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I was not in prison for 1 night. If my post was read correctly you would know it was four nights.

Also comments about not a big deal ,i was lucky i was treated with respect by prisoners and guards.

Believe me when they closed the gate behind me i was scared.

OK four nights then. I guess I thought people go to a police cell when they're arrested here, not straight to max security prison. My bad

Just out of interest, what happened with the charges your ex-wife filed against you?

I presume the guy who paid your bail got it back when you surrendered to police??


Good on you Colin to post. God bless you and hope for the best for yourself and wonderful wife.

A heads up to all of us here, especially when the wife starts getting out of control.

Good luck to you and wish nothing less then the best.

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All kudos to Colin for his post.However the ultimate kudos has got to be for his having no hate for Thai's in general and indeed the lady he is married to now is indeed a gem.

As said, ''there is good and bad in every race'' trouble is though we only hear about and remember the bad ones.

That lady could have walked , but no, she stays and cares for her severely disabled husband.

As said in the U.K one would without family support become a living vegetable in an institution.

Keep that spirit alive Colin you are an inspiration to us all as is your wife too.clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

I've got to agree with everything Siampolee said. Good luck to you, Colin!

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Sorry to read of all your troubles Colin.

Im happy that you've found one of the many caring, loyal and loving Thai women. And I wish you both all the best for the future.

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Thanks for sharing your story.

It's quite easy for some Thai national here to make a false accusation and quickly have a guy locked up in the slammer. It's important to have money and friends to post bail and get out.

Your motorcycle accident and paralysis is a truly tragic event. Since your body is now almost completely wasted consider practicing Buddhism. It will take you places... no body required you only need your mind.

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Thank you for sharing your story. Life is never about the challenges you face but how you face your challenges. You are a man. Keeping it real and moving forward no matter what. All the best to you and your wife.

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Sorry to hear about this, Wish you a speedy recovery.

I dont have a wife and do not ride motobikes. No accidents and still have money in the bank. But we all make different choices in life.


this is one of the reasons i dont invote ladies to my rented apt as much anymore. they can cry rape or abuse at any time. passport is on file on the lease or even at hotels.

someone is always watching as a convenient witness whether it be a doorman or tuk tuk driver. in fact, many ladies will exchange numbers with the taxi driver on the way.

its just not worth the risk and your playing the odds for a problem.


I think wvavin meant the first wife when he made the ATM comment...not Colin's current wife.

Yes great story and best of luck Colin.
Do you have psychotherapy or any type of exercise ?

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We're there any warning signs from your first wife that you see now that you ignored before you were married? (love is blind)

Thank for sharing your story with us. I wish you all the best. Cheers.

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The reason we keep hearing stories of money grabbing Thai women ,prostitution in Thailand ,and all the other negative things is the same reason the papers always print disaster stories ,to be blunt ,who would read ,Bus full of tourists leaves Pattaya and arrives in Bangkok 10 minutes early ? now bus leaves Pattaya full of tourists ,hits 6 cars 15 die and 6 lose their limbs ,we all read that ,again man marries Thai woman they have two kids ,and are very happy ,boring ,!1 but man marries Thai woman ,she steals his money puts the kids into prostitution .kicks him out of the house and moves her toyboy in . well you get the picture . smile.png


thanks for sharing, quite an experience

i cant help asking would't you be better off in the UK with the NHS and disability payments?

You want him stuck in a hospital or a room having some nurse looking after him?

No, he has a fantastic Thai wife that takes care of all his needs and cares for him a lot.

He also has a beautiful house that he build before his accident.

UK can't offer him anything more than Thailand does.

"UK can't offer him anything more than Thailand does."

Qualifies for the most stupid statement I have seen on here for many many years.

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Would i be better off with NHS, and benifits !! NO WAY !!.

I love Thailand. Love my wife dearly. If i went back i would be stuck in a country where nobody cares about others.

My wife is a school director, good job ,good pension.

If we went to UK she would lose that, she is 20 years younger than me, so have to think about her when i am gone.

What puzzles me here is if your wife is a school director then presumably she is out at work for the best part of the day. If this is the case who cares for you during her absence?

Apart from that comment I truly admire your courage and tenacity, god bless.

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Thank you for sharing some of your life experiences both the good and bad. The strength you exude in your situation is quite more than admirable.

Your wife is truly a blessing, one in a million. I pray each day is better for both you and your wife than the last.


First I didn't want to read it...thought another useless story. I am glad I did! Very interesting! Thank you for sharing it!

My respect!

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Colin, I said it before and I will say it again.

You are my inspiration.

You gone through so many bad situations in your life and I know you will be suffering for the rest of your life.

There are not many people around that have your strength, determination, good spirits and will.

Keep it up Colin, I admire you and I promise to come and visit you more often.

Best not move to Pattaya then Costas! biggrin.png

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