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When did you last engage eye contact with a Thai male?


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I stopped making eye contact with any Thai men unless i have any business with them. All I see in their eyes is envy and jealousy. Its a really ugly to look at those eyes really.

much more likely it's contempt you're seeing. Pure contempt.

Or maybe some just see what they look for.....

Look for good, you will see good.... Look for negative that's all you will find....

When I look a stranger in the eye, all I see is indifference, this is the same in any country.... Unless of course, I am in an area of high tourist footfall where the usual predators hang out....

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Ah yes the same tale is told to dumb unsuspecting farangs straight off the banana boat, its heard nightly in places like Lower Suk and Pattaya,

Did she miss out the bit about, "Thai man no good","Thai man him lazy", "Thai man him only drink whiskey"

Or did that come later?

Whats even more incredible is, the dumb saps actually believe this rubbish.

Every FOB to Thailand seems to believe this crap and anything else a Thai bar girl says. If she opens her mouth, she is lying.

Actually it's more like she's telling the truth about her experiences and that of her friends. She's just leaving out the fact that girls of her class have only had those experiences - of lazy, heavy drinking, cheating partners - because they're limited to the attention of uneducated working class males.

More well to do Thai males are picky and won't give them the time of the day.

But that should be common sense. You're supposed to read between the lines. It's not always some elaborate ruse to trick farang fresh off the boat into marriage, just an honest way of explaining that they're open to a long term commitment with a westerner.

But sure it's fun to act like the big shot expat whose been around the block and 'knows the ropes'. With worn out one liners like 'if her lips are moving she's lying'.

Edited by jspill
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