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Xanax/alprazolam and insomnia


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I remember longingly those days when I'd fall asleep straight away and sleep a solid eight hours.

Lately insomnia has taken root, sometimes not being able to fall asleep until four, and if I do fall asleep soon after lights out, I always, always wake up from one to three, cursing the sandman.

Having enough of that, I went to the Doc yesterday who prescribed .5mg Alprazolam, saying it was a temporary fix, "Too addictive," said he.

Taking one before going to bed last night, I read until feeling sleepy, shut out the light and then was blissfully out until five thirty this morning, waking up like someone flipped a switch. Didn't feel groggy, didn't wet the bed. I tried a few math problems and remembered lyrics from a Talking Heads tune. Cognitive function seems fine. According to my wife though, that's subject to debate.

So tell me, what's wrong with Xanax? Addictive? I suppose yes, if I can look forward to a sleep like that every night.

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Highly addictive, and withdrawal can be very, very difficult and unpleasant.

And, if taken regularly, you will quickly develop tolerance i.e. it wlil stop working at the same dose. Leading to larger doses which will also eventually stop working...you get the idea.

If taken only once in a rare while, these problems don't apply.

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Yes I remember the first time I took alprazolam I had the exact same experience as you, it was like being knocked out for 8 hours and that worked well for a few days and then my tolerance gradually developed and I was up to 1mg and yes they still help with sleep but not as much and I think these days I could probably take 1mg and fully function at work.

As Sheryl said best to keep as an emergency as you don't want to become addicted because when you try to get off them you will be stuck with even worse insomnia

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Its prescribed for panic attacks and anxiety and the like mostly.

However I agree with the OP it is a great way to get a good nights sleep. Unfortunately taken regularly as said above it won't continue to do the same.

Great for that odd sleepless night, maybe once a week or fortnight.

Its hard to get here as I think its a banned substance.

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I've said this before, but it bears repeating. The drug you mention belongs to the benzodiazepam family, which includes valium, klonopin, alprazolam, clonazepam, rohypnol, etc. While the effects of these drugs seem relatively mild and benign, the withdrawals are quite the opposite. Admittedly, it takes a while to become addicted, but it happened to me. I took large quantities of valium for about 10 years, and then stopped suddenly, because I thought they were not addictive. The results were right out of a horror movie. Decades ago, I was quite a serious drug addict, primarily to heroin and methadone. Those two drugs are very serious to be addicted to. However, the withdrawals from valium made both look like a little girl's birthday party. Heroin withdrawals last for a couple of days to a week or two, in extreme cases. Valium withdrawals, for me, lasted for months. The experience for me was incredibly hideous. I personally would advise not to continue taking this drug.

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Consider seroquel off-label use for insomnia. I'd take 1/4 of a 25mg pill (the smallest pill available) and sleep all night

and/or from Asia to the West coast USA when flying. I purchased it, with prescription, at my local (BKK) hospital.

Good luck!

Edited by mamypoko
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Its prescribed for panic attacks and anxiety and the like mostly.

However I agree with the OP it is a great way to get a good nights sleep. Unfortunately taken regularly as said above it won't continue to do the same.

Great for that odd sleepless night, maybe once a week or fortnight.

Its hard to get here as I think its a banned substance.

. Pharmacy had it it in N. Pattaya, great for flying
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I second the melatonin suggestion. Start off with 3 grams an hour before bed, increase to 6 or 9 if that doesn't work. Taking too much is said to cause nightmares but I've never experienced that side effect.

First time I took Xanax was on a 12 hour flight, I slept for 6-7 hours and missed the breakfast I ordered. The flight attendant woke me to put my seat up for landing. I've sporatically taken a total of 10-20 over the past three years or so and even with that very infrequent use I've developed a tolerance. I took two a few days ago and sat around for 3-4 hours before I decided to go to bed. A big meal would have made me drowsier than the two Xanax.

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Consider seroquel off-label use for insomnia. I'd take 1/4 of a 25mg pill (the smallest pill available) and sleep all night

and/or from Asia to the West coast USA when flying. I purchased it, with prescription, at my local (BKK) hospital.

Good luck!

Yes, absolutely agree, although personally I take and need 50mg to sleep all night; otherwise with only 25mg, I wake up after 4 hours. Moreover, by using mostly Seroquel, I can take some Xanax twice a week and wake more refreshed, relaxed and alert the next day. Used in this moderate fashion, Xanax is a wonderful med.

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I posted this before.....just take a dramamine, the motion, sea sickness pill. 30b for a strip if ten. ..........I have had bouts of inssomnia all my life and when I have an episode this works well.

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Its prescribed for panic attacks and anxiety and the like mostly.

However I agree with the OP it is a great way to get a good nights sleep. Unfortunately taken regularly as said above it won't continue to do the same.

Great for that odd sleepless night, maybe once a week or fortnight.

Its hard to get here as I think its a banned substance.

Not banned, just need a script. I get it from hospitals in both Chiang Mai and BKK.

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Basically, you just want something to help you reset your sleep patterns. Xanax (benzodiazepine) will help you to achieve that, but I urge you to be careful. A couple of tabs a week, no more - xanax withdrawal is hell (I have the experience of this). I don't know about any of the other meds mentioned above, but I was prescribed hydroxyzine (an antihistamine), and I found it helped me to get a good night's sleep and re-establish my sleep patterns. But used only a couple of times a week (I'm dead scared of ever getting addicted to anything again - you honestly and truly do not want Xanax to get its hooks into you).

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i suggest you try tylenol PM. not available here in thailand any more but you can probably find a source that can send it to you from the USA or Europe. you'll get very drowsy after an hour. not sure if will carry you through the night but definitely worth a try. the so called experts say that it is actually minor pain that sometimes keeps you awake. hence the development of tylenol and excedrin PM.

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Here s the Deal After a while it does not work and you have to up the dose for effectivness

Then it plays with your emotions and before you know it you are in serious trouble

Stop taking this stuff and go for a bike ride before bed Guaranteed you will fall asleep

Diazapam is very very dangerous and highly addictive

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i suggest you try tylenol PM. not available here in thailand any more but you can probably find a source that can send it to you from the USA or Europe. you'll get very drowsy after an hour. not sure if will carry you through the night but definitely worth a try. the so called experts say that it is actually minor pain that sometimes keeps you awake. hence the development of tylenol and excedrin PM.

I am a soft touch for any medications. Over the tears I have had few, but severe sinus headache. I found that if really bad and I take two Tylenol PM, it knocks me out for the night. I'll be looking to replenish my "just in case" stock on my next trip to the U.S.

Banned here because? Anyone know the rational?

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The active ingredient in Tylenol Pm is Acetaminophen and no longer available in Thailand.

Why? I don't know but I do know the Thai FDA makes it very hard to get certain things over the counter. PM used to be available as was Ambien. No more. Possible reasons: drive the business to hospitals that sell certain non OTC drugs at a higher price. Or possibly, draconian FDA requirements make a small market like Thailand just not worth the trouble. ON the other hand, you can get controversial drugs like the anti inflammatory Acoxia in Thailand but not in the USA. Go figure.

In any case Acetaminophen is not recommended if you drink a lot due to potential liver damage. On the other hand, this warning is also on almost every other drug you need. hehe. Live and Let Die.

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The active analgesic in Tylenol PM is acetaminophen (Paracetamol, APAP marketed as Tylenol or Panadol depending on where you're located), the ingredient which makes you drowsy is diphenhydramine hydrochloride which is a first-generation antihistamine whose side effects include sedation.

Acetaminophen is hepatotoxic, easy to OD on and especially dangerous if used past it's expiry date.

Unless you need an NSAID, if you're going to use an antihistamine off label you're better off just buying some Benadryl. I still think melatonin is a better option.

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I've tried the melatonin and it just doesn't work for me.I know it has been all the rage for jet lag but there really is no proof. Not saying it doesn't work for you. It probably does. thats the problem with all of these solutions -- drug or herbal or holistic -- everyone reacts differently. but the idea of using other antihistamines maybe a good one. Dramamine, for example, will make you drowsy and a number of cold remedies will do the same. For me they are just not as potent as PM. I used to take Ambien and it had about the same effect as PM. But when i woke up it felt like I had been hit by a truck.

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I have tried to get Xanax at the Pharmacy's in my town in Khon Kaen province and as well in Khon Kaen city.

I like it because it helps me calm and sleep without the usual drugged wake up.

The pharmacy says I need to see the psych. The reason follows;

Apparently the lads can boil this drug down to get a chemical that will give them an ultra high and its cheap.So I am told.

Its interesting its available as per other writers on here have said

I will try harder to get some.

I only like to use it on those sleepless nights and it stops the Vietnam war playing in my head sometimes at night.

I suppose there are other drugs that can work the same but I don't see why I should change something that works just because some pharmacy guy says so.

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You might also consider giving Melatonin about 30 to 45 minutes prior to sleeping.. it is a safe non addictive sleep aide.


This is what a lot of Flight attendants use to combat jet lag but its not a recognised treatment for Insomnia.

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