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Bleaching mold stains. Looking for a bathroom cleaning product with these ingredients..

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Get an spray bottle and fill with raw bleach and add lemon juice and spray the walls and leave it for quite a few hours.

It will work

It will work. The mixture of bleach to water should be 4 to 1. Lemon juice is optional. Spray and quickly brush if there is a mold build up. There will be bleach fumes so brush promptly and get away from it. Let stand for up to an hour. Rinse well after use. Do it again if there is still mold.

Use a regular cleaner in between applications.

Schedule a bleach spraying once a week after you get it under control.

Once mold starts it multiplies quickly. Keep the spray bottle mixture of bleach and water handy. Spray when you see mold.

Label the spray bottle with a marker as bleach. Keep away from kids.

There is always a bleach/water spray bottle in our bathroom cabinet. This is the mold capitol of the world. I use to be in the janitorial business. I didn't like to see employees using bleach, but sometimes it's the only thing that works.


Good towels, shower curtains and bathmats cost a fortune here. Be sure to keep them away from bathroom cleaners and wear old clothes, and eye protection when using the products mentioned. (ever gotten toilet cleaner splashed in your eye? it's no fun) I have a "special" housedress I wear for cleaning. It has 3/4 length sleeves, a fairly high neck, long length and has been splashed with cleaning products before so I don't care if it gets a new bleach "stain" .

Oh -- don't mix up your own concoctions with anything more than one product and water. I'm cringing at some of the suggestions here, especially those involving cleaning product mixed with acid (like lemon juice).

The thought of leaving bleach solution in an unmarked spray bottle is a concern also, but I guess the cleaning products here don't exactly have child-proof caps, do they?

What with these cleaning products, the lack of motorcycle helmets and other hazards, it's a wonder anyone makes it to adulthood in this country.

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3 pages..ohh..

White vinegar stops mold..

Makes my air breathable again.

If not white enough, the mentioned cleaners are doing the trick.


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Haiter -- Thai word for Chlorine Bleach -- Blue bottle -- yellow bottle scented...

Buy a good spray bottle --- mix bleach with some water -- about 1/4 water. Spray the tile --- leave it alone .... wait one hour ... rinse off -- then spray again if needed ... No work - no scrubbing -- just spray... Do not mix with liquid soap -- not good...

Thais at local all purpose shops know the word Haiter...

Have a fan to draw air out if possible and vents to outside open

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Like the smart one are saying?

Go to 7/11 and get a 25 baht bottle ( yellow one ) Bleach and a spray bottle and spray the molded area. I also use this on the mold in the bathroom but doing it for years. Use it on the stains on your coffee cup.


7 cups water,

1/2 cup baking soda,

1/3 cup lemon juice and

1/4 cup vinegar

throw in a spray bottle and spray your floor or wall, let it sit for a minute or two... then scrub.

If you do this, make sure you record the video so we can all have a good laugh.

Lye packets are available at my Big C as 65% sodium hydroxide, in the area with drain openers.

The soda and the lemon react shortly, but with this much water it's not worth the video ;-)


After removing the mold with bleach apply hydrochloric acid, HCl, to clean the grout that is mold substrate and remove accumulated salts like calcium carbonate CaCO3.

Vixol and Duck bath cleaners contain HCl.

CaCO3 + 2HCl >> CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O. Hydrochloric acid also dissolves rust stains: Fe2O3 + 6HCl >> 2FeCl3 + 3H2O . Also for grease use lye, NaOH

And of course rinse with water between the bleach and hydrochoric acid to prevent chlorine gas release :

The sodium hypochlorite in water results in this reaction : HOCl + HCl >> H2O + Cl2 ^


I remember listening to an interesting radio discussion on Australia's ABC radio about mould removal.

For those not familiar with Australia I will explain a little;

Shannon Lush - Known as the Queen of Clean in Australia, written many books on cleaning and provides talk back on Stain removal tips.

(Google Shannon Lush for many tough stain tips)

James Cook University - Located in Townsville which is in the far north tropics of Queensland (where mould is a common problem)

I have heard Shannon Lush many times discuss mould removal and using Clove Oil. Never had to remove mould myself but as I had never heard of Clove oil I was curious. Every time mould is discussed, the use of Bleach products is not recommended as it does not kill the spores, which is why it grows back so fast and you need to keep cleaning all the time.

Did some Google work for you today, see link below,


There is also a Audio file on the link above to listen to Dr Winsor from James Cook University.

I could have just given the answer provided but who would believe me if I bagged bleach, why not go and find out all about it for yourself.

By the way if you find out where to buy Clove Oil in Thailand please post and share.

Good luck

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I bleached like crazy. It helped a lot, but still looked grotty.

A 75 baht grout saw dug out a lot of grout. Then I regrouted. Then sealed it. Looks great and it's easy to clean now, any mold just wipes off.

  • 3 years later...

Sorry for bringing an old thread to life, but I have discovered black mold on my bathroom door, also I think the bath room is infected . What should I clean with ? I've been told black mold is the worst to get rid of.  Thanks. 

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On 09/12/2014 at 1:20 PM, Gentmartin said:

OK, Ill tell you what NOT to do as i did.

I started mixing toilet cleaner with Mr Muscle Bathroom cleaner. Cleaned the grout back to a brilliant white in no time.

But the fumes were horrendous, then the grout dissolved and all the stainless steel fittings went black, never to return to silver colour, and the white paint on the door went dirty brown.....god knows what i did to my lungs....anyway


PS Baking soda, lemon juice vinegar and rub hard ? waste of time, doesnt get stains out and is just 'natural health forum' nonsense........

Great ... thanks for the tip ...I need to remove the grout and then replace ... what brand of toilet cleaner did you use ... and what mixing ratio ... I have an N95 mask and filters ...

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