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Prayut to lead 'super board' on education system reform

Lite Beer

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Funny how a person who has spent his whole adult life in a closeted and privileged environment and makes it very clear every time he opens his mouth that he doesn't have a clue how the real world works is now an expert of education.

Lordy, lordy ...

The Chair of a group of people does not have to be a subject matter expert, The do have to act in an appropriate manner to ensure governance, progress and adherence to the fundamental objectives are met, and take overall responsibility for success or failure.

Of course, actually turning up to meetings is essential,

True, but we've seen how that's worked at Thai Airways haven't we?

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If he is going to take personal charge of overseeing education reforms he has got his priorities right for education is one of the most important, if not the most important thing that needs urgent attention.

Not going to be an easy job though what with entrenched ministry, administration and teaching all having to be changed.

And his academic credentials are?

Kicking arse... He listens to different education professionals and then between them and the existing fossils in the MOE ensures it happens rather than goes to committee after committee! It's 100% what's needed in the monolithic MOE.

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But; but....he has so many jobs already. I mean; has he personally written the new soap shows he said he would do ? Has he stamped out corruption like he said he would do ? (Lol). Has he brought ''Happiness to the people '' like he said he would do ? Has he started building his Train Set yet ?

My word; he is such an expert in all subjects !

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Funny how a person who has spent his whole adult life in a closeted and privileged environment and makes it very clear every time he opens his mouth that he doesn't have a clue how the real world works is now an expert of education.

Lordy, lordy ...

He has children of his own and if you had kept up you would know they did go to public schools. From what I read they are pretty independent girls, into music and doing their own thing, with the encouragement of their parents.

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If he is going to take personal charge of overseeing education reforms he has got his priorities right for education is one of the most important, if not the most important thing that needs urgent attention.

Not going to be an easy job though what with entrenched ministry, administration and teaching all having to be changed.

And his academic credentials are?

If you really want to know do some research.

If not, you are just another troll in for a bash.

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Funny how a person who has spent his whole adult life in a closeted and privileged environment and makes it very clear every time he opens his mouth that he doesn't have a clue how the real world works is now an expert of education.

Lordy, lordy ...

The Chair of a group of people does not have to be a subject matter expert, The do have to act in an appropriate manner to ensure governance, progress and adherence to the fundamental objectives are met, and take overall responsibility for success or failure.

Of course, actually turning up to meetings is essential,

It helps if they're SME's as then they'd not have the wool/rice pulled over their eyes ?

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If he is going to take personal charge of overseeing education reforms he has got his priorities right for education is one of the most important, if not the most important thing that needs urgent attention.

Not going to be an easy job though what with entrenched ministry, administration and teaching all having to be changed.

And his academic credentials are?

Kicking arse... He listens to different education professionals and then between them and the existing fossils in the MOE ensures it happens rather than goes to committee after committee! It's 100% what's needed in the monolithic MOE.

I agree with part of your comment, the education system in Thailand is appalling. But he can gather as many education professionals as possible and two things spring to mind. First I guess they will be the same eductioan professionals that are responsible right now and secondly, they will onlt say what they think he wants to hear. Which will be fluffy stuff about the 12 laws and happiness to Thailand. Negative or opposite views to his own views are illegal...

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Important subjects such as civic duties, history, democracy and patriotism need to be included,

Important points in any case in military schools.

The thirst for knowledge of pupils and students must be satisfied.

Reminds me of a teacher in the third grade.
Everyone wondered why the class was so quiet.
The teacher made after lunch always one hour nap, so all the students had to be quiet so as not to wake her.
Furthermore, it was forbidden to the students to forge ahead in the learning books .

Hopefully the real education experts and specialists have to say something to improve the level of education.
If occupation strangers and outsiders of the education industry have to much influence, then it ends usually always bad.

Edited by tomacht8
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Lead? clap2.gif

From the guy who said;

“Teachers assign difficult homework to students."

"The other day, I had a look at homework of a por neung student (first-year elementary school)."

"I must say that I didn’t even know how to do it."

"Homework is too difficult for students.” Prayuth said.


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So is he going to develop a social thinking society, or adopt a year one style of education? (Similar to the little bloke from Kampuchea)

Education is a political tool. It can develop people to ask, "Why"; this would be dangerous for a regime like the one in Thailand now.

But the best thing would be to send them to the same schools as the Bangkok elite.

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No fail system abolished, bribing to have kids put into higher programs that are not capable, more interactive learning instead of LOOK AT THIS, COPY, an end to the endless amounts of pointless shows and awards.

Those are just SOME of the things that need a drastic overhaul, I'd be here all day listing all of them. I don't have much faith in Prayuth though, shoe horning in his '12 values' seems like pretentious garbage. What good do they actually serve?

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Lead? clap2.gif

From the guy who said;

“Teachers assign difficult homework to students."

"The other day, I had a look at homework of a por neung student (first-year elementary school)."

"I must say that I didn’t even know how to do it."

"Homework is too difficult for students.” Prayuth said.


Have YOU ever seen some of the homework Thai kids get.. Some is appalling. Some are way above their grade and some are appallingly way above their grade

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Funny how a person who has spent his whole adult life in a closeted and privileged environment and makes it very clear every time he opens his mouth that he doesn't have a clue how the real world works is now an expert of education.

Lordy, lordy ...

Anybody with a reported/declared net worth of over 500 million must be doing something right.

Perhaps he could write a syllabus entitled English comprehension for TV forum members?

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Lead? clap2.gif

From the guy who said;

“Teachers assign difficult homework to students."

"The other day, I had a look at homework of a por neung student (first-year elementary school)."

"I must say that I didn’t even know how to do it."

"Homework is too difficult for students.” Prayuth said.


Have YOU ever seen some of the homework Thai kids get.. Some is appalling. Some are way above their grade and some are appallingly way above their grade

Yes. I have.

The rest of your statements are all relative.

To you, perhaps.

Just like the general.

And just what are you advocating?

Further dummying down the curriculum?

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Funny how a person who has spent his whole adult life in a closeted and privileged environment and makes it very clear every time he opens his mouth that he doesn't have a clue how the real world works is now an expert of education.

Lordy, lordy ...

Anybody with a reported/declared net worth of over 500 million must be doing something right.

Perhaps he could write a syllabus entitled English comprehension for TV forum members?

Most of the trolls on this forum would get an "F". clap2.gif

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It is certainly a big job, but with Thailand witnessing some other unattainable goals turn into reality under Prayut like stopping violence in Bangkok and reducing it in the south then reforming education should be attainable as well.

Of course if and when it is done the "other side" will attribute it to the floods or something completely unrelated as they did in the southern unrest reduction under Prayut.

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Too many students per class, hot and noisy classrooms, microphones because none of the students are listening, no discussion based classes--Thai students rarely, if ever, ask questions because it's not encouraged. Directors who could care less about education but see the school only as an opportunity to enrich themselves. Too much phoney respect for teachers. Too much unnecessary pressure to perform well on the entrance exam. Few students actually get the coveted medical or engineer faculties they aspire to. Just to name a few.

None of the above will be addressed in reform.

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Funny how a person who has spent his whole adult life in a closeted and privileged environment and makes it very clear every time he opens his mouth that he doesn't have a clue how the real world works is now an expert of education.

Lordy, lordy ...

Anybody with a reported/declared net worth of over 500 million must be doing something right.

Yup, he sure did. Its called being born into a wealthy family.

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I worked in Bangkok as an English teacher and became disillusioned very quickly about the Thai education system - standard of schools, teachers, materials, the obligatory `pass` marks and corruption. Over the last few years a teacher friend of mine has seen many schools replace perfectly good English teachers with a far poorer standard of teacher from countries like the Philippines, purely because they cost less to employ.

At a BBQ party recently where there was a mixture of westerners and Thais we discussed many things. Not one Thai, including my university educated wife, knew where America was or who the president was. Had no idea who Adolf Hitler was or what WW2 was. Or that Man had been to the moon.

Every single election I can remember in the UK all parties have said they will make Education a priority. Tony Blair once said the 3 most important things are `education, education, education`. However the reality of improving education has never proved to be so simple. And in Thailand that will especially so. Previous posted have highlighted the many deep rooted problems.

So good intentions, fine words but I doubt there will be the total seed change that is necessary to raise education standards in Thailand.

There is only one way to shock a change in the education system of Thailand - sit the teachers and let their students teach them.

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Something education here seems to miss, completely, is asking questions, answering them, and considering why a question is being asked.

It's bizarre.

The story about teachers protesting because someone younger than them had some useful insights, is, well... this is why you can't have nice things.

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Teachers make extra money by not teaching in school, only after school (pay money) do they really teach.

That is true.

We pay 1.000 Baht / month per child extra for teaching after school between 16:00 - 18:00

Our children are in school often unchallenged and bored.

The mathematics book of the second class, which is to be the stuff of a semester, our children have fully worked through it, in one weekend.

Our children voluntarily go to extra classes because they can ask questions and be promoted according to their abilities.

The regular school only as a storage place for children of working parents, no thanks.

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This is just an upgrade to the indoctrination system is all. Just consider what is quoted as being important.

There isn't - nor ever has been - any intention of educating the population.

As to the no-fail policy, that is a huge con and even those who think it's about saving face have also fallen for the scam: once you understand this is an indoctrination system and not an education system it's clear that the no-fail policy is just a con so the populace remains deluded that everything is OK when the next generation achieves nothing more than a motorcycle taxi badge just like dad.

The kids here do fail and have to re-sit the test even if they are just handed the grade so they can make the 50%. If they were truly concerned about losing face they wouldn't put them through all that in the first place.

The no-fail policy is not really about face at all, it's so the family think nothing is wrong with their child's wasted years of waving flags and dancing with pom-poms. If there wasn't a no-fail policy the parents would start wondering what's going wrong. Thus it's better for the Old Pigs to sustain a panoramic whitewash to ensure no social mobility and no questions asked.

They get their 50% and all is sabai both at The Trough and on the streets (until some political upstart shakes things up and forces some tweaks to the system).

No-fail is the biggest, most successful scam in Thailand's history, where even those who are critical think it's just about saving face.

Edited by Squeegee
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