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Young tourists performing yoga at sacred temple criticised in Thai media


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Buddha from Nepal. In this case I am with the temple. Seems like self absorbed narcissist tourists that don't have time or interest to find about about local customs and expectations of behavior. "I am on spiritual path, so <deleted> off".

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I'm going to sound rude here... but what can people expect...Thailand is sold on being fun, so even a temple is a place to play. Note...Temples have parties, and they are loud and tons of beer, etc. So it goes, Thailand made this bed.

Sorry...but you are totally wrong.No alcohol is drinking inside temples, even during loud "parties" . May happen very rarely in its grounds, in some temples, in some areas or situations..but..again..very rarely and not in openly ways.

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To me, a nature lover more than a religionist, offense is when a piece of natural property is scraped down to clay, and then covered with concrete dwellings or outlets to sell things. A real offense is dropping trash and bespoiling rivers and creeks - which happens everyday in every part of Thailand. It's gotten to where a person would surmise that Thais don't like nature. Maybe they do, but they just can't make the mental connection between tossing trash everywhere, and bespoiling nature. .....and then there's spraying toxic chemicals everywhere, which toxifies a lot more than just the patch of ground where the spraying is applied.

And you ask me whether doing some gymnastic pose at a temple ground is offensive?!? It's like comparing a candle with a forest fire.

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At the risk of being roundly abused here, I simply for the life of me cannot see what is wrong in that photo. It isn't like they are smoking crack or doing rudies or anything?

There's really nothing wrong with it but they chose a place where it's considered to be a holy ground. Although,I don't think it deserves viral-shaming.

The one who took the photo is probably very religious and found it very in-appropriate.

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Thai temple is not a place for female Farang to spread their legs; dress or otherwise.

I agree, female legs spreading should be included in the list of business allowed to Thai only , they are clearly not ready for competition by foreigners.

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I cannot believe this B.S. Most religions have these decorum perspectives. If you want a real laugh, try doing this exercise in front of a Moslem Mosque on a Saturday or a Catholic Cathedral on Sunday. Grow up guys, the kids were being disrespectful and there should be no argument about that. One complaint from a Senior Monk and they would have been either arrested or moved on forcibly by the Police. There is nothing wrong with that

Wrong, most churches in several European countries have courses of gymnastic and yoga, plus people play all kind of sports in the courtyard outside like this couple was. Also, Christian churches do not forbid women entry if they are wearing shorts, there is actually no forced dress code. Thai are just bigot overprotective since religion is one of the few things they can do well, including all that nonsense superstitions about feeding ghosts and dead people, payana, worshiping insects nests and all kind of earthly creatures.

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This is bullshit. I have a group of Thai friends who do yoga, and just last week there were in Ayudhya doing various poses on and around the temples there.

The locals only paid attention because they were foreigners.

Yoga is part of some temples meditation practice.

But those people's "yoga" have nothing to do with traditional yoga, and never real yoga includes body exposure, specially on sacred grounds.

I do not have any problem in advice people when having any unappropiate behavior, even if going to be an altercation. Mature people have the moral obrigation to "teach" the young every time its can. Some customs and traditions never will change, you like it or not, and have to be respected.

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Another example of an overreaction by a Thai.

Not at all. I rather suspect the tourists wouldn't act the same way in a church, mosque or synagogue in their home country. Why should they even think it's remotely acceptable in a Buddhist temple?

They are also both dressed inappropriately to visit a temple. They have obviously spent no time learning about local ways and are completely devoid of any cultural sensitivity.

They actually aren't inside the temple, they are perhaps on temple grounds. I would think that these young, free spirited people would do the same on church grounds too. I'm sure they weren't aware of hypocrisy of the local culture concerning behavior at the temple. Local people (just like Western Christians) make a lot of noise about innocent acts such as this, but fail to live up to the teachings of their own religion in their daily life. Rather than film this and post online, this complainer might have gone over to them and spoken quietly to them about how this may be looked on as inappropriate to the local community.

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This is bullshit. I have a group of Thai friends who do yoga, and just last week there were in Ayudhya doing various poses on and around the temples there.

The locals only paid attention because they were foreigners.

Yoga is part of some temples meditation practice.

But those people's "yoga" have nothing to do with traditional yoga, and never real yoga includes body exposure, specially on sacred grounds.

I do not have any problem in advice people when having any unappropiate behavior, even if going to be an altercation. Mature people have the moral obrigation to "teach" the young every time its can. Some customs and traditions never will change, you like it or not, and have to be respected.

if that was true we would still be worshiping Zeus. Everything always changes and Thai better get used to it.

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This is bullshit. I have a group of Thai friends who do yoga, and just last week there were in Ayudhya doing various poses on and around the temples there.

The locals only paid attention because they were foreigners.

I don't believe you.

Please upload some photos as proves, especially one will legs spread.

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A group of farang was found doing a workout [at a temple], supposedly yoga. They spread their arms and legs while their friends were taking photos. This was done in public view of both locals and tourists," the caption said. Common temple etiquette requires visitors to remain calm, and act in a composed manner"

Boo hoo hoo

If they are doing something wrong then say so to their face instead of this cowardly, chicken crud online BS outrage campaign.

So many foreigners have such little respect for cultural norms in foreign countries. I would liken this to someone doing Yoga in the middle of my church sanctuary. Their actions were entirely inappropriate and if they get bashed enough maybe they will take their inconsiderate behavior elsewhere and those who are outraged by them getting bashed will have to be outraged over something else, so that is my story; bashers, the ball remains in your court. Your serve

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We Asians can be really sensitive and sometimes over-sensitive when it comes to our culture and religion.That's why being foreigners here in Thailand,please make sure to just take note of their rules...it's nothing to do w racism,it's just the way it is.I know you'll find some Asian customs weird and over-dramatic but this is not our country and we just have to respect their rules or suffer the consequences.

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I think it's stretching it to call this yoga it is a gymnastics performance which still is perfectly ok to do in the outdoor area at a temple. There are no rules against this and I have seen dancing, theatre, rock concerts and Thai boxing performed in the outdoor areas of Thai temples so this criticism looks to me as being more a complaint that some farangs cann something cool that we can't do and we are jealous? Otherwise I don't get the point since this temple is often advertised to attract tourists?

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Another example of an overreaction by a Thai. coffee1.gif

At least a monk isn't slapping them, they are not drunk and are not in a bikini. blink.png

I can't see an overreaction here. This (Yoga) posture here is from Partner Yoga (a western creation). If you look at traditional Hata Yoga as example, there is a head stand with no spreading of legs. In India, those practicing in traditional places do not wear shirts, but they also are not practicing their Yoga in a Temple but a "Yoga School". I am not aware if in traditional India women practiced Yoga.

I also would agree that this is inappropriate even if outside the Temple ground but within close sight. I presume would they have practiced traditional postures the critics would clearly be less.

Just my 2c

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A group of farang was found doing a workout [at a temple], supposedly yoga. They spread their arms and legs while their friends were taking photos. This was done in public view of both locals and tourists," the caption said. Common temple etiquette requires visitors to remain calm, and act in a composed manner"

Boo hoo hoo

If they are doing something wrong then say so to their face instead of this cowardly, chicken crud online BS outrage campaign.

So many foreigners have such little respect for cultural norms in foreign countries. I would liken this to someone doing Yoga in the middle of my church sanctuary. Their actions were entirely inappropriate and if they get bashed enough maybe they will take their inconsiderate behavior elsewhere and those who are outraged by them getting bashed will have to be outraged over something else, so that is my story; bashers, the ball remains in your court. Your serve

I very much doubt The Almighty would have any issues with wholesome activities such as yoga being performed on his/her grounds.

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We Asians can be really sensitive and sometimes over-sensitive when it comes to our culture and religion.That's why being foreigners here in Thailand,please make sure to just take note of their rules...it's nothing to do w racism,it's just the way it is.I know you'll find some Asian customs weird and over-dramatic but this is not our country and we just have to respect their rules or suffer the consequences.

I am half Asian too don't give me this BS, when Thai go abroad have no respect whatsoever for any rule. Just ask Japanese what they think about Thai.

In Malaysia (Penang) people is very tolerant with tourists even around Mosques, they understand that not all tourists can be informed about every aspect of a country culture and religion.

If some really go over the top they approach them and very kindly explain to them.

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Another example of an overreaction by a Thai.

Not at all. I rather suspect the tourists wouldn't act the same way in a church, mosque or synagogue in their home country. Why should they even think it's remotely acceptable in a Buddhist temple?

They are also both dressed inappropriately to visit a temple. They have obviously spent no time learning about local ways and are completely devoid of any cultural sensitivity.

So based on your opinion of culture, would carrying a mobile phone, wearing modern day clothing, driving a car to the venue, taking a photo etc etc etc constitute a breach of culture?

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In my opinion, being a Buddhist, Yoga perfectly befits temple grounds. They might have dressed a bit more appropriate. In every religion we have these Orthodox, fanatical, self proclaimed defenders of religion. Read the texts and realize that Buddha says to mainly LOOK AT YOURSELF and be non judgmental. Shall we discuss the fact that in Chiang Mai there is a church style building purposely built as a restaurant???! wai.gif

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This is bullshit. I have a group of Thai friends who do yoga, and just last week there were in Ayudhya doing various poses on and around the temples there.

The locals only paid attention because they were foreigners.

I don't believe you.

Please upload some photos as proves, especially one will legs spread.

so is the all issue the female legs spread? would have been ok if it was a male?

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if these were Chinese tourists we'd be bashing the Chinese for being rude and culturally insensitive.

But they're farang so instead we bash the Thais for being too sensitive.

It was wrong. Please show respect for the country you're living in.

But would we, if it was Tai Chi, say, they were practising?

If it was Tai chi, people probably won't say anything because its not offensive. I do agree the Thais are blowing this out of proportion, but let us know that its because the feet shouldn't be so high at a temple, and the girl was not dressed properly to visit a temple. I'm sure the foreigners would have stop if the staff let them know that it was inappropriate what they are doing. Its just a case of tourist who don't know the local customs.

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