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Thai Police 'played a role' in South Koreans' abduction


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Just goes to show once again that no crimes of this type (abduction, murder, extortion etc) occur without the involvement of the Royal Thai Police in some way, shape or form, and to assume that the "higher ups" don't know (or aren't involved by at least taking their cut) is taking naiveté to a whole new level.

Bangkok Tattoo, by John Burdett, written in 2005, provides great insight into this subject. Great reading, for me anyway. coffee1.gif

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Once again, the 'Royal' Thai Police show their true colors as the biggest criminal gang in Thailand.

Given their history and reputation, I would think using 'Royal' in their title would be a lese majeste offence.

second that - "Royal" should be striken untill the policeforce start to show just a Little bit of policework which will be never ...

A firsttime tourist might think the "Royals" was in on all the crimes and scams the policeforce do every single f*cking day - what a shameless nation this is

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I look forward to my daily dose of Thai Visa news so I can see what sort of shenanigans the locals are up to currently. I'm rarely disappointed these days.

At the rate things are unraveling, there is a good chance Thailand will either become a failed state or a very repressive police state like Burma used to be. I'd give it 10 years or less and it will go one way or another. The current junta is just a temporary band-aid. And heaven help this place when the torch is passed.

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