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American arrested, 2 injured, in multi-vehicle road crash in Pattaya

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Typically a mob of angry Thais would assault and kick a persons head in after an accident so maybe she did the smart thing?

I was in an accident with a truck. The driver (his fault) and offsider and myself enjoyed a great laugh and shared jokes until the insurance people arrived. Couldn't have met two nicer guys.

You have a nice, sane and rational day. Ok?

And how many people were injured in that truck accident of yours?

It's fairly common for mobs to form and for violence to be done if someone has been injured. It happens to Thai drivers too.

"Land of smiles" maybe, but the smile is only skin deep.

No, it's not "fairly common for mobs to form" and for violence. That's complete tosh, KK. Nor "typically .... etc" as Johnson said. In 23 years and hundreds of thousands of kilos in Bangkok, I saw many, many accidents, but not one single incident of violence. Not one. Ditto for my 3 years in Pattaya. My point is that her original accident (we are given no info on this) may not have been that bad, so she could have stopped, but she didn't. It seems that all the hysteria over this occurred AFTER she panicked and caused a lot of damage - that is where the rage erupted, not with the original accident (I think). Get my point?

I first arrived in Thailand in August 2005 and by November I had bought an XR 600 Honda and an Isizu pickup, a 2001 model. I still drive the same car today although my wife is doing her best to destroy it, usually parking incidents etc.

I have done at least 100,000 km around the north / north-east of Thailand and have never been involved in a serious accident. One time a truck ran into the back of me at a set of lights in Chiang Rai but it was only cosmetic damage.

These wild eyed stories of crazed gangs attacking motorists involved in accidents are quite often the product of a bored and lifeless mind, people with little better to do than paint a dangerous picture of life in Thailand for whatever reason. I used to feel sorry for these nasty p-o-s but now I just scorn them.

........."Typically a mob of angry Thais would assault and kick a persons head in after an accident so maybe she did the smart thing?".......... crap

........"It's fairly common for mobs to form and for violence to be done if someone has been injured. It happens to Thai drivers too.".......... more crap

Perhaps these posters should read Forum Rule #11 and the rule regarding the posting of ....................."any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate"..............................

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I very much doubt we would see all the understanding comments on her behaviour if she was Russian or Chinese.

This woman is a menace to society who should (and most probably will) be kept away from any further driving in Thailand.

The talk of "Thai mobs" forming to beat up a young woman who stays at the site of the accident is ridiculous and only to justify the disgraceful and cowardly behaviour of this American woman.

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She is lucky,doing this in her home country ,it would have been her

that was shot ,not the tyres.

regards Worgeordie

Not really, except in movies. They use those strips with spikes to blow the tires.


The link story indicates that she has been fined and must pay the damage and medical expenses.

That's it?. It really is hard to understand why there appears not to be any need for a court appearance, if the statement in the link is true. I'm not wishing the woman to be locked up in the Bangkok Hilton or whatever, but an simple instant fine, and that's it, seems to me to be ludicrous.facepalm.gif



...shot at.....???

....never heard them rrespond the same way for a 'local'.....

...she should just apologize......and that would have been that........

....oh wait....she is a foreigner.....

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The link story indicates that she has been fined and must pay the damage and medical expenses.

That's it?. It really is hard to understand why there appears not to be any need for a court appearance, if the statement in the link is true. I'm not wishing the woman to be locked up in the Bangkok Hilton or whatever, but an simple instant fine, and that's it, seems to me to be ludicrous.facepalm.gif

She is out on bail.

I took a care package to the police station and she was gone.


Another good reason to never, ever, ever drive any kind of vehicle in Thailand.

How old are you? Try living a normal, functional, family life here without a car.

He would never, ever, ever drive any kind of vehicle in Thailand so how does he get around ? Does he put his life in the hands of public transport operators ?

We all know how dangerous the buses and trains are here, and taxis and tuk-tuks. What does he do, flap his arms really fast and fly everywhere ? whistling.gif

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I wasn't there to witness the incident, therefore I cannot be police, judge and jury. I will leave that to those that self-appoint themselves to those positions.

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Did the "author" of the "news" article possibly mean misogynistic comments instead of homophobic comments? It's a little ironic ... bad white American lady drivers. In the U.S. there are a lot of cruel jokes about Asian drivers (being really bad).


Hit-n-run, thinking this is OK in a "third world" country??? haha.....29-years old......why was she running from the law???

bad boys, bad boys, wut u gonna do............

Happy Easter!!!!

Wait until they get her for leaving a scene of a crime, endangerment, failure to stop/yield, creating own lane, attempted murder, reckless and careles driving, driving without something, endangering police, kids, humans, animals........9283748934732 felonies......she will be out at the age of 75, just old enough to head back to Pattaya and party with the ladyboys!!!!

Or alternatively she would be given a hefty fine and ordered to cover all costs.... kinda like how it was mentioned in the news article.

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I very much doubt we would see all the understanding comments on her behaviour if she was Russian or Chinese.

This woman is a menace to society who should (and most probably will) be kept away from any further driving in Thailand.

The talk of "Thai mobs" forming to beat up a young woman who stays at the site of the accident is ridiculous and only to justify the disgraceful and cowardly behaviour of this American woman.

I only answer for my behaviour since I am not in control of others.

I am not a judge of the Russians, Chinese, British, Americans or others, nor can I speak for others as to how they perceive those groups.

I am not qualified to determine if someone is a menace, cowardly or disgraceful based on a news article. I leave that to those that seem to know more than myself.


It is possible she simply panicked big time and it escalated out of control. In Africa you might be wise not to stop in case of a road accident, even when it is against the law, you drive directly to your embassy and then report.

Nah,there is more to this story than meets the eye, I will leave TV's finest to decipher what really went on.

And the "lock 'em up" and "hang 'em high" brigade............along with the "I'm so shocked" ...can't wait to tell you how shocked I am.... brigade.

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Another good reason to never, ever, ever drive any kind of vehicle in Thailand.

How old are you? Try living a normal, functional, family life here without a car.

He would never, ever, ever drive any kind of vehicle in Thailand so how does he get around ? Does he put his life in the hands of public transport operators ?

We all know how dangerous the buses and trains are here, and taxis and tuk-tuks. What does he do, flap his arms really fast and fly everywhere ? whistling.gif

Mikemac. I do know of farangs in Pattaya who live permanently without a car or m'bike. They simply use baht buses and m'bike taxis and go nowhere outside the city. Not for me, I hasten to add, but it does happen.

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I was watching the scene. Horrifying with approx 50 people (civilians, coppers and rescue-workers) shouting and yelling.

A red-plated Toyota was pretty much damaged and a copper started telling me about a one-hour chase and the driver being "mau", but that last fact may have been an assumption..

But it's a pretty neat job to ghost-drive along Sukhumvit over that length and only causing so little damage

Really ?


Typically a mob of angry Thais would assault and kick a persons head in after an accident so maybe she did the smart thing?

I guess it's so typical you can't even find a single documented story that it happened, am I right? So typical the entire media treats it like a dog-bites-man sun-rises-in-the-east event.

From ridiculous posts, urban legends grow. I see you already have believers of this fabulous, fabulist stupidity.

Urban legend?

I've seen it more than once and there are quite a few videos on Thai mob violence. Go check.

That's exactly why Thais are known to flee the scene. Stick around for 5 or 10 minutes and a mob appears.


Another good reason to never, ever, ever drive any kind of vehicle in Thailand.

How old are you? Try living a normal, functional, family life here without a car.

He would never, ever, ever drive any kind of vehicle in Thailand so how does he get around ? Does he put his life in the hands of public transport operators ?

We all know how dangerous the buses and trains are here, and taxis and tuk-tuks. What does he do, flap his arms really fast and fly everywhere ? whistling.gif

Unless I have to go to Bangkok, I walk. Not saying that is safe here either, but at least I can't get blamed for an accident I didn't cause. I do own a car and have a motorbike and car license, but haven't driven any type of vehicle in over two years...no reason to.


Typically a mob of angry Thais would assault and kick a persons head in after an accident so maybe she did the smart thing?

I guess it's so typical you can't even find a single documented story that it happened, am I right? So typical the entire media treats it like a dog-bites-man sun-rises-in-the-east event.

From ridiculous posts, urban legends grow. I see you already have believers of this fabulous, fabulist stupidity.

Urban legend?

I've seen it more than once and there are quite a few videos on Thai mob violence. Go check.

That's exactly why Thais are known to flee the scene. Stick around for 5 or 10 minutes and a mob appears.

For every one of those videos.... you can probably find 300 acts of kindness from a Thai to a foreigner. Which of course... being so common, it is not hyped up nor made into videos nor newsworthy at all.

Perhaps it is because farangs come to Thailand thinking they can do ANYTHING and should be allowed to get away (just look at some of the comments on TV.... on a farang girl who committed a crime and was actually evading the police!)... no wonder they get their heads kicked in by angry mobs.

It really goes both ways.

>>>>>>That's exactly why Thais are known to flee the scene.

Wow. This is really amazing to find here. On a thread about an American girl fleeing the scene after committing multiple crimes.

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The thing about TV that really amazes me is that.... this news is about an AMERICAN girl, a farang, who flouted traffic rules, caused property and physical damage to Thais IN Thailand.... and yet the thread is STILL able to degenerate into a Thai bashing thread with comments totally having nothing to do with the accident per se.... about fights and murders, gangs and mobs and negative behaviours of other Thais, etc, etc. (Just like any other thread, amazingly).

These comments were posted after it was clear that this nutter was RUNNING AWAY FROM THE POLICE after a series of crimes committed!

Those people who post on TV are really something else!

If Thailand is really that bad (that a lady who committed an accident shouldn't even stop for the police to arrive, nor allow the police to do their job when they actually arrive).... you should know what to do.

She shouldn't even have been allowed bail! That nutter.

Maybe she is a 'nutter' and just ran away from a fender bender? I have my doubts.

I have seen the mob behaviour. It can escalate instantly. Especially if there is a faring in the wrong. A Thai starts shouting at a farang and fellow Thais will sprint from 100 meters away to get a chance to kick a farangs head in.

Seen it happen more than once. Never saw Thai people move so fast.

Total strangers coming to take their frustrations out on the farang with violent kicks to the head over and over and over again.

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The thing about TV that really amazes me is that.... this news is about an AMERICAN girl, a farang, who flouted traffic rules, caused property and physical damage to Thais IN Thailand.... and yet the thread is STILL able to degenerate into a Thai bashing thread with comments totally having nothing to do with the accident per se.... about fights and murders, gangs and mobs and negative behaviours of other Thais, etc, etc. (Just like any other thread, amazingly).

These comments were posted after it was clear that this nutter was RUNNING AWAY FROM THE POLICE after a series of crimes committed!

Those people who post on TV are really something else!

If Thailand is really that bad (that a lady who committed an accident shouldn't even stop for the police to arrive, nor allow the police to do their job when they actually arrive).... you should know what to do.

She shouldn't even have been allowed bail! That nutter.

Don’t see what s so bad about bail.

She has been treated the same as any thai would have been.

Maybe a bit lucky she never got shot dead.


Don’t see what s so bad about bail.

She has been treated the same as any thai would have been.

Maybe a bit lucky she never got shot dead.

The shooting dead (considering what she did) wouldn't have surprised me as much as the reaction by other farangs here on TV to her crime (considering what she did).

The world never fails to amaze, eh.

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