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Prayuth Promises Not to Arrest Thaksin at Lee Kuan Yew's Funeral

Lite Beer

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Please don't write news that mixes up the issues.

Prayuth Promises Not to Arrest Thaksin at Lee Kuan Yew's Funeral

It seems that they didn't listen to him.

Besides that, I didn't read any promise not to arrest him, just that he can't do it alone.

He could pack a pair of handcuffs anyways and make a citizens arrest.

He can pay some US CIA agents,

they do it every day in every country they want, no doubt,

and would bring the catured to any place where you want !!

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"Thaksin, the de facto leader of the Redshirt movement, was ousted in a coup in 2006 and is living in self-imposed exile to avoid a corruption conviction over a land purchase."

No he wasn't.

No he isn't, he's a convicted criminal evading justice.

That's a contradictory comment if I ever read one. He WAS ousted in the 2006 coup, unless you know something different. He IS living in self-imposed exile and then you repeated the last line about him being convicted although you didn't mention the reason which was earlier mentioned. You say he isn't avoiding a criminal conviction but he's avoiding criminal justice?

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Please don't write news that mixes up the issues.

Prayuth Promises Not to Arrest Thaksin at Lee Kuan Yew's Funeral

It seems that they didn't listen to him.

Besides that, I didn't read any promise not to arrest him, just that he can't do it alone.

What Jurisdiction would allow him to arrest someone in Singapore ? <deleted> is this all about ?

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That will be a matter for the Singaporean authorities. I'm sure they will have a list of all VIPs who will be attending and making suitable arrangements for travel and security, particularly given the proximity of countries which terrorists could be located in.

The Singaporean security services regularly win awards for their knowledge management capabilities so they are highly trained and very capable.

Huh? They have competitions for that sort of stuff? Like the Olympics or something?

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Please don't write news that mixes up the issues.

Prayuth Promises Not to Arrest Thaksin at Lee Kuan Yew's Funeral

It seems that they didn't listen to him.

Besides that, I didn't read any promise not to arrest him, just that he can't do it alone.

It's a moot point. The general nor any other Thai can't arrest anyone in Singapore.

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Thaksin was convicted by a court that had little option but to find him guilty. All they could get him on was a conflict of interest, that is not corruption, but a minor charge the same as they got Samak on for appearing on a cooking program. Quite right Prayuth nor any other Thai could arrest Mr T in Singapore, that's a civilized country governed by the rule of law, and not the rule of thugs and force and illegal coups.

Obviously far too much Sangsom being swallowed here.. Thaksin is a criminal on the run .. He has 12 further charges awaiting him if he does ever return to Thailand.. And who are you calling a thug "be careful".. or you might be on the run..! And the Thai government could if they wanted to, arrest Mr T in Singapore .. albeit with that governments approval. Please remember Thaksins "war on drugs" when over 2500 peoples were shot dead without trial .. surely the blackest of times in Thailands history. Thats your beloved leader..! A thief , a coward , and a murderer.... whistling.gif

Singapore and most of us know why those drug war deaths were never investigated by the Democrats or the Army.

They hate Thaksin but refuse to look into this atrocity. Funny eh?

So explain to all the "misguided fools" who don't believe a word you say exactly why you believe WHY the drug war deaths were never investigated.

That's right.

The Democrats and Army won't investigate the drug war deaths. Never will.

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Maybe they could have a beer together and review the scorecard on who has screwed Thailand more. TS has a big head start but the General is doing his best to catch up.

While Prayut isn;t the best possible PM, he doesn't enrich himself (yet) and he doesn't try to get really absolute control.

So my friend if he hasn't enriched himself yet, how did he accumulate B 680 million on a army salary ?

Saved up jolly hard for a long time?

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You can bet that Thaksin will engage the worlds media and they will be eating out of his hand. While Gaff will be sat in the cheap seats hoping some third rate tv station asked him to make some Churchillian soundbite (cant wait). The whole situation will demonstrate the political chasm and international standing between the two protaganists. There can only be one winner.GG (General Gaff) should get a refund on his ticket) to save embarrassment or awkward moments where he may expose his character flaws and punch the nearest reporter.. My piece

So you obviously believe that a convicted criminal fugitive without even living in, or having a vote in the country should be allowed to speak on behalf of all the law abiding citizens of Thailand?

Where did he say that?

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Obviously far too much Sangsom being swallowed here.. Thaksin is a criminal on the run .. He has 12 further charges awaiting him if he does ever return to Thailand.. And who are you calling a thug "be careful".. or you might be on the run..! And the Thai government could if they wanted to, arrest Mr T in Singapore .. albeit with that governments approval. Please remember Thaksins "war on drugs" when over 2500 peoples were shot dead without trial .. surely the blackest of times in Thailands history. Thats your beloved leader..! A thief , a coward , and a murderer.... whistling.gif

Singapore and most of us know why those drug war deaths were never investigated by the Democrats or the Army.

They hate Thaksin but refuse to look into this atrocity. Funny eh?

So explain to all the "misguided fools" who don't believe a word you say exactly why you believe WHY the drug war deaths were never investigated.

That's right.

The Democrats and Army won't investigate the drug war deaths. Never will.

You have already said that. Now TELL us all why or retract what you have said.

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You can bet that Thaksin will engage the worlds media and they will be eating out of his hand. While Gaff will be sat in the cheap seats hoping some third rate tv station asked him to make some Churchillian soundbite (cant wait). The whole situation will demonstrate the political chasm and international standing between the two protaganists. There can only be one winner.GG (General Gaff) should get a refund on his ticket) to save embarrassment or awkward moments where he may expose his character flaws and punch the nearest reporter.. My piece

So you obviously believe that a convicted criminal fugitive without even living in, or having a vote in the country should be allowed to speak on behalf of all the law abiding citizens of Thailand?

Where did he say that?

Well I sort of did what most people do. I read what he wrote and asked a question.

Are you his big brother and answering for him?

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smile.png would b nice if prayuth is indeed joking and will bring back thaksin in shackles and handcuffs:)

no need to flame, just kidding

Te worst thing for Thailand would be if square head came back to Thailand, in chains or not. Although most would like to see justice being served, it is too risky with the number of influential people he has paid off. Heis a big danger to Thailand. I can see him being 'taken out' sometime soon.

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Why don't the Thai police issue a request to Singapore for the arrest of Thaksin? He is a fugitive and they know where he is. That's the normal procedure. Why don't they demand his extradition?

Because Thaksin on Thai soil would be much more difficult to handle politically than Thaksin abroad!!

Make no mistake, the present powers have absolutely no interest whatsoever in the return of Mr. T.

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You're still friendly. Some would call JJ3 a liar, but maybe he just made an 'honest' mistake. It happens rolleyes.gif

Be gentle Uncle, he only joined 4-5 days ago, and these events were a decade ago.

Perhaps someone failed to tell him the full story, or he swallowed RA's/Dr-T's line that 'they're all out to get me, because I did such a great job' ?

He was talking about the likelihood that Thaksin might become a target for assasination, if he were to return, certainly IIRC Thaksin himself felt that he needed heavy-security the last time he was in the country.

I've always thought that it reflected well upon Thailand, that nobody did it long ago, perhaps there's an unwritten-rule against that sort of behaviour, similar to the one about displaced-PMs going quietly into the sunset, and then usually being allowed to return quietly a few years later, to spend more time with their billions families or golfing-buddies ?

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Why don't the Thai police issue a request to Singapore for the arrest of Thaksin? He is a fugitive and they know where he is. That's the normal procedure. Why don't they demand his extradition?

Because Thaksin on Thai soil would be much more difficult to handle politically than Thaksin abroad!!

Make no mistake, the present powers have absolutely no interest whatsoever in the return of Mr. T.

The correct answer is that he hasn't broken any laws in Singapore and there are no charges against him in Singapore. Not sure if you are confusing CIA rendition of terror suspects with 'normal procedure' but generally that's the way it is worldwide. As stated hundreds of times within these hallowed pages, there hasn't even been the hint of an Interpol warrant being issued. IMHO, this speaks volumes about how much confidence subsequent military governments and their proxies have placed in Thaksin's current and pending prosecutions.

JOC is spot-on with the assertion that the longer Thaksin stays out of Thailand, the happier everyone will be. I am pretty sure that Thaksin kept a 'little black book' of who did what for whom and for how much while he was clambering over the royalist elitists and pulling the silver spoon out of their mouths. A bit like that rather 'untouchable' MP that used to be the biggest whorehouse massage and entertainment center owner but has the RTP all at a safe, respectable distance these days.

Dirty laundry anyone?

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You're still friendly. Some would call JJ3 a liar, but maybe he just made an 'honest' mistake. It happens rolleyes.gif

Be gentle Uncle, he only joined 4-5 days ago, and these events were a decade ago.

Perhaps someone failed to tell him the full story, or he swallowed RA's/Dr-T's line that 'they're all out to get me, because I did such a great job' ?

He was talking about the likelihood that Thaksin might become a target for assasination, if he were to return, certainly IIRC Thaksin himself felt that he needed heavy-security the last time he was in the country.

I've always thought that it reflected well upon Thailand, that nobody did it long ago, perhaps there's an unwritten-rule against that sort of behaviour, similar to the one about displaced-PMs going quietly into the sunset, and then usually being allowed to return quietly a few years later, to spend more time with their billions families or golfing-buddies ?

If Thaksin was topped, who would be the new bogeyman that the country needs saving from by the army?

Check and balances anyone?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thaksin was convicted by a court that had little option but to find him guilty. All they could get him on was a conflict of interest, that is not corruption, but a minor charge the same as they got Samak on for appearing on a cooking program. Quite right Prayuth nor any other Thai could arrest Mr T in Singapore, that's a civilized country governed by the rule of law, and not the rule of thugs and force and illegal coups.

What total rubbish you write.

Another graduate of the robert twist and confuse and tell it differently than the actual truth school.

Your opening line is a bit like 'he was convicted of murder because there was no other alternative but in fact there is solid evidence that he committed the murder. So It's all unfair'.

The felon was charged with abuse of authority, which is a serious charge, and there was indisputable evidence of guilt on a grand scale, nothing more and nothing less.

Let's also mention the discussion about why the paymaster was never fully investigated in regard to his war on drugs. There is more than enough evidence in the last few months and earlier that the RTP was under the direction and control of the paymaster and in reality frightened of his power.

So why do you think the RTP never fully investigated?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thaksin was convicted by a court that had little option but to find him guilty. All they could get him on was a conflict of interest, that is not corruption, but a minor charge the same as they got Samak on for appearing on a cooking program. Quite right Prayuth nor any other Thai could arrest Mr T in Singapore, that's a civilized country governed by the rule of law, and not the rule of thugs and force and illegal coups.

What total rubbish you write.

Another graduate of the robert twist and confuse and tell it differently than the actual truth school.

Your opening line is a bit like 'he was convicted of murder because there was no other alternative but in fact there is solid evidence that he committed the murder. So It's all unfair'.

The felon was charged with abuse of authority, which is a serious charge, and there was indisputable evidence of guilt on a grand scale, nothing more and nothing less.

Let's also mention the discussion about why the paymaster was never fully investigated in regard to his war on drugs. There is more than enough evidence in the last few months and earlier that the RTP was under the direction and control of the paymaster and in reality frightened of his power.

So why do you think the RTP never fully investigated?

This genius thinks that the reason the drugs war abuses were never investigated was because Thaksin controlled the police.One doesn't know whether to weep or mock this kind of ignorance.

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Silly article name. Prayut said no such thing. And even if he did, Prayut has no authority in Singapore. Maybe Thailand can ask Singapore to detain and try extradite Thaksin, but that assumes there is any sort of extradition agreement that Singapore would honor or maybe Singapore would do it anyway if asked. But Prayut arresting is horrible journalism

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"Thaksin, the de facto leader of the Redshirt movement, was ousted in a coup in 2006 and is living in self-imposed exile to avoid a corruption conviction over a land purchase."

No he wasn't.

No he isn't, he's a convicted criminal evading justice.

That's a contradictory comment if I ever read one. He WAS ousted in the 2006 coup, unless you know something different. He IS living in self-imposed exile and then you repeated the last line about him being convicted although you didn't mention the reason which was earlier mentioned. You say he isn't avoiding a criminal conviction but he's avoiding criminal justice?

It isn't contradictory at all.

Firstly Thaksin at the time of the coup was NOT the caretaker PM. He had been, he then quit and Police General Chitchai Wannasathit replaced him and was confirmed by the King who is the head of State. He lasted 48 days until Thaksin (who had promised to quit Thai politics forever, the first of many such promises) took the caretaker position back. However this was NOT confirmed by the King so Thaksin was not legally the caretaker PM.

He IS living in self imposed exile to avoid going to jail for a 2 years term and also hoping to wait for the statute of limitations to expire on the other 15 charges.

Even if he does come back he cannot be a politician or PM again due to his conviction. This is another reason why he wanted the amnesty to wipe his slate clean. He didn't care about anybody else getting the amnesty as long as HE got one.


Billionaire Thaksin Resigns as Thailand's Prime Minister.


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You can bet that Thaksin will engage the worlds media and they will be eating out of his hand. While Gaff will be sat in the cheap seats hoping some third rate tv station asked him to make some Churchillian soundbite (cant wait). The whole situation will demonstrate the political chasm and international standing between the two protaganists. There can only be one winner.GG (General Gaff) should get a refund on his ticket) to save embarrassment or awkward moments where he may expose his character flaws and punch the nearest reporter.. My piece

And the you fell out of bed?

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