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This is daylight robbery pure and simple. A scam. An absolute disgrace. B31,000 (plus extras I'm sure) to pay someone for doing their job that little bit quicker.

Rogues and thieves. ph34r.png

Robbery can be defined as the taking of money or goods in the possession of another, from his or her person or immediate presence, by force of intimidation.

While the fee may seems excessive, no one is forced to use the service.


Lobby your local MP in UK, highlight your plight.

As visas arent for Brits this & much of the other nonsence in this thread is unlikely to have any effect.

You mean apart from those Brits who want to take wives, children, relatives, and friends to the UK that don't already have visas or British citizenship?

No, I included them in my reply, not least because I happen to be among them.

as we speak my wife is on the phone to the embassy charging me 1.15 a minute and keeping her waiting to find an answer..a rip off ..


as we speak my wife is on the phone to the embassy charging me 1.15 a minute and keeping her waiting to find an answer..a rip off ..

The Embassy doesn't have a premium phone service, do you mean your wife is calling the UKVI enquiry line?


Lobby your local MP in UK, highlight your plight.

I don't have one, I live in Thailand. I've emailed various Ministers/MPs. Two Knights of the realm are in regular contact with me on this issue. Mainly I get a History lesson - 'this is how it's always been.'

Your lucky to be getting so much attention. Not sure what exactly your beef is as this is only just launching?

BTW if you live in Thailand you can still register and vote. The last UK address you were registered to vote at will be used as your "constituency". So that constituency's MP should be your MP. Still time to register, before the 20th April for this years election but do allow for the postal time.

Absolutely. I have a postal vote for the general election and I've lived here 8 years. The only proviso, as you say, is that you must have been registered in a UK constituency during the last ten years. The rest is easy - except of course the Thai postal system. Once registered, you're registered for ever.


Absolutely. I have a postal vote for the general election and I've lived here 8 years. The only proviso, as you say, is that you must have been registered in a UK constituency during the last ten years. The rest is easy - except of course the Thai postal system. Once registered, you're registered for ever.

'Once registered, you're registered for ever.' Not right now, you're not. Registration in the last fifteen years, not ten. But after fifteen (currently) years overseas, you become ineligible.


Absolutely. I have a postal vote for the general election and I've lived here 8 years. The only proviso, as you say, is that you must have been registered in a UK constituency during the last ten years. The rest is easy - except of course the Thai postal system. Once registered, you're registered for ever.

'Once registered, you're registered for ever.' Not right now, you're not. Registration in the last fifteen years, not ten. But after fifteen (currently) years overseas, you become ineligible.

Correct. Farage suggests re registering each time you go home in order to reset the clock but that's another thread :)


What a scam. I suppose they refund the fee if your application is unsuccessful. Bht31000 is a lot to risk on an application that is likely to be knocked back. Normally the fee is forfeitted.


The "Super Priority Visa Service" for tourist visas and some work categories will start Monday and cost GBP600 (THB 31,200), six times more than the regular visa service GBP100 (THB 5,200).

And standby for the "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Priority Visa Service" at a mere cost of GBP6000 (THB 312,000), sixty times more than the regular visa service GBP 100 (THB 5,200) coming next month.


A number of off topic and offensive posts removed.

For the avoidance of doubt this highly priced service is an extra service for those who need to, and are willing to pay for a quick turn around of their visa application, it's not compulsory and the regular service continues.

The local Embassy are only implementing a procedure announced by central Government, they haven't thought it up.

Whilst constructive criticism is, as always, welcome, insulting Embassy staff isn't.

So, You endorse a service that should be non discrimitory to all? i cannot help but think that an ECO will look upon an application made under these guidelines more favourably.. when will you WAKE UP and realise that the uk's immigration policy Has been driven by BIG BUSINESS for the last 70 years or so


A number of off topic and offensive posts removed.

For the avoidance of doubt this highly priced service is an extra service for those who need to, and are willing to pay for a quick turn around of their visa application, it's not compulsory and the regular service continues.

The local Embassy are only implementing a procedure announced by central Government, they haven't thought it up.

Whilst constructive criticism is, as always, welcome, insulting Embassy staff isn't.

So, You endorse a service that should be non discrimitory to all? i cannot help but think that an ECO will look upon an application made under these guidelines more favourably.. when will you WAKE UP and realise that the uk's immigration policy Has been driven by BIG BUSINESS for the last 70 years or so

Prey tell me where I endorsed the service, maybe where I refer to it as a "highly priced service" may have given you a clue as to my thinking, I also mentioned that "it's not compulsory and the regular service continues".

I have no idea if applicants using this service would be considered more favourably, but to use your big business thinking I suspect that business people will be the ones that are more likely to use this service and they are quite likely to have their applications approved as they will meet the criteria.

The reason I removed the posts is because they insulted Embassy staff, just regular guys doing their job, and that's not acceptable, though, again as I said, constructive criticism is.



This is a mutual Opportunity for the Foreign Office to secure greater funds...

I would hope that the additional income secured by the British Foreign Office in Thailand as a result of this service results in improved funding to offer better services.

I admire your positive thinking. Some call it wish fulfilment.


Once again; this has nothing to do with the Foreign Office, the ambassador nor Foreign Office staff at the embassy.

The ECOs at the embassy are not Foreign Office employees, they are employed by UK Visas and Immigration which is part of the Home Office.

All visa fees, including this surcharge, go to UKVI.

My main worry about this, apart from the possibility of ordinary applicants having to wait longer for their decision while these priority ones are dealt with, is over those who have an urgent, compassionate need to travel at very short notice; such as a major injury to or illness or even death of a relative in the UK.

In the past it was possible for people in that situation to request that their application be expedited.

But what will happen now?

Will they be told to apply using this service and pay the extra £600?

(Only it isn't £600; as the government decided last year that visa fees have to, for some inexplicable reason, be paid in USD it's however many USD UKVI have decided upon using their own, very favourable to them conversion rate.

Because of this, the actual amount paid in Sterling will be at least 8% on top of the £600!)

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How to make a fast buck fast excuse the saying but no thanks.

And literally as well because, as the previous poster has pointed out, HM Government insist on the payments being made in USD! What's the point of prices being quoted in GBP and THB?


Kent and his lackeys.

Nothing to do with the ambassador, or any other FCO staff, other than his making the announcement.

This is a UKVI rip off service; and UKVI come under the Home Office.

We have seen some remarkably quick processing times reported lately; but how much longer will that continue if us ordinary plebs are pushed to the back of the queue by those who can afford this surcharge?

The same can be said with re-issuing of passports, the more you pay the quicker you can get it, this is just a fast track service, which you either choose to use or don't, many things in Thailand are the same,. its all about the (money, money, money.)


Kent and his lackeys.

Nothing to do with the ambassador, or any other FCO staff, other than his making the announcement.

This is a UKVI rip off service; and UKVI come under the Home Office.

We have seen some remarkably quick processing times reported lately; but how much longer will that continue if us ordinary plebs are pushed to the back of the queue by those who can afford this surcharge?

The same can be said with re-issuing of passports, the more you pay the quicker you can get it, this is just a fast track service, which you either choose to use or don't, many things in Thailand are the same,. its all about the (money, money, money.)

When such issues as the non-index-linking of State Pension payments, the possible withdrawal of personal tax allowances and the introduction of a requirement to make 2 trips to a ridiculously-named office building in Bangkok from wherever we live in LOS at passport renewal time are also thrown into the mix, is it any really any wonder that one might be forgiven for thinking that a Machiavellian conspiracy was afoot on HM Government's part with the sole and avowed aim of making life as difficult and as miserable as possible for us British expats living in LOS? In my view, the finger of blame should be pointed at the very top to Cameron and his lackeys (in particular May, Osborne and Duncan Smith).

  • Like 1

Lobby your local MP in UK, highlight your plight.

I don't have one, I live in Thailand. I've emailed various Ministers/MPs. Two Knights of the realm are in regular contact with me on this issue. Mainly I get a History lesson - 'this is how it's always been.'

Your lucky to be getting so much attention. Not sure what exactly your beef is as this is only just launching?

BTW if you live in Thailand you can still register and vote. The last UK address you were registered to vote at will be used as your "constituency". So that constituency's MP should be your MP. Still time to register, before the 20th April for this years election but do allow for the postal time.

You can only register to vote if you voted in the last 15 years. If you voted before that you will not be allowed to vote until after the next election depending on which party wins and if it is not a coalition government.


In my view, the finger of blame should be pointed at the very top to Cameron and his lackeys (in particular May, Osborne and Duncan Smith).

Whilst it is tempting to bring party politics into this, especially with the election approaching, it should be remembered that the process of making UK visas more expensive and, in some categories such as work, student and family settlement, more difficult to obtain began under Blair.

Over the last 5 years the Tories have only continued the process began by Labour.

Passport applications now require the collection of biometrics, attending in person is mandatory. This is not just a UK government thing; most governments now insist upon it. For example, Thais living in the UK need to attend the RTE in Kensington in order to renew their Thai passport.

As for the non index linking of pensions, except in countries with reciprocal arrangements with the UK; that goes way, way back and there is a lengthy topic on the subject elsewhere.

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