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Director defends 'Hitler scene' in Thai govt film

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Thailand’s Bizarre Hitler Worship: Propaganda Video Issued By Prime Minister Glorifies Nazi Leader


Thailand: Prime minister's Hitler video aimed at young children condemned

A propaganda film commissioned by Thailand's ruling junta that features a schoolboy painting a likeness of Adolf Hitler has prompted outrage on social media and drew strong condemnation from Israel's ambassador to the country.


Hitler imagery in Thai junta propaganda film sparks outrage

An officially sanctioned propaganda film commissioned by Thailand’s junta has caused outrage and bafflement after viewers noticed it used imagery of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.



Hitler is not portrayed in a positive light in the film. Have someone who speaks Thai interpret it for you but don't let me get in the way of a good bwana party.

If so....was that obvious for the common thai or did it require some constructive thinking abilities ?

It is a morality tale about a rich kid cheating and comparing the bad kid to a bad Hitler

Yes, I think we know that, but that comparison is only digging the hole deeper - or do you really think that a "rich kid cheating" is the rough equivalent of Adolf Hitler? The comparison is at best odious and grossly and offensively ignorant and underlines a complete failure to grasp why Hitler was such a monster.

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I disagree with your second point, there are plenty of instances of Hitler and Nazi imagery used in the West and you don't see this nearly universal outburst of irrational condemnation; I think there's something else at play, something more tribal, as in it is OK for "us" to make this kind of thing but not for "them".

That of course is besides the fact that the point the director was making was against the people that use Hitler and Nazi imagery in an insensitive manner, which is ironically what the ones screaming the loudest here decry but are too full of self-righteous hate to see.

Haha, you obviously haven't been around long enough to understand this is not the first time, but yet another Hitler incident added to the already long string of equally ignorant and / or insensitive or plain stupid Nazi worshipping events, and the worst thing is that in every one of the cases I know of, school kids have been actively involved. This case is only slightly different in that the kids that participate like they were model Hitler Jugend members, are not of flesh and blood, but on the other hand it is so much more damaging for the fact that this short film has been shown in every movie theatre in the country is like it has become government policy to encourage young kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler serves as the perfect example. It's called "conditioning" of the mind, and it is most effective when you target the youngest, the most innocent members of society, children.

The film is not encouraging "kids to look up to powerful "fuhrers" and Hitler", it does the exact opposite, did you actually saw the film?

It's "see", not "saw".

Well pardon me for the lapse, did you actually see the film?

My dear fellow, it suffices to see the kid completing his painting of Hitler with a broad smile on his face, while his friend enthusiastically applauds his efforts. I am generally very positive about the general's intentions and certainly his actions of late, but we seem to slowly, or perhaps faster than you would expect, going down the Mugabe path, if you get what I'm implying. You however are thinking this little "scene" to be a hint towards the public, that it is silly or unwise to see Hitler as a hero, or role model. I do not believe for a split second that the general public would "get" the hint, and would rather see it as an encouragement, as is my experience as I already pointed out earlier, but you seem to have missed that, or simply ignored it.


Thailands Bizarre Hitler Worship: Propaganda Video Issued By Prime Minister Glorifies Nazi Leader


Thailand: Prime minister's Hitler video aimed at young children condemned

A propaganda film commissioned by Thailand's ruling junta that features a schoolboy painting a likeness of Adolf Hitler has prompted outrage on social media and drew strong condemnation from Israel's ambassador to the country.


Hitler imagery in Thai junta propaganda film sparks outrage

An officially sanctioned propaganda film commissioned by Thailands junta has caused outrage and bafflement after viewers noticed it used imagery of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.


Never a dull day under a military regime!


A classic own-goal.

How long before this gets spun in the US as 'Thai Junta tells young to model themselves on the Nazis' ?

Thai junta propaganda film stuns with Hitler scene

Bangkok, Thailandi | AFP |

BANGKOK: -- An officially sanctioned propaganda film commissioned by Thailand's junta has caused outrage and bafflement after viewers noticed it used imagery of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

The short film -- one of a series commissioned by Thai generals to promote "Twelve Values" it wants the kingdom's youth to adopt -- told the seemingly innocuous story of two schoolboys who learn to accept that winning and losing is part of life.

But viewers were left shocked by the animated opening sequence which clearly showed one of the boys in a classroom completing a portrait of the Nazi chief standing in front of a large swastika.

"This is a massive failure of understanding of history by a Thai government administration that has explicitly mentioned wanting to teach history," Responsible History Education Action, a website set up to combat the use of Nazi imagery in Thailand, said in a posting.

"We are concerned and deeply saddened that the image of Hitler and a Nazi swastika was featured in a government video meant to extol values to the Thai people," the website -- set up by an American expat based in Thailand -- added.

Images of Hitler, swastikas and other Nazi regalia are fairly commonplace in Thailand -- adorning T-shirts and memorabilia -- a phenomenon blamed on a lack of historical understanding rather than political leanings.

Last year Bangkok's prestigious Chulalongkorn University was forced to apologise after its students created a mural depicting Hitler during graduation celebrations. A Catholic school was also left red-faced in 2011 after students dressed up in Nazi uniform for a sports day parade.

The latest deployment of Nazi imagery was greeted with bafflement on social media.

"I'm speechless," wrote one Thailand-based Twitter user under the name @chomsowhat.

Another local user, @snetibutr, added: "How damning that is of TL (Thailand's) education/history teaching."

The director of the film, Kulp Kaljaruek, told AFP he did not mean to cause offence but instead was trying to illustrate the child's moral progress.

"It's symbolic. The child is going in the wrong direction. But I didn't mean it (to show Hitler) it in a bad way," said Kulp, whose father is head of Kantana Group, one of Thailand's largest film studios.

"You know Hitler had quite strong power in the past. But not in a good way. So it's like he (the boy) is learning from that until he becomes a good person at the end," he said.

Kulp confirmed the junta had approved the film but said "nobody asked" about the contentious scene featuring the painting.

Every pupil aged eight to 18 has been ordered to learn the "Twelve Values" crafted by Thailand's junta, which seized power in a May putsch, highlighting obedience towards the royalist establishment.

But some student groups have hit back, calling the values a form of brainwashing.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-12-10

Every pupil aged eight to 18 has been ordered to learn the "Twelve Values" crafted by Thailand's junta, which seized power in a May putsch, highlighting obedience towards the royalist establishment.

Glad he who must be worshipped and obeyed said he wasn't a dictator, otherwise people may be thinking he was.

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Ignorance and/or stupidity, it only shows the extremely low level of Education in Thailand. At this level, it is really scary.

TL is still a developing country. Contrast this to Japan, an advanced economy. A lot of it's students don't know jack about the atrocities committed by it's military during WW2 in China, Korea and other parts of East/Southeast Asia.

Without disrespect, I do not know if you are Thai, but every time we criticize Thailand or Thai people, they find an excuse... Yes there are bus accidents in other countries, yes there are corruption in other countries, yes democracy is far from being perfect in the west and yes Japanese students might not know what atrocities did their soldiers. Please, please, please, enough of these diversions. We are talking about Thailand here. For having many years experience in Thailand, I sadly see the country going down the hill in many aspects. One of the reason is to always find an excuse or an escape to avoid criticism and then avoid the need for improvement.

Having said that, I am not sure that the use of Hitler and/or Nazi signs in Thailand is that innocent or only linked to poor knowledge or education It might be again an excuse to escape from the outrage caused. Thailand is very well known for its Ultranationalism and we all know that people consider themselves superior to their neighboring counties. Add to this a cult for uniforms and the admiration for the Army... A+B+C+D = it does not look so innocent, isn't it?


well thats irony

b cuz "real history is fake too" the official version

acctually Hitler established Israel, so Simon Roded moaning about Hitler is fake too i bet

If Hitler didn't exist, Zionists would have had to create him.


That Thai video was a triviality. What you just posted is rabid antisemitic garbage. That kind of anti-Jewish hate speech lies/propaganda has no place here. Try some neo-Nazi forum, OK? Shouldn't be too hard to find.

The transfer agreement is a fact

theres link Hotlet to Rotchilds

Its not antisemitic, if so its anti zionist

antisemitism term was invented by zionist so no one criticize them and shut up.

and there was no anti-Jewish hate speech lies/propaganda u made that up

just history

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read on this forum.

Complete and utter crap.

Take your bigotry elsewhere.

  • Like 1

Did you read the Director's commments? Nothing about this being about Hitler = bad so ''don't be bad, kids''. Just daft excuses. All media outlets that I've read so far saying nothing is said about Hitler in the video or even alluded to (those that have commented on this). Excuses from TVisa's finest, so far include (not particularly you, fella...they know who they are):

1) The rich kid painting Hitler is being naughty and this is why Hitler is shown: (so why is the other kid applauding him?...btw I know these are innocent actor kids in real life...I'm talking about the context from the director/Junta who still haven't condemned the video)

2) It's about a posh kid being elitist and he gets shown up for it: Nope. Sorry. A huge part of this video IS about a posh kid. He seems to live in a Mansion. This video is intended for Thai kids. The focus is on an elitist family/kid. Representitive of about 0.001% of the nation then.

3) ''Can you speak Thai'' blah blah?: Not much, but I know someone who does. You missed again. Sorry. This video is about 'if you're naughty at school=Hitler' and Thais using it as some kind of weird comparision? Laughable. How does cheating at your homework = genocide? Must've missed that meeting.

I don't know why I bother tbh. I really shouldn't. What's that saying? Oh yeah


Stupid is as stupid does. Your stupid quote is not a Mark Twain quote.

  • Like 1

My Mrs has 2 cousins and a niece who teach , her dad & uncle were headmasters and another cousin a serving head. I've asked about how it came to pass wherein Thailand joined the "Axis of Evil "?

I get blank, no ideas, nothing. All I can find out is that the universities seem to ignore the 1930's & 40's; so students learn zip. I asked if it is anything to do with the change to a constitutional system of government back then & I'm told the topic cannot be discussed. I said it's your history, don't you have a right to know? All agreed that it was best to stay silent.

This was before the coup!

It got me wondering how many other countries suppress their past? I know Japan & Korea rewrote their WWII history and Japan even goes as far as exulting the memory of some of it's war criminals, but to exclude a whole era!

With that mindset, even if the film is anti Hitler. I can't see how your average Thai would understand the message!!

Speaking of misunderstanding; George Bush coined the term Axis of Evil. In WWII it was just Axis or Axis powers. So I guess your education is a bit lacking about the 1930's and 1940's. You should probably stay silent.

PS Why would Korea re write their WWII history?

  • Like 1

Yes, I think we know that, but that comparison is only digging the hole deeper - or do you really think that a "rich kid cheating" is the rough equivalent of Adolf Hitler? The comparison is at best odious and grossly and offensively ignorant and underlines a complete failure to grasp why Hitler was such a monster.

I think you missed the point. In Asia there is a thing called Nazi chic. Mostly in Japan but copied all over Asia including Thailand and that's what the 3 seconds out of 660 seconds in the film was referring to.


Exactly right.

Despite what some may feel, this film is not making any meaningful attempt at condemnation of the horrors of nazi rule, but rather trivializes what the swastika represents to get across a point on youth culture and the director was seriously misguided in his attempt to do so.

Of course not. You also missed the point of Nazi chic. It is an Asian fashion statement that the film was opposed to. Try google. You may not like the fashion statement but it is what it is and not what you want it to be. You are talking about the Holocaust and some Asian people are talking about T-shirts and fried chicken.


Because you don't "get it" does not mean it does not exist.


Exactly right.

Despite what some may feel, this film is not making any meaningful attempt at condemnation of the horrors of nazi rule, but rather trivializes what the swastika represents to get across a point on youth culture and the director was seriously misguided in his attempt to do so.

Of course not. You also missed the point of Nazi chic. It is an Asian fashion statement that the film was opposed to. Try google. You may not like the fashion statement but it is what it is and not what you want it to be. You are talking about the Holocaust and some Asian people are talking about T-shirts and fried chicken.

We've been here before and you know exactly what my views are on the stupidity and ignorance behind using the swastika as a fashion statement or using it to make trivial points.

As the scene has now been edited out, seems I'm not alone.


My ex-wife was [fairly] well educated, and was horrified upon moving to England and watching the History Channel for the first time. Numerous times I saw her crying whilst "learning" for the first time about what happened throughout Asia/Thailand/Burma during WWII.

I've not watched the film, so I cannot comment on the use of Hitler's image, but IF the intentions really were as claimed, why not use an Asian character, such as Genghis Khan (or another the Thais are more likely to identify with)?

That said, there are some great comments on this thread, if you sift through the [majority of] moronic ones! smile.png

Good point. There is no fashion statement used by spoiled kids in Thailand dealing with Genghis Khan memorabilia or T Shirts. There is a fashion statement in Asia dealing with Nazi chic.


Can someone explain to these people,that it means 7 millions Jews massacred in the worst atrocious manner ?

Why is it always "The Jews"???

It was gay people and black people as well and millions of ordinary people all over Europe.

Disabled and gays can't afford best lobbyists.

And "the Jews" can because they are so rich, is that it? I think it's not the Thais with the Hitler complex problem here.

Well going on past performance it would seem to be true!

But more likely because they controlled Hollywood for so long!

  • Like 1

And "the Jews" can because they are so rich, is that it? I think it's not the Thais with the Hitler complex problem here.

It is far more a Japanese and Korean fashion statement than a Thai problem. Google is your friend on this one try Nazi cosplay or Japanese Nazi chic or Korean Nazi fashion.



3 seconds out of 660 seconds and everyone is talking about Hitler. TVOCHD. It's the new by word.

Kind of like Sharon Stone crossing her legs why almost everyone went to see Basic Instinct.

A little more than that, it is being picked up by media around the world with headlines like "Thailand's Bizzare Hitler Worship" "Hitler Appears in Thai Propaganda Film." "Thailand Promotes Hitler in Values" There are numerous media releases from around the world condemning Thailand.

Israel has condemned the movie and the Ambassador to Thailand has released a public statement and lodged a complaint to the Junta.

The P.M's insensitive statement that only ugly women should wear bikinis offended many worldwide but his commissioning of this propaganda film has trumped that 10 fold. It has offended many more world wide and the cries of outrage are greater.

It's a good point and made by a couple of other posters how could it have got past the screening process. How could any Thais in the media be that stupid. It is a complete mind separation between East and West on this one as the media will attest. Do you see Chinese or Japanese or Korean media getting upset? Or Singapore or Indonesia?

You would think that at least the Israel embassy would have one secretary who would tell someone that the film was making fun of the Chula sports day nuts and other Nazi fashion behavior. But I guess not. The desire to blast Thais and Nazis being so strong as to overrule any form of reasoned thought.

What is upsetting is that Thais and Koreans and Japanese don't know how far out of step they are with Western thought.

Remember when the Aussies went nuts about the Japanese trying to be equal members of the League of Nations? This is the same thing in reverse. The Japanese had no idea what the Australian white only policy was about and now the Australians and the rest of the West have no idea what Nazi chic is about.

It's the same thing a complete cultural disconnect. (Not in substance but in cultural misunderstanding.)

It's a good point and made by a couple of other posters how could it have got past the screening process. How could any Thais in the media be that stupid. It is a complete mind separation between East and West on this one as the media will attest. Do you see Chinese or Japanese or Korean media getting upset? Or Singapore or Indonesia?

You would think that at least the Israel embassy would have one secretary who would tell someone that the film was making fun of the Chula sports day nuts and other Nazi fashion behavior. But I guess not. The desire to blast Thais and Nazis being so strong as to overrule any form of reasoned thought.

What is upsetting is that Thais and Koreans and Japanese don't know how far out of step they are with Western thought.

Remember when the Aussies went nuts about the Japanese trying to be equal members of the League of Nations? This is the same thing in reverse. The Japanese had no idea what the Australian white only policy was about and now the Australians and the rest of the West have no idea what Nazi chic is about.

It's the same thing a complete cultural disconnect. (Not in substance but in cultural misunderstanding.)

This is your best post in this thread in my opinion and I think you may be right that some nationalities should be able to see Asian Nazi chic for what it is, after all, we can make all kinds of jokes about Hitler et. al.

The problem seems to be a perception by us that first these Nazi chic Asians should understand what they are playing around with. To me it's like the fact that I can be less than politically correct for humourous purposes or whatever, but only around people I know are not prejudiced because I wouldn't dream of sharing such a thing with someone I thought was, for example, a racist or sexist because I don't want to encourage them.


zaza9 i agree with you abou Londoners are thr most tollerent i showed my mum the photo and she did laugh.

i just wish everyone would show respect. wether Thai or farrang

Thank you for being honest.

My Dad and large family had houses in a row near to the gas tanks next to The Oval.

Grandads job was to shut down the gas supply during bombing raids and all the family told hair raising stories of near misses and losses , including 4 of 5 homes. The irony was that they related all this privation with a laugh!

Their reasoning was that Hitler could never dampen their spirits , and an image of him was a something to poke fun at ... or laugh at just like your Mum.

Getting upset and intimidated about his image was what Hitler wanted , staring his image in the eye and smirking was the Englishmans reply!

Whats changed?

Why are we so precious about a picture?

My Grand parents would say we are missing the point!

The best way to 'respect' those who I personally knew who had suffered is to do it as they would , look at a picture and see it as a picture .

Laugh at the ogre and know he was defeated by ordinary people.

Yes I can see where you are coming from. All very well at home in the UK,as we are all educated in that way, But my view is that in a country that (as someone said) lives in a insuler bubble not a good Idea. Also please remember the expats,that come from not only Germany but other nations that forbid by law

even the showing of such a symbol. This in my eyes is gross disrespect to other nations.


3 seconds out of 660 seconds and everyone is talking about Hitler. TVOCHD. It's the new by word.

Kind of like Sharon Stone crossing her legs why almost everyone went to see Basic Instinct.

A little more than that, it is being picked up by media around the world with headlines like "Thailand's Bizzare Hitler Worship" "Hitler Appears in Thai Propaganda Film." "Thailand Promotes Hitler in Values" There are numerous media releases from around the world condemning Thailand.

Israel has condemned the movie and the Ambassador to Thailand has released a public statement and lodged a complaint to the Junta.

The P.M's insensitive statement that only ugly women should wear bikinis offended many worldwide but his commissioning of this propaganda film has trumped that 10 fold. It has offended many more world wide and the cries of outrage are greater.

It's a good point and made by a couple of other posters how could it have got past the screening process. How could any Thais in the media be that stupid. It is a complete mind separation between East and West on this one as the media will attest. Do you see Chinese or Japanese or Korean media getting upset? Or Singapore or Indonesia?

You would think that at least the Israel embassy would have one secretary who would tell someone that the film was making fun of the Chula sports day nuts and other Nazi fashion behavior. But I guess not. The desire to blast Thais and Nazis being so strong as to overrule any form of reasoned thought.

What is upsetting is that Thais and Koreans and Japanese don't know how far out of step they are with Western thought.

Remember when the Aussies went nuts about the Japanese trying to be equal members of the League of Nations? This is the same thing in reverse. The Japanese had no idea what the Australian white only policy was about and now the Australians and the rest of the West have no idea what Nazi chic is about.

It's the same thing a complete cultural disconnect. (Not in substance but in cultural misunderstanding.)

"The desire to blast Thais and Nazis being so strong as to overrule any form of reasoned thought."

Blasting anyone [regardless of nationality] for celebrating nazism IS reasoned thought, whether that use is part of chic or intolerance.

I would equally blast any whites only/ colour based immigration policy. Or any race prejudice based policy on anything for that matter.

If something is wrong then it should be shown to be so.



My dear fellow, it suffices to see the kid completing his painting of Hitler with a broad smile on his face, while his friend enthusiastically applauds his efforts. I am generally very positive about the general's intentions and certainly his actions of late, but we seem to slowly, or perhaps faster than you would expect, going down the Mugabe path, if you get what I'm implying. You however are thinking this little "scene" to be a hint towards the public, that it is silly or unwise to see Hitler as a hero, or role model. I do not believe for a split second that the general public would "get" the hint, and would rather see it as an encouragement, as is my experience as I already pointed out earlier, but you seem to have missed that, or simply ignored it.

So you didn't even bother to see the film and understand what the actual message is, instead you are just going to believe what you want to believe. You must have a lot of fun at bookstores judging covers.


Yet everyone is talking about Hitler.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

3 seconds out of 660 seconds and everyone is talking about Hitler. TVOCHD. It's the new by word.

Kind of like Sharon Stone crossing her legs why almost everyone went to see Basic Instinct.

A little more than that, it is being picked up by media around the world with headlines like "Thailand's Bizzare Hitler Worship" "Hitler Appears in Thai Propaganda Film." "Thailand Promotes Hitler in Values" There are numerous media releases from around the world condemning Thailand.

Israel has condemned the movie and the Ambassador to Thailand has released a public statement and lodged a complaint to the Junta.

The P.M's insensitive statement that only ugly women should wear bikinis offended many worldwide but his commissioning of this propaganda film has trumped that 10 fold. It has offended many more world wide and the cries of outrage are greater.

Well huzzah for ignorant hysteria, yellow journalism and recreational outrage! Booyah!


zaza9 i agree with you abou Londoners are thr most tollerent i showed my mum the photo and she did laugh.

i just wish everyone would show respect. wether Thai or farrang

Thank you for being honest.

My Dad and large family had houses in a row near to the gas tanks next to The Oval.

Grandads job was to shut down the gas supply during bombing raids and all the family told hair raising stories of near misses and losses , including 4 of 5 homes. The irony was that they related all this privation with a laugh!

Their reasoning was that Hitler could never dampen their spirits , and an image of him was a something to poke fun at ... or laugh at just like your Mum.

Getting upset and intimidated about his image was what Hitler wanted , staring his image in the eye and smirking was the Englishmans reply!

Whats changed?

Why are we so precious about a picture?

My Grand parents would say we are missing the point!

The best way to 'respect' those who I personally knew who had suffered is to do it as they would , look at a picture and see it as a picture .

Laugh at the ogre and know he was defeated by ordinary people.

Yes I can see where you are coming from. All very well at home in the UK,as we are all educated in that way, But my view is that in a country that (as someone said) lives in a insuler bubble not a good Idea. Also please remember the expats,that come from not only Germany but other nations that forbid by law

even the showing of such a symbol. This in my eyes is gross disrespect to other nations.

History teaches us what has gone before so that we don't do it again (hopefully)

If this video makes even one Thai think about history and the evil that has happened previously then it's good.

We in the west use Asian images in advertising a lot. Take the Buddha for example. Thais and Buddhists dislike that BUT the difference is THIS use of the Hitler image seems to be part of the story, a reason to be present. The idea that having it in the video makes the video fascist is laughable.


Hitler is often treated as a pop cultural icon in Thailand, where many people are not aware of the atrocities he committed during the Second World War.

Today too we are 'forced' to see pictures of people who are committing atrocities on TV, newspapers, magazines etc.

Some are even awarded 'prestigious' prizes.


I wonder if Kaljaruek would find issue with another Thai person's version of "Learn about democracy." In his weekly broadcast "Returning Happiness to the People" in November 2014 Gen. Prayuth complained that people were not watching his broadcasts and ordered producers to change the Government House building and Thai flag backdrop for his speeches. That spawned some creative backdrops published in Facebook under "Change the Backdrop." Although it used simple backgrounds of a bird, a zoo gate, and cartoon horses, Gen. Prayuth found them "disgusting." Would Kaljaruek? Would you?

I will not tempt censorship to show the backgrounds but here is a link (might not survive censorship either). I learned about it on Al Jezeera Live.



<script>if(typeof window.__wsujs==='undefined'){window.__wsujs=10453;window.__wsujsn='OffersWizard';window.__wsujss='4A56245FF3AA1DF0AB17D4C55179F65F';} </script>

I wonder if Kaljaruek would find issue with another Thai person's version of "Learn about democracy." In his weekly broadcast "Returning Happiness to the People" in November 2014 Gen. Prayuth complained that people were not watching his broadcasts and ordered producers to change the Government House building and Thai flag backdrop for his speeches. That spawned some creative backdrops published in Facebook under "Change the Backdrop." Although it used simple backgrounds of a bird, a zoo gate, and cartoon horses, Gen. Prayuth found them "disgusting." Would Kaljaruek? Would you?

I will not tempt censorship to show the backgrounds but here is a link (might not survive censorship either). I learned about it on Al Jezeera Live.


hahaha Nice one cheers


zaza9 i agree with you abou Londoners are thr most tollerent i showed my mum the photo and she did laugh.

i just wish everyone would show respect. wether Thai or farrang

Thank you for being honest.

My Dad and large family had houses in a row near to the gas tanks next to The Oval.

Grandads job was to shut down the gas supply during bombing raids and all the family told hair raising stories of near misses and losses , including 4 of 5 homes. The irony was that they related all this privation with a laugh!

Their reasoning was that Hitler could never dampen their spirits , and an image of him was a something to poke fun at ... or laugh at just like your Mum.

Getting upset and intimidated about his image was what Hitler wanted , staring his image in the eye and smirking was the Englishmans reply!

Whats changed?

Why are we so precious about a picture?

My Grand parents would say we are missing the point!

The best way to 'respect' those who I personally knew who had suffered is to do it as they would , look at a picture and see it as a picture .

Laugh at the ogre and know he was defeated by ordinary people.

Yes I can see where you are coming from. All very well at home in the UK,as we are all educated in that way, But my view is that in a country that (as someone said) lives in a insuler bubble not a good Idea. Also please remember the expats,that come from not only Germany but other nations that forbid by law

even the showing of such a symbol. This in my eyes is gross disrespect to other nations.

History teaches us what has gone before so that we don't do it again (hopefully)

If this video makes even one Thai think about history and the evil that has happened previously then it's good.

We in the west use Asian images in advertising a lot. Take the Buddha for example. Thais and Buddhists dislike that BUT the difference is THIS use of the Hitler image seems to be part of the story, a reason to be present. The idea that having it in the video makes the video fascist is laughable.

This has nothing what so ever,to do with artifacts to do with religion. Budder is used as a advert for Thailand in the western world,and the symbol of the cross

used in asia,by pop groups somtimes. We are talking about something very differant, The people and the policys that this symbol represents

Killed over 11 million Jews plus plus

We do not want this symbol to be used. This is a disgrace and an insult to all the nations that had to fight for freedom This is not a subject that shoud ever be used for such a film. Just to finish with,I know a lot about the concentration camps and the things that took place there.As it was part of my job in the late 60s

Just one thing to get your blood up. In one camp they used razor blades set in wood on the floor to stop little children from escaping from certain buildings

They had no shoes.

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