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What makes Thailand a third world country?


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Which brings me to another point. The quality of construction. I am visiting Canada and am literally in one of the worst kept Canadian cities. However after 60 years all apartment buildings still look nice, some are renovated to reflect the times and once you do your own renovation inside your unit you really have a solid place to live in. On the contrary bangkok condos start falling apart after one year. Even lumpini which has a great reputation looks dirty from the outside after 5 years and all the landscaping around the condo does not help with the surrounding buildings that look like slums. Thailand shopping malls beat many western ones for sure, but as soon as you step out the reality sets in.

One somchai building a house up to standards unfortunately does not qualify Thailand looking like a first world country. Bangkok is a slum.

Now....let me just say I still like Bangkok that way. It is one of my favorite cities. But it ain't first or second world.

Another BS argument, good and bad housing anywhere.:



Here is just one photo of bad Canadian housing, from your silly link, Kink:



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i like the bkk buses. have seen a womans feet run over by the backwheels when she fell while trying to get in. was long ago.

the buses i use these days a more willing to make allowances for the elderly and not so rushing to go five meters and then be stuck in traffic.

but yes if you dont visibly make an attempt to hurry the drivers do show their annoyance in various ways. just go with the system

Edited by rabid old goat
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Anyone who calls Thailand a third world country probably hasn't been to a third world country before. Go to Sudan, South Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh , Myanmar etc, these can be regarded as 3rd world countries. Bangkok has a public transport infrastructure which rivals that of the first world. Skytrain is amazing, the highways road system is above average etc.

Thailand is an emerging country, def not 3rd world.

Thailand would be Third world because it hasn't joined NATO (1st world) or the Soviet BLOC (2nd world).

Same for all the other countries you named.

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Anyone who calls Thailand a third world country probably hasn't been to a third world country before. Go to Sudan, South Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh , Myanmar etc, these can be regarded as 3rd world countries. Bangkok has a public transport infrastructure which rivals that of the first world. Skytrain is amazing, the highways road system is above average etc.

Thailand is an emerging country, def not 3rd world.

the highways death toll is very well above average too.even an acclaimed world leaderthumbsup.gif

while back there thailand was also vying to be be a world leader in train derailments. face it your leaders have short changed you for a very long time and thats not about to change any time soon.

Edited by rabid old goat
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*Deleted post edited out*

So you think it's OK for busses to be in deplorable condition where drivers don't have any responsibility for the passengers? That makes it a third world in my book.

BTW...I was born in a third world country so I know what it is better than you.

Obviously you haven't heard of the recent boycott of a prestigious school in Wales because of the state of the buses provided by the local bus company.

Thailand is not a third world country by definition and is a developing country. Soon it will have High Speed Trains which they don't even have in the USA.

Edited by Estrada
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Lots of things, including low life farang...

yes another first . thailand could well claim to be a world leader in this field. their ability to attract low life farang is unrivaled, there is not even a close second anywhere on the planet. quality tourists indeedrolleyes.gif

this is fun isnt it 55 55 55

currently trying to establish a mark for the highest number of burning buildings. junta is doing very well in this regard.

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never seen comments as denialist as these in the decades i have been in this country, a real feat in a country that is so renowned for its denialism

Claiming that your bowel excursions and (distinct lack of) intestinal fortitude is the same as everyone elses is a denial of medical science.

34, 20 years never had the shits.

OK, I lied... I had a Chang once that gave me the runs.

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never seen comments as denialist as these in the decades i have been in this country, a real feat in a country that is so renowned for its denialism

Claiming that your bowel excursions and (distinct lack of) intestinal fortitude is the same as everyone elses is a denial of medical science.

34, 20 years never had the shits.

OK, I lied... I had a Chang once that gave me the runs.

just how many user names have you got to spread this propaganda!

Edited by rabid old goat
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Let me see...

First Class Looking Ladies

First Class Rent Prices

First Class Restaurant Prices

First Class (albeit Hot) Weather (Year round Beaches)

First Class Convenience for Transportation (slight concern for safety, but all sorts available)

First Class Utility Bills (far less than New York)

I guess it is the third class farang that makes Thailand a third world country....or perhaps it is only seen as third world by narrow-minded people. Try the Philippines, before you come here...you will never view Thailand as third world...ever.

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This is what makes Thailand a third world country: it's the panel trucks traveling at quarter-speed along crowded city streets blaring out advertising. I don't know if they're banned in Bangkok, but they're ubiquitous in Chiang Mai. They're worse than a nuisance: they create noise pollution, air pollution, horrendous traffic jams, and genuine hazard as other drivers take risks trying to zip around them. The minute these throwbacks to an earlier age of advertising are banned from the streets countrywide, Thailand will take a huge step toward the status of "fully developed country."

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I wanna apologize. It's a poorly worded title. However I do think that public bus service is definitely third world country like

but then again: who of us (?!) would ever travel on a crammed Thai bus (possibly even every day)? being 1st world offspring, I take a taxi, my own car, the MRT or any other acceptable kind of transport (e.g. the missus' back...) and couldn't care less about general or specific bussing issues

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The fact that you can often take a taxi for less than bus fare in some countries… which also might be an example of dwelling on the positive rather than posting on the negative…

Every place will have its good and bad things…

with all the building going on in Bkk, I would call it developing world -

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whistling.gif I am an American who lives in Thailand as a retiree. and have been here for almost 4 years now.

i wouldn't deny there are problems in Thailand, but it is in fact not a "third world country".

Just as an example, i was born in the U.S. state of Massachusetts, in a rural farming (dairy farming) area.

The nearest "city" to my home town has about 10,000 people living there.

Due to funding cutbacks there is NO public transportaion services in that town now........... that means no city buses.

To get where you want to go you either must have a car, someone to drive you where you want to go, or you walk there yourself.

Does that make it a "third world " area?

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I will probably live in Thailand more than Canada. I just like it better. To me it's a better place to live in, but I just can't get over certain things that make Thailand an extremely obvious 3rd world country.

My example is public busses. The complete disregard for the customer and the way the busses don't even stop when people with children or elderly enter and exit unlike in Canada and I assume other developed countries where I see people take their sweet time to do so. Also any lack of facilities on the bus for disabled people makes it very third country.

What would be your example?

In Canada you pay what for a bus? ฿45 plus, perhaps when you pay that for a transit bus in Bangkok, you can complain. Thailand is a different country than Canada, sure they do things differently, and perhaps in Canadian speak we can call it third world, however Thais have been around a lot longer than Canadians and could call Canada third world. To me every country is different and do things differently, no country has the right to say there way is better. If there is one thing I do not like about Thailand, it is that they think there way is right, and generally won't try new ways. However many so called first world countries are the same, especially in the medical field.
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What makes Thailand a third world country?

It's a label and nothing more. Most of the negatives that people might cite in applying the label exist to some extent in the supposed first world countries as well. Why do some TV posters continual try to stir the pot by asking pointless questions that are bound to bring out the Thai bashers?

If you've ever been in any other so-called third world countries you'd realize things are far better here than in most. In general, those that were once run into the ground as colonies by Britain and other exploitative countries are far worse off. Spend some time in Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Burma, Yemen... and you'll see the colonial legacy and what "third world" can really mean.

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Same discussion - same result - and I have same opinion - 2 for 2 !!

I am a visitor (Farang) and it is not my place to complain - especially in an open forum!!

Example: If you come into my house and complain about the house or insult my way of life or wife, I will offer you two choices:

One involves me taking your foot out of your mouth and putting it up your backside and helping you out the door, and the other is to leave by yourself.

If you think Thailand is a 3rd world country because the buses are bad and you say so in public - then you have two choices pal ........

(keep complaints and insults to yourself and other close farang friends over a beer - or better still just get over it, we all have bad days)

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