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Police Harassment in Pattaya Today


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It is for yours and everyone elses safety, it's a checkpoint not harassment, if you are lae abiding you will have no problem.

How many times have these checkpoints got drugs and guns off the streets.


And how do you explain him never having been stopped in his car?

Very naive to believe that the "law abiders" will never have a problem with police. Ever heard of police corruption? Never in Thailand, of course.

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When you speak of the checkpoint outside Mike shopping! sure as someone noted they are doing their jobs looking for drugs and guns! This is not the case. Just stand or have a seat inside Kiss and a quick bite to eat and take your onw survey! This check point is to do one thing ;get Falangs majority like the MidEasterns rent their bikes without ever being told they need a IDP, and the fly down Soi 2, it is a cash cow for the BIB HQ on Soi 9, at night they move to the corner of Pattaya Tai and Soi 2,

As for cars they are too scare to step in front! As in the west many of these guys are cowards with a badge! I never stop I just speed up!

On the subject of I.D.P----

-I was told by my Local Office here in N.Z--that an I.D.P--is not required for tourists in Thailand--but it is a good idea -as it proves that my N.Z license is not fake---below is a section from Trip Advisor---is this correct ?? --can a Tourist really have a problem without an I.D.P--I have been stopped a few times in a rental--never once been asked for an I.D.P---but I will have one this time wai2.gif


According to the UN Traffic Act of 1949 and the Thai Traffic Act of 1979, an IDP is not required if you are a tourist/visitor in Thailand as long as your license is in English, has a photo, and your country is a contracting state of the 1949 treaty, which most are.

If you are a resident, however, you require a Thai drivers license. As a tourist, rental car companies, insurance companies and police will all accept your home license.

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It is for yours and everyone elses safety, it's a checkpoint not harassment, if you are lae abiding you will have no problem.

How many times have these checkpoints got drugs and guns off the streets.



The guy was wearing helmet, and was stopped for no reason at all, well, not any reason in law books anyway, one of parties involved personal financial needs aside.

So in what way was he stopped for his, or everyone else's safety, as you put it? How was a guy riding a scooter and wearing a helmet a danger to himself, or others?

Possible retired foreigners gang member, storing an Uzi under the scooter seat maybe? If not that, then what?

Im curious, why do you feel the need to defend this extortion racket?

What if in the interest of public safety (and OF COURSE our own safety), random road side strip searches will be introduced? I understand you will approve, but I doubt most others here would.

We have no rights here, thats granted.. But it surprises me every time, when a fellow foreigner approves, and even applauds to this!

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They are clearly targeting tourists. Only reason I was stopped today was because I was wearing my big "I'm a tourist" backpack.

It's a shakedown for cash plain and simple.

Sadly this reduces the Thai police to same basic level of jet ski mafia with a uniform.

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This is the perfect time of year to stop people on bikes. A quick look at the tax disc and most should show the year as 2558, if it shows 2557 there is a good chance that it has expired. Only a couple of weeks left of this year. It is easier to do this on a car with the tax disc on the windscreen, on a bike it needs to be stopped to see the tax disc.

I do wonder at the mentality of those who ride without a helmet then complain that they have been fined.

Except of course, that OP was wearing a helmet.

You are right about the year ending, and a 2 week tourist, who rented a scooter is not aware of it, he rented a bike, sticker is expired, easy money!

And you say this is good police work!

Why defend this travesty?

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.. Many of us coming from a nanny-state. Sometimes it looks like, we had forgotten to think about waht and how we do and what are possible consequences. Here in Thailand were our nanny is far away, we should start to use what we did learn. In our and in others favor.

But some of us, leave the brain at home and acting like a stubborn child.

By nanny state, you mean countries with next to nil police corruption, countries where laws are encorced equally, no matter the social class, no matter immigration status, nor skin colour.

Basically countries with functioning, real law enforcement, not corrupt to the core developing nations, yes?

I would love Thailand be this kind of nanny state, at least I wouldn't be at mercy of officers, especially if you live part time around Asok and Thong Lo.

A great example of a non nanny state - Somalia! Total freedom!

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It is for yours and everyone elses safety, it's a checkpoint not harassment, if you are lae abiding you will have no problem.

How many times have these checkpoints got drugs and guns off the streets.


Exactly what I thought.

Check points arent harassment

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I'd take the Thai cops over English
I still remember a new years eve in Staines
A serious riot was going on
Bricks and bins through shop windows . Fighting every where . So bad the taxi wouldn't come (which we'd prepaid)
Any way called the old man. He gets pulled over and brethalized driving. 31mph in a 30 zone a mile from us
None. In town

Take Thai coppers any day over English.

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I have seen several examples of police stopping falangs on bikes (for no reason) in the last two weeks and can only deduce that orders have been issued from above. Make of that what you will.

The reason is to check that they hold a licence to ride a motorbike. If it reduces the number of idiot tourists riding bikes without any idea of how to do so safely, I'm all for it.

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I have seen several examples of police stopping falangs on bikes (for no reason) in the last two weeks and //

Why would they need a reason to stop you ?

I find this kind of comment rather strange, but as several people here made a similar one I would think that maybe in some countries it's something Police can't do ? In Thailand and most countries, they can.

I come from France where Police can "controls" you when they want, where they want. They can stop you in car or bike and check for papers (DL, Insurance,...) or even stop you when you walk in the street and check for your (mandatory) ID card. In 99.99% of case it's just a 1 minute polite control and very similar to what they do in Thailand. I see nothing wrong in that.

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For gods sake man, stop complaining. It's not harassment, it's a routine check.

This is the attitude that allows the errorsion of a societies freedoms. Stop and search without probable cause is a violation of your personal freedom and should not be tolerated anywhere.

All I can say is I'm pleased western police years ago instituted routine roadside alcohol checks. It took a few years but it took a lot of drunks off the street and undoubtedly reduced the road fatality death contributed by drunk drivers. A lot of people in cities learned to leave the car at home, as I did, and walk or take a taxi.

The other night on Nern Plub Wan, I witnessed a pickup truck full of handcuffed Thai boys and veritable flotilla of Pattaya police escorting them to jail. Not one farang on the packed truck. I have only been stopped once because my GF was not wearing a helmet. A fair charge. Otherwise, at routine stops I have, oddly enough, always been waved through. All those stopped were Thais.

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I have seen several examples of police stopping falangs on bikes (for no reason) in the last two weeks and can only deduce that orders have been issued from above. Make of that what you will.

The reason is to check that they hold a licence to ride a motorbike. If it reduces the number of idiot tourists riding bikes without any idea of how to do so safely, I'm all for it.

^^^Exactly. Idiot tourists, many of whom have never controlled a motorcycle until they came to Thailand. And this is the high season when many idiot tourists come here. Routine police checks are not the preserve of Pattaya police. In Canada, police make more checks of licences at the end of the month because licences expire with your birth date. As does your insurance if you don't renew your licence.

If Pattaya police really wanted to clean up (i.e., make a lot of money), they'd blockade many bar streets every night and do breathalyzer tests. They'd net hundreds of farangs and Thais every night. It's doubtful they'd do this because of the impact on tourism. I will add that where police checks appear to be out of control is Bangkok. Be every careful there because tourists and expats are being harassed.

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It is for yours and everyone elses safety, it's a checkpoint not harassment, if you are lae abiding you will have no problem.

How many times have these checkpoints got drugs and guns off the streets.



The guy was wearing helmet, and was stopped for no reason at all, well, not any reason in law books anyway, one of parties involved personal financial needs aside.

So in what way was he stopped for his, or everyone else's safety, as you put it? How was a guy riding a scooter and wearing a helmet a danger to himself, or others?

Possible retired foreigners gang member, storing an Uzi under the scooter seat maybe? If not that, then what?

Im curious, why do you feel the need to defend this extortion racket?

What if in the interest of public safety (and OF COURSE our own safety), random road side strip searches will be introduced? I understand you will approve, but I doubt most others here would.

We have no rights here, thats granted.. But it surprises me every time, when a fellow foreigner approves, and even applauds to this!

Did you actually read anything on here?

A checkpoint does not discriminate against who is wearing a helmet or not, that is the point, now to quote you "How was a guy riding a scooter and wearing a helmet a danger to himself, or others?" you really want an answer? how would you or anyone else, police included, know what was under the seat of the motorbike? why do you post with such vigour knowing absolutely nothing about what the OP or any other driver has under their seat - how could you, that is the whole point of a checkpoint!

As for the guy not getting stopped in his car - no idea, perhaps he keeps it in the garage, avoids Sukhumvit every other day, dont know.

Is it just the silly tourist season that brings out all the dumbass posters, next will be scam this scam that by people who do not know the meaning of the word but nevertheless makes them feel good to say it.

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My first experience with a police check point in Pattaya was in 2004. The last time I went to Pattaya, maybe around 2010, I was stopped three times in one day. It was no big deal. They asked to see my license and let me go about my business. I was wearing a helmut at the time.

Edited by JulieM
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My first experience with a police check point in Pattaya was in 2004. The last time I went to Pattaya, maybe around 2010, I was stopped three times in one day. It was no big deal. They asked to see my license and let me go about my business. I was wearing a helmut at the time.

How do you wear a German?:-)
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Would be nice if the cops stopped the BS

And nicked the knobs who drive the wrong way up a carriageway

and the aholes who crash the red lights. This kills many every year

that would be doing real police work.

Checking your license and stupid crash helmet rules are just that stupid.

I do feel they are targeting none Thais, just look at who is driving past with no crash helmet on, talking on a mobile phone and three up on the bike!!!! as you being questioned.

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anyway what pepole say about thai police or the scam or whatever, thailand is 1000 times better place the most western countries, the different between thailand and western countries are in thailand police/bargirls steal your money, but in most western countries the goverment steal your money (huge taxes)...

also the 24 hour time go get food here, all kinds off food we have also here.

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Not harassment, but last night at around 3am the police had the road blocked off going into Pattaya at the Pratumnak junction, I was coming back from watching the football in Jomtien and had 3 beers, they were stopping everything including cars, I was lucky just slipped though and turned down soi 7 towards Pattaya park, I would say around 20 cops with flashlights.

Be Careful these days if you have had a beer or two, even cars are not safe from being pulled over.

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If you are 'legal' and have tax / insurance etc you have nothing to worry about. I am quite happy to get stopped and see the look of disappointment on their faces when they have no reason to fine you. Also happy for them to check the bike for drugs, anything is ok to stop this vile trade.

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Look, I've been stopped numerous times all over Thailand, show my license and on my way. I don't think that it's a scam, but you would have to be a fool to not believe these checkpoints in Pattaya aren't looking for money and that's found in the tourists pockets. If they truly wanted to enforce the law they don't have to go far. Can you imagine if the police were forced to patrol,and write tickets to traffic offenders, they would never finish writing! They could fund the countries GDP with the proceeds. But the citizens would probably revolt. That's why they target tourists in the tourist areas. Higher fines and no retribution. Btw, it's a well documented fact that police officers own most of the bike rental agencies in Pattaya. A few years back the chief of police stated in the local rag, he wants the local beat cops to spend more of their time enforcing law and not spend so much time on their second business of operating the bike rentals. I still love living here. Better than the police state in Amerika.

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Would be nice if the cops stopped the BS

And nicked the knobs who drive the wrong way up a carriageway

and the aholes who crash the red lights. This kills many every year

that would be doing real police work.

Checking your license and stupid crash helmet rules are just that stupid.

I do feel they are targeting none Thais, just look at who is driving past with no crash helmet on, talking on a mobile phone and three up on the bike!!!! as you being questioned.

Onetoomanychang i think!!

So crash helmet rules are stupid eh!

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Would be nice if the cops stopped the BS

And nicked the knobs who drive the wrong way up a carriageway

and the aholes who crash the red lights. This kills many every year

that would be doing real police work.

Checking your license and stupid crash helmet rules are just that stupid.

I do feel they are targeting none Thais, just look at who is driving past with no crash helmet on, talking on a mobile phone and three up on the bike!!!! as you being questioned.

Onetoomanychang i think!!

So crash helmet rules are stupid eh!

Nothing stupid about the crash helmet rules just the fact that they are about the only ones being enforced. So easy to stop a motorbike with a rider with no helmet or being ridden by a foreigner who might not have the correct driving licence. Not so simple to stop a truck or tour bus jumping a red light light and causing real danger to life so it doesn't get done.

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