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As for saving money when your elderly...My Mother saved her money before she died recently and was very frugal.

No she didnt take it with her.

I think most elderly people are frugal.

Both my parents were very frugal,and had quite a nest egg.I told them to spend some as i would only blow it.By then it was too late and they just hung out at home.Now i have the inhertiance,i tried to carry on working,but it was impossible,especially after talking to an accountant mate.So pulled the pin early,rent my house out and live a frugal life style,but still travel heaps,backpacker style.Their genes are definitely showing out now Beats working construction.

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OMG that is so sad. sad.png

With that kind of budget, better to live as a monk..or lease out some farm land up North. I don't really see the point.

The point is,he's happy.

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Love all your posts CanarySun...I spent a lot on motorbike taxis,apart from being lazy,the heat and no foothpaths was a reason...a lot of places its just too hard to walk.I suppose if you live here you either buy a motorbike and pay fuel or buy a cycle bike as you have done...or better try to get used to walking.

I just dont trust myself riding a motorbike,my friend Larry walked or got the bus.

As for you living on 80 baht a day grocery bill for food..i dont know how you do it, I imagine a lot of self discilpline?

What about coffee in the morning ?

Do you buy dishwashing liquid etc?

What about laundry expenses

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75 and still saving ? For what ? Next life ?

Seem ridiculous to me, he already had 75 years to save...

Data shows that medical costs will begin to take a bigger and bigger piece from one's budget as we age, and at 75 he is rapidly moving closer and closer to that scenario. Perhaps he continues to save to prepare for what is potentially looming on his horizon.


I think that I could live like that if was somewhere up a mountain in a monastery. And I would probably enjoy it (and be much less fat and much healthier generally).

But for me the main point of living here is to be spoilt for choice for places to eat of many ethnicities and types, and I dont see the point of having that choice and not taking advantage of it. Without that Pattaya/Jomtien would be one of the last places in which I would want to live.

As for being cautious with money because you never know when you might need it, many people over the age of 50 or so were brought up like that; I certainly was and it's a habit I know I will never lose and of which I am proud. People born in the 1960s and later were more likely to spend everything they have and more.

Don't kid yourself on healthy food in a wat,you get what Thai people give you.Plenty of sugar,salt and fat,aroy.Hullo,diabetes and heart probs.


"He said its no different to his life in Australia except he prefers it in Pattaya.

Look quite frankly I would get bored,i need a job to go to or something to do but then again im not old as him.
What do you do sit in your house all day watch TV ,read books ,go out some days to meet people in a bar or food court,not really exciting but can be done if your a minimalist person"

Actually. I think his life in Australia would be far worse. He would be getting about A$950 per fortnight on the pension. Rents here would devour at least $600 of that plus power, water, transport, food all considerably higher than Pattaya. He would have to live far away from the water or CBD areas - so effectively in the burbs with little or nothing to do each day but to go to the local mall if that was safe and free of street kids - not that he could afford it on what he would have left over from the pension no matter how frugal he was.

I pretty much have the same plan as he does - move to Thailand (CM or Pattaya), buy affordable condo in advance, live off combination of superannuation pension and Government pension. Only problem is, the current Government is pushing the pension and super age out to 70 (I might be dead by then) and is effectively stopping the indexation. They want us to work until we die. The lucky country? Not anymore. Good on this old guy for making it out. I'm sure he's happy with his life there.

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You call that the "Good Life"?

Son! In My Country! We call that living below the Poverty Line!

I met a Guy once, who used to come and sit with us for a Beer, to my dismay. He to called himself a Minimalist. He used to Bum Cigarettes off me like crazy with the excuse he was trying to quit smoking, or forgot his pack at home. Every time it was his round to pay he was always in the toilet. If he ever got caught sitting down at the table, it was then that he suddenly discovered he forgot his wallet at home.

Overheard another man once while sitting down to eat in some Truck Stop place. He was in his mid 40's, and eating out with his wife and 7 smaller children. He was bragging to the waitress, and I do mean bragging, that he hadn't worked in 17 years and was living off welfare. Or also called social assistance in other countries. He looked healthy enough to me to be able to do any type of work at any job.

Is this the kind of life you dream about?

Son! You are far better off to work hard when you are young and can, and to save your money, so that when you are older you can enjoy your Retirement, and not live like this guy, or a beggar.

There is no short cuts to this and you only get one chance in your life to do it right.

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The central character of this thread might have a much better life style and be even healthier if he would spend another 3 K baht on better food. For coffee lovers: You might get a better deal if you order coffee from Chiang Mai and get it delivered by bus to Pattaya (bus station).

One thing that is pleasant when getting older is that we have seen a lot of things before and dont fall for it anylonger. My biggest savings is my proud old Nokia dumb phone. Battery is still the original, never broke although it fell multiple times. Nobody steals it, actually people tell me that my phone is still on the table :). I shake my head when I see those kids spending at least 500 or more USD per year just on the hardware and then add to that the downloads, different plans etc.

The buying or renting questions is also connected to living frugal. Right now it is still renting for sure.

The discussion shows nicely that there is more to Pattaya than the pushy posts promoting 2 week millionaire views, bar owners and real estate agents pontificating about 'cheap charlies' (but excluding themselves of course), not so fancy but pricey food places etc. We all - or almost all - had that at the places we came from. It is just a headache. I like to read some threads on the Chiang Mai forum where quite a number of reasonable members post information about shopping and other aspects of daily life that are helpful.

Avoiding subcriptions (incl. credits) and spending less than your monthly budget provides freedom. This is more than money can buy.

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It does sound like the guy isn't getting a full measure of nutrition regardless of how boring his diet sounds. Of course there is probably more to the story. Anyway that gets into health issues as well as thrift.

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He had cans of tuna..bread..lettuce..bananas which he bought a bunch of for 20 baht,I know because I went with him,he knew the woman at the market stall well.

Tea ,milk,bread,tuna,bananas,marmalade was what i saw.But he didnt overeat...nor did he eat sweets such as biscuits.

Just wondering what poster CANARYSUN eats on 80 baht a day..i imagine it can still be nutritious and not big meals.

Another thing too,having lived with him at jomtien and also with the girl at Flybird condo both didnt have Aircon, sone dsys the fans worked well and a breeze came on from the open balcony...other days it was hot air blowing,i just need Aircon,not sure if it puts a big expense on your monthly bill or not??


I have been living in Naklua ( Pattaya ) " The Land Of Cheap Living " for a few years now and live on 5,500 Thai Baht every month! ( " Absolutely All In " ) I have a small furnished room with bathroom ( cold water ) and 100 Sat TV Channels ( although i don't watch TV ever! ) and free internet included for a cool 2000 baht a month.I am outside in the sun every day and walk at least 15 KM every day and swim to keep looking fit and healthy! I certainly would not waste money on Baht buses or Motor Bikes! I ride a second hand bicycle with a " street value of 500 baht " but it's all you need! For longer journeys i use the train out of Pattaya train station at least twice a week.( Pattaya to Si Racha is only 5 baht ) I eat to a budget of 80 baht a day and eat only fresh food cooked by myself ( inc daily fresh fruit and vegetables ) i drink 3 litres of water a day and i do NOT drink or smoke! Bars don't excite me ( the last time i visited a bar was in the late 70's )

Thailand offers a fabulous outdoor lifestyle and i spend most afternoons on the beach ( yes more walking! ) swimming.

I hate air con anywhere! and stay away from Shopping centres,cinemas and places with air con as it makes me feel ill and uncomfortable! I have lived a nice life in the 4 years i have lived in Thailand and have travelled and explored a large amount of the country by train and taking photos!

You can live very cheaply in Thailand,what will change your budget is " Booze & Birds " ( i have never had a relationship during my time here in Thailand it's just something that doesn't really interest me.)

God Bless you all viewers!

F.J wai2.gif

I'm not surprised you've never had a relationship on that budget. I can't knock your lifestyle, if that's your choice, but to me that's living like a pauper. Where are your visits to the movies, a good restaurant, a nice bottle of wine, christ, even a block of chocolate or an icecream!

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Running aircon all the time is very expensive. He is probably getting free electricity as he is low usage. This is offered from the government even to foreigners. 40 baht meter read fee.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Obviously you just have yo get "used" to not having Aircon on all the time..its hard I suppose but if you can do it then you save yourself probaly a few thousand a year.

CanarySun certainly lives even mire as a "Minumalist" more than my friend.

I guess as Larry said a lot of people waste money on things they dont need...for example when i stayed at his condo i washed the dishes...my usual habit was to use a quarter of a bottle in a sink per wash...Larry went berserk and told me one bottle can last him a year.

Becoming a minimalist is more than being frugal,its a lifestyle...its stop wasting things,stop buying things you dont need,stop using things you dont need,stop flying business class when you can use economy,stop using motorbike taxis when you can get a baht bus or better to walk.

Get the bus to Bkk instead of a taxi.

Things like this can be inconvenient but beung a minimalist is a lifestyle not necessarily being a scrooge.

Stop buying biscuits,sweets,soft drinks.

Stop over using dish washing liquids,fabric softeners,cleaning products toothpaste,why waste money on mouthwash.

Stop buying ornaments etc that you dont really need...thai statues etc,

Clean up the clutter and get rid of clutter in your house/room.

Larry's studio was spotless ,no cleaning chemicals either just water and some dishwashing liquid...all the cans of tuna etc was displayed neatly in his cupboard...clothes were folded up neatly etc...toilet was spotlessly clean all without no cleaning chemicals.

No mosquitos as he had some citronella candles burning...his clothes always smelt nice because he used some lavender soap.

Turn off the lights,granted some studios are dark and i also have a habit of turning on lights because i think i can see properly..but if your not using a room turn off electrcity by the powerpoint when your going to bed or leaving.

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The no aircon thing was easy for me. Probably an ideal condo location and overhead fans for sleeping. If I was suffering I'd turn it on.

I grew up with very hot and humid summers where no air con was hell so I know the difference.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Imagine if you'd spent your best years making money and had become rich, only to discover in your middle age that you prefer to live frugally with no need for status symbols and that the true joys of life are mostly free. Would that be a good thing or a bad thing?

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I live a rather simple life as well but a few (OK probably more than a few) notches up from that. I certainly don't smoke and drink very little and let me check, I ride the baht bus and walk! I feel A/C is not needed (I seriously PREFER to keep it off, believe it or not) except on a few very hot days in the year (to sleep). Why would you keep on lights you're not using ... do you have stock in the electric company? I wouldn't be happy eating that poorly ... the fresh fruit is good and canned tuna is OK occasionally though. Based on your description of that guy, yeah under 20K a month EASY, as no rent cost. I really don't consider myself a cheap Charlie though, I pay for house cleaning (overpay actually), tip in restaurants, have very nice furniture, electronic technology, etc. But due to my finances, I need to be careful or I wouldn't have lasted here this long! Honestly, I really don't consider myself DEPRIVED on anything I really want materially. I do know what that feels like from other points in my life ... not here.

I understand having to live like that if you have so little money. I just don't understand why anyone would want to live on so little; or to plan on living on so little in your retirement.


Imagine if you'd spent your best years making money and had become rich, only to discover in your middle age that you prefer to live frugally with no need for status symbols and that the true joys of life are mostly free. Would that be a good thing or a bad thing?

I don't see that as a bad thing; if you really prefer living frugally. However, I doubt many people would make that choice if they had another.


I dont want to sound nasty or derail this topic.. but my Mum got cancer late November last year..she ate All Bran every morning,didnt drink or smoke,no sweets and she still got Cancer,just as some of the people that were sharing her hospital ward in the Oncology Ward who were younger wonen who were receiving Chemo that had in their past life been active and lived a healthy lifestyle.

What i saw in the past few months caring for my mother i started to have doubts about eating healthy foods..i saw people who has healthy lifes before now having Cancer.

Opposite my Mums bed was a woman in her 40's who had been a Aerobics instructor..I actually heard her Oncologist telling her they found Cancer markers in her Liver Ribs and Lungs ...he had the curtain pulled around her bed but i could still hear him saying they are concerned it has spread to her bones and would require aggressive treatment.

In other words and he should of just been blunt with her ...theres probsly not much hope.

Someone who had lived a healthy life was now in a bed.

SO I have stopped being concerned about healthy eating.

There was even people in there that had Lung Cancer that never smoked..!!

It just changed me i guess and please if i ever get sick with this disease i will pay someone to shoot me...i dont want to even tell you what i saw these sufferers go through.

I think the doctors do "help" you at the end though and im grateful for my mums doctor increasing her morphine at the end...i was angry with myself at first for agreeing to it but mum couldnt breathe as it spread to her lungs..dont ask me how she got it..only 3 months ago she was an active woman living alone playing bingo

This is why you need to have money behind you...when things like this hapoen either to you or a family member you"ll need the money...i dont care if you have the best heslth insurance i guarantee it wont cover every aspect of cancer treatment...have any of you checked your health insurance in Thailand for this?


I dont want to sound nasty or derail this topic.. but my Mum got cancer late November last year..she ate All Bran every morning,didnt drink or smoke,no sweets and she still got Cancer,just as some of the people that were sharing her hospital ward in the Oncology Ward who were younger wonen who were receiving Chemo that had in their past life been active and lived a healthy lifestyle.

What i saw in the past few months caring for my mother i started to have doubts about eating healthy foods..i saw people who has healthy lifes before now having Cancer.

Opposite my Mums bed was a woman in her 40's who had been a Aerobics instructor..I actually heard her Oncologist telling her they found Cancer markers in her Liver Ribs and Lungs ...he had the curtain pulled around her bed but i could still hear him saying they are concerned it has spread to her bones and would require aggressive treatment.

In other words and he should of just been blunt with her ...theres probsly not much hope.

Someone who had lived a healthy life was now in a bed.

SO I have stopped being concerned about healthy eating.

There was even people in there that had Lung Cancer that never smoked..!!

It just changed me i guess and please if i ever get sick with this disease i will pay someone to shoot me...i dont want to even tell you what i saw these sufferers go through.

I think the doctors do "help" you at the end though and im grateful for my mums doctor increasing her morphine at the end.

Sorry for your lost.....but please take care of your self with good nutrition. Cancer is more related to strees to any other cause.


I live a rather simple life as well but a few (OK probably more than a few) notches up from that. I certainly don't smoke and drink very little and let me check, I ride the baht bus and walk! I feel A/C is not needed (I seriously PREFER to keep it off, believe it or not) except on a few very hot days in the year (to sleep). Why would you keep on lights you're not using ... do you have stock in the electric company? I wouldn't be happy eating that poorly ... the fresh fruit is good and canned tuna is OK occasionally though. Based on your description of that guy, yeah under 20K a month EASY, as no rent cost. I really don't consider myself a cheap Charlie though, I pay for house cleaning (overpay actually), tip in restaurants, have very nice furniture, electronic technology, etc. But due to my finances, I need to be careful or I wouldn't have lasted here this long! Honestly, I really don't consider myself DEPRIVED on anything I really want materially. I do know what that feels like from other points in my life ... not here.

I understand having to live like that if you have so little money. I just don't understand why anyone would want to live on so little; or to plan on living on so little in your retirement.

Me or him? I'm fine and satisfied with my level and can only speak for myself.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I dont want to sound nasty or derail this topic.. but my Mum got cancer late November last year..she ate All Bran every morning,didnt drink or smoke,no sweets and she still got Cancer,just as some of the people that were sharing her hospital ward in the Oncology Ward who were younger wonen who were receiving Chemo that had in their past life been active and lived a healthy lifestyle.

What i saw in the past few months caring for my mother i started to have doubts about eating healthy foods..i saw people who has healthy lifes before now having Cancer.

Opposite my Mums bed was a woman in her 40's who had been a Aerobics instructor..I actually heard her Oncologist telling her they found Cancer markers in her Liver Ribs and Lungs ...he had the curtain pulled around her bed but i could still hear him saying they are concerned it has spread to her bones and would require aggressive treatment.

In other words and he should of just been blunt with her ...theres probsly not much hope.

Someone who had lived a healthy life was now in a bed.

SO I have stopped being concerned about healthy eating.

There was even people in there that had Lung Cancer that never smoked..!!

It just changed me i guess and please if i ever get sick with this disease i will pay someone to shoot me...i dont want to even tell you what i saw these sufferers go through.

I think the doctors do "help" you at the end though and im grateful for my mums doctor increasing her morphine at the end...i was angry with myself at first for agreeing to it but mum couldnt breathe as it spread to her lungs..dont ask me how she got it..only 3 months ago she was an active woman living alone playing bingo

This is why you need to have money behind you...when things like this hapoen either to you or a family member you"ll need the money...i dont care if you have the best heslth insurance i guarantee it wont cover every aspect of cancer treatment...have any of you checked your health insurance in Thailand for this?

Sorry for your loss but cancer is a complicated disease, we know you increase the lung cancer risk a lot by smoking , that has been proven but it doesnt mean that everyone will get it. My dad smoked 30 a day until he wass 80 and then lived until he was 93 .

Some people are more disposed to different kinds of cancer than others. If you are exposed to bad radiation you can get cancer, or eating too much of the wrong food. Too much unhealthy fat in your body will give you lots of other diseases too.

So look after yourself, you only live once.

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