't. Are you trying to say they could pick them off with snipers, but couldn't then get a photo of it.?What a joke! High powered military cameras & they can't get a photo. Lol! Gotta try better to cover up the murders than that.

Neither Samak's nor Somchai's governments needed the use of the army generals to be formed & both of them had by far the largest # of seats after the election, unlike the Dems who got trounced 165 - 234 before they stole power with the help of guns stuck up the minor parties <deleted>. Legitimate in the eyes of the biased and ignorant only.

It doesn't matter that Samak and Somchai had the largest number of seats. What is relevant is getting a majority. Samak and Somchai needed the support of minor parties to form government. The Democrats got the support of the minor parties to form government. It was legitimate in the eyes of the law.

That is where you are very wrong! The Democrats (tragically ironic name) did not get the support of the minor parties. None of them wanted anything to do with the perennial loser. The army forced them to. Do the reading & stop being so obstinate. It's not as if it's a secret.

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and of course NO military personal has been charged with the slaughter of 90+ peaceful protestors taking refuge in a temple compound and throughout the protest areas. Remember, these protestors where fighting for the return of freedom and democracy and yet this yellow shirt backed fascist junta is witch hunting and scape goats they can get their hands on. The reason these suspects have full face masks on is because they have just been "interrogated" by the military (the ones wearing black with guns in the photo).

"NO military personal has been charged with the slaughter of 90+ peaceful protestors"

That might be because "90+ peaceful protesters" were not slaughtered.

Remember that these protesters were trying to over throw a democratic and legitimately formed government.

This is comedy, right? Legitimate government...what a crock of....

Why, have the court decisions so far all ruled that the protesters were shot by the army?

Why were all of the protesters shot dead unarmed?

Yep. Legitimate. All elected MPs. PM elected in parliament by a majority of MPs. PM formed government. The same as how Somchai was elected after Samak was forced to step down. And basically how PMs are elected after every election.

How many protesters were killed? About 85. How many cases have been reviewed? About 15. Not even all the ones reviewed have ruled that the army did it.

Were all the protesters that were shot dead unarmed? How do you know that? Because you haven't seen photos? How many photos of dead protesters have you seen?

There were many injured and dead protesters brought to hospitals by their friends. Do you think they'd take them still armed, or do you think they might take the guns from them before they went to the hospital?

There is not one single photograph of a dead protestor being armed. There is not one single video clip of a dead protestor being armed.

90+ protestors killed in cold blood.

The temple murders have been proved in court to be the work of the army and still not one army personnel has been charged and never will be for that matter.

And by the way, around 20 of the 90 people killed were government officials. If you have troubles finding images of protestors, incl Men In black, with war weapons you could simply open Youtube.
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"But the prosecutor said all the suspects denied the charges during the interrogation process, and asked the court to punish them in accordance with the serious crimes they committed."

Is this just an honest error, or some not-so-crafty wording and a little lie to create a false impression? Why would the suspects want to be punished for something they denied doing? I also find it amusing that they've got them all dressed up in their little costumes, which brings into question the notions of fairness and impartiality.

Edited by visionchaser45
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Wonder if the good general will pursue the murder of a nurse in the temple grounds with such gusto.

Who knows, let's wait and see. Are you referring to the current general, or the ex-general, who is now the PM? If it's the latter, and even if you do not like him, please show a little respect for the Office he now holds.

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The regime were desperate to show the public a photo of an armed red shirt shot dead, but they couldn't. Are you trying to say they could pick them off with snipers, but couldn't then get a photo of it.?What a joke! High powered military cameras & they can't get a photo. Lol! Gotta try better to cover up the murders than that.

Neither Samak's nor Somchai's governments needed the use of the army generals to be formed & both of them had by far the largest # of seats after the election, unlike the Dems who got trounced 165 - 234 before they stole power with the help of guns stuck up the minor parties . Legitimate in the eyes of the biased and ignorant only.

It doesn't matter that Samak and Somchai had the largest number of seats. What is relevant is getting a majority. Samak and Somchai needed the support of minor parties to form government. The Democrats got the support of the minor parties to form government. It was legitimate in the eyes of the law.

That is where you are very wrong! The Democrats (tragically ironic name) did not get the support of the minor parties. None of them wanted anything to do with the perennial loser. The army forced them to. Do the reading & stop being so obstinate. It's not as if it's a secret.

Are you saying that the army were holding guns to their heads when they voted in parliament?

BJT had already separated from PPP/PTP. Why is it so hard to believe that a couple of the smaller parties also wanted to dump them?

Some of those smaller parties had campaigned that they wouldn't join PPP, but they did. Was that because they got an offer they couldn't refuse?

General Anupong hosted Newin, Suthep & various other snakes on 3,4 & 6 December at his residence at the First Infantry Regiment. Abhisit was elected PM on the 15th.

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Just love the staged photo in the OP!!

Almost as high class as the re-enactment circus on Koh Tao!!

Of course the suspects had been wearing their black outfits for more than 3 years, just waiting for the police to arrest them??

Justice and Thailand should not be mentioned in the same sentence!!

Only red fanatic shirt believe Men in black don't exist, all other Thai know the true, Men is black come from red movement

The Laksi popcorn shooter was a man in black. Even the man in black on top of the Ministry of Labour building during the PDRC clash were confirmed to be police officers. Will Smith was also a MIB. They exist but who are they really? You know??? Or you just putting on your yellow tainted glasses and speculate.

You could ask your friend Chalerm about that 'PDRC clash', those 'men in black' were on top of 'his' ministry (turned into a fortress) at that time, and together with officers of 'his' (close) police units (but with no identification badges/labels), even when he doesn't speak Khmer, for sure he knows the answer...

P.S.: I forgot to remind you that at that time it was also Chalerm who was leading the 'operations' to squash the anti-government protesters...

Edited by bangrak
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Blah Blah blah.

The men in black were/are from Cambodia paid and bought for by Mr T. Both in the recent upset and the one previously.

Farang don't realise the difference between SEA nations.

You think Thai and Cambodians are the same....No...not at all,, Thais think Cambodians are ignorant and uneducated (and all prostitutes have HIV by the way, just a heads up for thr leaving Thai brigade) . and would not care if they all died (remember Pol Pot)

Cambos will kill Thais at the drop of a hat and vice versa

Blah Blah blah

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They may indeed gulty, but it is incredibly difficult to trust accusations from the police here when so many within their ranks have been proven to be unashamedly corrupt and unethical to the nth degree. Year on year stories emerge in the press of dirty cops involved in dirty deeds & having some incredibly dubious associations. The odd crackdown aside nothing ever seems to happen beyond a "transferred to inactive post" and the misdeeds (proven or unproven) just seem to disappear from record.

When those enforcing law and order are nowhere close to being above reproach themselves then it does rightly beg the question 'who are the good guys?'

If they are indeed the MIB then they should never breathe free air again. But I hope the evidence is whiter than white and is laid bare for the Thai people seeking accountability to see. My 2 cents

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