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JK Rowling assails Murdoch tweet about Muslims

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Is Murdoch saying anything much different than the leader of EGYPT recently said? Who BTW, is very brave for saying so and I hope he beefs up his security system.

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Yes you do, silly analogy

It's not an analogy - it's a fact... During the second world war christians killed millions of people because of RELIGION.

Are you for real? Did you learn your history from comic books?

The attempted genocide of the Jews by Nazi Germany had nothing at all to do with their crucifixion of Christ. Used as excuse by some admittedly


Yes you do, silly analogy

It's not an analogy - it's a fact... During the second world war christians killed millions of people because of RELIGION.

Are you for real? Did you learn your history from comic books?

The attempted genocide of the Jews by Nazi Germany had nothing at all to do with their crucifixion of Christ. Used as excuse by some admittedly

It wasn't attempted genocide. It was genocide. Maybe you're confused about the definition. It doesn't need to mean killing every last one.


Yes, all the world must stop and pay attention to the words of Rowling. After all, she writes children's books.

That many adults obsessively read. And likewise watch the movies. Here's the IMDB user vote demographics for "Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone" (2001) LINK:



There are many widely varying religions all based on the Old Testament. Over the years the bible has been abused and misquoted to support all manner of ghastly attacks. Don't think christianity has any moral high ground here. Hindus have extremists and so do Buddhists. Religion has caused more wars and killed more people than any other single cause in mankinds history.

Rowling missed the point -- she should be excusing the crusades, the slave trade, the slaughter of native americans,,,, the list is endless

Show me one example where the koran has been quoted incorrectly by a terrorist/jihadist. I normally don't like when people ask me to provide citation for something- its a pain in the arse. But take your time. Please, show me one example where the koran or hadith is misquoted by IS, Taliban, Boko Harem or other. just one.

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Is Murdoch saying anything much different than the leader of EGYPT recently said? Who BTW, is very brave for saying so and I hope he beefs up his security system.

Yeah, el-Sisi is one to talk - how many journalists are imprisoned and tortured in Egypt?


That's a fair point too.

But he's spot on about the problem of Islamic extremism within the Muslim world.

If it will ever really be dealt with, and that is questionable, it NEEDS to be mostly from WITHIN their world.

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Yes you do, silly analogy

It's not an analogy - it's a fact... During the second world war christians killed millions of people because of RELIGION.

Are you for real? Did you learn your history from comic books?

The attempted genocide of the Jews by Nazi Germany had nothing at all to do with their crucifixion of Christ. Used as excuse by some admittedly

It wasn't attempted genocide. It was genocide. Maybe you're confused about the definition. It doesn't need to mean killing every last one.

Godwin's Law...


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Same tired old excuses , by the way it was the Muslim arab traders who sold the slaves to the west. and i think we from the west have moved on from those days

Indeed -- the good old days when muslim and christian co-operated??? If you lump all adherents to the bible together as christian and all adherents to the koran as muslim -- then islam has the second largest following in the world. Christianity spread because it was born into the Roman empire and the subsequent empire builders were almost exclusivley christian. Now islam is spreading by the internet and making inroads into the christian following. Given the obscene atrocities and the amounts of money both religions generate there is a good case for taking a step back and asking yourself -- "What is religion?"

I am afraid I cannot list all the atrocities being carried out by Muslims around the world as there is not enough room but please enlighten me about all the atrocities that Christians are commuting. I do realise most faiths commit them but they do seem in a very large minority

Hitler was a christian .. need I really say more ????

Yes, actually, you should have said more. Irrespective of Hitler's supposed religion it was to islam he turned to turn up hatred. Hitler went to the Grand Mufti of Islam to create an alliance. Hitler marveled at the power of Islam to hate. Perhaps you should have researched this said more here.


There are many widely varying religions all based on the Old Testament. Over the years the bible has been abused and misquoted to support all manner of ghastly attacks. Don't think christianity has any moral high ground here. Hindus have extremists and so do Buddhists. Religion has caused more wars and killed more people than any other single cause in mankinds history.

Rowling missed the point -- she should be excusing the crusades, the slave trade, the slaughter of native americans,,,, the list is endless

Show me one example where the koran has been quoted incorrectly by a terrorist/jihadist. I normally don't like when people ask me to provide citation for something- its a pain in the arse. But take your time. Please, show me one example where the koran or hadith is misquoted by IS, Taliban, Boko Harem or other. just one.

Mis-quoting includes taking a sequence of words out of context ;)


There are many widely varying religions all based on the Old Testament. Over the years the bible has been abused and misquoted to support all manner of ghastly attacks. Don't think christianity has any moral high ground here. Hindus have extremists and so do Buddhists. Religion has caused more wars and killed more people than any other single cause in mankinds history.

Rowling missed the point -- she should be excusing the crusades, the slave trade, the slaughter of native americans,,,, the list is endless

Show me one example where the koran has been quoted incorrectly by a terrorist/jihadist. I normally don't like when people ask me to provide citation for something- its a pain in the arse. But take your time. Please, show me one example where the koran or hadith is misquoted by IS, Taliban, Boko Harem or other. just one.

Mis-quoting includes taking a sequence of words out of context wink.png

If I did that I did not realize I did and apologize.


The time honored blame game...bring up irrelevant events that are not germane or appropriate to the current discussion...

Fact is...Christians are not YET killing Muslims...Muslims are destroying entire cultures of Christians...what more do you need to know...


OK -- what makes an event germaine to this thread? Something that happened pre-2014 is not relevant? pre-2000? pre-1950? What is your cut off ?


Appologists like Rowling should really take the time to read the Quran - It aint no harry potter and Mohammad makes Dolores Umbridge look like an angel! - get ready for some real blood, violence and rape JK - not for the faint of heart.

And Tanak,Talmud and Bible are any better?


Appologists like Rowling should really take the time to read the Quran - It aint no harry potter and Mohammad makes Dolores Umbridge look like an angel! - get ready for some real blood, violence and rape JK - not for the faint of heart.

And Tanak,Talmud and Bible are any better?

It's not the books. It's what happening with the religionists today. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims. Islamic Jihadists do think they are Muslims and thus this is a problem that needs to be dealt with by Muslims or it won't be dealt with and we're entering a period of escalated war with a scary enemy: Islamic Jihadists. Also if you're in a war, first step is identify the enemy. That applies within the Islamic world and externally. Some leaders are there already, some aren't.

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I'm with Murdoch on this one.

Both his tweets were right on the ball.

100% right, while all Muslim's will proclaim to be peaceful they will at the same time condone what happened in France and any other terrorist actions that has killed none believers or someone who has insulted their oh so precious god.

Unfortunately it's people like Rowling, who have got their head in the sand, that the problem isn't being addressed properly, its growing and growing and growing.


Appologists like Rowling should really take the time to read the Quran - It aint no harry potter and Mohammad makes Dolores Umbridge look like an angel! - get ready for some real blood, violence and rape JK - not for the faint of heart.

And Tanak,Talmud and Bible are any better?

It's not the books. It's what happening with the religionists today. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims. Islamic Jihadists do think they are Muslims and thus this is a problem that needs to be dealt with by Muslims or it won't be dealt with and we're entering a period of escalated war with a scary enemy: Islamic Jihadists. Also if you're in a war, first step is identify the enemy. That applies within the Islamic world and externally. Some leaders are there already, some aren't.

I agree with lots of what you say -- religion is not the culprit here, but the nutcases who interpret their religion in a warped way. Look at the enforcement of christianity on whole populations during the British and other empires times.

On another point -- to say that most terrorists are muslims is possibly close to the truth but it is inflammatory unless it is emperically proven.

Identifying the enemy is exactly the step that the presidents of USA have successively ignored. They have invaded and suppressed the same Taliban in Afghanistan that they were allies with a while ago when Moscow was trying to get in there. People have amazingly short memories ;)

Not only do muslims need to identify and correct the extremists in their midst, christians would do well to do the same......


Appologists like Rowling should really take the time to read the Quran - It aint no harry potter and Mohammad makes Dolores Umbridge look like an angel! - get ready for some real blood, violence and rape JK - not for the faint of heart.

And Tanak,Talmud and Bible are any better?

Very few people follow those books strictly, but millions of Muslims treat the Qur'an as the literal word of God and believe in all the very nasty bits that order them to make everyone else submit to their religion.


I agree with lots of what you say -- religion is not the culprit here, but the nutcases who interpret their religion in a warped way.

Who's to say they're not interpreting it correctly? And the so-called moderate Muslims are following a warped version?
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Murdoch's tweet: "Maybe most Moslems peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible"; Is akin to blaming all US citizens for their country's oligarchic foreign policy... Its just NOT true.

" Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing."

J S Mill (1867)

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I agree with lots of what you say -- religion is not the culprit here, but the nutcases who interpret their religion in a warped way.

People keep saying this, but interpretation is not the problem. They are following their religion literally. They have to ignore many of the teachings in the Qur'an to qualify as moderate Muslims, which means that the religion is a big part of the problem. .

Yes, the western invention of the "moderate" muslim is the apostate muslim by islamic standards. Western people little realize the moderates they know are actually apostate and this is among the most vital reasons for the global silence.


Religion in its many forms has through recorded history been the excuse for extremism, led by fanatics seeking nothing else but power and glory. What would this world be like if we all were agnostic. There would still be the power seekers, What excuse would they have for resorting to mass murder other than the lust for power, Humanity has still a very long way to go before Utopia is realised. Meanwhile Murdoch, Rowling and many others would be better engaged directing their powers of persuasion at the extremists.


Anyone who gives that money-grubbing pseudo-Jewish toad Murdoch credit for anything needs their head examined.

That's really charming. rolleyes.gif

OK, money grubbing is bad.

Pseudo is bad.

Jewish is ... ???

Toad is bad (if you're not a toad).

Were you suggesting that you wish he were really a Jew because Jews are so wonderful, is that it?


He'd better be careful, she'll whip out her wand and turn him into a toad.

Oh, wait, she tried that and he repelled it.


"... he repelled it".

Are you looking at a different picture from me?

Seems to have worked pretty well, as far as I can see



Until terrorism comes to ones backyard, there will be millions of educated and intelligent theoretician.

The moment ones immediate or close family members get pulverized by this curse all the theoreticians become militants!

Maybe the cause of rampant terrorism in this planet today is to educate its inhabitants???

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