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Stinking toilet paper in the bin, why?


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What have we learned so far?

In Greece, blockage is caused by too small drainage pipes.

In Thailand, blockage is caused by using the wrong type of toilet paper.

In Turkey, there is no such problem.

Now carry on.

In Turkey they also have a problem,hence the notices in hotels bathrooms to put your used toilet paper in the bin,or at least that was the case in Marmaris,one of the finest holiday venues in Turkey!

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There is no way I'm reading these posts and barely went half way on the OP,

But the Thai girl I lived with was nuts about this, always telling me to put the paper in the bin, and me saying OK, and always flushing it anyway

One day in Home Pro, I bought her a plunger.

On my last trip to Thailand, I went to Home Pro, and bought myself an ass washer, butt, have yet to hook it up,

I dont even know if the size fitting is right but it stands at the ready

In its box.

When I left Thailand the first time before I left she told me she looked in the bin frequently, but never mentioned my remains not being there, butt, she did say it exasperated her, although, that was said with expression only

It is fascinating that this finally has its own topic thread.

Another thing I did which she discussed with her friends and family was that I had a special pair of moccasins which I only wore indoors which seemed to cause major confusion, but all her floors were tiled so, to me, this made more sense than wearing little slippers and scraping across the floor like an ice skater, which is what she did....

And by the way, has anyone ever heard the word, insulation in Thailand?

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a new local dentist for us has been here from LOS for years apparently, and she must have brought her habits back to OZ too...

the 'put paper into bin sign' exists in suburban OZ!! and her faithful exLOS patients are putting their 'sewipe..into the bin as ordered clap2.gif

but for some people, even here, a sign sometimes does has its' justification, as lazy 'rse'oles here will put the Kleenex and paper hand-towel down the hole if given half a chance.

We did last year bring a LOS sourced bumgun back to Melbourne, but missus freezes her 'rse off with it, and so has gone back to dunny paper

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I am glad the OP raised this topic and, what's more, the OP is correct - septic systems can handle the right kind of toilet paper without problem. I've used such a system without problem for years. The simple solution is for Thailand, and other Asian countries (and Greece??) to stock the right kind of TP. I, too, am bothered by human feces-stained wipes stewing in the bin, and bum-guns are not always available in Asian toilets.

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same house, mine here, 7 years. always flush paper. never any problems and never had to have the tank pumped. its a falacy IMHO

I spent 4 years in the same house which was on a septic tank, flushed paper and also no issues and never had the tank pumped.

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Don’t Flush the Toilet Paper in South America


2014 Sochi Olympics: Don't flush toilet paper


I find it almost impossible to believe that anyone could be so little traveled not to know about septic tank systems.

This dissolvable toilet tissue looks like a "Breakthrough" in Toilet Tissue Technology!

Edited by Estrada
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Most of the bottle type packaged sewage plants here were copied from a design I invented 30 years ago. There is no problem with normal toilet tissue being placed into the sewage system. It actually breaks down into very small pieces that act as sites for colonies of bacteria to digest the waste products. I haven't emptied my septic tank in 15 years.

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Most of the bottle type packaged sewage plants here were copied from a design I invented 30 years ago. There is no problem with normal toilet tissue being placed into the sewage system. It actually breaks down into very small pieces that act as sites for colonies of bacteria to digest the waste products. I haven't emptied my septic tank in 15 years.

Impressive~ do you have that slogan on your name card lol

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As I understand it toilet tissue prevents the normal bacterial processes that occur in a septic tank. Tanks can lose most of their volume through this process and never or hardly ever need emptying. Furthermore Thailand, when it dikes have a main drain system simply can't handle the extra solids produced by tissue papers. Laos on the other hand has no such problem....lots of water and gradients.

OS ... I do wiush some freangs would learn how to I see a bum gun properly....these guys don't seem to realise how utterly disgusting they are....they certainly would get to stay in my house more than okncebif they left stinky tissues in my loo or flushed t down the pan...

Problem is that 90% of bum guns installed have no pressure metering. You either push the handle and turn it on full (which can blow a hole clear thru to your abdomen or have no flow at all.) Coupling that with the fact that you need to disrobe to use one or soak yourself silly is why they are not used properly. The Japanese have the bum guns down to an art: built into the toilet, with temperature and pressure control, directional controls for directing the spray all at the press of a button while you lounge comfortably on the throne. worth a visit to Osaka just for the crapper.

Edited by tonray
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Maybe this has already been said, I couldn't be bothered to read through and find out. However I think the most relevant and the most revealing sentence in the O/Ps missive is the first one.

With too much time on my hands I have investigated this conundrum.

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When I first moved in I had constant problems with my toilet getting clogged. The landlady said I should put the paper in a bin after use. That's disgusting! Since then I've switched to cheap toilet paper, which is surprisingly of better quality, wipe and flush wise. The expensive toilet paper is just more rigid and is perfumed with lovely patterns on it.

I also flush as often as I can between wipes. I pay a fixed price of 300thb/month for water, so I'm allowed to waste as much of it as I can.

Based on the large amount of Info, OP needs to write an essay titled "The science of toilet paper!".

Just because you can waste water,doesn't mean you should.Adapting to better ideas,eg the bum gun is the way to go.

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Never get the cheap stuff, I always use 3 ply! You can't properly wipe your ass with the cheap papers without it ripping. I think in this age and time all modern toilets and plumbing can handle toilet papers. I have yet to experience a clogging other than when using a super old toilet.

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and all along I thought it was there in case someone forgot to bring their own, and had to use the clean side of the discarded tp smile.png

Jeeeeez...are you suggesting that's NOT what it's for?....sorry now I followed this post

Edited by dotpoom
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If you have a soakwell system it is even more important to select proper toilet paper. A properly functioning soakwell system depends on bacteria to break down the waste. Many of the high end toilet papers and tissue papers are treated with an antibacterial substance. This substance could kill the bacteria in the soakwell system and you will have a stinking system that you will have to empty frequently.

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What's with Greece?

Even in newly built houses, you can not throw toilet paper in the toilet.

In stead you must use the waste basket.

It is because they use narrow drainage pipes.

And no bum guns available.

Most tourist are not aware of this, and keep flushing their toilet paper, resulting in clog ups.

I believe this is a scam, organized by the Greek Plumbers Association, in order to secure jobs.

Others say this is a leftover from the old days, when the left hand was used (savings on toilet paper and bum guns).

That would than explain why Turks consider the left hand to be unclean. (Greeks and Turks are 1 people, but never tell them so!)

WHERE IS COSTAS WHEN YOU NEED HIM? Surely he could contribute to this very intellectual thread.


Maitre, the OP probably is from the UK.

Please tell him, that the stench is not so much from the toilet paper, but from his body as he is used to have a bath once a month back to his Western country.

Also, please tell him that in Greece we always have a bath at least once a day, although we are not western enough to satisfy his standards.

Thank you, Maitre.

To suggest that people from the UK only bath once a month only shows what an ignorant p***k you are! If you have a gripe with someone, have it with them and not a whole nation, that way you won't seem so ignorant and offensive as you just have been!

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Dear old (departed) Dad's house had a septic tank. We used normal (Canadian eh) toilet paper in that house for almost 40 years. Never had to have the tank pumped once (you can always tell where a house's septic tank is located, just look for the greenest grass in the yard and the outlet pipe is probably 2-3 feet below that). I've always used paper in Thailand and never had an issue with pipe plugging (at least not from using paper) ! whistling.gif

Interesting. Countries with the poorest people (that can't afford toilet paper) and countries that prefer the left hand, also tend to be the countries where Cholera is still prevalent, if not epidemic. I'm sure it has nothing to do with people spraying atomized fecal matter around or using their left hand with a sprinkle of water afterwards to remove the "noticeable" bits. Strange too how countries that prefer the paper seem to rarely ever have Cholera problems.

Just one of those odd coincidences I'm sure. Nothing at all to do with Cholera being spread by contact with fecal matter (http://www.smartglobalhealth.org/blog/entry/the-transmission-of-cholera/, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholera, http://www.cdc.gov/cholera/infection-sources.html).

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Well, I was about to enjoy a cooked breakfast before I stupidly read these wonderfully graphic dissertations on the use or non use of bum guns and toilet paper.

Now I'm just not hungry.

So here's my two pennyworth.

Having lived in Thailand for a while now I wouldn't be without my bum gun or at least some means of washing my rear end after making a deposit.

Wash and pad down, put in a flip lid bin, result no stinky toilet paper and no need to flush it away.

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