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Migrant workers in Thailand instructed to wear ID wristbands


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Next farangs with a workpermit.. would easy to spot teachers without a workpermit then. After that those on visa's.. and big fines if you don't wear your wristband.

I guess that would give an uproar of those who are now ok with this project.

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Next farangs with a workpermit.. would easy to spot teachers without a workpermit then. After that those on visa's.. and big fines if you don't wear your wristband.

I guess that would give an uproar of those who are now ok with this project.

My guess would be 95% job vacancy if that was ever implemented.

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It seems that our commenter(s) here have much in common with the average Thai, and have no working understanding of the Nazi movement, or the policy of requiring their own citizens (of Jewish decent) ... to wear the Yellow Star of David)

None of the people with the wrist bands are to be stripped of their material possessions, thrown from their homes, herded into ghettoes, starved and used in salve labor camps, and eventually systematically exterminated.

It is a rather long stretch to employ this historical reference, in very poor taste, inaccurate and disrespectful to both Holocaust victims, and Thailand's decision makers.

We can debate the efficacy of this "wristband" idea ... but with the world community (rightly) complaining about the horrid human trafficking record in SEA, this is their idea of a quick and "Bureaucratic Lite" solution.

Yes, one could forge the wristbands, but the wearer would then face dire consequences when that is discovered. (Note to the seller of fake wristbands, these people drop dime at the count of three)

I know it is impossible for anyone to do anything in Thailand that does not solicit swift derision from the All Knowing Thai Visa Thai Bashing Boardroom above the Clouds.

Would any of you boy geniuses like to climb down from Cloud 9 and tell us how the Thai Government can quickly and easily begin to track those migrants who are allowed to cross the border much more easily than any Farang Expat?

Do you understand that there is genuine fear in the hearts of these people to be found here without proper documentation, and this Wristband thing ... just might get a lot of folks to register pronto - presto?

As for the human traffickers, it certainly might be a dark day to be found with a dozen "Sorry, no wristband" folks in your van.

But, I forgot. EVERY Thai idea is a bad one.

Funny, seems like Thai Visa is long on whining, and very short on solutions.

(PS: Do you people understand that in the Fortune 500 companies, it is Standard Operating procedure for every emplyee to wear a photo ID around thier neck at all times? I worked for IBM , and you could not move around your building, or the corporate campus without one. That applies to most big companies.

What they are saying is "Who are you?" "Do you have the right to be here/" Do you have the right to WORK HERE?" ETC.

That does not make them the SS ... it makes them smart and responsible people who want to know who is on their property. )

Wha a collection of Chicken Littles this site has become !!!

Ok, no problem if the red wrist band applies to ALL workers and not just those of foreign countries. Then your comparison of IBM would be accurate.

Or maybe all Thai people could be made to where a yellow wristband so the police can easily distributing the foreigners.

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What a consignment of geriatric shoemakers. The wristband is not an attempt at oppression because of race or religion, it is a valid attempt at reducing the number of illegal immigrants. Under the previously existing laws, immigrant workers (and most of you) could be required to carry their passports and visas at all times. If they get damaged while you are working, that is a personal problem for you to resolve at your own expense.

Issuing of a relatively durable means of identification seems far preferable than enforcing the existing laws. Yes, they could be copied - so could passports and other forms of ID.

Although you are correct in that this is an attempt at oppression. You are not having to wear one of those YET. I stress YET because Most things Thais do is use the extremes. There is no middle ground or grey area when it comes to dealing with foreigners. All or nothing. Perhaps that grey area has been swayed in the past with money but these are different times now. This may only be the beginning. If it succeeds, all non-asians may be next. Then GPS tracking may be installed in a chip that you are unaware of. Then they may require different colors determined by your type of visa in Thailand with a link to track your travel, spending, EVERYTHING.

What they are trying to do here starts with good intentions but has too many possibilities to make being in Thailand a prison.

So don't jump the gun in thinking this is a good thing. It has the potential to be very very bad for any foreigner in this country.

Edited by thesetat2013
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What a consignment of geriatric shoemakers. The wristband is not an attempt at oppression because of race or religion, it is a valid attempt at reducing the number of illegal immigrants. Under the previously existing laws, immigrant workers (and most of you) could be required to carry their passports and visas at all times. If they get damaged while you are working, that is a personal problem for you to resolve at your own expense.

Issuing of a relatively durable means of identification seems far preferable than enforcing the existing laws. Yes, they could be copied - so could passports and other forms of ID.

Although you are correct in that this is an attempt at oppression. You are not having to wear one of those YET. I stress YET because Most things Thais do is use the extremes. There is no middle ground or grey area when it comes to dealing with foreigners. All or nothing. Perhaps that grey area has been swayed in the past with money but these are different times now. This may only be the beginning. If it succeeds, all non-asians may be next. Then GPS tracking may be installed in a chip that you are unaware of. Then they may require different colors determined by your type of visa in Thailand with a link to track your travel, spending, EVERYTHING.

What they are trying to do here starts with good intentions but has too many possibilities to make being in Thailand a prison.

So don't jump the gun in thinking this is a good thing. It has the potential to be very very bad for any foreigner in this country.

You are extrapolating without any reason to do so. I am not working (in Thailand), but were I doing so I could be asked to present my work permit and other ID at any time. As I have an E passport, I could be tracked if it had GPS capability under existing law, or by my mobile phone which does and is registered.

If legal immigrant workers object to wearing a wrist band but have legitimate documentation on their person, do you think the punishment will be draconian? But what they might be is inconvenienced by document checks on a regular basis, making it easier for both sides if they comply.

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Reminds me of those yellow stars three generations ago - for religious reasons though at that time - very, very scary as it also could communicate the lawlessness sad.png


but I think those stars were more about race than religion.

Are farang foreign workers next?

Stay tuned, this could get interesting!

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who have registered with police will be required to wear the dark red wristbands in public places.

And what is to stop some enterprising indivdual from making fake wrist bands and selling them ?

One suspects a tatoo on their forearm with all their relevant details might be more effective ?

Shut your mouth! Tattoos? Now we are talking WWII.

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What a consignment of geriatric shoemakers. The wristband is not an attempt at oppression because of race or religion, it is a valid attempt at reducing the number of illegal immigrants. Under the previously existing laws, immigrant workers (and most of you) could be required to carry their passports and visas at all times. If they get damaged while you are working, that is a personal problem for you to resolve at your own expense.

Issuing of a relatively durable means of identification seems far preferable than enforcing the existing laws. Yes, they could be copied - so could passports and other forms of ID.

What an apologist for abuses you are, actually. You're the type of person in history who makes excuses step by step, and people later look back on and wonder how they could have.

Edited by No Apologist
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What a consignment of geriatric shoemakers. The wristband is not an attempt at oppression because of race or religion, it is a valid attempt at reducing the number of illegal immigrants. Under the previously existing laws, immigrant workers (and most of you) could be required to carry their passports and visas at all times. If they get damaged while you are working, that is a personal problem for you to resolve at your own expense.

Issuing of a relatively durable means of identification seems far preferable than enforcing the existing laws. Yes, they could be copied - so could passports and other forms of ID.

What an apologist for abuses you are, actually. You're the type of person in history who makes excuses step by step, and people later look back on and wonder how they could have.

As you are such a student of the nazi atrocities, please point out where an attempt to control illegal immigration has parallels with forced dispossession, internment, forced labour and genocide.

or are you making a mountain out of a molehill for a cheap shot at the current government?

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who have registered with police will be required to wear the dark red wristbands in public places.

And what is to stop some enterprising indivdual from making fake wrist bands and selling them ?

One suspects a tatoo on their forearm with all their relevant details might be more effective ?

Tatoos were used effectively at Auschwitz on Jews and Soviet POWs.

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This is alarming - those in Power have so little knowledge or understanding of history and how potentially damaging to society such policies may be.

I think you might be wrong. coffee1.gif

Those in power are not politicians but generals. I recon they know history

more than everyone else and have learned how to get support, how to get

power, how to stay in power and if anything fails, how to find asylum and

still have their assets and power.

I'm fairly sure, everyone "Up There" has a book shelve full of history books.

Mein Kampf, The Green Book and the Red Book, Seas Of Blood, The

Road To Power ....

Mix them a bit together and you get: "The Black Book to Happiness"

Alarming for sure but the majority of people have no clue about history

and just do not hear the bells. sad.png

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Just because the nazis did something does not make it inherently bad, evil or stupid.

The nazis did some amazing things and some horrendous things a too.


Do you think there should be controlled immigration into thailand?


Do you think it's the Thai governments responsibility to provide jobs for Thais first?

In your oh so highly educated opinions, how would you sensibly and realistically address these questions?

Any suggestions need to be based in reality and can be implemented quickly, at minimal cost and operational overhead.

I am waiting for the silence.

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It wasn't just the Nazis who did this sort of thing. The Taliban in Afghanistan required hindus to wear yellow arm bands, if I recall correctly. That was fine to identify the 'other' but no plans for extermination that we know of.

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Equity, yes well said.

Thinking it through it actually is not a bad idea.

Thailand knows that it needs these immigrants to work here & help their country grow.

Why do you think so many Thais work overseas,,,,, the money is better.

If ASEAN does what it says it is going to do in allowing free labour movement it will be interesting to see the outcome.

There could be a mass exodus

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